RVS Engine Treatment

RVS, Slick 50, other additives that reduce friction valuesRVS, Slick 50, other additives that reduce friction values

Can RVS Engine Treatment Technology Extend Your Engine Life and Reverse Wear and Tear?

If powdered Teflon in oil treatments can't stick to an oily surface.

Will RVS fine particles of glass-like ceramic particles do so?

RVS engine  Treatment review.
Will They Stick?  Slick 50?  Tufoil? RVS?

Can RVS Technology Extend Your Engine Life and Reverse Wear and Tear?

If powdered Teflon in oil treatments can't stick.

Will RVS fine particles of glass-like ceramic particles do so in your engine?

Will - what happened to Slick 50 and Tufoil be the downfall of RVS?

About: Teflon engine oil additives.

www.ftc.gov › news-events › press-releases › 1996/07 › quaker-state-...
Quaker State Ads for Slick 50 Are False and Misleading, FTC ...

Jul 16, 1996 - The Federal Trade Commission has charged Quaker State - Slick 50, ... it has been used in a significant number of U.S. government vehicles.   

While the company says that produces Teflon  says it is great for frying pans, it is equivocal about Teflon as an engine oil additive, saying that it has never “promoted” that usage.

There are many products that use PTFE as an additive, the two most prominent being Slick 50 and Tufoil.  Sep 25, 1991www.latimes.com › archives › la-xpm-1991-09-25-vw-2457-story
Value of Teflon as Oil Additive Questioned - Los Angeles Times
Search for: Teflon engine oil additives

About:  RVS Engine Additive.

Below quote taken from:


     "Originally hailing from Finland, a company called RVS Technology has come up with an engine protection and restoration solution that permanently treats worn surfaces by coating them in a hard metal ceramic layer that promises to last up to 60,000 miles – meaning there’s no need to re-apply with every oil change, reducing both cost and environmental waste. That metal ceramic layer relies on  patented Triboceramic Nanotechnology, resulting in a smooth, mirror-like surface with a low coefficient of friction, bonded directly to the worn metal surface.

     "But what exactly does that mean for you and your engine, in layman’s terms? Just check out this test: RVS Technology treated a 2000 Honda Civic with their patented engine treatment over a year ago, and this January, the car hit 2,900 miles with no oil in the crankcase while being driven around in the punishing South Florida heat. (Just to be clear: treatment with RVS Technology does not eliminate the need for motor oil, so please don’t put your own car through this. The following is intended for demonstration purposes only.)"


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Nam sit amet mauris id sem rhoncus placerat a ac nibh. Donec fermentum mauris eget ligula faucibus rutrum. Nullam dolor nisi, congue sed blandit elementum, porta nec velit. Quisque nec adipiscing tortor. Integer auctor laoreet laoreet. Cras non ultricies mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur quis sem vitae felis pulvinar condimentum nec nec neque.

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Fusce sollicitudin est et arcu commodo ut imperdiet magna pellentesque. Etiam commodo luctus volutpat. Etiam pretium arcu eu nunc interdum in volutpat nisi ornare. Fusce nec dolor orci. Aenean faucibus rutrum tortor vitae lobortis. Nunc iaculis neque et enim rutrum ornare. Quisque viverra rutrum metus, ut lobortis augue lacinia ut. Vestibulum felis augue, fringilla et aliquam a, dignissim ac sapien. Cras eu sem vel massa scelerisque aliquet.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac turpis eget eros congue condimentum. Pellentesque nunc erat, gravida eu bibendum vel, vestibulum eu nisi.

Etiam pretium arcu eu nunc interdum in volutpat nisi ornare. Fusce nec dolor orci. Aenean faucibus rutrum tortor vitae lobortis. Nunc iaculis neque et enim rutrum ornare. Quisque viverra rutrum metus, ut lobortis augue lacinia ut. Vestibulum felis augue, fringilla et aliquam a, dignissim ac sapien. Cras eu sem vel massa scelerisque aliquet.

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Integer libero quam, hendrerit ullamcorper tempus sed, convallis at turpis. Donec sollicitudin nulla quis felis auctor ut vulputate erat pellentesque. Fusce eget commodo ipsum.

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A Text/Image Block. Praesent quis fringilla turpis. Maecenas quam tortor, dapibus eget mollis et, facilisis at mi. Aenean non risus non velit placerat pretium. Donec vehicula faucibus diam, vitae tempus arcu porttitor non. Nam sit amet mauris id sem rhoncus placerat a ac nibh. Donec fermentum mauris eget ligula faucibus rutrum. Nullam dolor nisi, congue sed blandit elementum, porta nec velit. Quisque nec adipiscing tortor. Integer auctor laoreet laoreet. Cras non ultricies mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur quis sem vitae felis pulvinar condimentum nec nec neque.

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