A business with unlimited income source
Be a Mega Power Car Additive Distributor.
This can be a great financial income growing opportunity for you and your family for two reasons:
It success is because it solves the number one problem millions of local auto-repair businesses have of not understanding why their business model ca't grow their income. trying to grow their income.
If you understand the automotive repair business owners need for a reliable system for growing their income. Most repair shop owners depend on their great repair expertise to bring them all the business they want - but a l businneed for a reliable system to help businesses grow their profits - and can explain how our system can earn them tens of thousands more in income each year, you will make all the income you want as one of our Distributors.
Its been said those 3 things are:
1- A system to attract more customers at lower cost.
2- A system to have them buy higher priced services - not discounts.
3- A system to have them return for more services they usually buy from competitors.
We offer that system to the automotive repair and service trade shop owners. Make $50 to $100 an hour [on days off]. Our program equipts the local auto repair business owner with greater skills to make their repair expertise better. It helps them up their income by $12,000 up a year. Your servicing them each month refilling their inventory of our products tha make it so provides a repeat income source no other job offers.
8 /8 2024
A Dream Job. The Dream Business
Distributors in every field make above average incomes. While the cost of buying such a business can reach $500,000 - this one is ranges from $10,00 to $150,000. The beauty of any a ready made and up and running business is it cost a lot.
However, there are negatives if there is no assounts. a distributor business like this BE A MEGA POWER CAR ADDITIVE DISTRIBUTOR Business is this . Of course, if no accounts are there, you would spend most of your time intervewing prospects and setting up acounts. Its takes time to open 50 to 100 accounts and is an ongoing endeavor. Is the monthly inome made off clients worth it? Our products sell themselves!
How would you like to BE A MEGA POWER CAR ADDITIVE DISTRIBUTOR and have 50 people give you $100 every month, maybe $150 average per client every month for the rest of your life? - producing $7500 to 10 grand a month refilling their inventory? That sums up what our distributors can earn. Yes it takes an effort to learn how to explain our products bennefit to get them to see what the benefit is. Helping them to see that benefit is what increases their monthly inome and your monthly with our products.
Being a BE A MEGA POWER CAR ADDITIVE DISTRIBUTOR working as a Automotive Additive Wholesale Distributor is like that and we are filling areas all across north and south America. Usually it means a county to a distributor. Big cites may have several distbutors. county Such a business oportunity is opening in your area and being filled righ now.
Makes more in a week as A MEGA POWER CAR ADDITIVE DISTRIBUTOR. than most make in a month -
Small investment. Freedom to Work from Home. No time clock to punch in. No boss - you are the boss! With County wide prospects in a growing field BEING their MEGA POWER CAR ADDITIVE DISTRIBUTOR offers those benefits. BEing A MEGA POWER CAR ADDITIVE DISTRIBUTOR offers monthly repeat income from them.
Mastering the business. Its easy to master, if you visualize you are helping your prospects the way to make $1000 more income than they can now aand it adds to their repir expertise. Income starts in 7 days. No Boss. Keep all you make. A small investment and a 6 months learning curve. Monthly income - while your work elsewhere, goft, do other neccessary things. Small investment. No overhead. Ideal tax breaks.
Questions? 512 665 3388
Being an Automotive Additive Wholesale Distributor. Makes more in a week each month than most make in a month - Freedom to Work County wide prospects in a growing field. Great monthly repeat income. Easy to master. Income starts in 7 days. Details at: Contact: George. at 512 665 3388 Email me at g5126653388 @gmail.com
Seguin Gazette
P.O. Box 1200
Seguin, TX 78155
830-463-0760 Copyright © 2022 Seguin Gazette. All rights reserved
Opening for this county: BEi A MEGA POWER CAR ADDITIVE DISTRIBUTOR. Your own business! Makes more in a day with than most make in a week - On your day off. Work from home- Automotive Additive Wholesale Business. County wide prospects. Looked up to for its lifetime, monthly repeat income feature. Freedom. Exclusiveness. Easy to master. Income starts in 7 days. Details at: dream-biz.com Questions? 512 665 3388
While we sell unique additives: they come in kits for the proper servicing required by the car maker covering bumper to bumper components every 2 years. Even so they are no good unless they can make the account income not possible before - with no more work or expense in doing so. Those features make the business unique. To do so we train the shop owner in a new way to think. To not be another shop that fixes cars, but one that wows customers with a performance driving that shows the shop did something different. Then, futher educations opens up more opportunity for the business to obtain business the customer now has done by others.
We really are in the marketing t auto repair shops who become our clients with products to help them makes $1000 more each month than they can now. Pricing of products include advertising and marketing management we do to bring in higher paying customers for you. We teach you to do ammazing repairs customers see as a powerful improvement in performnce. This feature is what we offer to help you compete against even the biggest competitors.
Distributors refilling their clients inventory each mont ranges from $50 to $200.
A Dream Job?
On your day off. Your own business! Makes more in a day with than most make in a week - Work from home- Automotive Additive Wholesale Business. Looked up to for its lifetime, monthly repeat income. , good times or bad. Its day-to-day freedom. Easy to master. Income starts in 7 days. Details at dream-biz.com Questions? 512 665 3388
Easy to learn. County wide ex-clu-siv-i-ty.
Available: Part-time, work-from-home business that makes more in a day with than most make in a week - The automotive additive wholsesale business. No other offers the Freedom, and Income. Easy to learn. County wide ex-clu-siv-i-ty.
The Best Business To Be In -
The Mega Power Additive Distributor Business.
As a Mega Power Additive Distributor - you will not be known for selling additives, but for being known for being the leader in your area for helping Auto Repair Shop Owners Succeed - now struggling - ending the struggle and filling their dream for owning their own business - and having a better life for their family.
That usualy results form making more income than they need. But not in a greedy way. But by WORKING WITH SUCESS PRINCIPLES to do so in half the time.
We call that success. A sucessful mission to do so.
This is how I figured out to do so with Mega Power Additives - and as an owner of several repair shops - and while working as a line mechanic at a chevy and ford dealership.
What I'm about to reveal to you is taken from others discovered and I adapted from the Research side of 3 Ohio State University School of Business Professors. Their research uncovred the principles of making an extra $1000 more each month we added - what th repair shop owners must do to succeed, or ignore and struggle.
I had to change my thinking to work these principles. Now I'm on the mission to help other auto repair shop owners to change their thinking from be a mechanic and fixing cars to making customers say, "Joe is my mechanic. He knows how to fix cars right! I always go to him."
That Mega Power usage will give him word of mouth talk that seperates him from all others - the person listener notes in his brain - to go to when they have car trouble - and with most people owning a vehicle 10 years old and older, it won't be long.
The automotive additive wholsesale business makes more in a day with than most make in a week.
How so?
Develop a farmer's spirit ON HARVESTING. They work their ass off working for months for the harvest - then work work their ass off doing the harvest. You must have that attitude and like the famer - every day work for the harvest. Rain shine Hell or hi water.
To harvest the income potential as a Mega Power Additive Distributor:
Follow the following priciples I filled in the blank spots using Mega Power Additives And the rules the sucessful found.
Your HARVEST GOAL is 50 accounts in 6 months or less to reach a $10,000 a month income - To then work five days a month working on new accounts. Other days restocking and inspirering the owner. This is the work patteren you should want to rise early eacg say to go after. This makes more in a week than most make ina month with residual income therefter. A clients worth to you over 20 years is $24.000.
With that in mind be cretive to get them starte in some way today.
Never fogetting to plant seeds each day in a systimatic way. BECAUSE, Somewhere - as you never know its value -.
Know this: There are only 3 ways to increase income
How you figure or be ceative to work them out is another thing. They are what the successful use or follow.
I figured out my way using the Mega Power Product line. They have the features to do so- no other product has. That why I want you to be a Mega Power Additive Distributor.
These are the steps and priciles I'll show you.
Step One :They - my method, in a direct way for opening closed doors to the next income level for the auto repair shop owner.
Its hard to visualized when the product is used in the shop ownrs car - and in every car of every employ - seeing the results makes them a beliver. That is your first step.
We call that, and many demos you will continue to learn to use becoming second nature, like a pro sport person who works 40 hour as his job to perfect his skills to help the team win in the game.
You will also practice to show each prospect, on each visit a demo to keep him fired up on his goal of taking home $1000 more than he is able to now. That takes care of the finanacial part of helping him be a provider.
The 3 ways you will learn to teach others - to open closed doors to a higher income who will think the price is a bargain:>
1- Sell at higher prices. We seldon discount except to open an account.. My Mega Power Way of Repairing solves this problem.
The 3 ways you will learn to teach others - to open closed doors to a higher income who will think the price is a bargain:>
1- Sell at higher prices. The trouble is raisng prices sends people away. My Mega Power Way of Repairing solves this problem for the repir shop owner.
2- Sell More to More customers. A hard thing to do as the price you charge for doing services has them shopping compeitors for a lower price. Their method makes franchise compeitiors bailt your customers in tosave money - and then upsell work you should b doing. They know most shop owners don't get this strategy an is the shop owners marketing weakness.
- We solve that problem.
3- Get customers to be loyal. You heard of loyalty programs - they are all bullshit. Ever hear of one working. No! My solution with Mega Power services…
The real loyalty shop program I've figures out, Is—
How to get customers to return in 7 days to spend more money with the shop - not go shopping competitors for a lower price - causing you to losoose that sales effort.
Who wants to be famous? The repair shop owner - of course.
To do so we make him a celebtity in ads and marking to attract more busines his ads can't do. Movie star know having a PR person put out news is what keeps them in the limelight. The shopmowner must do tht - but cn't So we will do so to help him.
WE provide the PR in our ads about him. He pays for in the product pricing.
Why being a Mega Power Additive Distributor is the business to be in
The products we want him to use and believe in - to invest in amounts to $1000 to $2000 a month he never dreamed of buying NOR WON"T UNLESS HE IS CERTAIN OF NOT HAVING A LOST FROM THEM> untill you show him the program.
The program I want you to learn to use. I simplified using the 3 ways to make more money rules. The only way to make him $2000 to $4000 more each month - thereby opening those closed doors he has to that next higher income - he is trying to reach - but can't unless you show him..
You do this in Baby Steps to start him off on that jouney to Take Home $1000 more each month he can't do in any other way.
I've discovered Mega Powe Additives do that. Then I reduced the thousands of additives that do so down to 6 Mega Power Additive Kits. This refinement saves you and him the hassles of finding the real solution for making the 3 rules for making more income possible. And your purpose for bing. Mega Power Additives and ME - make it now possible for you to start in just 7 days.
Why demo on the owners truck or car and all emplyess at the second demo?
Having the shop owner see the power it develops in his cars show the relmproof you have what he needs ti doso - or he would provehis way is better.
The demo leads him to understand the income he is after he can't get in any other way.
When he follows your suggstion to include Mega Power in every job, HE Provides the customer with a car that runs as if having a bigger motor Go 20 to 40 more miles distance on each tnk of fuel.
He does with Mega Powers Ability to clean and free parts now strealing horsepower away form the wheels - and the cause of all of a vehicles operting problems running it into the grouns - and the customer to the car dealer for a new one. We end that problem for him - He profits off the billing we show him to use to profit off the event.
Mega Power just so happens to slam the brakes on wear caused problems he will profit off of = with millions ofolder vehicle owners seeeking a better solution for them..
Mega Powers part is the invention to chemically End the terror of acids sludge friction and binding -making vehicle in good shape really seem old and worn. It end their trouble making ways.
1-Becoming a Local Mega Power Additive Distributor opens your door to earning more in a day than others make in a week. Possible by helping the hundreds of repair shops nearby prosper off our program. - not possible in any other way. It is the way to make more in a day than most people make in a week on a job.
2- Make more in a week than most make ina month. Have the time each month to enjoy the freed do to do what else you want.
3- Is it easy? NO! But being a Mega Power Distributor is enjoyable. Using what I teach you - Yes , when mastered. You gain the power to help others have a better life for them and you. The steps to get started? Learn to demo well!
The first demo is the machine demo against product they use now.
Next Demo his car with what we want him to install in every customers car. The car he drives every day to notice the many improvements he did not know was possible.
the choice of plans all have a money back guarantee ifthey don't work.
He choses the plain and you collect for its inventory and for teaching him the 6 component instll step and prcing.. The steps for him to start making $1000 or more extra income each month - without working more to do so. That would be your job as a BE A MEGA POWER CAR ADDITIVE DISTRIBUTOR.
Investing $1000 to $2000 to make $2000 to $4000 in extra income the Mega Power Way
You start the Believer Zeal in him you ahave and they need. The Mega Power Way for a better life. The way that works for my auto repair shop owner clients - that makes me my amazing daily income and better life for it.
God gives us power to be great! No one is different in that way. What's different is the formula - the methods we follow. AND LUCK! This is the Mega Power Additive Distributor way I devloped for others to follow.
Your investment minimum is $10,000. It can make you More in a week - up to $10,000 than most jobes pay for 4 weeks work on a job with no freedom. No actualpromes of income is guaranteed. It depends on the problem and your desire for that type of income.
Lets do the paper work and territory plan to start you doing so… george
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Simple Text Block inside a Container.
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This is a Text/Image Block.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac turpis eget eros congue condimentum. Pellentesque nunc erat, gravida eu bibendum vel, vestibulum eu nisi.
Etiam pretium arcu eu nunc interdum in volutpat nisi ornare. Fusce nec dolor orci. Aenean faucibus rutrum tortor vitae lobortis. Nunc iaculis neque et enim rutrum ornare. Quisque viverra rutrum metus, ut lobortis augue lacinia ut. Vestibulum felis augue, fringilla et aliquam a, dignissim ac sapien. Cras eu sem vel massa scelerisque aliquet.
A Text Block inside a Container.
Integer libero quam, hendrerit ullamcorper tempus sed, convallis at turpis. Donec sollicitudin nulla quis felis auctor ut vulputate erat pellentesque. Fusce eget commodo ipsum.
A Text/Image Block. Praesent quis fringilla turpis. Maecenas quam tortor, dapibus eget mollis et, facilisis at mi. Aenean non risus non velit placerat pretium. Donec vehicula faucibus diam, vitae tempus arcu porttitor non. Nam sit amet mauris id sem rhoncus placerat a ac nibh. Donec fermentum mauris eget ligula faucibus rutrum. Nullam dolor nisi, congue sed blandit elementum, porta nec velit. Quisque nec adipiscing tortor. Integer auctor laoreet laoreet. Cras non ultricies mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur quis sem vitae felis pulvinar condimentum nec nec neque.