</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><FORM style="text-align:center;"></FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="">Here's how this page and the other pages will help to end your vehicle problem cheaper, faster, better.
There are automotive additives that fix automotive problems - lowering their repair cost to a fraction while promoting decades of endless operation out of every component. These and our other 4 vehicle problem-solving kits are your best auto-tune and repair options offered here. Read why below.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id facilisis sapien. Etiam massa mauris, euismod nec condimentum at, suscipit at nulla. Praesent vel fringilla ante. Nunc vel condimentum sapien. Mauris sodales commodo odio, non pulvinar arcu cursus nec. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum elit eros, blandit non magna pellentesque, varius volutpat leo. Fusce a hendrerit lacus, nec viverra enim.
HOW TO order what you need to do so. Each recommendation has an "on-the-spot" Money back guarantee if they aren't what you need!
These are not ordinary additives like part stores sell, NO! They will strip the paint off cars. They need to that powerful and then some to remove car and diesel problems. Some additives sold, to be so strong are highly acidic or caustic. Read the label! Not these. It makes them a lot more expensive, but they get the job done!
Read what people say about them:
-ending product options take the DIY complication, mystery, and expense out of ending vehicle problems! Mechanics boost performance with them! They give older vehicles a second life. George Christ, America's alternative vehicle problem solver. He has the "best auto tune-up and repair-avoiding options."
Hi! Glad Google sent you here! This is the only site for DIY bumper-to-bumper car care and repair avoidance around.
Having a engine problem already?
By george christ. Americas alternative vehicle problem solver.
Contact info and answers to your car problems and odering call me at 512 665 3388
You may already know that car operating or mechanical problems happen without warning. One day, the car or tractor is running great: the next, you are afraid it will quit running in heavy traffic blocking the the road.
For them, these automotive tune and repair options end such problems.
You, anyone, not just mechanics can end the most complex car and farm tractor operating tune-up and engine, transmission, radiator, steering and a/c operating and mechanical problems!
Knocking sounds on startup, tapping like wrenches are bouncing around in the motor, delayed, rough, or hard shfits, overheating, fluid leaks are a few of the problems I list additives as their best solution to end those kinds of problems with.
We all saw vehicles with steaming hoods open and scared passengers beside them on phones dialing for help. Every day, millions of owners of such troubled vehicles are in auto repair shops seeking help. There is always good and bad news, with the bad part being the cost of repair and a day or more of inconvenience.
That used to happen to me until 3 race car owners explained why those troubles appear and how to stop them in their tracks - even actually prevent them!
They also produce a racy, much more powerful operation - like what a brand new vehicle runs like. they showed me was quite eye-opening - detailed on other pages - but basically is this.
Millions of brand new to old, and thought worn-out vehicles had their problems solved with the.
You are given an explanation of the cause and additive to use to end them. They work in a week to a few hours time so anyone, not just mechanics can end the most complex car and farm tractor, operating, premature tune-up, and engine, transmission, radiator, steering and a/c operating and mechanical problems!
Our best-selling Engine Problem Solver. I packaged it to offer my customers as a superior tune-up, and for 25,000 miles servicing needs. But it had other features I found like ending oil burning problems in hi-mileage motors. Stops engine valve and valve lifter tapping. And controls compression escape called blowby. Lubes supercharger bearings and keeps them cooler operating, better than oil alone. If you had their $10 bearing failure cost you $1500 to fix, you know it value there. Excellent for emission test passing. But testing is done 7 days or more after its installation. Just $99 for this amazing Do It Yourself Offer. Click the cart button to order. Easy to install. Read story below for details.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style="background-color:transparent;"></DIV></DIV><DIV style="vertical-align:top;"><DIV style=""></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="">If you want to cut through the mystery to end even the most complicated wear and tear car troubles, try our Mega Power Automotive Additives. They are our auto tune up and repair best options. Their fix features making possible the savings of hundreds, even thousand$ for people using their unusal problem ending method. It reverses the cars problem causes to do so. Further benefits, and it primary function slams the brakes on wear and its problems in all 5 major car component areas. Their usage stretch problem appearance and vehicle life decades further. All explained on the page your Fix Solution is covered. Sent to your door in 3 days to enjoy the power of chemisty and science and my expertise to help you. Have not found a better way to keep my vehicles in top form and millions like me think so to, who learned to loved its care and repair value. See story for details.Our best-selling Transmission Problem Solver. Smooth's rough shifts. Ends slippage and leaks. It may avoid a $1000+ repair. For Repair shops, but easy for anyone to end their tranny problems with. Yes, in some cases, it just lessened the problem but avoided repair for several years. Provides smoother, quicker shifting. Keeps tranys cool when towing. Easy to install. Click the cart button to order. Just $99 for this amazing Do It Yourself Offer. Click the cart button to order. Easy to install. Please read the story below for details.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style="background-color:transparent;"></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style=""><BR style=""></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style="text-align:center;"><B style="font-size:36px;"></DIV>No matter what! </B></P><P style="text-align:center;"><SPAN style="text-align:left;"><B style="">Hi- I'm George Christ—an Expert On Vehicle Alternative Problem Solving. </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 10, 10);"><B style=""> You already know most vehicles run great for years; then a costly to-repair problem pops up. Its repair cost is surprisning and can be pretty upsetting to the family budget. </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 10, 10);"><B style=""><SPAN style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);"> What if you could pour</SPAN> something potent into them to end the problem? Does it make it run as if it's new all over again? That is what this auto tune-up and repair option pitching Mega Power products is all about. I love their features - so will you! Here's why...</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 10, 10);"><B style=""><SPAN style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);"> This is a product line</SPAN> from science and chemistry discoveries. When I say scientific, I mean it follows a repeatable method you or anyone can use to get problem-ending results.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 10, 10);"><B style=""><SPAN style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);"> When I say chemistry,</SPAN> I don't mean buying oils or solvents from a refinery and saying this is the best! It is a specific formula found to end problems that cause wear and tear inside. Not only end but also recondition the component to run as if newer</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 10, 10);"><B style=""><SPAN style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);"> When I say conditioning</SPAN>, I mean not just cleaning and freeing up the problem parts. but change the worn, roughened surfaces back to smooth and timely operating. That is how to end your vehicle's troubles.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 10, 10);"><B style=""><SPAN style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);"> With a bonus.</SPAN> I put them in kits to add to the fluids and do the right service for that component. Driving uses the product to go to work, revseing the troublesome state back to its best state to end the problems. Then keep it that way. Conditioning ends the problem just as new parts do. It's only more accessible and cheaper. And it requires no car repair skills or knowledge. Driving forces return to a better state! </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"> <B style=""> You already read what others say of the good done by my additives expertise. The rest of the page are other articles covering one point to another on the fixed characteristic. </B></P><P style="text-align:left;"><B style="">I want go deeper into their features to tell</B> you about their anti-wear that has helped me, and many others all our life, to see how it will help you all your life. Most people's introduction to them is to fix or end an automotive operating problem. You already know Mega Power Additives do that.. <I style=""><B style="">There is another benefit to using them...</B></I></P><P style=""><I style=""><B style=""> Others use of them is </B>in brand new cars and diesels. To give its anti-wear to the engine, transmission, and components, helping them run decades longer with fewer costly problems. Avoids premature wearout years before expected. Its anti-wear is keeps more money in our pockets and lowers the<B style=""> cost of ownership. You want that same benefit? </B></I></P><P style=""><I style=""> <B style="">You read that right. </B>This website explains how Mega Power Additives I put into kits can help your vehicles run trouble free - no matter the problem.<B style=""> </B></I></P><P style=""> <B style="">I can help you </B>understand the science and chemistry that makes it possible. No matter your car or diesel farm tractor or diesel rig, whatever is not running right. having an internal problem. I've done so thosuands of times and sold them to thousands, who also had them work to end their automotive problems.</P><P style=""> <B style="">You will see why</B> I call them DIY auto tune-up and repair options.</P><P style=""> You may think it's not so, but they are an alternative way to end problems usually expensively repaired.</P><P style=""> If you give me a minute to explain why it is so and what people with all kinds of car and diesel equipment problems say, I'll give you a 30-day test of their fixing ability in your cars. It's all about their ending the most complex automotive operating problems.</P><P style=""> Imagine adding a few products I'll show you to your troublesome car and equipment and end its problems for a 10th of what others pay. Imagine these additives avoiding thousands of dollars per vehicle expense —ending the more costly issues. No matter car, pickup, diesel rig, equipment, or farm tractor. Those are the results of using the automotive additives called Mega Power MC+, which I'll show you here. <B style=""> </B> </P><P style=""><B style="">What it does for the vehicle.</B></P><P style=""> MC is the acronym for the word Metal Conditioner. A special kind of expensive chemistry discovery updated from the 1950s along with other ingredients for engine, transmission, radiator, steering, or a/c systems with a problem, and to reverses the problem </P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></DIV>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><H3 style="text-align:center;font-size:26.6px;font-weight:normal;"><SPAN style="font-size:51px;"><SPAN style="font-size:29px;"> Automotive Additives Are Ending Car and Equipment Problems. Sold here and we Supplie Auto Repair Shops, Independant Part Stores. Covering Bumper to Bumper Problem Solving and Protection Solutions. Order online here.</SPAN><BR style=""><BR style=""></SPAN></H3></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style=""><SPAN style="font-size:38px;"><B style="">Doing more than lubricating where oil can't.</B></SPAN></P><P style=""> If the causes of engine and component problems and their avoidance are a mystery to your, this is the secret to them. Our option details Mega Powers Additive Research Products to end your cars, Diesel rigs, farm tractor, dozer, rv boat motorcycle and generator operaing problesms <B style=""><I style="">causes and remedies. Use as the service to add theose featues to aid the vehicles endurance.</I></B></P><P style="">Best engine and component protectors</P><P style=""> If the causes of engine and component problems and their avoidance are a mystery to you, this is their secret. Our option details Mega Powers Additive Research findings of their causes and product remedies. Those following our care and repair method understand their mystery and the products for reversing the problems cause. Does by cleaning, freeing, smoothing and conditioning where oils and fluids and other products can't! These products from Mega Power are the best automotive problem solver for your car and diesel engine care and repair solutions.</P><P style="">The inventors</P><P style="">Invented by Mega Powers Additives and made easy as a service anyone can use to clean the engine and end their internal problems. Not just for mechanics. As a quality factor, they exceed every car maker's engine and component 25,000-mile servicing product spec's for component cleaning, offering much more engine care and repair help.
Why my should be yours
Seeing the car maker's tips fail to end some car problems Mega Power packaged their solution as an extra product advantage. For my part, I explain their value compared to a repair and their installation and for a purchasing source.
Six treatments are all you will ever need. The six:
Mega Powers Engine Treatment
Mega Powers Transmission Treatment
Mega Powers Radiator Treatment
Mega Powers Power Steering Treatment
Powers A/C Treatment
Those following our auto-tune-up-and-repair-options,com care and repair method to understand the mystery of automotive problems, and their happening too soon appearance. And in a few words is this:
The products have problem solving power by reversing the problems cause, by cleaning, freeing, smoothing and conditioning. And by doing so where oils and fluids and other products can't!
Is the cause and solution no longer a mystery?
By reversing the problem parts that are mis-behaving every parts is so benefited. Gaining better long term results with their MC+ Friction remover included in the oil and fluid liquids.
Mega Power Automotive Additives, and my auto tune up and repair options promotes this superior way to do so.
Usage makes possible the savings of hundreds, even thousand$ in two ways :
Its a good repair while an alternative one, costing a fraction of what actual repair cost.
With every mile you will enjoy a continuing going strong result as long as your want method.
Who doesn't want a better running vehicles that never has a problem?
Sure, its true some get exceptional miles and trouble free operation from their vehicles - but you cann't!!! I understand that situation. I can help! Automotive problem causes are a mystery even to most mechanics. They say, "and tear wear causes it." But don't know the actual causes that wear speeds it up? Or how to end it, but I do.
Read my Bio.
So don't feel bad about it. The mechanic is trained to only identify and change out the defective parts. I know, I'm a mechanic and its not in the repair training. I've made it my expertise. And this is it! When brand new, cars and tractors and such run great, have spiffy power, and work thrugh the heaviesst conditions with ease.
What gives you that "I gotta buy this new car idea is its power and obvious long term, trouble free opertion." What gives them that very expensive to purchase ideal is their micro-smooth surfces, and clean, free-moving state.
Their clean, smooth moving pistons, bearings, valves, gears, shalfs and combustion process send all that power to the wheels you enjoy. a state you paid so much for - that ends too soon. Why? In time, high temperatures, high pressures break the oils film causing friction. Each contact of friction welds the contact, then breaks away. Gets rougher. Oil, fuel, and fluid breakdown creates acids and sticky tar-like films.
When you do an oil and fluid change, some stays behind weakening the new oils and fluids sooner. The eye blinking actions of each part slow down. Hot tar-like films and friction grow and combine to stress every part. You say its wearing. Now you want to know what chemistry and science has discovered to correct the situation.
The Products and treatments using them described here, will free them up, clean away the tarry-like films, and smooth the actual rough su to reverse the problems they cause. That's my expertise and few around know them as well as I do. The street proven treatments I suggest are cut in half actual repairs cost to end them.
Package with all that's needed to keep troubles away the actual repari can't. The other secret to avoiding troubles I, others who understand friction practice. Its true, if you baby your car and heavy equipment by slow take offs and stops, do their servicing as required, have mostly long continuious speed and longer trips, you can go to 300,000 miles with out much serious trouble.</P><P style=""> But few can! But can with this auto tune up and repair option info. As it returns the new-like state. Passing on the Real How To's has been my passion all my life. i wanted to know how to beat wear and tear and found it out. I came upon them by accident and they have made my life better financially. The brief on what Works!
Since the days of Carl Wynn's Engine Friction Proofing, and the Justice Brothers Additives, and then Bud Esterlins Mega Power Additives, who follow Wynn's formulas, and now me explaining their features here to help you do the same.
Trained by them, and here their methods can you find anywhere else the additives and servicies and their explanations, sold with a satisfaction guarantee on line.
Using their mechanic-in-a-can products has made it been possible for millions and anyone, with minor or serious car or equipment operating or mechanical problems, to have them repaired out of a can.
Continuing usage as I describe gains for you the advantges to do so [ with an instant refund if not ], that also chemically and scientifically slams the breakes on wear out. Allowing the vehicle life most desirable operation - keeping them near their new like stiochiometric.
Ending a tune up, engine, transmission, radiator steering, a/c operating problem.
Imagine pouring-in a 36 to 72 ozs of those products above into your new and even older cars, farm tractors, digging equipment, and diesel rigs and experience....
A sudden amazing performance you didn't know they had!
Enjoy seeing their engine and power train problems end.
Appreciate you have restored the vehicles stoichiometries.
Its the ideal operating state for extending ending a vehicles problems.
That is the option here for those who value extending the life of their vehicles.
Its not a mystery any more! If you want this ability keep returning the vehicles ideal state periodically to keep extending a new-like state to your costly cars and equipment you found the one web site that explains the what and how to.
This method reverses problems to end them! Were you to follow their conditioning deep in your cars components you would see them change their state from being tar like covered, wear roughen, and faulty operating, to clean, smooth, and operating at eye blinking speed - the ideal state returned. It does so chemically for a few hundred dollars what most pay many thousands for - but for new parts that don't do have what this does - and to every part. Some mechanics include the product in their repairs to gain those advantages for the customers advantage.
The point is, you are paying for their benfits the oils and fluids, in less fuel economy, and costly engine repairs sooner than expected, and not getting them. You may have suspected it. Now, you might as well enjoy it as your cars, trucks, Diesel Rigs, Farm Tractors, RV, Boat, Motorcycle, and Generator tune up with an endurance feature with it.
What us car buffs, individuals, mechanics and top race teams know about the mystery is this.
Imagine henjoy vehicles so treated, running just great while friends and neighbors with similar ones, using them in similar ways, have to have them overhauled or replaced while yousr run good as new. You might say, you get good results using Mega Power. Want to try them? They most likely will say, "i don't believe in additives." Think how much better your life will be in the future using our to gain those great car care and repair advantages. </P><P style=""> </P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="https://www-auto--tune--up--and--repair--options-Multi-Tune Up & Fuel Injector Cleaning, and Motor Combustion Carbon Removing.</B><BR style="">Removes Engine Tuning Motor Problems
This popular fuel injector cleaner from Mega Power Additives NOW includes Engine Combustion Carbon Remover and an Valve and Piston Ring Cleaner for a great whole engine tune up. Cleans where fuel, air, combustion, exhaust go. Not just clean your fuel injectors like other products just do. As good as any pro. But $way cheaper. And do 2 other expensive engine care services, both easy to do. All 3 just $99 sent to your door in a few days. With Easy pour-in directions. Satisfaction Guarantee. Nother Better, Easier. Click cart button to order.The First Top and Bottom Engine Problem Solver. End Any Operating, Mechanical, Noise, Leak, Oil Loss Problem by them.
Guaranteed To All in One Service
Solve your most troublesome engine problem With Mega Powers Hi-Tech Engine Treatment. Troubles like oil burning, valve tapping, blowby, gasket or seal oil leaks, and lousy power are no problems to remove. Its the car buffs secret to going twice the mileage without any repair need. Directions and free phone help included. Service all your engines to have them cleaned and conditioned for a long life. Just $149 for a fix others pay thousands for, and a double your money back guarantee if it fails to do as advertised. Click cart button to order.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style="background-color:transparent;"></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style="text-align:left;"> <SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> The way we help those looking for those automotive problem solving tips.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> We explain how your vehicles problems develop.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Explain how to install the products that end the problem.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Offer the products needed and send them to you.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Offer phone help to answer your questions.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Provided training for your personal.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Offer a Guarantees of Satisfaction of our Promises.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Look for locals to be our distributors.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Pass on the latest findings in our newsletter.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Our Revenue comes from repair shops using our products to grow their business.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Be a one source care and repair online source for you.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Solving the vehicles hic cup and the cause.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Its been known internal problems appearing after the warranty ends start when the car truck tractor etc., is brand new. No matter with this option.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Imagine pouring-in a few products into your new cars, farm tractors, equipment, and diesel rigs </SPAN></P><UL style="text-align:left;"><LI style="">Fuel tanks.</LI><LI style="">Engines</LI><LI style="">Transmissions</LI><LI style="">Radiators</LI><LI style="">Power Steering</LI><LI style="">A/C Systems and see them suddenly run, even though brand new, run with greater ease, more pulling power, and better fuel economy after doing so. Goon to run that way as long as treated too.</LI></UL><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">What about help for older vehicles?</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><BR style=""></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Imagine pouring-in a few products into your older cars, farm tractors, diesel equipment, and diesel rigs components also and suddenly see a suddenly appearing problem.... end.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">.....Problems perhaps costing hundreds, even thousands to fix. See list below, see the problem recede, then end for a few hundred dollars!</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Afterwards, imagine, each day see them run with greater ease, with more pulling power, and more zip. Having to back off the gas pedal to lower the amazingly faster speeds they now want to go - as if again 25,000, or 50,000 miles newer?</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Those are my experiences and those of many mechanics and individuals, who use these particular products from two automotive additive company's :</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Justice Brothers Additives. Sold by some local repair shops across America. Who advise you on their choice for your need. And...</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Mega Power Additives. Presently sold here online to individuals and local repair shops, and local distributors we supply. A teaching website - explaining all about their additive features, install steps, which ones fix specific problems, easy for anyone to understand. a online source for solutions to keep your vehicles going cheaper, best ever, decades longer - no matter the miles.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">Our Purpose? We make our living promoting these solutions. I've learned to use their products directly from the inventors. Over the years I added missing techy details, in a non-techy way to explain their benefits.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> I tested them in my customers cars. Learn of their different solutions from mechanics who discovered new uses for them. Sold them with others to thousands of repair shops. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">With the internet, and its draw for information dispensing, I have this website.</SPAN></P><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"></DIV>With the largest compendium of care and repair articles to educate. </SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">To also help, I packaged treatments to end those suddenly appearing internal problems. </SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">You can find your problems solution on my site links and menu buttons.</SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">Each proven from street usage. </SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">Teaching you to avoid what'sneeded to go another 100,000 miles just fine.</SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">Help those who want to HOW TO extend their vehicles good operating state. </SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">That's my help to you!!! I call them, my tune up and repair options.</SPAN></LI></UL></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style=""><BR style=""></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;"> Did is I say for your </SPAN><SPAN style="font-size:24px;"><B style="">new vehicles,</B></SPAN><SPAN style="font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;"> too? To also stretch their usefulness decades longer by ending their break-in run better state sooner. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;"><B style=""> </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;"> Critical "break-in of the engine is of serious importance to those who know about its negatives for cutting in half a vehicle's llfe. Having to buy new vehicles and equipment result:</SPAN></P><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;">That is the value of Justice Brothers and <A style=""href="https:#link_3270961">Mega Power Additives</A>. </SPAN></LI></UL><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;">if you already buy their products to fix automotive problems and look into it their break-in benefit. Perhaps this helps. </SPAN></LI></UL><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;">That's my expertist.</SPAN></LI></UL><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;">Its all about Mega Power Engine Treatment ending the breakin to avoid a later premature repair expense. Its a trouble avoiding routine! You might call these products a vehicle investment life stretching aid.</SPAN></LI></UL><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(171, 12, 12);font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;"> explains the good and bad in additives and offers education and sales of additives to end distinct problems.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;">Going where oil can't.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> By packaging the 3 ingredients needed - instead of your hunting them down is what your option is here.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> What these two additive companies found that could, and by adding several powerful cleaners and lube conditioners, their "mixture," is end both the car makers, and engine and transmission rebuilders break-in nightmare.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Many who are top race car winners, airplane, boat, and ship owners, and engine and transmission rebuilders, even cars on the assembly line are using Mega Powers Additives to help them operate smoothly and get pass their break-in period avoiding the common faults that appear. See these products slam the breaks on wear and tear providing a second and third life bonus for them. All for stretching their original cost two to three times normal. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><BR style=""></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">Understanding the friction ending solution.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Break-in describes the mechanics nightmare term about friction for how long it takes for the new car or new heavy equipment parts to rub to wear-end. Meaning, hoping that friction grinding away of tight tolerance parts, and high spots reaches its ideal, and returns to its slowest wearing state. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style=""> The problem with the break-in nightmare</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> If the break-in takes never stops, or is severe, it rapidly shortens the life of the weakest parts, and they fail. That no end to the friction break-in upsets vehicle operation. Repair becomes mandatory when reaching that point.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style=""> The importance of friction reduction.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> For a long time a light oil added in engines at the factory to speedup break-in. A week later it was changed out and regular oil put in. You drove the vehicle slower at speeds under 50-60 mph to ease the friction break-in.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> If break-in friction never stops, it wears out the weaker parts quickly, and a engine and transmission failure occurs long before the first 100,000 miles arrives.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Every <B style="">car makers dealership repair department </B>counts its major profit source from such vehicles spending a week or so in their shop replacing the failed parts with new ones. I know from working as a mechanic when young at Ford and Chevy dealerships. Even today dealership and repair shops are full of such repairs.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">The real problem about friction Mega Power Vehicle Additive Maker solves.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Every car and equipment maker then has to pay out of their profits for those repairs to meet the warranty life promise. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">Solving the Friction Problem.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Mega Power MC+ is that friction ender. It has been poured into engines on the new car assembly line to solve severe friction and break-in problems.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Of course, gov laws require electrical and emission parts to last 100,000 miles. And the car maker adds his 100,000 mile warranty knowing the majority of frition and wear problems occur after 100,000 miles. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> If it happens after the warranty period, the owners pays - and it means a costly $4000 to $8000 expense - you didn't see sneaking up on you.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Further down, you learn more of How Mega Power can end your vehicles friction and dirty caused engine, transmission, radiator, power steering, and a/c operating problems.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"> </P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:28px;"><B style=""> The problem with additives and additive promoters.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"><B style=""> Additives are mostly items picked to resell. </B>Like items in a grocery store.<B style=""> </B>There is no education for the most part to teach what prevents problems. They leave that decision up to you.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">I'm here helping you gain</B> that help here at It offers those in search of better ways to solve their vehicle problems the alternative. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style="">The problem with additives and additive promoters.</P><P style=""> Additives are mostly items picked to resell. Like items in a grocery store. There is no education for the most part to teach what prevents problems. They leave that decision up to you.</P><P style=""> I'm here helping you gain that help here at It offers those in search of better ways to solve their vehicle problems the alternative. </P><P style="text-align:left;"><BR style=""></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">Why our Mega Power Additives will help you end your engine tranmsissions, radiator, power steering, power take off their hi-cups.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">You, like me already know </B>there are many products sold to end vehicle problems - and seldom do they do much good. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> The problem is, common additive products never can get pass the oiling lubrication state to help. They only go wherever oil goes.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">The problem with that:</B> When oil breaksdown, they join in. When oil is squeezed our from between parts, they get squeezed out too. When oil is blocked by sludge or friction, they are blocked out, too.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Mega Power Additive Maker Bud Esterline found the work around as their solution.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> As friction wears, and roughens the smooth new vehicle part surfaces, the roughness shreds the oil film - losing lubrications value, and the common additives also shred and can't help much. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Lots of people have tried to solve the problem, and one such in the 1950 hit on the formula overcoming the problems of lubrication and ending the onslaugh of problems cars have by those problems.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style=""> Today's Mega Power Slo-Wear Additives keep improving on those wear and tear problem solving solutions. They keep adding to that original additive friction reducing formulas newer, better acting ingrdients.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"> <SPAN style="font-size:22px;">Mega Power products work by addition to the fuel tank engine, transmission radiator, steering, a/c system oils and fluids, in small amounts. Including wheel bearings and differentials. They offer a complex means to keep returning the new like state with periodic usage. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Being water thin, with characteristics to crawl where oil can't lube Mega Power products will crawl thru to lube and smooth. Free up, and even heal. Cleaning up and smoothing ends upseting conditions.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> If in your vehicles the vehicles pistons, bearings, shafts, seals, gaskets, etc staty lubricted and smooth. Providing what todays best sythetic oils can't! Cleaning and freeing and getting problem conditions to go away. You have the best way of protecting and conditioning the surfaces of new and old vehicles so they run clean, cool smooth and protected, with a tune up like feel.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Those are the products we favor and promote as your </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:27px;"> <B style="">Recognizing the need to overcome engine negative problems </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> There's a, quick flush. They add more of some additives in oil. They make the oil gooey. They add ingredients to hopefully end engine and transmission problems by those methods, but can't reach the problem.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> That is, until a discovery by Bub Esterlins, Mega Power Automotive Additive Research Department found chemistry that will, by going where oil can't.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">Going where motor oil can't.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> By packaging what they found that could, and by adding several powerful cleaners and lube conditioners, their "mixture," is end both the car makers, and engine and transmission rebuilders<B style=""> break-in nightmare</B>.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Many who are top race car owners, airplane, and boat and ship owners are using Mega Powers Additives to help their vehicles.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">Understanding the friction solution.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">Engine break-in describes</B> the mechanics nightmare term for how long it takes for the new car or new heavy equipment parts to rub to wear-end. Meaning, the grinding away of tight tolerance parts, high spots enough to where its friction drag drops , and the vehicle reaches its ideal, slowest wearing state. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">The engine break-in nightmare</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style=""> </B>If the break-in takes longer, or is severe, it rapidly shortens the life of the weakest parts and that upsets vehicle operation. Repair becomes mandatory when reaching that point.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">The importance of engine friction reduction.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> For a long time a light oil added at the factory speeded up break-in. A week later it was changed out with regular oil. You drove the vehicle at speeds under 50-60mph.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> If break-in friction never stops, it wears out the weaker parts quickly, and a engine and transmission failure occurs long before the first 100,000 miles arrives.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Every car makers dealership repair department counts its major profit source from such vehicles spending a week or so in their shop replacing the failed parts with new ones. I know from working as a mechanic when young at Ford and Chevy dealerships. Even today dealership and repair shops are full of such repairs.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">The real problem about friction Mega Power Vehicle Additive Maker Solves.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Every car and equipment maker then has to pay out of their profits it repair to meet the warranty life promise.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Mega Power has been poured into engines on the assembly line to solve the most sever friction and break-in problems. Of course, gov laws require electrical and emission parts to last 100,000 miles. And the car maker adds his 100,000 mile runs great or fix free warranty. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> If it happens after the warranty period, the owners pays - and it means a costly $4000 to $8000 expense - you didn't see sneaking up on you.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:center;"><SPAN style="font-size:28px;"><B style=""> How Mega Power can end your vehicles engines friction and dirty caused engine, transmission, radiator, power steering, and a/c operating problems</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:center;"><SPAN style="font-size:25px;"><B style=""> S<SPAN style="font-size:24px;">olving the break-in, and now older vehicle operating and mechanical problems</SPAN></B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:center;"><B style=""><SPAN style="font-size:21px;">And easy lo-cost automotive bumper to bumper problem solver.</SPAN></B></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> You already learned of Mega Power Automotive Additive Research Department finding chemistry and packaging them for lower significantly frictions problem causes, by going where oil can't.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> And now you're at its newest ways to end vehicle problems, going where oil can't.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> You already know Mega Powers Research and science found what could, and by adding several powerful cleaners and lube conditioners to their "mixture," car and diesel owners are avoiding the engine and transmission rebuilders break-in nightmare. And also ending ending sludge, and frictions wear causing problems.</SPAN></P><P style=""><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"><B style="">Not just for ending tight tolerance friction break-in problems.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> You know of Mega Powers additives ability to crawl to every rubbing surface providing lubrication in a strange, but very effective way. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> You know of their two easy-to-do steps</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> They have been ending wear and tear problems in brand new vehicles since 1980. And since 2007 I put on line pre packaged stronger mixtures for older cars, trucks, farm tractors, diesel equipment.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> While other web sites sell additives in a grocery arena I give you <B style="">more personal help than that.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">You will find</B> that personal help with a guarantee. That is the option we provide here.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style=""> Best of all,</B> following our tips and products suggestions you can knowledgably lower the cost per mile, per year with cost per vehicle while they avoid thousands in expenses.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">Your benefit? </B>So, you can pocket the difference. Only having a before aftert experienceee shows it. But running vehicles economically and fre of major troubles makes their long term value appear. Just enjoy the healing factor that keeps your vehicles running great if you want to continue - as long as you keep a portion of Mega Power Treatment in them.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style=""> With My Argument HOW TO GET STARTED. </B> </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> If you are experiencing an internal car problem, Check below to see if these solutions say, they will end your vehicles problem. Shipped overnite across the free world. Includes Directions, and a great Guarantee!</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;">I'll even let you test it out for free.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style=""> You will find us experts here to both explain, and recommend the product solutions. Our options:</B></SPAN></P><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;">Untangle the mystery of overcoming your new vehicles and diesel equipment wear and tears rapid speed. To bring it to a crawl. Edurance enabling help that wows you!</SPAN> </LI></UL><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;">We also provide the exact products to end sudden appearing problems.</SPAN></LI></UL><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Avoiding their need for repair.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Or, cutting their repair cost down 50% or more.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> What to use to keep them going strong as long as you want.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">Who says so ?</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Our customers - idividuals, - men and women like you who tried what we offer. And, farm equipment owners, equipment owners, and auto repair shops who like this sort of care and repair solutions - even top race car builder, say so.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style=""> Not just for mechanics</B> and top race car owners, but also car, heavy equipment owners, farm tractor owners, diesel rig owners looking for vehicle solutions. No matter brand new, to having an expired manufacture warranty.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">The nature of our addditives that makes them superior.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> You may know that engines and transmissions are the most expensive components to repair. Running into the thousands. However, there's good news in this case...</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Bud Esterlin and his Mega Power Additives Team looked into the problem.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> With their invention of an anti-wear to <B style="">remove raw friction, </B>They added it to their line of additives. Its Called a<B style=""> Metal Conditioner. Or MC. </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> As more discoveries appeared, they added their complimentary ingredient to the ending of suddenly appearing automotive problems. They added to MC the +, MC+ improvement to help the motoring public, equipment owners aand mechanics solve those problems.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Your chosing Mega Power Additives not only offers you problem solving by its choice. You have at hand the ability to keep away, or end engine, transmission, radiator, power steering, and hydraulic take-off component troubles.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Best of all, following our tips and products suggestions you can knowledgably lower the cost of repair, with option runing about $100 to $300 instead of thousands.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(166, 8, 8);"><B style="">So, you can pocket the difference, and enjoy the healing factor that keeps your vehicles running great - as long as you keep Mega Power in them.</B></SPAN></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(166, 8, 8);"><B style="">Each solution articles shows how. Ordering gets them to you in afew days.</B></SPAN></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">HOW TO GET STARTED.</B> </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">If </B>you are experiencing an internal car problem, see if these pour-in-and drive bumper to bumper will end your vehicles problem. Shipped overnite across the free world. Includes Directions, and a great Guarantee!</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><BR style=""></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style="text-align:left;"><DIV style=""><LABEL style="vertical-align:middle;">Email</LABEL><INPUT style="vertical-align:middle;"></DIV><DIV style=""></INPUT><LABEL style="vertical-align:middle;"><INPUT style=""></INPUT><SPAN style="">I am at least 16 years of age.</SPAN></LABEL></DIV><DIV style=""><LABEL style="vertical-align:middle;"><INPUT style=""></INPUT><SPAN style="">I have read and accept the <A style=""href="">privacy policy</A>.</SPAN></LABEL></DIV><DIV style=""><LABEL style="vertical-align:middle;"><INPUT style=""></INPUT><SPAN style="">I understand that you will use my information to send me a newsletter.</SPAN></LABEL></DIV><DIV style=""><BUTTON style="vertical-align:middle;">Subscribe</BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style=""><SPAN style="color:rgb(176, 12, 12);font-size:32px;"><B style="">Select a link below providing solutions to your fuel, tuning, engine, transmission, radiator, power steering, a/c problems. </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:25px;"><B style="">- T0:</B></SPAN><BR style=""></P><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_1390079"> Stop engine valve tap</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_3360862">To end oil burning</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#content_34122279">End oil seal leaks</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_1390088">For ending combustion blow-by</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_1390023">Cleaning dirty injectors</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_1390099">For transmission help</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_1390104">For radiator help</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_1389973">For power steering.</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#content_48839251">Power Take-Off System help</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;">Diesel powered trucks, equipment</LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_2835586">Diesel car engine help</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_2517315">Trucks, tractors, equipment.</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;">A good video of the new features an advantages of<BR style="">new products is shown on the page your fix is given</LI></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style=""><BR style=""></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"><B style=""> Like improvements </B>in prescription medicine is helping humans live better lives, and longer. Mega Powers newest, Slo-Wear high powered automotive additive treatments are ending serious automotive problems. Those auto repair use to. Mega Power is helping car and equipment owners pocket the savings, while extending the vehicle investment decades longer. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;">I'll let you test ithe solution out for free.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> X A SPECIAL FREE Trial OFFER to first timers.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> Try any or all of our products for 30 days</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> They are all add and drive solutions.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> A oil or fluid chance is needed.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> If you can add gas and oil to the car, this like that.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> See how they end your vehicles problems. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> Most problems end in a week to a day.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> On the rare chance you actually have a failed, not stuck,</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> dirty parts, and our cleaning, freeing, and special lube can't</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> fix the problem. We'll credit your card the full amount so you</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> have funds for its expensive fix. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> We do this for two reasons. 1- Free trials introduce more</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> to our products amazing, powerfully smooth fixing ability.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> 2- Many times those getting a refund try other products</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> and realize they promise a lot, but can't delivery like ours</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> can - and start using our products to protect all their vehicles.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> Any time up to 30 days, if not seeing what we promise, ... </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> A phone call, tex message, or email gets you a full refund on</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> the spot. 2 refunds asked for last 265 days.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> This introduces the Easier, Cheaper, Endurance Infusing Way to maintain every car or diesels. provides added, zippy dependability twice that never wears out. So you travel the miles with smiles!!! </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;">Start by signing up for my FREE Email Newsletter.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;">it keeps you informed od the options to keep your vehicles on the road nd out of the repair shop. A FREE ETech phone help for you</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Shouldn't you consider those benefits worthy of trying our additives ?</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> "No," you say. "How do I know my cars, equipment need your additives over another?"</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Worthy question. And the answer blew me away. The answer?</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Since the advent of motor vehicles lubricants are key to their life and usefulnes. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style=""> However, extreme heat, hughe pressures, and acid etching [which goes on while the vehicle i at rest], speed up wear ot and creates dozens of problems.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Developing solvent or detergent additives helped some, but ignore real mechanical problems. Mega Power Additive Researchers went to chimistry for that help. Their 6 formula treatments are those results on this page. They go right to the problem and reverse it to end it. Healing the damage.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Besides no more problem. The other result benefit is a sudden boost in horsepower and edurances, that goes on for decades with continued product usage. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">Now you have a better option to take care of your cars and equipment. </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Afterall, our cars and equipment were invented to make our lives easier.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> And now, Mega Powers motor vehicles additive treatments are helping the average person gain a powerfull weapon during maintenance to end their vehicles wear and tear troubles. With Mega Power Slow-wearTreatments, we've made it way cheaper, even better than repair. Going decades longer.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">And just as a doctor</B> guides you along the way, its not yet possible for part stores to sell these products yet, as a bit of non techical guidence is needed for their usage. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 8, 8);font-size:37px;"><B style=""> "And I'm here with these 6 treatments to help you</B> <B style="">do so</B> - <B style="">Try them at no risk for doing so:</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 8, 8);font-size:37px;"> </SPAN></P><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;">Now easy for any man or women car owner</SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;">No matter farm tractor owner with such a problem, </SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;">Equipment owner </SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;">Diesel rig owner</SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;">Even classic car and motorcycle and boat owners </SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;">Even auto repair shop owners looking to improve the quality and income of their business.</SPAN></LI></UL><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;"> <B style="">While its been a racing</B> product winning aid addition for <A style=""href="https:#link_2065299">75 years</A> for some of the top names in the business, and engine and transmisssion busilders who learned their secrets. Untill I came along with the internet, it has been a closely held secret, it seems.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="text-align:center;font-size:24px;"> <B style="">That's me </B>in the above picture ready to help you starting with this page.</SPAN></P><P style=""><SPAN style="font-size:24px;"> <B style="">I promise</B>, In a few pages of reading - and re-reaading a few times you will learn the easy way new additive treatments will be helping you like a pro to end your vehicle troubles come this weekin.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"><B style=""> Think </B>of the possible tens of thousands in expenses </SPAN><SPAN style="font-size:22px;">that getting to know and using these auto tune up and repair options can have on you finances.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><BR style=""><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">"Helping you</B> find, undestand, and use these new types of additives is my advocation," say George Christ, Americas Automotive Additive Expert. "They have helped me help countless others have a better life because of them."</SPAN><BR style=""><BR style=""><B style=""><SPAN style="font-size:23px;">Start...</SPAN><BR style=""></B><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"><B style=""> Sign up </B>for my FREE Newletter. it will keep you informed on the lastest ways to lower the cost of ending wear and teat problems. Turn wear and tear into a tool with additives to keep your vehicles young and healthy. From wear to strong, and going GREAT, no matter how old.</SPAN><BR style=""><BR style=""><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">Then, I'll walk you </B>through <A style=""href="https:#content_58043899">the 6 main additive product</A>s to end a cars and diesels operating problems. The mechanic gets the electical. We cover, and show you HOW TO solve hidden, <B style="">internal,</B> costly-to-repair problems upsetting your life right now.</SPAN><BR style=""><BR style=""><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">I'll detail them below </B>for you, the only 6 vehicle component additive treatments below you will ever need for any bumper-to-bumper problem. </SPAN><BR style=""><BR style=""><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">The article will then </B>link you to full story articles detailing How To end fuel, tune up, even engine, transmission, radiator, power steering, air conditioning Problems - yourself. Easily, by driving.</SPAN><BR style=""><BR style=""><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">Use the left side menu buttons to find your exact help needed.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Learning what additives to use, and what they do, and where to get them, is given on this pages menu.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:center;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Bookmark the page to find it again. </SPAN><BR style=""></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style=""> Information from Mega Power Additives Research, where I was taught their vehicle operating improvement significance. </P><P style="">And 50 years of street experience of what works and what won't help vehicle.</P><P style=""> What works - we guarantee that result.More></P><P style=""> Our vehicles were purchased to make our lives easier. Fixing them with these Mega Power additives can now solve their wear and tear problems. Helping you keep older vehicles working as good new decades longer. Adding a new life to them. </P><P style=""> Think about thousands of dollars that can be saved revitalizing your older vehicles for another 5 to 10 years strong life?<BR style="">It is bought to assured less future problems.</P><P style=""> Avoiding the many thousands actual repair cost.<BR style=""><BR style=""> Pocketing the savings and how to do so is the whole idea.</P><P style="">This is not some Madison Avenue Ad.<BR style="">Its all what for 50 years I have found that works,<BR style="">and can be repeated by anyone.</P><P style="">Bookmark this page so you can find it again.</P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><FORM style="text-align:center;"><TEXTAREA style=""></FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><H2 style="font-size:30px;font-weight:normal;">Their install is easy for even any man or women and results are quick and permanent. Learn More> !Explained Here. How to Maximize Your Vehicle's Lifespan using our advanced automotive additives. They can be your secret weapon against wear and tear, ending the troubles they cause. Learn more >I am at least 16 years of age.I have read and accept the .I understand that you will use my information to send me a newsletter.SubscribeThe products to smooth away fuel, engine, transmission, radiator problems. Mega Powers'Radiator Service. Prevent ends most any system problem. Keeps overheated towing vehicles cool... guaranteed!Auto tune up and repair options
Contact, and Help Info. OK to quote my site, just add its page sorce credits. Search these pages. Learn about our Better vehicle care and repair options, alternatives, shortcuts and presevation options featuring Mega Power Additives. Purchase our car and diesel Anti-Wear, Problem-Solving, Bumper-to-Bumper Servicing-Products for your business, fleet, repair shop inventory. See menu. By calling 24/7 me, george, at 512 665 3388
Don't let the next 100,000 miles be costly ones. These auto tune up and repair options offer bumper-to-bumper solutions to get your vehicles pass them. Pity the guy who ignores them.
Contact info for roducts for ending automotive problems: It's OK to pass our site to others who may benefit from its products. To ask a question, order items listed. Check our Business Opt. Call me at 512 665 3388
The search for better car care ends here! How these automotive addditives will help you end and avoid their costly problems.
No one wants car problems...
It can cause upsetting, worriesome roadside breakdows.
Most have seen cars and trucks on the road, and steam coming from the engine. wWorrysome men women and children looking deasperate beside the car.
Its because at some point vehicles owners are not having their component servicing done.
Freedom does not mean avoiding your cars and equipment fuel and components!
And these additives from Mega Power Additives for Transmisssions can free us from their costly burdens of repair!
Are you facing such worrisome cost and wonder if someone has a better, lower cost solution? Go here for your transmission problem solver.
You now have a bumper to bumper way to meet and lower their costly, but unexpected needs to keep their major components going. A concern I will Help You Solve...that pays for itself while cutting their problem cost and occurence to nil.
This explains one brands products to free our vehicles of those burdens, called Mega Power Additives.
This website simplifies their help to keep Unexpected vehicles repair and replacement are costly expenses that burden our lives.
It makes us slaves to them. Many want freedom from those ills.
Many wonder, if there are products that can slow down their decline.
Since our vehicles are needed to make life, and for some, our jobs easier. There should be a way to y take a fifth of our budget to do so.
Tagged as the cardoctor2, his advice comes from 50 years of street pro
With bank lending us money to do so, and with insurance, and maintenace, it eats into our budget heavily. It really makes us slaves to mechanization.
Are you looking for that help?
You will find these are "not" petty problem solvers, NO! These cover wear and tear, and hi-milege problems. Those costing thousands to end their suddenly presence.
Are you facing such worrisome cost and wonder if someone has a better, lower cost solution?
You will see I'm needing the same help for my vehicles. It has led me to the one famous company you never head of offering those product features.
They will be your solution. They are helping car and diesel vehicle owners lower the burden of older engine and transmission repair cost, and years to soon premature equipment replaceme
Everone wants to reduce such cost. There is actually a way to do so. A real money-maker, as I describe in this article.
Like vitamins and medicine, these five Mega Power Anti-wear, Problem-Solving Additive Treatments have been helping individuals, farm, equipment owners, auto repair shops for decades keep their vehicles healthy and robust. More>
Ever wonder, if there is an easy way to maximize your vehicles endurance and new-like operation?
Our superior Mega Power Brand automotive additive line are the options that do just that!
Enjoy their quickness to tackle, then end a cars toughest operating problems.
Enjoy a new driving pleasure their protection offers to keep troubles away.
They are your vehicles solution to add trouble-avoiding endurance.
As you read a few pages, our option for this tyrpe bumper-to-bumper care and problem removing appears. Containing the power you can esily use to keep your vehicles, from brand new to old, even worn out, in a healthy and zippy state, regardless of the miles that never goes away?
That's our purpose.
Don't forget to use the MENU buttons!
Reember What People Say:
"I'm very pleased we could follow your recommendation to fixed our motor Home Page. Index to our compendium of automotive care and repair aids.
Ever wished your vehicles could talk?
To tell you of its troubles before they turn into a costly repair situation?
Everyday in some way your vehicle components
are trying to tell you of the unssen, hidden struggles they are enduring.
But, what if there was a way to understand your vehicles
and How To stay healthy and perform at their best?
Our new and exciting top-of-the-line automotive additive treatments
and education are here to do just that for you!
The Brand to provide those two things really well has been named Mega Power by its inventor, BUD ESTERLINE in the 1980's. I prefer to call them,
1- Tackle and End internal problems upsetting a vehicles performance.
2- Stop future ones from cropping up!
3- Avoids the costly common care and repair burden put on us.
Somerizing what makes Mega Power Brand Additives
a Proactive Solution
Our additive treatments rejuvenate your vehicles, component by component,
from the inside out, tackling issues and resolving them. offering reliable
protection against future hiccups, ending future problems in the making.
Rigorously put through the paces on race tracks [the faster way to test an idea ].
Our products meet the highest standards of performance endurance. A continuous
healthy state.
Experience peak vehicle performance with tire burning take offs. No matter age,
size, operating or mechanical problem, hours of usage. Revitalization
and wear and tear problem-surpression at a fraction of conventional repair.
With our ironclad money-back offer, you can test our promises for 90 days.
Have nothing to lose but your former problem-permitting car care method.
End bumper to bumper problems. Explained and easy to install.
Bumper to Bumper Guaranteed. Not just for engine problems.
See our video showing its unseen, hidden ways our pro-active product features help your vehicles preform as we promise.
Me? My claims.
Each product promise, and each article give my techy street experience of installing and selling these products to repair shop owners and indiviuals who experienced the solution given. This is not a Madison Avenue slick article but my lifes experience using these products - and that of my customers and clients who also experiencee the same results year after year. The stories and articles and promises are true and a refund of satisfaction promised - one given in the last year - give me the confidence to make these promises. Techy dyno test as we did them are repeatable. Thousand of repeat buyers agree. Distributors wanted who can see the potential for help Mega Power Additives and my expertise offer many by means of online promotions.
Instant guarantee provider. This may sound to good to be true. A bit after their install you will notice performance and sound improvemnt.
Can it end any malfunction? No!
But we do guarantee the product to clean, free up parts, release horsepower absorbed, Again send it to the wheels as a noticable return. Ending of problems listed depends upon an average of 9 out of 10 vehicles. Operating improvement knoticed offers roof of perfomance inprovement promise. It is sufficient for many customers to experience the promises made as much more than expected.
Order and try our famous engine treatment, or bumper to bumper treatments. Enjoy them at our special introductory priced offered on the page your solution is offered.
Why Mega Power Additives. Because following scheduled oil and fluid changes is not enough!
Nor the mileage pass 100,000 miles.
Even the loss of performance from mileage?
They are not enough to be tell you of the internal everyday struggles
your vehicles is giving clues on, if not stopped eventually turn into those $5000 overhaul needs.
Those $40,000 to $100,000 new vehicle replacment needs years to soon?
A new Solution to an age old wear and tear problem.
Our auto-tune-up-and-repair-options introduct the altenatives to actual repairs.
They can rid your vehicles of them, easily and economically.
A system that pays you for you to use them many times over.
You are paying for our products unique benefit but not getting them.
Enjoy our Mega Power Additives products of chemistry to help you.
No matter- brand new to old, even worn.
No matter large or small.
And I'm Here to Help You Do That.
No matter not knowing a gas gap from a radiator gap!
Put out more horsepower, more endurance for more wins, if a race car owner or builder.
Thousands more profitable repairing procedures, the way to build more loyal customer returns - instead of them being shoppers for repairs.
if a transmission, or auto repair shop owner.
I know I pretty windy in all this.
Return Your Vehicles
Health and Robust Power
With Our High-Impact Automotive Additives
Learn More>
Mega Power Problem-Solving Additive Science. Unlike products that want you to add goo to lube in hopes of helping, these are water thin that clean, free up, and add anti-friction to assure problems end. Our free Newsletter and free phone tech help also make it easy to end your vehicle problems. Your options here.
Learn more
Sign up for our FREE car care and problem preventing tips newletter. Our Free Newsletter wises you up our secrets to end and prevent wear and tear problems. That's wahts needed to keep your vehicles always in top trouble-free operating condition. That promises to save you thousands in expenses, also.
What to do now to end your vehicle problem solution search. Scan the page for the component or problem listing. It goes to the page explanation where products needed to end the problem can be ordered. All reasonable priced - and each carries a 90 day free trial - to be sure it does as advertised. It's my proven faster, cheaper, better way to handle vehicle problems in the best way known! 512 665 3388
What People Say About Our Auto Tune Up and Repair Options
What People Say About Our Auto Tune Up and Repair Options
"I'm very pleased we could follow your recommendation to fixed our motor with your $100 worn motor Treatment. We were told by our mechanic it would take $4,000+ for an overhaul to get its power back. He was as surprised as we were with its like-new improvement. He may want to start selling it himself. Give him a call on that setup. Thanks again for a product that helps older vehicles to keep going strong." MC
What Mechanics Say:
"They are problem solvers. 3 times we took the transmission apart to get it to shift right.
Your method made it shift beautifully.
They performance improvements even new part can't recover make it an ideal product to add to every repair.
We recommend your products and your methods to every customer. They are now a good source of extra income for us - and they help our customers respect our expertise even more. Especially so when customers experience the performance improvement Mega Power Additives give, that were not expected. Thanks for introducing us to a better way to repair cars." DF Mechanic
Most Important Are These Facts on Products for Ending Automotive Problems:
The products and methods recommended are a try us first idea. Its because they clean and smooth rough, trouble causing pistons, bearings, gears, valve assemblies - ending problems they cause. They become your fix. The significantly will lower the cost of keeping your vehicles going.
But, not just older ones...
....Ships, brand new vehicles on the assembly line, race vehicles, even heavy equipment -makers recommend or use these – because they work so well and ermanently, and consistently.
NOW you, your family & vehicles benefit.
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Secrets worth knowing some mechanics don't want you to know.
You can Fix the following without a wrench
Our Consistantly Most Popular Products for Ending Automotive Problems:
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Your one source covering. Mega Power Brand bumper-to-bumper care, servicing, and problem solving additives. Shipped to your door ready to install.
Would you love having the ability to know what to add to return a strong smooth performance to your sick engine?
Like the reults of an overhaul - but out of a bottle, their features are ncover bumper-to-bumper care and problem solving. Adding the additives suggested help car and equipment owners gain a second 100,000 miles life from basically worn out vehicles.
Are those benefits you are looking for?
I believe in acid and sludge removing during fluid changes anand if a problem exist.
They cost about $200 for car, boat, motorcyle, mower, generator and sevicing. 200 to $400 for large farm tractors, dozers graders ditch diggers, Rv,s.
They cut repair cost options in half.
6 Automotive Hacks You Can Do That Will Instantly Improve Your Car/Equipment Problem-Solving Burdens and Well-Being.
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With thousands of products for car care how do you know what works? You need a guide thru the additive jungle. That us! With our 50 years street testing we offer those we proved that work - we support with a satisfaction guarantee. Show you harmful ones to avoid. Gives you the confidence and power for ending engine, transmission, and radiator operating problems of almost any kind. Even those that requiring repair. Results that keeping vehicles going as if newer using technology to avoid costly repairs. Those others not knowing pay dearly for. Give the free trial a try and enjoy options to test our promise out. Helping you avoid their worry, it a car and budget saver you need every day from now on.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id facilisis sapien. Etiam massa mauris, euismod nec condimentum at, suscipit at nulla. Praesent vel fringilla ante. Nunc vel condimentum sapien. Mauris sodales commodo odio, non pulvinar arcu cursus nec. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum elit eros, blandit non magna pellentesque, varius volutpat leo. Fusce a hendrerit lacus, nec viverra enim.
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Did you Know? Radiators and their engine cooling system also sends heat to the heater to warm you in winter, but also has a transmission hot fluid container that cools your 400 degree transmission fluid back to normal 259 degrees. While taking 1000 degree heat away from the engine to keep it healthy.
However, a thin, acidic film in the system turns coolant into battery acid HELL, >>>>and will light a bulb just like the battery can when not service this particular Mega Power Super hero way! Acids are the actual engine transmission and radiator top killers.
KING of Radiator Products.
No other products can stops leaks, and overheating to end cooling problems.
Amazing Super Hero 3 ingredients you will want in every vehicle to prevent, and ends :
Engine Overheating.
Ends Head Gasket Leaks.
Even Heater Core Leaks.
Even Stops Manifold Coolant Leaks.
No Solids to Plug Core Tubes. The Super Hero Radiator Service. Learn more...
My Auto tune up and repair avoiding discovery story.Transmission Problem SolversThis Mega Power Transmission Treatment follows our clean-n-free up process with conditioners for just what you need to get pass your nagging gear shift hangup. Gives your transmission the care and service its needing - now easy to do to avoid a costly repair. Think of the good this $99 product can do to return smooth shifting performance i an hour or less. Click cat button to order.Automotive fuel and engine problem solvers</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><H2 style="font-size:30px;font-weight:normal;">Solving Radiator ProblemsWhat they do precisely. Our Mega Power Fuel Injector Product, Engine Service Product, Transmission Service Product, Radiator System Product cleans out any obstructions in your components that cause loss of power. Removing build-up on intake valves and ports chemically. The cleaners will also remove any carbon buildup on spark plugs ending misfire. Even cleaning the muffler system - for easy breathing on load situations. That is how to have your vehicles work at optimal levels again! They exceed 25,000 miles servicing requirements.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""> Understand the auto tuning, proteting, and repair avoiding method to end your end vehicle transmission problems.This Mega Power Radiator Treatment may be just what you need to get pass your nagging leak, overheating, rusty radiator. head gasket leak hangup. Works fast ///////easy to do. Can give you radiator the care and service its been needing - now, to avoid a costly repair., with my auto tune up and repair avoiding options the fix means cleaning and conditioning troublesome parts. Because, they almost never are broken. Mega Power Additive Treatments provide car/diesel owners the Do It Yourself Products to end their problems. I explain the install. Sell, guarantee the fix result.This Mega Power - Power Steering Treatment may be just what you need to get pass your nagging leak, growl,, rusty fluid problem. ///////Easy to do. Can give you power steering the care and service its been needing - now, to avoid a costly repair Start by signing up for my Vehicle Care Newsletter. It will add to your care and repair power. I'm with you from beginning to end.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style="text-align:left;"><DIV style="">EmailI am at least 16 years of age.I have read and accept the .I understand that you will use my information to send me a newsletter.Subscribe</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""> Reading my site gives you the KNOWLEDGE to use specific Mega Power Products I'll send to you in a few days. To install in 2 simple steps to undue, end, correct your car/equipment problem. Use them future oil changes to keep them going great. </FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""></FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><H2 style="text-align:center;font-size:30px;font-weight:normal;">
… Ever get excited about an amazing product you bought? You couldn’t wait to tell your family, friends and co=workers about it? That’s exactly how I felt about these 5 automotive problem-ending Products.
Their are the tune and problem-solving inventions of Bub Esterline. He calls them Mega Power Additives. He offered to show what they do to improve a vehicles performance the owner thought was perfectly good. In what I would call my perfectly good running SUV.
… I want to tell you I put additives in my oil long before this. Long before becoming a mechanic; to keep my old clunkers going. When I could not afford to fix them. And their overhaul expenses when needed. So, I found part store additives as my crutch to keep them going - they didn't.
Debt for a newer one was always the costly solution - not any more after this demo. I appreciated a good find and became a distributor of their products.
... Tinkering led me to be a mechanic. I used additives for tuning as a mechanic to clean fuel injectors. That’s common. But, met the Esterline's at the Vegas auto show. I never saw any additives with this quality - and right after their install … having the ability to instantly make a perfectly good running car run as if hot rodded.
… Usually, engines can be “hop-up” to do so. But, only after the result of huge, costly modifications. However, his Mega Power Additives amazed me producing that effect.
… So I decided to do my own testing with them. For a couple of weeks, I added Mega Power Tune Kits to every car in the shop - finding, they produced exactly the same results in my customers cars I experienced. These were...
… After a day of soaking iThey s - good running vehicles so treated 👍
… You will find like I did, Bud’s amazing automotive treatments end problems wear and miles cause as long as you want.
The First two of my auto tune up and problem ending options..
My story behind my automotive bumper to bumper tune up and their repair avoiding options.
Who is the villain - The car owner or the parts industry?
If a $400 economical method avoids a $5000 engine overhaul and puts it auto repair off for years-
Who gains? Who loses? Repair shop lose, car sales are not needed so they lose, the huge part industry may suffer - not - you and me!
How a Product Fixes Engine and Gear Problems Chemically:
All my life I've been driven to do things cheaper faster better. Why? - because I was poor! My goal for automotive engine and gear operating problems was to find products to end the problem. Those I found?
Those I found; Mega Power Additives, work so well ending my fuel, engine, transmission, radiator problems I fell in love with them and became a distributor of them.
They service the unit with a cleaner, sludge removers, conditioners, MC+ friction eliminator.
Their super powered features have ended tens of thousands of vehicle owners bumper to bumper operating problems, faster cheaper and better than any other method! That is your goal- it is mine!
Why try Additives?
You paid a lot for your cars and heavy equipment to make your life easier.
Shouldn't their engine transmission radiator steering and a/c problems be just as easy to remedy?
I'll show you how with this 50 year old updated, auto-tune way - many want outlawed. Why? Their reason? Beats them out of profitable auto repair profits.
Should that be the reason to outlaw them? Did they outlaw horseless carriages when they replace horses and mules in transportation and farming? Why then this this care an repair method that avoids most repairing problems?
For your transmission tune, age, operating problem solvers.
I'm America's auto tune up and repair avoiding expert. I train mechanics, auto repair shops to do better repairs, more profitably, and individuals to cut vehicle repair expense to pennies, with my secret to end hundreds of car diesel, Rv, boat and motorcycle operating problems no one else can do cheaper faster or better than me,
Your Auto Tune Up And Repair Options:
Welcome Car Aficionados
Browse our selection of DIY Advice and Products and Buttons on the left. Call me if on a smartphone, have a question, want to place a phone order - instead of online. Call or email me at 512 665 3388
Email for help.
Which is best for you and your vehicles?
Me: I'm your superhero in all this" George Christ is my name. I'm a special kind of mechanic. A respected trainer of mechanics using this system of repair. We are not parts changers. I'm not a parts changer like most - I promote using additives found in one brand to fix or end operating problems - The benefit?
The benefit to the mechanic and auto repair shop.
The Fix Benefit to the diesel rig owner, equipment owner, farm equipment owner, classic car, boat, motorcycle, and man and women car/pickup owner with a vehicle problem in the engine, transmission!
Why do some want to outlaw the practice?
Who is the villain - The car owner, mechanic, oil industry, or the parts industry?
If an economical method costing a few hundred dollars avoids a $5000 engine overhaul for 5 to 10 years. Avoid replacing a $50,000 to $250,000 machine for 5 to ten years - ending their causes of repair problems? And puts it off for years- Who gains? Who loses?
If an engine, transmission, cooling system problem that cost $4000 to end by repair can be done for $400 - Who gains? Who loses? Sure, I appreciate those who go for overhaul or replacement. But for the frugal, or short on funds business or person - this option does more than get you by.
How a Product Fixes Engine and Gear Problems Chemically:
All my life I've been driven to do things cheaper faster better! My goal is to find what reconditions the problem and returns good function to my sick vehicles. My family could use that money - if a way for doing so was found. My DIY auto tune up and repair avoiding options listed here are what trial and error found as the recipe - a treatment I hope you try. Their super powered features have ended tens of thousands of vehicle owners bumper to bumper operating problems, faster cheaper and better than any other method! That is your goal- it is theirs!
The Super Hero Problem Ending Treatment.
I'm sure, my "Super Hero" FIX explained here - with the opportunity to purchase it offered is an option to your vehicle's cheaper, faster, better auto tune up and repair solution - the one you are looking for - so - you can end this problem. Use it to cut in half, your and your family's care and repair transportation expenses -for a better financial well being like it does for us.
The Choice Wives Select!
The Car - Equipment Owner Auto Tune Up And Repair Option
Even my wife thinks so. She's hardly ever wrong about things. And many other wives and women ordered this option to end their vehicles problem. If not cost to repair is slashed! Women get the help it offers. My wife, she backs me up with a refund policy if my option does not work! She knows both win, as we only had just 2 refunds over the years because - if you read your fix page - you will quickly determine if my option, or the other given - the exact repair, are best for you! For my part - of the choice you make: I take the mystery out of your cars problem cause. Helpful? Tens of thousands of mechanics and individuals I've train or sold this option to think so - and have a better clientele, or a better life from them. Is that possible for you?
PS: To ask me a question, order by phone items for your cars solution, call me ... george at 512 665 3388 Yep! I'm not a robot! Nor is this a Madison Avenue colorful site to fool you - I produced it my self with sitesell.coms help.
These products are the way many individuals in the know turn the most troublesome vehicles problems into a great tune up like experience.
No matter if a:
The following are the street proven "treatments you install as shown and end by using the motors worst enemies to advantage!
They work by cleverly reversing their problem causes. Its like turning back the mileages of the component treated to where every parts ran just fine.
Use them as you yearly fluid change out to keep your internals clean and smooth. use them to end problems that suddenly appear - avoiding their costly repair to do so.
Each of the 5 problem enders have healing conditioners.
No other product has proved as good or more successful.
Nor the decades of endurance these give.
Gain the spiffy, stronger, yet smooth, results they provide.
Used for years by repair shops, engine and transmission rebuilders, diesel rig owners, equipment, farm tractor, RV, Classic Car and Bike owners. And Me!
I fell in love with their power and decided to create this site to pass on their benefits.
What customers say -
Mike: “I can’t believe the products George sold me made my noisy tapping, oil consuming old engine I thought was on its last mile, could run sweet, strong, quiet - and not use $20 oil between oil changes! It's been over a year and amy old car still runs sweet and strong!” ...Mike
Greg : “The estimate price to rebuild my diesel engine to end its compression blowby was $6000. I ran across your $400 blowby fix on Google and ordered it. I can’t believe that in minutes the blowby fumes pouring out of the engine. And black exhaust smoke just receded. I followed your tip to add some of the product to the gear boxes and rear end gears. I can’t believe the sudden return to a smooth shifting, great running engine was possible from any additive - and I tried them all. For a fraction of what the repair shop said was needed you fix my problems following your treatment directions.” Greg.
Susan: “ I found your engine sludge removing product online, and with no complaints. It’s sold with a guarantee - no other product has one! Sludge choked down my engine performance. The new car dealer says a new $5000 engine was the only fix. My car is not even worth that - and I didn’t want to go in debt for $25,000 for a new one. However, your $150 sludge remover and engine revitalizer had it running good as new in a week! I’m happy - I bet on your product making it so.” ... Suzy
If you read this far....
You should know, I have an additive treatment from Mega Power Additives to end most any vehicle internal, automotive engine transmission radiator steering an a/c problem deep inside. No matter what, even one causing a serious operating problem. What good that has meant for car and equipment owners is the following…
Hi george. Reporting back results.
Thank you George, for giving me the help on how to restore new life back into my older vehicles.
Alan Fincke Boston MA
Full engine details and demo click here
These two, for engines problems, are your Car and Equipment Fix Options
They …will get you back on the road trouble-free, preventing avoidable problems - 99% are avoidable. Or can add conditioners to suppress the problems for years more usage till when you are ready to repair them...
Mega Power Transmission Treatment
Our Service Treatment you need to end their
nagging rough shift, hangup, slippage, or leak problems.
Full transmission details and demo click here
The next Mega Power Car and Equipment Fix Options
…will get your radiator problems over with
and back on the road faster
keeps repair cost down cheaper.
No matter a leak, scum removal,
even a bad headgasket problem -
No Problem to end.
Made to remove scum film in the system
that cause engine temps to rise unsafely.
It's commonly reported it lowers temps up to 40 degrees.
Keeps the better life going inside wherever coolant flows.
Like all our products...
I'll let you try them for 30 days, then bill you
So you can experience the joy
this auto tune up and repair option gives you.
Join the place us car buffs, auto mechanics, race car owners
farmers, equipment owners, and individuals have found.
That ends your troublesome vehicle problems bound.
These discovery's are your best auto tune up and repair options found.
They are not some ad of the 10 best product - you chose which one. No
No matter the age, or miles, or component problem.
These 5 specific products are your auto tune up and repair best options.
Or, chance the fix the shop down the street offers.
Or sweat years of debt that new car equipment dealer offers.
No don't do that, this is how to live.
Order them all and I'll walk you thru their install
Enjoy the power of these auto tune up/repair options provides.
I'm giving your the steps for your very own problem.
Its what us car buffs and people have done before you.
Order that auto tune up and repair option.
Tomorrow I promise your trouble be gone.
Now its your turn to try what we suggest.
Years from now, you'll be glad of its success.
These are your best auto tune up and repair options today
To end your vehicle problems our way.
Its not all for the joy to save a buck.
Although that's a benefit - not luck
Order what's shown, the good life to return.
Enjoy the one product line - Mega Powers Product Line,
and its Dual Purpose way to end wear and tear problems when they appear.
The only product line to keep returning the new like state!
Its your best auto tune up and repair option ever invented.
that's cheaper faster and better!
written christ. America's Car Care, and Shortcut Repair Expert.
Start the option by signing up for my newsletter tps.
Sign up for our newsletter
Bookmark us to find us again
Order the products options for your component problem.
Then service all of them our way.
Sold with a money back if not so guarantee.
Enjoy next day trouble gone the way like we do.
Keeps the better life they give us, going.
I'll let you try them for 30 days, then bill you
So you can experience the joy
this auto tune up and repair option gives you.
Join the place us car buffs, auto mechanics, race car owners
farmers, equipment owners, and individuals have found.
That ends your troublesome vehicle problems bound.
These discovery's are your best auto tune up and repair options found.
They are not some ad of the 10 best product - you chose which one. No
No matter the age, or miles, or component problem.
These 5 specific products are your auto tune up and repair best options.
Or, chance the fix the shop down the street offers.
Or sweat years of debt that new car equipment dealer offers.
No don't do that, this is how to live.
Order them all and I'll walk you thru their install
Enjoy the power of these auto tune up/repair options provides.
I'm giving your the steps for your very own problem.
Its what us car buffs and people have done before you.
Order that auto tune up and repair option.
Tomorrow I promise your trouble be gone.
Now its your turn to try what we suggest.
Years from now, you'll be glad of its success.
These are your best auto tune up and repair options today
To end your vehicle problems our way.
Its not all for the joy to save a buck.
Although that's a benefit - not luck
Order what's shown, the good life to return.
Enjoy the one product line - Mega Powers Product Line,
and its Dual Purpose way to end wear and tear problems when they appear.
The only product line to keep returning the new like state!
Its your best auto tune up and repair option ever invented.
that's cheaper faster and better!
written christ. America's Car Care, and Shortcut Repair Expert.
Start the option by signing up for my newsletter tps.
Sign up for our newsletter
Bookmark us to find us again
Order the products options for your component problem.
Then service all of them our way.
Sold with a money back if not so guarantee.
Enjoy next day trouble gone the way like we do.
Want new solutions to keep your cars and equipment running smoothly. No matter the brand or age, that avoids their common problems wear and miles causes?
It doesn’t matter...
if it's an engine light, a radiator leak, teeth jarring rough shift, or a bad gasket overheating, oil consumption, compression blowby, warm air-conditioning; car and equipment troubles are always more than a huge inconvenience. They're also budget wrecking too!
What's needed is an alternative that gets to the problems heart.
Why are these automotive additives in kits?
They work two wayS.
We want to help you avoid car troubles:
Our company was created to save you time and money. We saw that so many car owners struggled with car troubles and car solutions when they didn't have to.
So we list the additives combinations that end over 400 problems.
Our ultimate goal is to help all of our customers maintain their vehicles and fix their cars so that they last a long time. We're prepared to do what it takes to get you there.
Solving your car and equipment wear and tear problems cheaper faster easier.
Just when you think you’ve solved your car troubles for good—bam!—another disaster hits. And you are back where you started again.
Do this a few times each year and that means you're shelling out money you probably don't have for car repair. It can add up until your car is causing more trouble than it’s worth. Expensive replacements for new is not an option.
Having to deal with car trouble is so stressful. It shouldn’t be like this. Cars and equipment are meant to make our lives easier, not harder.
This page offers the solution explanations we sell
to make care and problem solving easier!
A new, economical solution makes it possible to consider... Ours! Its called This is its home page to brief you on its benefits to compare.
Surprisingly, you don't need a mechanic. With most modern engine transmission radiator steering and a/c problems an additive treatment you can install ends the problem for a fraction of repair cost. Sold here for your auto tune and problem ending.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id facilisis sapien. Etiam massa mauris, euismod nec condimentum at, suscipit at nulla. Praesent vel fringilla ante. Nunc vel condimentum sapien. Mauris sodales commodo odio, non pulvinar arcu cursus nec. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum elit eros, blandit non magna pellentesque, varius volutpat leo. Fusce a hendrerit lacus, nec viverra enim.
What it does precisely. Our Mega Power Product offerings clean out any obstructions in your engine that cause loss of power due to build-up on intake valves and ports. The cleaner will also remove any carbon buildup on spark plugs so that they work at optimal levels again!
Our engine transmission radiator steering and a/c additive treatments can alleviate the need for your present problems repairs. And will prolong the life of your vehicle by their smoothing conditioning features. And help you save money, time and energy doing so. This time can compound over the years leading to hours of saved time. Get ready to spend less time going to the repair shop and more time driving!
When you work with us, you can be rest assured that we’ll take care of any car troubles you might experience. We’re here for you, guiding you through the car treatment process, helping you every step of the way. So don’t worry—when you work with me guiding you thru these We’ll get the job done and have you back on the road in no time.
This page:
Science in Mega Power Additives Step two offer a return to new like, by removing friction drag and by smoothing rubbing surfaces. Adding to its problem ending features. For mechanic and do it yourself car owner. Your
How your fix is installed...
Enjoy this lo-cost, easy to do two step method like these 2 pictures show. The 2 steps install works like this... Directions briefs...
No better, easier, cheaper way to ending operating and mechanical problems by chemistry reversing problem causes.
You read that correctly! Read it again!
Imagine the good to your vehicles when years and miles of wear, sludge, carbon - and their trouble-causing ways are removed and damage reversed back to normal.
Such features are benefiting vehicle owners by returning a new-like, much smoother operation.
Any problem they caused just stops or ends.
What returns is you find your car going 75 mph instead of 70. Your having to back off the gas pedal to lower speed. Besides no more problem in most cases, at fuel tank fuel up each week, if you keep mileage figures like I do. You see you are gaining 20 to 40 more miles distance on each tank of fuel.
If a diesel rig, hills are climbed a gear higher. More distance on each tank of fuel.
Farmers find their tractor running a half day longer on each fill up of fuel.
All beneficial results of preventing, or ending problems with these servicng treatments.our servicing treatments.
Please note: Each component in one way or another starts draining away horsepower from the engine. Just changing the fluids and oils can't reverse the dirty conditions and return the long life, like new, problem gone state from just servicing the troublesome components.
The 5 treatments shown here is the way to do so. See video.
Doing so for a fraction of the thousands most pay to fix by repair. Same result - just a big difference in cost.
Science in Mega Power Additives offer a two step automotive engine problem solving solution for mechanic and do it yourself car owner. This one: Fuel tank is step one for engines. Your
Two steps for any ending any internal problem.
No Refunds ask for---
Lets get stated ... By Signing Up For My Vehicle Preservation Tips-Newsletter. Then read the page below for the help you need - or call me.
And - Notice the headlind that introduces for you to enjoy this cheaper faster better problem solving Treatment - and auto tune up and repair avoiding options...
Mega Power Additives are package to solve every know vehicle problem. Makes vehicle ownership easier. Longer. Keeps more of your money in your pocket - not others.
Check out these engine problem solvers for:
For Transmission problem solvers for:
Additives to end overheating, leak, head-gasket problems
Additives to end power steering problems
Additives to end A/C problems
Diesel Farm Tractor and Equipment Additive Problem solvers > Click here...
The smallest to biggest automotive problems start by acidic conditions creating problems additives can now end. That's your auto tune up and repair avoiding options I'll show you to use like a Pro.
Note why...
Here's why you should look into these right now...
Here's their better solution...
Auto repair means replacing troublesome piston bearing valve and gear shift parts. However, they almost never are broken. Mega Power Additive Treatments are providing car/diesel owners the Do It Yourself work-around service products to end their problem. Helping mechanics do a complete repair.
Why switch to our auto tune up and repair options.
Introducing a new better way to care for and repair that solves the car owners REAL vehicle problem, from Mega Power Additives.
Car and equipment owners owners go to where they get the best deal.
That's true of problems caused inside vehicles. They know the extreme heat, pressures, and acidic conditions are his vehicles problem causes.
If you read this far you may be worried about your vehicle or equipment problem. You may be looking for the best solution.
A failure along the road somewhere is a worry. Repair cost another. This article solves both issues for you.
If a fuel, engine, transmission, radiator, steering or a/c problem starts happening. Or clunks, tap, leak, oil burn or poor cooling occurs. The problem is dirty conditions bogging down the system.
Compare the fix by a mechanic.. by additives
These are common problem occuring after 100,000 miles of driving - the fix that cost $3000 to $10,000. Or $50,000 for a new vehicle years too soon.
The problem is... its parts and shaft wear a grove, or a varnish hump built-up, prevents full smooth operation. Its very worrisome, as you may realize.
How Chemistry is solving, ending automotive problems bumper to bumper.
However, some smart people at Mega Power Additive research invented a formula that corrects operating, wear, and mechanical problems with conditioners.
The fix is a treatment easy for anyone to use by addition of a 3 part formula to the components fluid - by entree into the dipstick hole.
Their treatments - shown below. 6 for cars and six fo big rigs and diesels are called Mega Powers Problem-Solver Treatments. They return transfer of motor full power to the wheels - ending the slip, tap, wear, sludge, or other hangup problem.
Mega Powers Treatments are easy for any man or women or mechanic to install. A 3 item kit removes the problem as you drive. Driving caused it. In a few miles its again allows the clean smooth powerful operation . Ending the problem permanently. And at a lo-cost.
Car Equipment Servicing Note:
However, their real purpose is to be a service and problem preventative product.
Installed in engines, transmissions, radiators, steering, and a/c systems servicing helps the unit after 100,000 miles to go 200,000 miles.
This is now easily possible for the frugal person using the same product as a problem preventer. Providing the needed anti-wear and cleaning to protect every component by means of its 2 year old fluid replacement service.
Side Note:
After 100,000 miles the transmission, steering system, and radiator should have their system Mega Power Additive Serviced by changing out their 2 year old dirty fluid. This is the secret to a problem free ca diesel operation during the next 100,000 miles. You take big chances, if not doing so.
Ordering online. These kits comes with written and tech phone instructions. Work right before your eyes. Require driving to make them end problems. Has a firm guarantee, to do so.
Our specials and ordering info:
Order one or more Mega Power Treatments. Specials given. They are sent to your door in 3 days. The easy install, and require a week later fluid replacement. This is what can have you on down the road of life happy again, and with more money in your pocket r years to come.
The Mega Power Treatments includes 3 items needed. Includes Easy to follow Do-it-yourself directions, phone help if needed, guarantee. Delivered by FedEx or USPS in about 3 days to your door. For Canada we add $25 shipping.
Most are low cost products for a few hundred dollars can avoid a $3000 expense.
Order a kit for each vehicle. Our chosen Mega Power Brand pays you to use them!
Read a few pages to get the sense of them. Click cart button, links or menu to find your specific problem solver.
Comparison Pricing.
A five minute read about ending transmission problems chemically.
Mega Power is an inventor of automotive and equipment bumper-to-bumper, anti-wear, servicing products
Lowering the Cost to Fix the Problem:
About Mega Power Products.
Mega Power, an inventor of automotive and diesel fuel, engine, transmission radiator servicing products. They feature a number of formula ingredients. Featuring MC+, invented to overcome problems in commonly sold additives, premium fuels, engine synthetic oils, gear oils, and coolant fluids, that cuts a vehicles life in half.
About Me Helping You.
I'm george christ, a mechanic, and the country's expert on what additives work, and those to stay a way from.
You will find on this site the additive solution I recommend and guarantee. And the brand I chose to sell for this problem. I also add items to provide the fix as a total solution to the problem, offering the longest life endurance. Of course reducing the repair expense is the other goal.
If I supply your business Mega Power Products, its to help you use their features to attract better paying customer. Build customer loyalty. Help you grow your income by thousands more monthly.
What causes your problem?
You would think the good oils and fluids have all that in them - but they do not! 50 % of the additives in oil and fluids are to keep them from turning back into tar again during they stay in your motor radiator and transmission. 50% are to make them flow easy hot and cold. Be watery thin to lube and cool. To hold a cupful of sludge in the oil to keep it from sticking.
But high temperatures, acids, and extreme pressures you have to replace when a costly problem they cause - those good oils and fluids cause your vehicles piston bearing valve gear gaskets will one day - many years to soon cause your car parts to jam bind wear out faster, cause leaks operating ans mechanical problems - so much for the half truth oils have all you need. How additives prevent those problems - as long as you want them too!
With the additive kits Mega Power Additives put together and me explaining which to use, here for you to purchase, you can fix any mechanical problem out of a can. Have the vehicles major components run indiffinitly with them.
How to end, and avoid engine gear radiator steering and a/c repair expense.
Additive COVERAGE: They are great providing the fix for fuel, engine problems, transmission problems, radiator problems, power steering problems, a/c problems, offering benefits of a long term problem avoidance afterward - whereas, if you don't know their uses and power, your only fix is what a mechanic says.
The EXPENSE they avoid: Why be stuck with a thousand$ in repair expense, when a few hundred dollars of additives could be the fix - end, the problem.
Long term advantages from additives: The brand we love and feature, Mega Power Additives often return better, long term results that's himmediately seen. The thousands in expense avoidance is well worth the learning curve - and I've made it simple with an additive recipe for every known problem - found here listed by the problem.
Everyone’s needs are different when it comes to taking care of their vehicles. Since vehicle servicing is such an uncommon problem auto repair providers can overprice the repair to their advantage. Our articles solves that problem. Offers a cure with additives.
Our goal: Here, you are sent to the article and additive recipe info for the knowledge of your problem origin, so you can compare your problem to the fix offered, so you won't pay to much. Pay thousands for work not needed. But offered additives to try first.
At auto tune up and repair options, no matter what your needs are, there are a couple core criteria you will learn and use as a starting point. I call them options to solving the actual problem. The other choices are repair. Better performance results and may be worth more than the saving of arepair need.
Reading a few of my auto tune up and repair option pages is a good start.
I made it lite reading and you can always call me for help or with questions and to order more for resell.
Here at I will give you provide this advantage so you know the mechanic knows what to fix. What to try first to see if that works.
And not ignorantly OK replacing uncalled good parts - running up the bill by thousands. For his profit at your expense.
Here's how works:
....Read How This One Auto Tune Up And Repair Product Can Improve Your Life With Better Car and Equipment Additives In Many Ways...
Whom Am I ? I call myself: cardoctor 2.
I'm the country's expert on Additives and their problem solving.
They are your automotive and diesel problem solvers.
"Mega Powers Worn Motor Treatment, And Their 4 Other Vehicle Bumper-To-Bumper Servicing Products - Prevent and End, And Then Keep Away Costly Vehicle Problems.
Helping Vehicle Owners Have A Better Life Cutting In Half Vehicles Expenses.
You .... Can Depend On Mega Power Additives To Help you Add Years More Dependable Service To Your Older Cars And Equipment Starting today.
Your paying for them but not getting their help.
Adding Additives to your Yearly Servicing Cost Turns Out To Be An Investment Pushing Overhaul and Replacement Expense Years Into The Future.
By Its Infusion Of Conditioners in Mega Power Additives - with their recipe You Will Keep Your Older Vehicles Running "Like-New."
They Turn Out To End Rough Running Problems. Engine Oil Burning, Lousy Fuel Economy, Tapping. Rough Shifting, Sludge, Overheating, And Leak Causes. They Are Unique Features. Costly Otherwise If done By Actual Repair.
Their Restorative Features Are Helping Me Put Off Tens-Of-Thousand$ In Vehicle Replacement Expense These Many Years. A "Blessing," I Feel, To Financially Help Add to My Family's Better Way Of Life. Many Are Doing The Same.
PS: I suggest Car and Equipment Owners Should Give Them A 6 Month Try To Really See Its Benefits.... george christ. San Marcos Texas Mega Power Vehicle Additive Distributor.
Now, a bumper-to-bumper, scientific product to double a vehicles life and mileage, avoiding problems and their repair expense line before wear out.
For your cars trucks tractors RV's, boats, motor cycles, and machines - Ends problems and their causes. Those features fix their wear and tear problems - out of a can.
Engine and other Bumper-to-bumper Treatments that cuts vehicle ownership care, tune, repair, and endurance the best value for you -
Order our online now, use it for 30 days. And take advantage of our 30 day money back guarantee. We won't charge your cc anytime in 30 days if not more than pleased with results. Just tell by then if not delighted because it failed to work, for a 100% refund on the spot guarantee.
Why all these additives are needed? : Why its better... why I call them Mega Power's Car Fixhers. Engine and other Component Treatments should be your vehicle's best service and problem solving products.
Mega Powers Brand Engine Treatment is keeping thousands of vehicles going and avoiding need for overhaul.
By the time 100,000 miles for cars, and 300,000 miles occur for diesels, negative conditions begin to affect the vehicles running and power. Mega Power Brand Engine Treatments are helping vehicle owners solve those engine problems at a fraction of what a repair expense.would cost. Learn more here about our Mega Power Engine Treatment.
The following Mega Power Transmission Treatment may be just what you need to get pass your nagging rough gear shift hangup.
Understand what additives work for each part of the problem.
The following Mega Power Brand Automotive Additive Treatments help problems from a worn out component, or operates but has no power pass through.
Worn out components have no busted parts. There are no busted parts, but many dirty, wear roughen ones preventing the normal power or operation. Kits containing all the moving parts replace the worn out ones restore normal operation.
Auto repair means replacing troublesome piston bearing valve and gear shift parts. However, they almost never are broken. Mega Power Additive Treatments provide car/diesel owner the Do It Yourself work-around service products to end their problem, avoiding their repair expense.
The medicine that heals vehicle problems
Instead of replacing troublesome piston bearing valve and gear shift parts. They are almost never are broken.
Mega Power Additive Treatments provide car/diesel owner the Do It Yourself work-around service products to end their problem. This can mean avoiding their repair expense.
Preparing Your vehicles for the Mega Power Treatment. Please note:
As a Mega Power Distributor we earn from qualifying purchases. However, our love for teaching this form of vehicle care, preservation, problem ending, and alternatives to problem solving adds the humanity feature just hraving products for sale lon shelves looses.
We’re big advocates of organic care for vehicles. Organic care is opposite mechanical repair.
Auto repair means replacing troublesome piston bearing valve and gear shift parts. However, they almost never are broken. Mega Power Additive Treatments provide car/diesel owners the Mega Power Product Do It Yourself work-around service products to keep vehicles healthy, end their problems. The means to a trouble avoiding operation for decades.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id facilisis sapien. Etiam massa mauris, euismod nec condimentum at, suscipit at nulla. Praesent vel fringilla ante. Nunc vel condimentum sapien. Mauris sodales commodo odio, non pulvinar arcu cursus nec. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum elit eros, blandit non magna pellentesque, varius volutpat leo. Fusce a hendrerit lacus, nec viverra enim.
Contact Info: If on a smart phone, to ask a question, order items listed, for repair advice and additives to do so, call me ... george christ America's Expert On Automotive Problem Solving. Sign up for my newsletter. Call me for help if need be. 512 665 3388
That's My Mission To Help You.
introducing little known engine transmission radiator steering an a/c problem ending shortcut options. Sent to your door in 3 days, and guaranteed to have you back on life's road doing what's needed to end costly automotive problems.
What's in them that works other brands don't have?
Think of the power those Cleaning, Freeing, Smoothing, Healing, Filling, and Anti-Friction features have to END and prevent your vehicles problems.
They are packages for easy usage. Non-techy skills needed. Just add and drive to prevent and end problems. They are here packaged by me to do so.
Your auto tune up and repair avoiding options can be the one means cut-in-half your family's transportation expenses, by their lowering cost of repair.
Their value to end bumper to bumper problems is the only asset we teach.
Ending your automotive engine transmission radiator steering and a/c problems. Package to easily install and do the service - yet find it end problems you are now searching for the best consideration.
You may have one of these common troubles listed. Click the problem to go to its page for the fix. Order what's recommended to get over it.
You may want to scan this page to see how broad the coverage for help to keep your vehicles out of the repair shop and years longer on the road. THAT'S MY MISSION! Found nowhere else.
Then read a few page links on what's offered to see how helpful I've made it as a Do it Yourself auto tune up and repair avoiding option. BookMark it to find it later.
Contact info: To ask a question, tips, repair second opinion. Order items listed by phone, reorder, call me... I'm a mechanic - Give Free Advice. george at 512 665 3388
When your car, truck, tractor, diesel rig, dozer, RV pusher, boat, motorcycle, machine suddenly starts working bad, has
Listed here, The 5 products in a treatment package to end your vehicles operating problem. Complete! Ready to work - or no charge if not!
Auto tune up and repair options contact info: To ask a question about your car problem. Tips. Buy by phone products listed to so so. Call me at 512 665 3388 email: Write a review.
Don't wait until its to late!
Instead, join the growing popularity of using Mega Power Engine Transmission Radiator Steering and A/C Maintenance Treatment users ---- To remove those sticky contaminates and to add conditioners to avoid an expensive repair, so failure won't occur.
Use this amazing add-n-drive product invention to keep vehicles going right that last for decades.
How to see what to use.
Cars an Equipment Were Bought To Make Life Easier.
Auto tune up and repair options solve their problems faster, cheaper, easier, to enjoy the life you bought them for.
You now have an easier and cheaper way to care for, and protect your vehicles - extending their life doing so, with these problem-ending recipe options.
Over the years tens of thousands of motorist have tried and seen Mega Power Additives end problems they were about to pay to have done by repair.
That's why Google listed our site for you to try.
The reason is because of Mega Power Additive unique features to always return the smoothest strongest vehicle operation in as little as 10 minutes to a day of driving - ending the problem and repair need.
Hated by many mechanics as "additives can't fix what broken," they say, and rightly so.
But 99 out out of 100 operating and mechanical problems do not have broken parts.
Yet, many mechanics, repair shop customers, and millions of car, truck, diesel rig, farm tractor, even winning race cars owners depend on their cleaning smoothing features no other additive offers.
You will see how easy it is to do so. Adding Mega Powers MC+ Conditioners and Protectors removing the cars negatives of friction, sludge, and their anti-wear chemically tuning up your engine transmission radiator steering and a/c systems. Troubles disappear - for a fraction of the cost those who do so by repair must charge you.
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My husband added Mega Power's Engine Treatment to my car, and the problem the engine has just went away. Of course that helps me trust the car once more.
Introducing the - Engine Additives Maintenance Kits to End Your Vehicles Trouble With
Sent To your door in 3 days ready to install.
vehicle service solution. Made easy to do so.
You will find its the results of 4 smart smart inventors, and our continuing street testing we proudly promise such. Something more than the glissing, slickly advertise concoctions (packaged to take your money away from you ) don't promise.
They won't promise - to end your vehicles every internal problem - (no matter from wear, sludge, friction like we do. No matter the problems cause - not only end it. But also give you and amazing performance. Tire burning racy result. ( No wonder for its many race car engine builders and race car owners ).
Not only do we guaranteed to contain the strongest formula's concentrations in the world for the job. Maximun possible strength ends the hassle of wondering if it will work. It bound with the promise by promising to end every known wear and tear problem, - not just because of its strength, but each offers the ideal formula for every problem. promising to clean it out, recondition the interior part, add conditioning so they work at peak performance again.
And we have 12 premium servicing treatments to each saying what they do promise. The correct formula.
You will find our auto tune up and repair options offers the potential to exceed the expectations for ending internal problems as our pure, premium, synthetics provide the appropriate additives to optimize your engine performance.
a problem, anti-wear protection, long life usage, not only will instantly return the vehicles state to normal. Its not just our promise to end your vehicle problem. But to also promise to do so, and continue its amazing new-like normalcy to the day the crusher - some distant time in future puts its to rest. Or you're tired of its great riding performance year after year, Go for the looks, driving wonder smell of a new one. Trade it it for top dollar - or pass it on to the kids to see their world in, also year after year. You will discover, upon our auto tune up and repair, problem ending options being inside your most problematic component, no matter today its your car, truck, tractor, diesel rig, dozer, RV pusher, boat, motorcycle, machine acting badly, getting worst, having a problem this way or that. Makes no difference to our servicing products.
You wonder? How can any one company guarantee their ingredients do so?
This is a great option for car owners seeking to extend their cars’ lifespans.
The company, Mega Power Additives is popular for its great attention to producing problem ending products. High mileage does not prevent its problem ending. Its value adds and extend the life of your engine while improving its performance significantly.
A common issue with engines that have high mileage on them is the accumulation of sludge build-up over time. Auto tune up and repair options treatments can help in cleaning out this unwanted sludge to make your engine run smoother for longer.
The option offered can serve almost every make and capacity including SUVs, trucks and light vans. Also recommended for high speeds protection, yet add equal protection in stop on the go driving. This product is used in aviation and in the two-cycle engines.
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Enjoy the one brand of additives that never lets you down.
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Then select the link to your solution below. I'll be solution page to guide you.
How To Drive-Away Your Car Engine Problem, Says Mechanic. "Not Repair Them Away" The reason for most engine problems is overheating. You can't feel or see it, but happens as scum builds up - over the winter. Its like wearing a fur coat day after day 300 degree heat. It should be 250 degrees in the engine and radiator. Scum blocks heat exit.
Engine oil and engine parts are streesed as a result. You have a problem now. What will it do next?
The best way to end car engine problems is to click the menu button listing your problem. You Learn This Method Of Car/Equipment Care using additives for Ending Engine Transmission and Radiator Headaches -"As You Drive." Each article details this better way to keep car and truck engine running cool asa cucumber - ending the cause of its trouble - from becoming serious threats. Read a few pages to see how to.
Yearly Chemical Tune Up Returns Waning Horsepower. Keeps Cars Healthy.
This once-a-year "Chemical Conditioner" car-buff-secret keeps renewing older, even worn vehicle life going for another year's usage. Any car truck. Read a few pages to see how to.
Boost High-Mileage Diesel "Life And Performance" For A Few More Years, Claim Fleet Owners.
Discover the service that ends
horsepower theft, and performance making diesels seem worn out. "Keeps your rigs on the road working as if years newer, and bottom line black," fleet owners say. Read a few pages to see how to.
Prevent Engine Overhaul Need Easily
#1 Way To Go 100,000 Miles Further on any vehicle. Save yourself $50K doing so. Read a few pages to see how to.
Double New Car Truck Life
End its Break-in Period This Way. Why Important right nwo. Read a few pages to see how to.
Race Car Secret To More Wins. "Endurance Secret."
Give your vehicles years more endurance like race car owners do. Be a winner keeping your own vehicles winning the wear and tear race. Read a few pages to see how to.
A Service To Add Years Longer Truck Life
Yes! Cut Its Friction! Saves A Gallon Of Fuel Every Fill-up. Climb Hills, A Gear Higher. Pushes Overhaul Need Into The Future. Read a few pages to see how to.
Truckers: Stops Adding A Gallon Oil Between Oil Changes.
But won't Harm your car/truck engine. Not Thick - Nor Gooey, Either.
Don't Let Engine Sludge Or Tapping Ruin Your Car!
This method removes both, then returns your strong, quiet engine performance. Stops Horrific Engine tapping. Read a few pages to see how to.
Better Fuel Economy
Helps Computer Give You Better Mileage. Learn How... Read a few pages to see how to.
Click Menu Buttons for Details
The King of Engine Fixers. Services your engine problem away - guaranteed. The Firsts, top-to-bottom carbon, engine sludge, and friction removing product - making it the KING OF ENGINE ADDITIVES. The install recipe is professional, but maded for everyone to end their engine problems with. The Mega Power Engine Treatment. This KING RULES, not problems, when in your engine. Read a few pages to see how to.
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Having a Car problem? "Not As Bad As It Looks," Claims Expert.
Most vehicle problems can end without repair. Yours Too! Learn the secret and save your vehicles and your cash with this method. Read a few pages to see how to.
Driving Ends Automotive Operating or Mechanical Problems
Addiitives made by Mega Power, end a varity of operating problems repair use to. Reverses Them in Brand New, to Older Worn Cars, Diesel Rigs, Tractors, Rv's Motorcycles, Race Cars, Boats, and Industrial Machines. Read a few page to seh how.
"Best" DIY Auto Tune Up And Repair Avoiding Options To Return Performance.
The HOW TO, Not just to cut-in-half your life's second biggest expenses. Add a "new-like" driving a pleasure to them.
Real Solutions some mechanics don't want you to know!
Explained and Shown the How-to Here by the Country's Expert on Problem-Solving Additives. george christ. Read a few pages to see how to.
Why The Invention of Problem Solving Additives?
Mega Power is more than an oil additive. It provides what's missing - in oils and fluids - The ability to turn back the last 25,000 miles to rerun them again. Imagine the good it does to remove internal binding and friction grinding. Their horsepower lost, and end of your vehicle problem. In one Mega Power Service you gain a new-like performance! And a cost-efficient end to performance and mechanical problems chemically. Bumper-to-bumper. Draining out sludge and frictions grip. Ending what oil and new parts can't return. That upsets a vehicles life.
That's what Mega Power usage in your future can bring. Millions of car, big rig, tractors, Rv boat motorcycle and machine owners say about Mega Power. Give it a test drive and see for yourself. Read a few pages to see how to.
What is Scheduled Maintenance?
For engines:
Transmission Servicing.
Today's transmissions require:
Radiator Cooling System Service.
Power Steering system service.
The sludge buildup problem. Its there growing until one day - Trouble.
Our auto tune up and repair options conditioners removes sludge to maintain the new-like cleanliness factor for longest trouble-free life . They may end or prevent future problems. This site offers option the premium option, - explained and detailed for auto repair shops and individuals.
Investing in such care every 2 years our ways exceeds the problem-causing manufacturer’s maintenance schedule. Most mechanics are able to give you advice on what you should have done and when - as they see the results off what products and services do or don't do. Read a few pages to see how to.
Mega Power's Bumper-to-Bumper Service Products will have your vehicles running great in minutes! Ends engine trans mission head gasket tapping oil burning tough-shift many other troubles doing so. Making Mega Power The KING of Automotive Problem Solvers.
Because our service provides clean out and anti-wear conditioning, it is more than an oil additive or engine rinse.
It's an internal wear and mechanical problem ender. Made possible by MC+ [metal conditioning and anti-wear chemistry]. After the fist mile, you will better Mega Power's approach to car care and wear problem solving as your every 2 years.
For Professional use only. But easy to learn. More...
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What customers say happen I guarantee will happen.
Mike: “I can’t believe the products George sold me made my noisy tapping, oil consuming old engine I thought was on its last mile, could run sweet, strong, quiet - and not use $20 oil between oil changes! It's been over a year and my old car still runs sweet and strong!” ...Mike
Greg : “The estimate price to rebuild my diesel engine to end its compression blowby was $6000. I ran across your $400 blowby fix on Google and ordered it. I can’t believe that in minutes the blowby fumes pouring out of the engine and black exhaust smoke just receded. I followed your tip to add some of the product to the gear boxes and rear end gears. I can’t believe the sudden return to a smooth shifting, and great running engine was possible from any additive - and I tried them all. For a fraction of what the repair shop said was needed, you fix my problem. Following your treatment directions is simple - for solving such a complex problem.” Greg.
Susan: “ I found your engine sludge removing product online, and with no complaints. It’s sold with its guarantee - no other product has one! My sludge choked down engine has a full recovery. The performance is great and I really can't believe it. The new car dealer said, a new $5000 engine was the only fix. My car is not even worth that - and I didn’t want to go in debt for $25,000 for a new one. However, your $150 Mega Power Brand sludge remover engine revitalizer had it running good as new in a week! I’m so happy - I'm glad I bet on your product making it so.” ,.. Suzy
You should know that I have an additive treatment from Mega Power Additives available to end most any vehicle internal, automotive engine transmission radiator steering an a/c problem deep inside. No matter what, even one causing a serious operating problem.
The good the 6 kits has meant for car and equipment owners is … a new option to consider. Is it worth it to install these additives as a possible lo-cost alternative, or go for the costly repair option?
If so, look for links to your problem and order the items listed.
A word of warning.
However, millions of motorist and equipment owners spend thousands of dollars unnecessarily because they and their mechanic are not aware of this option.
Part stores - to make a quick buck, sell knock off products with huge markups that confuse the vehicle owner. Such part store and quick lubes products have proven harmful. Stay away from them.
Don't go for magic powders, micro ceramics, gooey fluids either. What's needed aare the street proven treatment sold here:
Benefits of Mega Power Engine Additives:
More cost-effective: By investing in Mega Power's Worn Engine Treatment, you can enjoy its recovery and reduce your expenses you no longer have to endure costly and time-consuming car and equipment repairs. And keep ythose savings working for your business. With the latest advancements in automotive additive science helping you
Click Here To Learn More!
It doesn’t matter who you are:
No Risk Money-Back Guarantee
We are confident that our Mega Power Brand Treatments will meet and exceed your expectations for auto tune-up and repair. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Simply return the unused portion of the product, along with a copy of your receipt, within 30 days of purchase for a full refund of the purchase price.
At Mega Power, customer satisfaction is our top priority. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible solutions to keep your vehicle working superbly. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We are here to help.
Take advantage of the peace of mind that comes with the Mega Power money-back guarantee. Try it today and experience the difference for yourself. "Click Here To Learn More!
Invest in Mega Power Auto Tune-Up and Repair Products to keep your vehicle in optimal performance. Our additives are a proven alternative to traditional repair solutions, removing the mystery of vehicle problems. Our 40-year background in additive research and extensive knowledge of every component's design and function guarantees to solve your oil burning, blowby, valve tap, loss of power, rough shift, overheating, and other issues.
Our treatments cover bumper-to-bumper problems caused by acid and heat, removing sludge and friction. With 6 treatments for servicing and problem-solving, our products provide the added value of cleaning and smoothing parts for a new-like operation. Our website lists over 400 problem-solving recipes and our tech hotline provides instant assistance.
Incorporating Mega Power into your inventory can increase your profits with a typical 100% markup for repair assistance and a 400% markup for problem-solving with a guarantee to apply the cost to repair if needed. Our treatments are increasingly used by repair shops and mechanics, and adding them to your invoices can attract more satisfied customers.
Rudy's Automotive, San Marcos, Tx has a 20-year history of growth using Mega Power Products and attests to their staying power and results. Our auto tune-up and repair product directions come with videos and personal phone walk-throughs for hassle-free installation.
In summary, Mega Power Auto Tune-Up and Repair Products offer complete, professional-quality service, with a guarantee to end vehicle problems and bring increased profits. Get started today to experience the benefits for yourself. Click Here To Learn more
Choose Mega Power Automotive Additive Treatment
Auto Tune Up And Problem Ending Service Products From Mega Power Additives Are Ending The Worry On The Best Way To End Most Vehicle Toubles. So Easy, Women Are Doing So.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id facilisis sapien. Etiam massa mauris, euismod nec condimentum at, suscipit at nulla. Praesent vel fringilla ante. Nunc vel condimentum sapien. Mauris sodales commodo odio, non pulvinar arcu cursus nec. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum elit eros, blandit non magna pellentesque, varius volutpat leo. Fusce a hendrerit lacus, nec viverra enim.
Step one auto tune up and problem ending.: Add items 1 and 2 we show you to the fuel tank.
This Should Be Your Best Car And Equipment Care and Problem Ending Option.
For 2 reasons:
1- One reason: You are more in need of new aids to car care than you realize for an:
....alternative repair option than a costly repair. Why? Repair of your vehicles internal parts almost never acutally fail as the problem for your vehicles problem in today's vehicles.*
2- Reason two: Actual repairs set you up for future repair problems by doing nothing to stop their faster frail part failure advance, as your cars go pass 100,000 miles. As your diesels go pass 300,000 miles.**
Ditch the old ways
Traditionally, since grandpa's model A days your car and equipment operating and mechanical problems needed fixed by replacing trouble-causing parts - and they use to need being replaced.
2. **I'm a mechanic. For most of my life I've been fixing vehicles with addditives- my own, and my customers vehicles that way.
At the coffee shop they laugh when I said that's what helps my vehicles.
The boys at the coffee shop laugh when talking equipment repair problems nd their expense. And the laugh -more a sneer occurs when I say these additive prevent those troubles in my vehicles. They laugh and say "it can't be"
Are they costly, No! They pay you for using them.
Are they costly> Sure, if you compare them to what's sold as additivesonline and in part stores. These are realy sold that way as they need a little schooling the part store can't provide.
Would They Be for You? It depends.
That's depends on which seat at the coffee shop you sit in.
If you sit in the sit and judge all additives by your experience from part stores additives, they are bad. Not needed. Are in the oils we use. Not recommended by the dealer.
If you sit in my seat at the coffe shop in my place, you may try to tell them you appreciate these additives for preventing your engine, transmission, radiator, steering and a/c problems.
The real auto tune up and repair options you need.
Automotive and equipment troubles are rarely due to part failure - and rarely have a need to replaced the trouble-causing ones with clean shinny, easy-moving new ones - and these two companies have the additive discoveries that do the same to the toruble cauing - and every other part. They remove the sludge and friction causing the troubles.
They smooth out the cause reversing the problem to end it. And even can coat their worn areas so a newness returns - that makes possible double and triple vehicle life. You may decide to try my auto tune up and repair options just for those benefits to prevent troubles. They are in these pages.
Which are you?
Review and how to follow my fix you problem options.
Try these links see what hey say and order the items offers and guaranteed.
Call mme if tht; to much for you for by phone recos.
My auto tune up and repair option walks you through the fix process - adding the needed items to the component in two steps. Those I learned from field testing of what works and guarantees the right result. Bascally...
You add them to the component as hown. Its easy. No skill needed. For the engine its to the gas and oil or the component fluid.
What results as you drive is the fix. Is it really possible ?
Check these automotive repair options out to see if your problem is covered.
Read what my customers say about their auto tune up and repair problem types
Why "this"is what your car needs for the fix.
Did you know the difference in our help and that of others:
Some sites and stores just sell products - they have you pic which to try to solve your problem. They are not experts. We are... We tell you what to use and give you a statisfaction refund guarantee. Them - never! We know what works! A Differences only an expert can give. We are those in this field.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><H2 style="text-align:center;font-size:30px;font-weight:normal;"> A Race Car Owners "Winning Edge Discovery" - Now a Secret For Ending Bumper-to-Bumper Vehicle Problems. Millons of Vehicle Owners, Mechanics, Equipment Owners Are Using Them - And why not you?Each of your vehicles component troubles are end by a combination of these Mega Power Brans items.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""></FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""> Cost-Lowering Car And Equipment Care And Repair Options, Tips, and Products.
Step one auto tune up and problem ending.: Add items the others we show you to the fuel tank.
I also guarantee the results from two sources.
1- What years of my own and repair shops I stock usage of these products show an confirms that end the fix.
2- What tens of thousands say you will all experience. [Most ads say the experiences are not guaranteed for you. Mine our. [ Please note : No refunds request in the last 3 years of Thousands of users].
Mega Power Additives are not just for Mechanics and race cars. Many Women find them the help for ending vehicles problems. Why Not You Also?
OUR auto tune up and repair options
You Don't Have To Be Anxious About Your Car Breaking Down Anymore:
You will agree,
... our vehicles and equipment were purchased to make our lives easier. The way we solve their problems should be easy? They are not untill this invention came along.
But, the present system of vehicle care ignores doing it easier and cheaper even though its kown. I'm making it easier for you with tthat invention in these hese auto tune up and repair options..
Click to read how a race car owner's winning edge discovered , became the solution.
Contact info... auto tune up and repair options. On a cell phone. To Order Online. To ask a question to see if this option is for your problem. Call or Tex Me... george at 512 665 3388.
Lets get started getting you a great ride again. Your vehicles problems...
Racing team’s Winning “Secret Formulas”now saving drivers $thousands in repairs ...
Dear Vehicle Owner, …
Imagine a product you pour into your cars component fluids and it avoids a $300 to $10,000 expensive repair!
Imagine having vehicles and equipment which rarely needs repairs, and never lets you down.
Just imagine the money you save and their inconvenience you avoid.
A distant fantasy? Not at all.
My name is George Christ. I’ve been a mechanic for most of my life. And I assure you from my, and my customers’ experience, it’s a reality! All thanks to these “Secret Formulas” which went on to gain years of national wins -
Their secret? Add this product during the race - which used the cars internal negative forces toadvantage.
What resulted was the reversing of the strain of wear - and wear, that released absorbed horsepower.
What a stunning advantage!
I've taken several engine apart before and years after the usage of these products and they always shown the smae new-like shinny smooth and tidy clean state - compared to any others - with sludge, dull dull surfaces and troublesome parts.
Since that time 2 other companies put out that product and I'm explaining the Mega Power 's Additives set of such additives here on
Products you can install right now to end your vehicles problems starting with...
Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment is a complete engine treatment system. It reduces engine friction to boost horsepower and endurance. They call it their: Winning edge to eliminate the 6 most common causes of engine issues:
1. Oil blockages
2. Carbon buildup
3. Residues
4. Friction
5. Binding
6. Horsepower absorption.
And it’s so easy to treat your vehicle with Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment.
Is “combustion chambers” the right word? Just pour it into your vehicle’s fuel and oil … and drive! Here's how Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment rejuvenates your engine “combustion chambers” :
✔ Reduces engine “wear and tear” by increasing oil circulation to all parts – destructive friction is decreased, Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment helps you avoid the number one cause of engine failure.
✔ Stops oil becoming a destructive, sludgy, sticky mess – as you drive your oil becomes dirty and thick. Eventually it blocks fuel flow and causes a reduction in power. Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment uses carbon technology to clean your oil and keep it working effectively for longer.
✔ Restores sticky piston rings, valves, bearings, gears, and sensors – dirt and acid builds up on these parts slashing their lifespan. Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment cleans and freshens while leaving a special slippery coating to keep them clean as you drive.
✔ Prevents expensive oil leaks – when your vehicle looses oil, metal scrapes on metal causing premature wear and, potentially, a seized engine. Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment finds and fills worn areas and holes with its special copolymer coating.
✔ Restores power and lost acceleration – If your fuel injector’s blocked or clogged you can lose up to 20% of your acceleration. Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment lubricates and forces sludge out your injector, so it runs like new.
✔ Works better the more you drive – Mega Power constantly works to clean and maintain your engine. The more you drive, the better Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment works!
Use our option rejuvenate your engine and save thousands in costly repairs today.
Announcing Mega Power Transmission Treatment It costs an average $2,600 to replace a faulty transmission. Now you can reduce the chance of yours ever failing f or just
<> The most common causes of a faulty transmission are:
Leaking transmission fluid Clogged transmission fluid filter Broken transmission bands Broken transmission gears Ruptured transmission deals Mega Power Transmission Treatment inhibits these problems before they cause irreversible damage to your car. The 4 ways Mega Power Transmission Treatment protects your transmission: 1. Stops clunky, jerky gear changes – by smoothing rough worn surfaces, reducing friction and “wear and tear”. 2. Prevents fluid leaks – by finding and filling worn areas and holes with its special co-polymer coating. 3. Reduces wear and tear – using an advanced transmission conditioner which neutralizes acids, and removes sticky blockage-causing residue 4. Cleans and restores essential transmission parts – by lubricating all moving parts as you drive, including your shift pistons, bearings, gears, and shift valves. <> - <> Don’t wait until your transmission fails, g et miles more out of it with Mega Power Transmission Treatment. Introducing Mega Power Radiator Service When your radiator fails, your engine rapidly overheats with potentially disastrous consequences. You could blow your head gasket – a $4,000 repair. Yet most radiator failures are preventable. How Mega Power Radiator Service safeguards your radiator: ✔ Eliminates scum build up – this dangerous blanket stops heat escaping from your engine ✔ Neutralizes acids – these hole eaters ruin your gaskets, springs, and radiator coils ✔ Cools your engine – draws heat away 20% faster than other radiator products. Don’t wait until you’re stranded by the road with steam pouring out your bonnet! <> - <> Protect and restore your radiator system for only <> At last! The power steering service you can do yourself Does your steering wheel “screech” when you’re turning a bend? Is it tougher to turn than it used to be? Faulty power steering system isn’t just noisy, it’s dangerous. If it fails while you’re driving, you’re in real trouble. A new power steering pump costs $400-600, and a new steering rack can cost an eyewatering $2,000. The smart choice is to use Mega Power’s P ower Steering Service for just <> Service your power steering from the comfort of your own home: ➔ Reduce the buildup of harmful residues – lubricate all moving parts so dirt and sludge can’t build up. These are a common cause of heavy and noisy steering. ➔ Make steering effortless – “grease” the steering system and reduce friction as you turn your wheel. ➔ Clean your hydraulic system – eliminate sludge and other “goo” which can interfere with steering performance. ➔ Guard against leaks – leaking steering fluid will completely ruin your power steering within a few miles. <> - <> Keep you and your loved ones safe from dangerous power steering breakdowns. Did I mention your cast iron, no quibble, 100% risk free, 60 day money back guarantee? I’m so confident you’ll be delighted with your Mega Power products, you can try them risk free. If you don’t feel they improve your vehicle’s performance after 60 days, just let me know and I’ll send you a full refund – no questions asked. Revive and protect your vehicle today All Mega Power products come with easy to follow, step-by-step instructions. But if you need help, call me. We can even Facetime so I can look over your shoulder. <> - <> If you’re interested in getting Mega Power for your vehicle, please don’t delay. Order yours today. Why not do it right now before something else distracts you? Best, <> <>
Order the Mega Power Brand Formula below. End the problem in your vehicles and keep trouble away with them. Easy to install and comes with free tech phone support.
George explains, "to overcome a problem an additive needs to perform several functions when oil is not present, in among the vehicles metal-melting temperatures. A reversal of the cause of what drags down the component. That's the amazing power the race team discovered during that one race they continued in other races."
Car and equipment owners are installing the latest version into their good vehicles to keep them going. Others, to keep older worn vehicles going and overhauls years into the future.
"Other vehicle owners," says George, "are following our treatments kits adding the forumula and driving… seeing it end all sorts of vehicle operating problems. For example:
rough running, tapping, noise growls, combustion loss, blowby exhaust smoke, smog failures, rough shift, even cures a/c vent cooling problems. Features advertised in products part store and big box stores you know don't work!
Ending even suddenly popped up - problems so costly to repair.
Each treatment comes witha written 90 day satiafaction guarantee. Brand new vehicle owners find the treatment adds 20 to 40 more miles to each weeks tank of fuel distance - offering a tenetive 1 to 3 less gallons of fuel each week.
Equipment owners reporting repair expense dropping 50% per quarter.
Mechanics are adding the treatments to each repair to clean up the interior and smooth out the good but smooth needing features to have tholder parts last as log as the new ones.
Usage the parts usage because the repair vehicles perform so well with it. Bikers and vehicles owner who did a bumper to bumper treatment report much more power and a quieter motor and shift experience.
Directions are simple. Add 2 ozs of the specified product to the component fuel oils and fluids in each component. A week later do an oil and fluid change over to new oil and fluids, add 1 to 2 ozs of th protectors to guart .
Some may do the initial install, but have their local quick lube or mechanci do the change outs a week later.
Sent to your door in 3 days ready to add 2 ozs to each gallon of fuel, and quart to any 5 quarts of oil or fluid. An oil change is required in 7 days. 3 gallons treat one big truck or 5 cars.
Comes 3 gallons of the three items needd. $350.
Comes 2 each for a 6 pack for several truck or vehicle servicing. $450.
Call for large quaintiy delivery.
$50 extra to Canada, Mexico, Hawaii, Alaska, Caribbean islands. Portal Rico
Imagine what that can mean in your life faced with a $3000 to $10,000 engine and gear repair and find, for under $500, you smoothed the problem $3000 + problem away by driving. Added it anytime a problem popped up [-they have them, as your vehicles age]. A simple add with fresh oils routine at future oil changes keeps problems serpressed. Keeps them running as if you turned the miles back a few years.
An idea some mechanics and car dealers like and others don't. Never sold on amazon or national chains. Comes with easy to install directions women cars owners find helpful. A week apart step works out as the quickest way to do so, explained. Free tech help fo and walk thrus for those that want that help = for free. Imagine what that can mean in your life faced with a $3000 to $10,000 engine and gear repair and find, for under $500, you smoothed the problem $3000 + problem away by driving.
Vehicles were made to make our life easier. Auto tune up and repair options reveals the secrets to end them cheaper faster better.
Millions have and are saying "Goodbye" to car troubles with an additive invention by Mega Power Additives.
Are car troubles bringing you down?
Introducing a "once for all time solution" you will enjoy.
It doesn’t matter if it's an engine light, a radiator leak, or a bad gasket; car troubles are always more than a huge inconvenience. The worry it could get worse is ever present.
Not only do you have to worry about alternative transportation, you also must figure out the issue, buy whatever parts you need, and find someone to repair your car.
Afterward, just when you think you’ve solved your car troubles for good—bam!—another disaster hits. And you are back where you started again.
Before you know it, you're shelling out money you probably don't have for car repair. It can add up until your car is causing more trouble than it’s worth.
Having to deal with car trouble over and over again is so stressful. It shouldn’t be like this. Cars are meant to make our lives easier, not harder.
Do you want a "once an for all solution" you can live with?
Don’t suffer any longer.
Millions have and are saying "Goodbye" to car troubles with an additive invention by Mega Power Additives.
"How can that be," you may wonder?
The fact is vehicles have become very touchy - and additives have become "targeted problem solvers."
The fact is inside - there has not been an improvement in engine, transmisssion, radiators, and other systems in cars, diesel rigs, tractors, dozers, boats, and motorcyles in 100 years! They have just been made touchy due to computer controls to stop their smoging.
The fact is - they almost never wear out! That's true! They just bog down.
People are always in the news with vehicles that run forever - while ours are at the repair shop, or new car dealer needing costly repair or a new one with years of debt.
It doesn't have to be that way! And its not for millions of vehicle owners. Here's the secret!
Here's a solution you can live with.
Thanks to a lawyer turn chemist, 3 race car brother owners, and a late comer - all who discovered the way to fix cars chemically - by reversing the problem.
How do you reverse a car problem to end it - you may ask?
First of all, you didn't say your car was broken and didn't run.
You indicated it had a problem someone wanted to charge you thousands to fix.
That means there's a hangup cause by acids, sludge, raw friction causes, delaying the movement of parts, and creating some form of opporating or mechanical problem. "The problem."
Our additives can fix any current problems your car's engine, transmission, radiator steering or a/c is having. How so, you asked?
Let's go back to when your car or equipment was new. If you can remember it was zippy, powerful, quiet, and had great fuel economy. It had no leaks or consumesd oil. Why?
You cause the problem…
That's because, as you drive, every piston bearing valve and gear surface WHEN NEW was clean, mirror smooth, and moved with great ease. You bought that condition. However…
Driving ran into the ground. It squeezed out the oil between the surfaces and causes touching and grinding, that keeps getting worse. Metal melting temperatures and friction of 2000 degrees cook the oil and turns it into sludge. Acid pitting allows that sludge to get a foot hold.
The weakest parts just stop moving as quickly as the rest can. Your car has a problem - or you do.
Stop! You have do one of 3 things at this point for me to get paid advising you.
OK, to read more go to this page. Sign up for my newsletter. Then I'll send you to your solution you can try for 90 days to be assured it the unusuall auto tuo tune up and repair option you've been looking for.
That means working with us today can save you money fixing your car todays and avoiding future heartaches tomorrow.
I worked for those companies when young as local distributor.
In their regular meetings there was always heated discussions on finding what works for that and that. And what does not.
In hundreds of those meetings over the years and from what salesmen discovered, and revealed, and my own car instrument testing on dyno's of before and after experience, and from mechanics who discovered new uses, you build a mental catalog of hundreds of recipes - one for each problem found superior to all others. You make more sales with successful ideas than poor ones. You teach all your mechanic clients to follow those, as THEIR profit improving endeavor. We all - including the car owner, profit off such wisdom, and have a better life form it.
I call those recipes collected over the years a fullproof solution containing the best additives for that or that problem. In print, on the web I call them my
You can trust from this background I pretty much know what works and why. That's why I sell my treatment to end your vehicle problem with a money back guarantee. I call myself a cardoctor2 for that reason.
What you can do if this is likeable and promising for protecting your vehicles.
Look for your problem solution here at With ongoing testing and happy customers buying over and over, I'm pretty sure I'm promoting what works best.
That's the automotive problem we really solve for at
Order what's suggested and it will be at your door in 3 days. Tens of thousands have ending big eucide truck problms steamships engine problems car makers andf tousand ofmechanics an many indivdiduals.
Remember, you are not buying additives. Your buying me, my expertise, on what will end your automotive internal problems. Buying for a few bucks what extend the new-like life of vehicles and equipment that makes using them an asset to keep making your life easier.
If you made your livelihood helping tens of thousands, from commissions, like I do, you pretty much bet those tested ideas from those meetings you heavily promote - when clients find works, increase their volume year after year.
I understand what additives will end car and diesel problems. I know both design function of every components ideal state - and what upsets it. How to use additives to reverse the negatives causing any problems.
On the page you problem is considered you learn of these causes and the specific additives to remove them. This chemically returns the new like function.
Imagine having a trouble one day appear - have it gone the next witha few additives I show you to use.
That's the real problem I solve for you.
workings inside out. I know even the most serious problem has to do with sludge, and friction upsetting the ideal internal operation.
There is no magic pill, or liquid - just as there is no single medicine for every problem.
My options for car care and solving of their oil burning, blowby, valve tap, loss of power, rough shift, overheating, and such is guaranteed.
Click menu buttons to see their process.
Give the fix a try by ordering the items on your solution page.
Ending problem causes options 101
Problems are caused by 4 negatives:
Bumper to bumper coverage.
Mega Power's auto tune up and repair aids complete the repair.
Add them to your Inventory on hand products.
Keep our Full Bumper-to-bumper Coverage on hand. You will have
what's need to install for every job completion. A starting inventory
of 6 for the motor and 3 each for component service is suggested.
The profit picture.
Rudy. At Rudy's automotive San Marcos, Tx has a 20 year profit growing strategy following our program - He says, Mega Power Product have given him staying power as competitors try to get his business; come an go. He attributes his profitable staying power to Mega Powers Features and Results customers see, he mastered for their benefit.
Auto tune and repair product directions include videos, and personal phone walk thru's options to get the feel of the first few installs.
Opening investment ? About
Want to learn more? This auto tune up and repair option your solution works.
Tens of thousands of car and equipment owners - remove the "bugs" causing problems in their cars components this way. This results is the end of the problem.
The auto tune up and repair options treatment is packaged to quickly end the problem. Shown on the page you go to. Clicking takes you to the explanation page.
There are lots of ways to define a vehicle's problem solving options.
Our auto tune up and repair avoiding options are the easiest and fastest.
It's the best way to end engine, transmission, radiator, steering, and a/c systems problems.
Unlike all other methods that skip the cause, these auto tune up and repair options removes the cause. Then adds conditioners to and reverse the damage.
Reversing and healing is the cheapest, fastest way - and best way to do so - millions depend on their anti-wear long life features.
A product to use to keep them going as long as you like.
I buy vehicles in poor running conditions and turn them for profit when ever I find them with the problem free state they provide.
With just 6 bumper to bumper treatments, you will find its the best way to protect your vehicle 5 components.
What customers say:
That is the purpose of these auto tune up and repair avoiding options. Learn what they are on this page. Enjoy their cheaper, faster, long term auto tune up and repair option.
Mega Power Additives have given Me and those whom Take this advice a better life
Our Mega Power Brand auto tune up and repair options are better in several ways.
How our auto tune up and repair avoiding solutions for your vehicle problem works -
Helps you understanding the causes and what ends them chemically.
That product option explained, ends mechanical and performance appearing problems. And their cause by removing sludge, friction and smoothing rubbing surfaces. - For your best way vehicle ending solutions.
Unravel and your life and your vehicle problems in the easiest cheapest best way.
Check the menu for your option.
The way you drive and where is the natural problem avoiding secrets.
The Mega Power Additive way...
Ending and preventing engine, transmission, radiator, steering, and a/c systems problems - so costly to repair, has been done by chemical additives.
That is the purpose of these auto tune up and repair avoiding Mega Power Additive options. They are that best options. We offer a chemical way to match their vehicle long trouble free life - by chemical means.
Solving the problem -
Researchers at Mega Power Additives worked on the problem.
They found these causes. Some vehicle owners avoid 3 negatives, owners of problematic cars and equipment have not avoided.
Those conditions causing problems, can be seen on close examination of vehicles in repair shops being fixed car and equipment owners not experiencing problems know how to avoid. They are:
Finding a solution.
First of all, there is a remedy that returns the most favorable type of new-like state in a trouble making vehicle - that ends the problem upsetting state in your troublesome component.
And by extension, the other product solutions listed are those other component solution for both ending and preventing internal troubles in your vehicles other components. It seems reasonable to want to remove the negatives in them before they add to your car misery witha problem soon from thatem - that the service removes.
Now, anyone can use our discovery of a superior method of vehicle care with the specific products that do so, explained and promoted.
They are here so anyone can end and prevent vehicle problems and guaranted thir good working life as long as wanted of everything mechanical. Its known solutions extend the good life of vehicles in a pristine manner.
While some can do so by their type of driving, a trouble encroaching, costly, and shortening vehicle life appears for many.
To extend the working life of your heavy investment vehicles, end their causes of avoidable engine, transmission, radiator, steering, and a/c system problems. Thereby extending the vehicles investment.
Those with cars and equipment that seem to just go on forever researchers found have avoided 3 ngatives owners of cars and equipment have not avoided. Those conditions causing problems, can be seen on close examination of vehicles in repair shops being fixed car and equipment owners not experienceing problems know how to avoid. They are:
How driving causes your cars problem.
1- regular maintanace of all of the components - a $500 or so expense many ignore every 2 years.
2- Warm up of vehicles and driving so its easy on the vehicles the firs few miutess of operation.
3-Reducing the strain against a vehicle by slower, lesser strain speeds, especialy in city stop and go situations.
4- Have vehicles service by performing the dealer service at specified milleage.
5-longer trips, over one hour, burn off the water, fuel, combustion by-products not giving acidy enough to form sludge in the components.
The easiest way to end vehicle problems.
Such driving differences is one way to add longer life and trouble avoiding problems.
Researchers in three additive companies have developed additives to both prevent and end such negatives for those wanting them. They are these additives:
For the auto tune up and engine problem solving and preventing, try the tune and repair and repair avoiding option for your vehicles troublesome component - by scanning the bottom off page articles, or Menu links, or typing in googles help.
For: more auto tune up and repair options these are solutions researchers found a solution too - we offer for sale.
If you like many, see faults in your present car care methods.
Give these auto tune up and repair options a try.
Don't take it from us, hear it from our customers.
Based on trends, question queries, and street usage matches,
this solution options generator page will point you to.
For ending, and preventing,
engine, transmission, radiator, steering and a/c operating problems.
Their repair avoiding, preventing their troubles options,
all chosen for their guaranteed
quick solution as your auto tune up and repair option
and my help...
Thousands of users can't be wrong.
Repair Shops Owners:
Are you looking for more profitable repair, servicing, and customer attracting ideas?
Could they be...
Would you like an idea you actually believe in to use?
An idea that revolves around your beliefs,
These auto tune and repair business options were figured out and refined by 5 people in the 19 50's whose discovery and vison about them created a paradigm shift from the usual way of thinking about fixing cars to one, where the idea of fixing revolves around your personal belief about car care and repair, that belief actually feeds a growing income - day in and day out
That's because this auto tune and repair option does so from the car owners point of view of preserving their cars integrity, than the repair shop owners point of view of - how soon will the car fail again so I can profit off its repair. Our method ties the customer loyalty to you.
This one different perspective to looking at the car owners view of being paid for preserving, avoiding troubles, those 5 people had, compared to waiting for car trouble to happen and hope you are picked over many others to fix the car, has divided up the repair industry into 2 camps.
and I'm one of those - who offers their one #2 point of view -and i want you to see why its a more powerful, more profitable way to do business.
Contact info: Auto Tune Up And Repair Options Contact info. Call me for help with solving your vehicle problems, and ordering by phone what does so at 512 665 3388.
Sent to your door in 3 days:
A New-To-You Vehicle Problem-Solving Method Millions depend on.
George Forman and the Mega Powered sponsored truck expresses their joy over the trucks testing of the product and the winning edge the product gives.
How to tell if this is the info you're looking for...
1- Do you have a major engine, transmission, radiator, steering, or a/c operating problem?
2- It could just have appeared, or has been ongoing and now getting worst.
3- A costly repair has been suggested as its fix.
4- It still runs, but both a breakdown and its repair debt worries you.
5- You want a service or product or alternative to end it that's better for you.
If those 5 describe you, auto tune up and repair options is the place you want.
It takes a quick read to understand the idea - hold on to your hat to find out the
benefits gained all your life from them.
Hi! I'm george christ -
I want those options too and found them.
Now I train/show/provide repair shops owners -and individuals those auto tune up and repair avoiding options.
How they work.
If you have taken medicine to get over a serious health problem - your vehicles need that kind of help right now - that's the option here your car and budget needs. I'm your cardoctor2!
You can order them here below - or from a menu link.
They are more than an alternative to end your vehicle problem that is better and cheaper.
They are what slams the brakes on future problems to keep your vehicles going and going.
Who discovered them?
I learned about these vehicle problem-ending additive repair avoiding/ ending options - going to work a race team, the Justice Brothers, Ed, Zeke, and Gus, who capitalized on their discovered of the products engine and gear friction problem ending features. Unique features that gave their race cars the winning edge to championships.
How million's profit of their discovery.
Million's, including me and thousands of auto repair shop owners, equipment owners, and individuals profit of their repair avoiding, problem ending bumper to bumper problem solving features.
There are 6 of them - one for each of a vehicles bumper to bumper components - which should be serviced every 2 years.
The discoverer.
The Justice Brothers met the products inventor Carl Wynn. Later became his Distributor after seeing its aid for giving their race cars a wining edge, championship, and fame and wealth.
And now here at auto tune up and repair options - online, will learn about, and order their useful problem ending features, and lifelong vehicle upkeep and preservation benefits.
About these vehicle problem solutions.
What you will soon discover is they do so chemically by reversing your vehicles negative problem causing.
They return the original vehicles smooth, clean, pistons bearing valves and gears and such todo so.
Imagine pouring in additives I'll show you that do so. Sent to your home in 3 days to start doing so.
While others sell older or weaker versions - as a profit maker doing no good for you, these are the most updated, strongest versions from the maker Mega Power Additives.
Formulation for each problem solution and service.
Your vehicle problem benefits.
They will help you all your life avoiding your now tens of thousand in avoidable car repair and replacement expesse - down to dollars - you are seeking to find a way to. About Me…
About Me…
I'm a special kind of mechanic who, unlike most mechanics - who use just use engine sounds and customer comments to fix bad performance characteristics - as the diagnosis procedure.
I was trained to fix cars on instruments that do so at road speed, but tied to the floor, with equipment similar to what doctors use in hospitals when you have a heart attack.
You don't read about the proof. You see it in a few miles of driving or no charge for them.
This is not the only way to learn about problems and remedies - No! Add what's suggested and see the instant improvements the treatment solution gives - that's the real proof and there's no charge if not so!
What some mechanics say about additives.
Mechanics are trained to understand a problem by sound or computer coded, and fix the problem by replacing the few responsible parts. That's alright, but not very green. They are all not trained to use additives unless taught by us.
Most mechanic do not use additives, because they are told to stay away from additives for their harming effect.
The Lie.
However, that's a claim made by car makers, oil makers and part stores, and it keeps them in high-cotton profits - at your expense.
How to see the help auto tune up and repair options offer.
Everyday, ten of thousands uses their race team winning edge secrets in the additives here shown to aid the problem fix process. To end over 400 problems repairs use too. Keep their cars and equipment going great - when others must fix or replace their.
I'm sure if yu read this far - you have that same interest.
I use them in every thing I own. Because their racy winning edge feature regains a performence improvement customers see as an engine and gear protector. Smooth, stronger more fuel efficiency restored are those signs.
They will return the same performance to your vehicles as it does theirs and I'll supplied you with directions and products on the page your problem is covered.
These additives, unlike other part store and amazon sold additives do not skip, or resettled varnish and sludge elsewhere, and ignore friction roughness as the real solution - in the motor and oil passageways - blocking oil flow, [ the reason for additive dislike among mechanics]. And do not provide the anti-friction features no better than oil.
Unlike our auto tune up and repair avoiding option - the race team used, and I promote.
Made easier with new add-n-drive treatments detailed, so anyone one can end their own vehicle problem with. Nothing to take a part.
The while you drive fix.
The race teams additive secret is that, while you drive, our auto tune up and problem ending option, safely removes the gooey varnish on engine and transmission parts. And reverses the problem cause. Conditioning back like it was 10,000 miles ago.
Your auto tune up and repair avoiding recipe provides those same features to end your vehicle problems.
For mechanics and repair shops interested, they add the unique feature to smooth the rubbing, touching piston bearing valve and gear rough surfaces, so those engine parts not replaced last as long as new parts - assuring a long dependable repair. Ending their taking horsepower away from the wheels to overcome their drag on part movement.
Test show part store additives didn't have - can't promise to return the new-like, engine snappy horsepower performance varnish, carbon, and friction takes away from the wheels, to overcome their resistance like your auto tune up and repair option does. Though some do end the problem only.
Try it yourself to prove their worth or free if not.
You can add it if the mechanics orduring repair don't. End what's left untouched - reconditioned chemicall ending what's responsible for speeding up the next problem years sooner.
Loved by the seller who see their help.
Loved . . Not just for its amazing ability to remove wear and tear, but for its giving engines a bigger engine like performance my customers return for more of, but for its
I was introduce to and began selling that additive when they to those race car owners and their "secret winning edget additive" when thay started a business training and supplying distributors to supply mechanics on their beneficial engine and gear problem solving features.
Enjoy what that race team discovered and started a business selling this additive secret to their winning higher than the average wins - you can now end your vehicle operating and even mechanical problems. And glad you are here to see how they can help you end your vehicles problems!
Google sent you here because your searches indicated you may like the specific peroblem-solving automotive tune and repair, problem ending optionswe ffer. no one else has you would find here.
If your engine or component is actually broken and you need repair steps for it, you will find them elsewhere. Here…
You will find your bumper to bumper servicing needs package to end specific problems - and hopefully yours.
A word about how they end problems.
As you know, new cars and equipment have amazing power, ease of use, and trouble free operation that last for years. You invest them at great finacial cost to rid yourself of one worn out and troublesome.
What cause problems is new cars and new equipment from day one, start making acids friction and sludge. Most is drained out at each oil change. But some is not and finally loads up a few parts to shut the engine or component down - or interfers with its smooth operation.
The Lie...
And you were told, doing the scheduled oil and component fluid changes prevent such problems.
Well, that's a lie - but now, what to do about the upsetting suddenly appearing problem?
Solutions offered...
What they offer...
The Race Teams Idea...
Lets get started.
But understand this first..
That's what my auto tune up and repair options are all about.
That's what they end inside your new cars and equipment.
Understand this...
In one grueling race, tar and sludge and friction happens to wear down the horsepower and speed during the race it takes 5 or more years to occur in any vehicle. While Luck gives the winners their wins occasionally - The Justice Brothers race team - all mechanics, found this additive formula just stop the problems the grueling race conditions put on race cars - by returning the new, strong like strength it had at the beginning of the race.
What I'm about to show you in this video demo is the two of the 4 engine and gear killer negatives tamed by today's research here sold at your auto tune up and repair option to end any mechanical or performance operating problem in todays vehicles.
The training given me by the Justice Brothers and now Mega Power Additive Maker, and years of street usage in thousands of vehicles, and my own testing of vehicles with engineering lab equipment are what you have here at auto tune up and repair options.
Those like doctors use when you have a heart attack i was trained on to check before and after results. I've simplified the understanding and install with the aid of those research testing on vehicles. So anyone can follow my recipe to end most any operating and mechanical problem themselves. Gain the edge to keeping them going economically, as long as you want.
This is the kind of information that most of us need - and if we are the frugal type always searching to keeping our vehicles problems suppressed. Your auto tune up and repair options are here .... this is it online location.
Prevent avoidable problems.
End vehicle problems with these 6 Mega Power Treatments making the servicing and provent preventing, and problem ending better, easier, cheaper - keeping the good life going..
If you have found that your engine is consuming oil, has blowby, leaks oil, waste fuel, rough shifts, overheats and such, additives solve those problems. We are your supplier and educator on them
Before you consider a costly repair, purchasing a new engine or new vehicle - Here's what practical you can do to end this and other problems to get a few more years from your car or diesel.
Common repair choices are in fact costlier or less effective than they should be.
Most people are confronted with those choices. Before I explain how I and thousands of others end our engine burning oil and have an engine that purrs as if new. Consider these points against a repair or costly new vehicle, then compare it with what my solution will do to end the oil burning and help you avoid the present outcome choices.
The truth is you need a good solution right now:
What's problems can additives end?
No need to take anything apart to end the problem!
For you to understand the value of what we suggest, that saves your engine, end its problem, and gives you a few more good years of service - the answers to the following need to be considered.
People ask:
Why does my car or truck consume or burn oil , have blowby, make loud tapping, leak, rough shift, make whinning, not have cold air in the vents and such problems when it didn't use to?
Answer: As your your vehicle ages, wear gap growth, and dirty operating parts were not serviced properly with additives - or were the wrong kinds, and those dirty, wear roughen causes upset the internals - all making for those problems.
Solutions people try that don't work.
A problem control method using additives to end your vehicles upsetting operating problem.
What our auto tune up and repair avoiding options do that's different?
Turning your vehicle problem negatives back to its new-like state chemically is our solution.
From where the problem starts.
Correcting the fuel injector cause. And the acidic condition the makes the problems cause
Over time, your engines high temperatures of 1000 degrees or more cooks the gas or diesel in the injectors - and breakdown of oils and coolants makes acids that eat holes, makes sludge of good oil and collants -after you turn the motor off.
Several other problems are now occurring to cause loss of the good operation you want back.
Put In Your Control What Extends The Life Of Your Vehicles to Stretch The Thousands Of Dollars We invest In Them To Make Our Lives Better.
Not The Expensive Burden The Industry Wants You To pay. is the largest online engine transmission radiator steering a/c additive source for servicing and problem-solving. With articles containing products and directions for all known uses simplified. For do-it-yourselfers, truckers, auto repair shop inventory, equipment owners.The Auto Tune Up and Engine Repair Options
Even women - are easily ending their cars most serious problems with thee auto tune up and repair ending options.
Thousands are enjoying - the Mastery over their wear and tear troubles with my auto tune up and problem ending options.
So can you! Read how ...
My Message to Millions of Car and Equipment Owners Still Looking For Car and Equipment Help.
Those looking for the ideal-way to keep stretching their vehicles and equipment life an extra to 200,000 miles. A system to keep profiting off the $25,000 to $100,000 per vehicle investment in them we sacrificed a part of our income for, to full-fill their promise to make our lives easier.
l When a sudden problem appears, its does not take long to see that our costly vehicles are now making us slaves to their engine transmission radiator thought, and rightly so, premature mechanical problems, and its many thousands for upkeep and repair - choking us with additional expenses. Hurtfully paid to protect whats left of the thousands still investment in them.
If these are your concerns - they are mine also, and by chance, found their solution in discoveries by 5 people - researchers, who trained me to also look to profit helping others reduce such expense off such discoveries.
I'm now helping you!
Their automotive wear and tear and problem ending solutions fit the concerns and solution of such car and equipment owners: I, the Country's Alternative Care and Repair Expert provide them here to learn of their beneficial
What you will learn: Questions asked.
1- When a vehicle problem appears - what are the causes?
2- Can they be controlled, even reversed to end the problem?
3- Can those solutions be called upon for bumper to bumper problems?
4- Can they be readily available so anyone to use, not just mechanics?
5- Who has invented the cheapest fastest, best way to do so?
6-Will they let me try them to test their promise of recovery?
7-Will their promise give my vehicles an extra 100,000 miles.
8- Do so, while paying a fraction of the cost alternative - repair, to do so.
Understanding of the causes of car problems!
Understanding of the causes of a components operating problems and of wear's part that can be removed to end problems they cause prematurely.
Getting-to-wear and tear problem-causes. The only way to end them
That's the auto tune up, and suddenly appearing operating problem I really solve for you.
Why its the best solution.
Mega Power Additive Researchers set about finding the causes ofa vehicles premature wear and tear operating problem - usually fixed by new parts.
By testing chemical variations, they came using the vehicles kenetic forces as an advantage to help reverse the way the problem started. It is usually liqufied and drained out.
...."each solution works by each ingredient ending some cause your cars internal problem solving, I call "conditioning."
These ingredients had to go where oil can't, to the troubled areas to reverse the trouble-causing negatives.
Complex actions of freeing and lubricateing starts the reverseing. Next drag and binding stop horsepower lowering, horsepower absorbing.
Ending the problem by friction remover producing a slo-wearing smoothness to each part to stop the problems cause.
For our part - auto tune up and repair options identifies and gives the direction for you to follow. Sent you the products to do so.
Mega Power Brand Products are respected for being able to do as advertised. And comes with a satisfaction Guarantee.
See the menu selection on left for your trouble ending option.
So easy, even women - are easily ending their cars most serious problems with these auto tune up and repair ending options.
Many more repair shops are using additives at customer request to lower their car and diesel repair cost. Ours - Mega Power Additives, and Slo-wear Additives, although pricy are among the most respected for doing what they advertise.
You will find, upon reading a few pages, a treatment using additives for ending any car truck tractor rv boat motorcycle wear and tear caused problems = about 50% of car repair troubles.
For that reason, many more repair shops are using additives at customer request to lower their car and diesel repair cost. Ours - are among the pricy treatments - but offer precleaning, something that gets to the troubled areas to reverse the negatives, and slo-wear to stop other problems developing. For those reasons they are among the most respected for being able to do as advertised.
This site, is the only place to learn their fuel, engine transmission radiator steering and a/c product are, what to use. and what to avoid. Sent to your door in 3 days with directions to help do it yourselfers do the service right
Companies sponser race teams. This one is one of ours at Mega Power Additives, testing our new formulations and products endurance on the tract. Notice George Forman's interest in it.
Enjoy the same auto tune up and repair options many winning race teams and race car builders depend on.
One product line to protect your engine transmission radiator and steering systems problems -
- not just in newer vehicles. Even in older cars and big diesels!
Companies sponser race teams. This one is one of ours at Mega Power Additives, testing our new formulations and products endurance on the tract. Notice George Forman's interest in it.
To assure an ongoing problem-free, stronger running, quieter running, more fuel efficient vehicles.
Sent to their door- in a few days, with directions and free tech phone help to guide you along to their install.
Gain those benefits and more after using a unique "service product" that rids by tune up - notice that part of the name - auto tune up and repair options - and a service product provides in addition the repair option to end even the most serious of engine transmission radiator steering and a/c system problems -
And you have me a mechanic and the coutry's expert on line and by phone to guide you along from now on.
Call me if on a troublesome cell phone to figure out. Ask about your problem fix. Order by phone. Call me george at 51 665 3388 is where you belong
-Join our group who "Master wear and tear and mechanical operating problem solving. Here's how:.
Enjoy the auto-tune-up-and-repair options, now simplified by me, street proven and guaranteed. Given in easy-to-follow- directions - with the products that do so. Those that us car buffs, diesel fleet owners, RV, classic car, boat, motorcycle, race car owners enjoy and depend on to do so.
That also helps repair shops and engine and gear rebuilders gain more durability and performance from - their customer return for more of.
If "Mastery" over your vehicles distressing wear and tear problems - that pop up, is your goal.
If you want to rid them more easily.
And to keep them away, is your goal.
Keep thousands more of your hard-to-earn dollars in your pockets doing so.
The place to learn how to free yourself from your vehicles wear and tear, and its expensive demands and slave-atude to them.
-Join our group who "Master wear and tear and mechanical operating problem solving. Here's how:
Bookmark the site.
\read this and otherpages.
sign up for our newsletter.
see the demos and videos of how they do so.
Select the page covering your problem.
Order the items explained to do so.
Sent the empty's back for a refund anytime in the future they fail to live up to these claims.
This auto tune up and repair option explains the services and product for the do it yourselfer to use to assure an ongoing problem-free, stronger running, quieter running, more fuel efficient vehicles.
Even in older cars and big diesels! Resulting in an enjoyment - That is what this auto tune up and repair option has given the continue for years and year! and then avoids results in an amazingly stronger running, quieter running, more fuel efficient operation expense avoiding ridding even the most serious of
The Engine Fixher!
A shade-tree mechanic's additive to end engine problems
A service product that ends dozens of the most serious and costliest engine problems. Its 6 items end these vehicle problems:
Valve and Lifter Taping.
Oil Burning
Rough Idling Stalling
Combustion Blowby
Stops Exhaust Smoke. Any Color!
Seal and Gasket Leaks
Lousy Fuel Economy
Gives an amazing engine tune up
Imagine the benefits you would gained. Seeing the problem just go away. Have it run as good as new. Saving over $4000 of repair cost . Can you believe it?
Rig and equipment owners:
That Super Hero Fix is just a fraction of that expense. Many truckers - click if a trucker, find this a better way to keep their Big Diesels going, and to put off overhaul for years. Learn More!
Mega Power Engine Engine Treatment. Effective because it ends fuel and internal operating problems by reversing the cause. Other products treat the oil. An ineffective method. Auto-tune-up and-repair-options introduces:A Better Option For
How to Wipe out engine troubles with these 6 ingredients.
Now includes a complete top to bottom fuel system to exhaust tip cleaning, and residue remover, where ever oil flows. A 25,000 engine service costing $1000 or more in some dealerships. A required engine maintenance that is more important as the engine ages - included for a top notch, better fix.
Click to Learn about This Tune Up Treatment That Now Also Ends Your Engine Oil Burning, Valve Tapping, Compression Blowby, Sludge, Lousy Fuel Economy Problems.
Made easy with add and drive directions and free tech help, if needed.
A treatment where you add the problem-solving items to the fuel and oil. Nothing to take apart. Driving does the actual reversal and end to the engines problem. You must agree its the ideal solution or no charge! Over 100,000 installed. Limited quantity due to Covid.
Want more? Read on to find your auto tune up and problem ending option. Sent to you door in 3 days to start the problem ending action.
* By harnessing the vehicles worst enemy's to do so.
** More horsepower. Smoothing wear roughen surfaces ends that horsepower eating Friction. Now able to send it to the wheels instead of it being absorbed along the way.
***Adds 6 slo-wear benefits for slamming the brakes on rapid wear.
Conclusion: Now you know what this option offers. A method for ending your vehicles present and future wear and tear problems. Provides the mastery to ending and avoiding problems in every vehicle - you paid to make your life better with.
Auto tune up and repair options is the web's largest compendium of repair alternatives written in non-techy terms and Contact Info: Call for automotive problem solving Help - Advice. To ask a question about your car problem. Order products listed, call me...I'm a Mechanic and an expert in their problem solving and endurance needs. I can help you. George 512 665 3388
Sent to you home in 3 days to end the problem for those who want the best way known.
A new option for solving the most costly engine transmission and radiator problems - that's cheaper and faster, but also adds extra years of trouble free endurance to them.
When you have serious automotive problems and you are considering your options - This auto tune up and repair option uses and army of chemical robots to end them, and then, turns the wear odometer a year so you can drive them all over again - as manytimes as you like.
6000 milesreturn your car back to normal.
- as it You really need to solve ...
Hi! I'm george christ.
Like you, I know...
Making you their slave...
How some are again gaining mastery over vehicle problems...
Your vehicles were bought at great cost to make life easier.
It shouldn't be a hassle to end internal problems - nor costly,
...if you know these easy solutions I have I call my auto tune up and repair avoiding solutions.
- not as just a problem solver - NO! but as a method of care to also prevent their occurance - starting with ending:
Millions have found our auto tune up and repair options the way to end those kinds of automotive operating, or mechanical problems!
What customers say:
I know, if you read a few pages, you also will be hoping it would be true for your vehicle problems, too.
And, if you read this far, I feel your pain to believe it.
Just like in the movie "You got Mail," Megan had the pain to trust that meeting her email mate online in the park would turn out to be Joe. And you were just as happy as I when she said, "I was hoping it would be you!"
That's why I'll letting 100 chose the product their car needs and try it for 30 days - and then, and only then pay for it, if you agree it ends your car problem hassle. It does what we say it does.
You'll have it in 3 days to easily pour in what I sell you... and drive for a month to be sure.We do the rest as you drive.
Any order paid by credit card with their order will have it crdited back to their card - and if you are more than satisfied - I'll add the amount back to the card again - only on your say so.
Why take a risk like that in this day and age?
Because most of our business is repeat sales.
It can't grow if.. if we don't have a constant flow of customers servicing their cars with our products - unless they trust it as their auto tune up and problem ending option.
On the page your problem is considered order our solution. You'll have 30 days to discover the easiest way every to keep the things that make your life easier going in the best way possible - and lok at the money it will keep in your pocket for doing so.
Sure, if you like it, I'll send one of the other 5 treatments - one a month so in a few months your whole car will be have the required services done to clean and protect every component. Your mechanic may be called on to help - sure if its not your thing - to continue the endurance they need to help you gain the life they promised you.
PS, pay for the product and I'll put the payment on hold, not to charge your card for 30 days.
The way to end most any bumper to bumper problem.
click the ads below for the area of the car or diesel you need help with.
click the menu button for specifics.
or call me and I recommend what you need.
That's the auto tune up and repair avoiding option you need righ now
Oh! Mechanics say, "stay away from additives. They are harmful."
Bad additives.
Would a part store chain sell something that beat them out of their number one profit making item - selling new parts? Don't think so. Why did they or auto part makers buy those old additives companies and profit off their worthless promises? I know this because I noticed my neighborhood franchise parts store manager talking to a parts rep. The rep concludes by showing the additives they sell - the old brands still promoted - worthless, but making a buck more profit for corporate America off the ignorant.
The solution to avoiding expensive repairs with additives.
The question is, what works, and what can I use for my car problem?
This is How I discovered the answer.... to solve my old car running hang ups, and as a mechanic. I now call
I worked for those companies when young as local distributor.
In their regular meetings there was always heated discussions on finding what works for that and that. And what does not.
In hundreds of those meetings over the years and from what salesmen discovered, and revealed, and my own car instrument testing on dyno's of before and after experience, and from mechanics who discovered new uses, you build a mental catalog of hundreds of recipes - one for each problem found superior to all others. You make more sales with successful ideas than poor ones. You teach all your mechanic clients to follow those, as THEIR profit improving endeavor. We all - including the car owner, profit off such wisdom, and have a better life form it.
I call those recipes collected over the years a fullproof solution containing the best additives for that or that problem. In print, on the web I call them my
You can trust from this background I pretty much know what works and why. That's why I sell my treatment to end your vehicle problem with a money back guarantee. I call myself a cardoctor2 for that reason.
What you can do if this is likeable and promising for protecting your vehicles.
Look for your problem solution here at With ongoing testing and happy customers buying over and over, I'm pretty sure I'm promoting what works best.
That's the automotive problem we really solve for at
Order what's suggested and it will be at your door in 3 days. Tens of thousands have ending big eucide truck problms steamships engine problems car makers andf tousand ofmechanics an many indivdiduals.
Remember, you are not buying additives. Your buying me, my expertise, on what will end your automotive internal problems. Buying for a few bucks what extend the new-like life of vehicles and equipment that makes using them an asset to keep making your life easier.
If you made your livelihood helping tens of thousands, from commissions, like I do, you pretty much bet those tested ideas from those meetings you heavily promote - when clients find works, increase their volume year after year.
I understand what additives will end car and diesel problems. I know both design function of every components ideal state - and what upsets it. How to use additives to reverse the negatives causing any problems.
On the page you problem is considered you learn of these causes and the specific additives to remove them. This chemically returns the new like function.
Imagine having a trouble one day appear - have it gone the next witha few additives I show you to use.
That's the real problem I solve for you.
workings inside out. I know even the most serious problem has to do with sludge, and friction upsetting the ideal internal operation.
There is no magic pill, or liquid - just as there is no single medicine for every problem.
My options for car care and solving of their oil burning, blowby, valve tap, loss of power, rough shift, overheating, and such is guaranteed.
Click menu buttons to see their process.
Give the fix a try by ordering the items on your solution page.
Auto tune up and repair options.
..the site where you're guided from start to finish.
Products to add to your vehicles fluids and drive, to end its upsetting problems. With anti-problem ingredients like no other to keep you on the road going trouble free, years longer, and away from repair needs.
That's my auto tune up and repair option for you here.
Made by Mega Power Additives. Explained and sold by george christ.
Our mission is to educate you on bumper to bumper vehicle servicing products available having:
One service with both problem solving to end a problem.
See menu.
Problem preventing in one service. Gives you a tune up like performance that never ends.
Features: That end operating problems.
Each service provides a complete service in 2 steps. Step One cleans, frees stuck or binding parts, remove acids, scum, sludge, carbon and friction. One product for all your vehicles that will reverse your vehicle problems, ending them chemically.
What us mechanics, car buffs, equipment owners and car owners love, use as our and are passionate about, as our vehicle care and and its operating problem solving.
A big promise. I know most offers are phony. But this is all street proven and from its source - not some Madison Avenue ad copy.
And alternative to end the repair need as the solution option for you.
Introducing what seems strange but if you think about it - reversing what cause the problem is a clever idea.
In fact, a care and problem solving method that works, because you can see it reverse the vehicles troubles away. And, then enjoy an ongoing tune up like endurance you can keep renewing at future oil and fluid changes to keep trouble away.
I could give your graphs and proof but what works is to take my no risk offer, to see how they do so - ending it problem in your vehicle - that's the proof you really want.
No known bad reviews.
I'll walk you through the products, ordering, guarantee, their install, here in what I call my, auto tune up and repair options to try, to prove that same outcome, and I'll bet its what you are looking for.
Order it at no risk and see for yourself. That's how it proved its endurance promise - to help our vehicles continue many years pass the average, suppling what was missing in oil, and exposing the car/equipment makers lies about their method as what does so.
You invested a lot in your vehicles and equipment to make your life easier. If you love your cars and equipment for their better life benefits, and want to assure their continuance with alternatives to end their ailing mechanical ways.
That's what I'm after, too!
We searched the world for that solution to narrow down the hunt to what ends the problem by reversing it. Adding Slo-wear endurance making it my solution.
Try it you'll see that it's the care and repair option you need for your vehicle to return that love with trouble free endurance.
You came to the right place for those benefits.
Hi! I'm george christ. I call myself cardoctor 2. An... as America's Automotive Alternative Care and Repair Expert.
I'm here to introduce, guide, teach you to a way of vehicle care and their mechanical problem solving, that slams the brakes on the problems - then reverses the problem causes to end it. Ever heard of that?
You read that right! Read it again!
I found, and fell in love with this option and promoted it as my life's job, because its the only way invented to do so. And now explained on the web as my a training source for mechanics.
Written in non techy terms for anyone to benefit by.
This auto tune up and repair option. Ending vehicle problems
Welcome to the reasons for
Its here, you will be educated in the solution you and your family can use all your life to to avoid costly repairs, Have vehicles run like the day they were new - something they have not figured out for us humans yet.
For any fuel related, engine, transmission, radiator, steering and a/c problem.
No matter a car, pickup diesel rig, dozer, RV, boat, motorcycle or machine operating or mechanical problem.
New or older, even high miles. Or even if you don't know its source.
I say that with confinedence
You will find that solution, our option direct, easy to use, see its results quickly, notice it ended the problem.
More than that, you will notice performance improvement as you continue to drive - including more zip, a bigger engine feel, much smoother quicker shifting, go 20 to 40 more miles distance on each tank of fuel.
Continue the protection benefits byadding more at each oil or fluid change to keep it going.
Those are the benefits auto tune up and repair options provide you.
It takes a little reading to do so.
While made to teach mechanics the latest in better care and repair methds and the products that do so, its writien in strret terms for any man or women to undeerstand and apply.
2 additive companies offer these products:
to ending the - the option given and sent to your door as this, my site's auto tune up and repair options.
others invented I fell in love with, for those who love their vehicles and want products to keep them going as they age.
not only protect,but also extend their life to prfit more so off their investment in them.
something more than ordinary care products to keep them going - Unlike those who leave their protection, durability, and repair to the ordinary.
contains what I call my additive tune up, additive performance recovery, and additive mechanical problem ending recipes for option for you is, How best to end return my car back to normal.
the struggle over vehicle problems The secret us car buffs, race car owners, equipment owners, top mechanics, and tens of thousands of car owners learn to depend on - have vehicles run like new - as long as you want, no matter the size age, brand, mileage, or type of internal problem. Skip it at your own risk.
Learn the add and drive shortcut secret google sent you here for to learn how to take the ystery out of ending your cars most serious internal, engine transmission steering and a/c problem - with a repir need.
That takes the mystery and worry most not knowing a gas gap from a radiator cap. Spend a few days reading this site to understand the secret that must be solved - replacng parts does not solve. Then test its problem-solving secret out on your car and diesels. You just will be amazed at the quick fix and strong quiet performance results that puts your car back on the road troublefree.
what's hiden from you to do so. won't beli
use to end any vehicle internal problem.
You will find our ultimate goal is to make it easy to understand how operating problems occur. What products if any, can end them - avoiding the eventual repair and its cost to do so. That is the auto tune up and repair options offered here.
Did you know: Your motor, transmission, a/c, and power steering systems have a multitude of different valves to make your cars and equipment - and even your body function superbly?
Valves - in your body, and your vehicles when clean and smooth give you and your vehicles added enjoyment to living.
... like doors, valves open and close a passage way to let something - fuel, air, combustion, oil, fumes, in, out, pass through, to make life more ideal.
Problems that upsets valves operation affects the whole car.
Valves - to provide flawless vehicle operation, operate with critical timing and when interfered with, causes your tap.
Three or 4 negatives interfere or upset the vehicles operation and valve operation. Some minutely. Others gravely.
They are:
Removing these by one of several ways are offered as options to end your vehicle problem.
Removing the valve tap causes and ends it, and adds a beneficial tune up feature that returns a like new operation this page considers.
If it sounds like a mechanic's wrench bouncing around in your motor tapping. The tap is no good of course and in some cars are the cause of rough idle and mysterious stalling. Remedies
One remedy
One remedy is what Part Stores sell in the form of solvent-based engine flush additives. Often harmful. Part store flushes have their own problems.
Mechanics charge you to replace those affected parts is a common choice, but an expensive choice.
The 3rd way.
The 3rd way to end your engine valve tapping.
What you should know about valves: Ways to end tapping.
Did you know: Your motor, transmission, radiator, a/c, and power steering systems have a multitude of different valves. They are the primary cause of troubles in those units. Be sure that is address in the additives you buy. However...
This is not-
how to replace a bad electrical or mechanical part.
The "this," our option, gives you mastery - and you don't have to be a mechanic, yet end your vehicle component problems faster, cheaper, and with a longer life endurance factor, as well.
You agree, those are the options you want, right? Sure!
I feel not having them means I'll have costlier to repair vehicle problems. A expense that burdens the family's financial state.
It's wiser to have none or minimal ones by comparison. Any aid to do so is possible is good.
I'm leading you down this path because...
By comparison, knowing This auto tune up and repair option = meaning, seeing it solves, avoids or greatly minimizes your vehicle problems, that...
Is made possible by ending the mystery to how to do so, which has the value to keep them running great and trouble free.
No other "This" has proven cheaper faster better to end your bumper to bumper problems - even though promoted by many mechanics, you don't have to be one to gain its easier, cheaper, better "this" to use them.
The "this" is explain in a 2 step recipe on the page your problem is considered
Everyone needs options to solve their automotive problems.
confronted with an engine, transmission, radiator, steering, or a/c problem.
Usually, the option is just a better price for their repair. However...
This option not only offers a lower price, it also offer a boost in power, a boost in fuel economy, and a boost in endurance.
It may be hard to believe, for the following reasons, but give this web site a try and test what me and many found so, and enjoy all those options for yourself.
Why this site for those options.
From the beginning of the automotive age, "two things" makes it difficult to believe those options, until now:
Today, 3 companies have proven they found the solution and use of their products bare that out:
It's so complex, over the years I packaged 6 treatments, for the vehicles 6 serviceable components:
Those looking into the problem of lubrication problem solving, problem preventing alternatives have found the following:
"Additives in engine oil typically make up to 30 percent of the finished lubricating oil" ... to solve problems oil itself has, so their intended purpose to lubricate works well.
"Some additives perform their function within the body of the oil (e.g., anti-oxidants), while others do their work on the surface of the metal (e.g., anti-wear additives and rust inhibitors)."
"These additives are typically used to protect machine parts from wear and loss of metal during boundary lubrication conditions." Meaning, they aid movement without great loss of metal when oil is not present monetarily.
However, acids, sludge, and boundary lubrication - more raw metal-to-metal grinding grow in engines and transmissions causing oil blockage, binding, and friction. What results are the mechanical problems upsetting your vehicles performance, that oil can manage.
Stop and go driving and short trips keep about 100 gallons of moisture and combustion gases and unburnt fuel in the engines.
They producing a rough, friction heavy
You would think that good oil should keep your engine and transmsion free of trouble Yet, we have what turns out to be costly to repair wear problems we didn't expect in our vehicles.
That's what my auto tune up and repair options do for you.
They show you what to use to do what costly, and time consuming, troublesome part replacement does, but by driving , not replacing the troublesome part.
Research shows 99% of all operating, leak, mecnanical operating, noisy, peromance upsetting problems are caused by friction and dirty part binding.
That's why for over 50 years I've been showing mechanics, car owners, diesel rig owners, heavy equipment owners, machine shop owners the chemicl invented to end their problems by reversing the cause.
Removing the cause is the Best way to solve any engine, transmission, radiator, steering or a/c operating or mechanical problem.
The type of care your are missing - simplified by inventions to end, and then prevent them.
Trusted by repair shop owners, equipment owners, mechanics, race car winners, ordinary car owners who find, its the missing link to their car internal problem solving.
So effective, includes my double your money back - if it fails to do as advertised guarantee.
And you get me - the Country's Expert on unique tune and repair avoiding options for free to guide you - if needed.
Please note: No refund request last 267 days. To get started...
See if your problem is listed in the menu.
Or, click the problem component link page.
Read the page a few times to get the techy part.
Nothing to take a part.
What's needed sent to your door in 3 days.
A bit of driving ends the problem using your vehicles worst enemies -
High temperatures.
--- you read that right - it ends any internal problems - over 400.
PS: I'm a mechanic - forgive the not fancy wording or look. What's given has been street solutions I promote I learned for the inventors and testing, on my vehicles and customers vehicles, and tens of thousand use. I'm not a Madison Avenue ad maker relaying some idea for a corporation. This is the real _ _ _ _ on the best proven care and repair help and product out there.
Other uses: Added to new cars on the assembly line. Top Rebuilders use to break-in rebuilts. Help make winners in racing. A profitable service to sell in big demand.
No cheaper, no finer tune up and anti-wear chemical made. Its horsepower making performance reslts from a clean burn, friction reduction, release by removing sludge and friction. Many products comes and goes.
This has been working since the 50's. I'm constantly checking to see if any better appears. george 512 665 3388
Solving the real problem hidden from view:
Cars and heavy equipment, as they age becomes a costly tens of thousands of dollar burden. My auto repair option shows you how to avoid them or end them economically with additives. For those who love the new-like perfection and trouble-free state in their vehicles, such additive usage-- keeps retuning the like-new state you paid for, at each oil and fluid service recipe given here. Love your vehicles those ways are my super hero auto tune up and repair avoiding options if you want the best way to end their problems. Avoid avoidable expenses. By keep their troubles away as long as you want
Your vehicles were bought at great cost to make life eaiser.
It shouldn't be a hassle to end internal problems - nor costly,
...if you know these easy solutions I have I call my auto tune up and repair avoiding solutions.
- not as just a problem solver - NO! but as a method of care to also prevent their occurance - starting with ending:
Millions have found our auto tune up and repair options the way to end those kinds of automotive operating, or mechanical problems!
What customers say:
I know, if you read a few pages, you also will be hoping it would be true for your vehicle problems, too.
And, if you read this far, I feel your pain to believe it.
Just like in the movie "You got Mail," Megan had the pain to trust that meeting her email mate online in the park would turn out to be Joe. And you were just as happy as I when she said, "I was hoping it would be you!"
That's why I'll letting 100 chose the product their car needs and try it for 30 days - and then, and only then pay for it, if you agree it ends your car problem hassle. It does what we say it does.
You'll have it in 3 days to easily pour in what I sell you... and drive for a month to be sure.We do the rest as you drive.
Any order paid by credit card with their order will have it crdited back to their card - and if you are more than satisfied - I'll add the amount back to the card again - only on your say so.
Why take a risk like that in this day and age?
Because most of our business is repeat sales.
It can't grow if.. if we don't have a constant flow of customers servicing their cars with our products - unless they trust it as their auto tune up and problem ending option.
On the page your problem is considered order our solution. You'll have 30 days to discover the easiest way every to keep the things that make your life easier going in the best way possible - and lok at the money it will keep in your pocket for doing so.
Sure, if you like it, I'll send one of the other 5 treatments - one a month so in a few months your whole car will be have the required services done to clean and protected every component yur mechanic may be called on to help - sure if its not your thing - to continue the endurance they need to help you gsin th life you want.
PS, pay for the product and I'll put the payment on hold, not to charge your card for 30 days.
The way to end most any bumper to bumper problem.
click the ads below for the area of the car or diesel you need help with.
click the menu button for specifics.
or call me and I recommend what you need.
That's the auto tune up and repair avoiding option you need righ now.
A better option to end your vehicle problems.
If for you...
It solves this other vehicle problem too.
A better solution as it gives you Bumper-to-Bumper Care and Repair Avoiding Tech Guidance -
Useing the same Mega Power Brand Conditioners that have features to-end problems we use. Yet, makes possible a, keep freeing, cleaning, and smoothing; producing a like-new operation - to our vehicles. You will prize its like-new, keep-going strong, year-after-year benefits we prize; no matter age or vehicle size. You need those benefits! Everything else is a joke and waste of money because of not havig Mega Power's multi anti-wear, MC+ features. You, like us can end any bumper to bumper problem with mega Power Treatments. They pay you to use them! Begin the easy install that ends your cars wear, performance or mechanical problem. Invest in Mega Power's cleaning, freeing smoothing problem ending method. Its our secret, and wisely should be yours, to keepi your vehicles and equipment going not otherwise possible with just good oils. Menu Order it from the page covering your problem or component. Then service all your component easily bumper to bumper. You will be amaze at the new-likke results that enalbles vehicles to last as long as you want. Not that of time and costly chance. Learn More....
A Better and Lo-Cost Alternative To Costlier Auto Repair Solutions - That Turns A Problem Ending Method Into A Way To Keep Your Vehicles From Wearing Out
Read a few site pages to learn how Auto Tune Up and Repair Options Can Educate You On Vehicle Longlivity Care And..
To End You Vehicle Operating, Performance Valve Tapping Oil burn Blowby Rough Shift, Headgasket and Seal and Gasket Leak Problems. The Alternative To More Costlier Repair Solutions - That Turns Also Returns And Maitains The New Like Operation Endurance Vehicles Need,To Cut -In-Half your Future Vehicle Expense.
It's better because...
Not Because it:
But because..
Is that is the way you want to fix your vehicle problems, auto tune up and repair options is the repair and care method to end your vehicle problem. The method from Mega Power Additives many mechanics, repair shop owners, equipment owners, car buff, and indiviuals use to protect the second costliest items we own to keep our lives going.
Do the following.
1. Bookmark the page so you can find it again.
2. Sign up for my email care care and problem preventing newsletter.
3. Read a few pages a couple times over to get the pattern for this options way to end your car problem.
4. Order what's suggested. Get it in 3 days to start doing so.
5. Be assured its not the money back guarantee that will amaze you.
6. Its having the power from not only knowing what ends any engine transmission radiator and steering problems cheaper faster and better than actual repair can't do.
7. But because its such an easy way to do so that also turns the wear on mileage and its problems causing back 25,000.
8. Then the method of care and problem solving keeps the newer like state going as long as you want tp protect and keep the vehicle going likke that.
9. That is your auto tune up and repair options here that makes this method of vehicle care better than any other.
10. Give it a try and seel for yourself.
Read a few pages Click the menu buttons
about your remedy to get started.
This is the options many use as the cheapest fstest best way to end a vehicle problem. Why not you also?
Contact Info: Auto tune up and repair options. Call for advice. Help and Products to walk you through the end of your vehicle problem. Order items online, or by phone. Online, talk to a mechanic first No charge. No personal info asked for. Call... me george, at 512 665 3388.
Vehicle Owners Who Want
To Solve Their Vehicle Problems Themselves...
Why A Better Car Repair Option?
Cheaper, Fast Acting, With Better Results.
A Do it yourself Fix help,
Auto Tune Up And Repair Options:
Bumper-to-Bumper Servicing Products.
Sent -To-Your-Door With Problem-Cause, Problem-Solving Tips and Free Phone Tech Help.
These Mega Power Brand Automotive Additives are packaged for easy problem sludge wear performnce solving by anyone who wants a better way to care for and end their vehicle problem solving. Not - not just farmers, equipment owners, and mechanics. Could a race team’s way
This Option Does what auto repair mostly do
Ends the vehicle problem.
With Better Results.
The process ends the problem, not by new parts. but by reversing what causes the problem.
Then healing the damage.
explins An Automotive Product Line That Ends Most any Different We Believe In To End .
You Should Use.
It's Cheaper, Fast Acting, With Better Results. And Guaranteed To Do As Advertised!
My expalantion of the HOW SO, and HOW TOO, is what I call My Auto Tune Up and Repair Avoiding Options.
The site where you're shown a new way to say,
to your car truck tractor RV boat motorcycle sludge and wear and tear and troubles Cheaper, Faster, With Better Results.
"...I’m amazed too! Over the months, since then I also decided to service the other components - hopeing it would give them more life. I did your fuel, engine, gear, radiator, and power steering treatments.
After 12 months of servicing your way, every component on each car and truck just stopped having fuel, engine, radiator and gear troubles."
Because It Ends Your Vehicles Internal Problem Cause:
No other method:
In one easy to install kit that guarantees to return a strong, smooth, quiet, troublefree operation.
Provides The:
Better than Repair ?
Solves Problems the Car Dealer Couldn't.
All quality made.
The best way to end an internal:
Oil burning solution.
Even stops mechanaical tapping problems.
You now are getting acquainted with a cheaper faster and better than any other way because- we test products as they come to assure our customers the best.
We believe in what we sell by usage in our own vehicles. Customer Satisfaction Claims...
My Menu list the fuel engine transmission radiator steering and a/c trouble or mechanical problems our option ends.
Order now. Have the Treatment at your door in the morning, with easy install directions, Includes free phone tech help.
Sent to your home Canada, Europe. Australia. Most any island nation, in 5-7 days. USPS > FEDEX> UPS>
Our Promise. Our Guarantee.
So effective, in a few hours driving ends a foot-long list of otherwise even expensive operating or mechanical problems. Returns the former like-new, problem-gone operation, or cost refunded next day if not satisfied with result.
An income Maker. Be our local area Distributor
Sold mostly to mechanics - who restock monthly from you. Sell to farm and equipment owners, race car owners. Call for distributor details.
At last, an easy method of care for anyone to end their vehicle internal problem.
Nothing to take apart. Add-n-Drive results.
Sent to your home with directions, and free phone help. Exceeds new car equipment serving requierments.
Not a fimsy Guarantee!
Guarantees the best way known to end any internal vehicle problem causing mechanical or performance trouble. Even in high mileage vehicles. Enables by wear and problems reduction, years more troublefree opertion even in older vehicles.
Amazing chemistry.
This is the auto tune up mand problem avoiding you can say "goodbye to" in any car RV and diesel.
Nothing else is guaranteed to give you a like-new again operation - avoiding even expensive repairs. Our Menu has your fix. Sign up for free newsletter.
Auto tune up and repair options is:
The largest compendium of explainations of Do-it-Yourself fuel engine transmission radiator steering and a/c car and heavy equipment servicing.
Additives to end your bumper to bumper automtive operating and mechanical problems -
Each a cheaper faster amazing way to avoid their expensive overhaul need. Invented to chemically reverse the problem cause.
#1. Car care you can count on
#2. Say Goodbye to car troubles with problem-endingl fuel and oil additives.
#3. Easy-to-install treatments & diagnostic tools you can trust
#4. The one-stop shop for your all your bumper-to-bumper, servicing needs.
#5. Our guarantee : Enjoy - problem gone, like-new responsive vehicles!
#6 Start now! scan the menu listing your problem for our solution. In a couple days the product and directions to end your car problems will be ready to get you back on life'd road running trouble free.
Auto tune up and repair options
For those looking to reorder our Mega Power Line Of additives.
Those wantng to learn how add their benefits to their service and repair.
For those with car or equipment problems needing help.
For those looking for better car care and prevention solving.
Introduction to auto tune up and repair options. Purpose:
Since the discovery of automotive anti-wear additives, a huge variety of additives have come and gone.
One smart company took the best additives available and improved them. Ignored those found week, or harmful.
With discovery of formulas that were helpful and the inclusion of a horsepower improving feature that had problem solving features, there was no way for the average person to what does what.
Auto tune up and repair options makes it easy.
You can service your vehicles yourself - better than most car dealer, repair shops, because they use the cheapest products - interested in their bottom line, more so than in giving you the best for your dollar. I hate to say that but its true. This helps you get the best available, economically, and with longe trm benefits to your car and budget.
It's not a dream, nor wishful thinking.
The story... Your auto tune up an repair options,
It started with guy's desire to rid engines of sludge and friction buildup - and 3 race car builders looking for and edge to winning more races. Ending internal problems resulting from friction that made operation, and horsepower, drag down to a stop.
Today, 2 companies continue his car care and repair avoiding methods.
I give you the one I like - The Mega Power Brand, because they let me school you on what I street learned about their products that do so. And this site passes on to repair shops, - who want. But packaged as a treatment to end every known bumper-to-bumper problem a product can ennd - to avoid its repair - complete the repair.
Now you have your own auto tune up and repair options to end your cars operationg troubles.
You now can order - after reading, the item that comes as a treatment to do bumper to bumper servicing with all that needed yourself - or.... end a components problem witht the service kit I'll send you. With all needed to do so with easily and economically.
So any individual, repair shop, or equipement owner can service in the right way their bumper to bumper components. End problems doing so they may have.
Would you try that method ? What others found that we helped.
What if you could do an easy-to-install service - every 2 years, with no skill, nor nothing to take apart, that bumper to bumper just keeps such troubles away - even if over 100,000 miles for cars - over 500,000 for diesels, as long as you want? A dream? No!
That's what modern chemistry benefits by two company's has offer for many years.
It's what many including me found and now is my way to say, "goodbye to car troubles."
Say, "goodbye to car troubles."
It's more than a clever way to avoid thousands of dollars of repair expenses - and tens of thousands more avoiding their premature replacement - with the tune away their wear and tear problems, I found.
It's the best ever way to preserve your vehicles to last twice as long - and run good as new for doing so - never grow old.
Its because it the only way known to reverse the cause of your cars internalproblem cause. It reverts the state of wear back to its like-newer condition - chemically, periodically. Made easy by me.
I want you to start using them - if you are looking for this kind of auto tune up and repair options.
What people say:
Jerry, a fleet owner of older trucks says....
“The mechanic at Caterpillar was absolutely blown away when he seen the improvement your Mega Power’s Worn Engine Service Treatment had on my older diesel engine - my daily user.
He was amazed because.... the last time he seen my truck it had a heavy blowby, exhaust smoke, and an oil burning problem. He instantly concluded, I overhauled the engine to end those problems - not use your "engine treatment additive" to fix its problem.
I’m amazed too! Over the months, since then I also decided to service the other components - hopeing it would give them more life. I did your fuel, engine, gear, radiator, and power steering treatments.
After 12 months of servicing your way, every component on each car and truck just stopped having fuel, engine, radiator and gear troubles.
They ended me having to buy every so often and carried extra containers of fluid handy to keep topping them off.
And I seen that servicing each components your way actually took a hiden strain off the engine- that made the engine have a little more zip - than it use to have.
Thanx for introducing to me to an additive method of older truck care I've been searching along time for." Jerry
Solves Problems the Ford Dealer Couldn't.
Oil burning solution.
Even stops mechanaical tapping problems.
Older worn vehicle revitalizer.
"My engine saver."
"My transmission saver."
Even in older classic cars.
Bumper to bumper service that ends problems
How To learn about amazing, new products to do so:
Say goodbye to car troubles with these tune away, and problem ending options.
What if you could add a few items to your car truck tractor RV boat or motorcycle troublesome component - and drive, - and while you were driving, the problem smooths out, disappeared, or ends- and then runs as good as ever?
That's our guarantee :
Enjoy - problems gone, more responsive vehicles NOW!
How you benefit.
That is what I teach mechanics, repair shop owners, equipment owners, and individuals in person - Here to take the mystery out of doing so, in written form for you to benefit doing the same.
Say goodbye to car troubles with my shortcut car problem ending options.
A brief lesson of your vehicles problem cause revealed. And the How-to product invented that became a add n-drive way to end your cars cause of its operating and mechanical problem. Driving caused it. Now it ends it. It provides an amazing racy tune up to boot that you can keep going as long as you want. A powerful benefit to have chosing this option.
The one-stop shop for ALL your car's bumper-to-bumper servicing and problem solving needs.
I'll ship the products needed to your door with directions and phone help if needed. Just add to the component. This option now ends the worry and expense by taking away the mystery on how to remove its problem cause - yourself, or by mechanic or friend helping you. Me by phone to do so.
Our guarantee : Enjoy - problems Gone, more responsive vehicles NOW
Our option is about prevention, after ending your car problem.
However, this option will give you a better life by teaching you a simple servicing to end any engine transmission radiator steering and a/c problem. This option introduces the Mega Power Brand of Products - millions use. They invented the way to end car and equipment problems chemically, by reversing them - right before your eyes. Bad chemicals and driving causes the problem.
Car care you can count on.
You will lean their way to reverse and end this problem. A great idea to help you all your life cut in half your second biggest expense - vehicle ownership! Provides anti-wear MC+ the also gives you the power to give your vehicles a second life for a fraction of what other methods offer.
Now, you can say, car care and its operating and mechanical problems don't have to be expensive to end.
Those are the auto tune and problem ending option this home page will direct you to. Order what is suggested. All at a learn how - no risk way to do so.
Dateline The World : A Better Way To Solve Your Vehicle Problems.
It doesn’t matter if it's an engine light, a radiator leak, or a bad headgasket, tapping, jerky shift; vehicle troubles are always a huge inconvenience.
Not only do you have to find alternative transportation during its fix, but you also must figure out the issue; buy whatever parts you need, or Check Prices to find someone to repair your car with your budget.
Afterward, just when you think you’ve solved your car troubles for good—bam!—another disaster hits. And you are back where you started again.
What Causes An Otherwise Good Vehicle To Have Suddenly Appearing Problems?
When you take them apart you see its sludge and friction.
People ask.
How does engine sludge cause my cars operating problems?
Engine sludge develops on and around your vehicle's motor parts. Sludge forms when oil begins to break down and collects on them. When engine sludge is present, oil is not able to properly lubricate the moving parts of your vehicle's motor. Less oil causesmore grinding friction drag. Parts start binding and upsetting their timely operation as this occurs. What results is most likely your car problem. › how-to-...
8 Things to Know about Engine Sludge: Car Saving Guide
Why are your additives better than other additives to end my cars problem?
What results as oil sludge, carbon, and friction, are removed as these pictures show. Removing them in 8 out of ten vehicles is your auto tune up and repair options as this picture shows.
The development of sludge, carbon, and friction from oil breakdown shown by thiese pictures causes 8 out of 10 vehicle problems - Mega Power Brand Additives can remove those those negatives to end the problems they cause. Shipped to you to end your vehicle problems
These Mega Power Brand Automotive Additives are packaged for easy problem sludge wear performnce solving for farmers, equipment owners, mechanics, individual.
to reverse or end their engine, gear, and radiator problems quicker and cheaper, be your best option to end yours... Millions of car and equipment owners say yes! Read more here>>>Have Engine, Gear Shift, or Overheating Trouble? This is what these famous people use to end the problem... Mega Power Engine TreatmentsHOW DO I KNOW?
Auto tune up and repair options
Hi. I'm george christ. From my early life, I wanted to learned shortcuts to remove car problems. I needed them to keep my junky cars going. I found these 4 brands to end them.
You now, online, can learn to use these solutions.
I'll help you do so.
See why us car buffs, mechanics, race car owners and makers, and equipment owners developed a love and passion for them.
For you, there are 6 kits of items. Although they can't fix what's broken, they isolate the problem to end it, making for a much lower repair bill....
Are you imagining the good it will do for this area of your life?
I feel they reduce your lifetime transportation and equipment expense by half.
I profit off these auto tune up and repair options and now you can too!
Read over the site to see for yourself. There is nothing else as good as this option if you want the knowledge to get all you worked hard to pay for, from your vehicle
For the last 50 years, as a mechanic, and then as a distributor, its been my pleaure to help thousands of equipment, car owners, equipment owners, repair shops owners, and mechanics have a better life from the fetures of these 6 vehicle problem solvers I sell.
....What you should know about lubrication and auto tune up and repair options to end your vehicle performance and mechanical problems :
To begin, remember, oil keeps your cars lubricated. But can't prevent problems. Additives listed here end them. Prevents them by returning the clean new car operation .
That's because oil is constantly breaking down in several ways. And it gets squeazed out from between parts causing friction problems.
George Formen - Boxer, Found Mega Power Treatments sold here, the ideal product to add endurance to his expensive cars and trucks..
"Race Team Discovers Secret Formula To End Engine Problems During Race"
Just imagine the money and headaches you could avoid by adding these products to end your cars and diesels upsetting operating problems with - like a race team found to gain a winning endurance with - millions are using to keep their vehicles going, and out of the repair shops with.
I call them my
HI! My name is George Christ - Glad you are here!
A formula they poured into the oils that took away the friction and sludge - and eliminated overhaul after every race - as the parts didn't show being worn out.
Saving them a ton of money on parts.
That secret formula is what I want you to use to end your car engine problem. It gives them endurance in doing so.
Click one of these links For It...
... Warning!
Its not a miracle fix. It does fix hundreds of wear and mechanical problems, and won't let friction sludge and wear prevail.
I had mechanics try and use it to fix their bad repairs - It Won't!
Mega Power Oil Treatment. Stops friction and sludge problems in engines, transmissions and other components. Gives vehicles the edge to endurance oil can't!.
Wipe out your steering whine! Leak! Roughness In Turning Problems The Super Hero Way. Learn more...
Mega Power Power Steering Tune Up Service Ends Rough Turn, Whine, Leak Problems.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><H2 style="text-align:center;font-size:31.5px;font-weight:normal;">End internal vehicles problems with our auto tune up and repair avoiding additives! You, anyone can master these engine transmission radiator steering and a/c operating problems With Mega Power Products. Ends the worry about vehicle problems!
</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="">auto tune up and repair options
How I learned about Mega Powers Vehicle Problem Reversing Discover.
As a car and diesel owner and a mechanic I wanted those features to reverse my cars problems - and then to use and sell. Becoming an agent, they then helped me solving my repair avoiding efforts n older vehicles.
I found they enhance my vehicles longer life - save tens of thousands in car repair avoidance - and I'm a believer in installing them bumper to bumper to solve my and my customers car problems. Made 2 lifetime incomes doing so.
You, anyone can master their beneficial features to end your tuning, engine transmission radiator steering and a/c problems.
Mega Power has millions of users of their products. I Sold them, now on-line sell them helping other repair shops, equipment owners and individuals benfit from their problem-solving ways.
I packaged them in convenient kits so anyone can end and prevent car and diesel troubles.. Easy to install.
Explained them with a recipe guaranteed to end internal problems.
I knew I was paying for these auto tune up and repair option benefits and not getting them - until Mega Power figured it out.
Those are your auto tune up and repair options I want you to use!
I'll introduces you to those - options - already invented and proven!
They are your -
People ask
How much does the average person spend on vehicles in a lifetime?
Answer: According to Motor Trend, life time cost average Americans spend is over $250,000 on Automobiles. That's $1 for every $4 you earn, and will give to others for transportation. Working 3 months a year to do so. Italic's mine. Dec 21, 2004 Source: › news › news041220-costs
How much does it cost to own a car for 10 years?
Based on a new car bought for $33,560, the annualized cost of ownership is: Year 1: $11,756. Year 5: $7,517. Year 10: $5,914.Oct 7, 2021 Source: › true-cost-of-owning-a-..
How long does the average person keep his vehicles?
They investigated over 5 million vehicles sold by their original owners to determine which models are kept the longest. Counting all makes and models measured in this survey, the average length of new-vehicle ownership in the U.S. is 8.4 years. Source : Average Length of Car Ownership | Study by iSeeCars
Costliest repairs.
How to do so...
Follow these A B C 's to the best problem ending solution ever invented. It will make you car ownership life better!
I'm America's auto tune up and repair avoiding expert. My secret to end hundreds of car diesel, Rv, boat and motorcycle operating problems no one else can do cheaper faster or better than me!
Index CONTACT INFO: On a cell phone, want to ask a question, order items to end your vehicle problem? Call me... george at 512 665 3388
Get the villains out...
Servicing older cars with them is one way to reduce expenses. However, early in life...
In my vehicles, because they are not new. They often developed sudden costly to repair problems... anyway.
I couldn't afford to fix them - and I'm a mechanic. Their operating problems upset my fragile life!
It meant car swapping, taxing family around - one car less.
Auto Tune Up And Repair Option. The Choice Wives Select!
Even my wife thinks so. And many others who, after hearing what they do, talked their husbands into trying them. She's hardly ever wrong about things. And many other wives and women ordered this option to end their vehicles problems - they get its secret! My wife, she backs me up with a refund policy if my option does not work! She knows we both win as, we only had just 2 refunds over the years because - if you read your fix page - you will quickly determine if my option, or the other given - the exact repair, are best for you!
For your part - its the choice you make: I take the mystery out of your cars problem cause. Helpful knowing that? SURE! Tens of thousands of mechanics and individuals I've train or sold this option to think so - and have a better clientele, or a better life from them. Is that possible for you?
Next ! Go to the links below to find your cars and diesels engine, transmission radiator, steering, a/c fix option.
PS: To ask me a question, order by phone items for your cars solution, call me ... george at 512 665 3388 Yep! I'm not a robot! Nor is this a Madison Avenue colorful site to fool you - I produced it my self with sitesell.coms help.
What are Auto Tune Up and Repair Options -
Their a compendium of the best ALTERNATIVES for ending performance and operating internal problems. Ending mechanical problems. For revitaliizing. Taking the mystery out of solving engine, transmission, radiator, steering and a/c wear and mechanical problems chemically.
They are revitalizing secrets for, older, worn, cars, diesel rigs, tractors, RV's, boats, motorcycles - even on their last legs - gives them a second life by a reconditioning formula you add to it. ...
Gets vehicles with operating or Hi-mileage wear problems back on life's roads - to continue their help for you to take care of your life's business - in the cheapest fastest and best way known! ... It's your vehicles - this puts you in command to help booster them along, cheaper with results that pay you back many times over. Not the option some greedy mechanic advises.
Try our site google search for a pecific problem coverage.
Please Note: This site is "not" a phoney top ten list site - where you decide from the fake selection, "what you think you need!
Not a, How to do actual Repair Site - No! This option lists what the Country's Expert says, is an additive product for the cheapest, fastest, best way to end your vehicle problem -Its Brand Name - Mega Power Additives
The only product removing vehicle problem causes so the problem ends!
Use them in new good cars and diesels to keep them away!
The specific product is shown, explained. by component catagory. No guessing! Easy install shown.
Mega Power Additives use Driving for wear and tear problem reversal.
- Like the Doc, giving you specific meds and instructions - to return your good health and avoid surgery. Thess Bumper to bumper suggestions returns your sick vehicle's good operating state, often in an hour or less.
Cars ompnonents are as complicated as your body - So specific fixes are offered for each problem.
Each Guaranteed to be the fix needed. Fix and prevent.
Techie advice, street proven, made easy - not just for mechanics, but for men and women, car and diesel owners seeking a proven specific add-and-drive solution.
Why not give it a read! Learn How our bumper to bumper treatments are the ideal solution to end, return, and keep your vehicles going.
Test it to see if it avoids what otherwise can cause you thousands to fix. It still may need fixed - but years down the road.
Read a few pages to get the feel. Order with confidence. In a few days - enjoy the fix and prevention you didn't know exist!
The Brand. Their SECRET to do so!
All vehicle and equipment sludge, and operating problem and even mechanical-problems have a reversible cause. The best mechanics intuitively understanding the cause and how to reverse them - to return operation to normal.
Both ways can fix the same problem, I've always favored Mega Powers Additives because they offer a cheaper, faster, longer vehicle life benefit.
Some had bad experiences having bought fake additives online, in part stores and quick lubes - and feel all additives must be bad. I've had that experience, also! However...
Those of us who have discovered the two additive inventing companies with unique problem-ending features know their secret few do - Use... this and that of their products to reverse the problem and end it!
What Customers say to repair shop owners using our tune and repair options to end their car engine transmission troubles.
And I've dedicated my business life to profit off advertising their recipes to do so - I call them my auto tune up and repair options - here for you to end your vehicle problem with - see how to gain 2 lifetimes from your vehicles with them.
Mega Power's Transmission Service Treatment -The latest version to both protect from trouble, and end transmission problem treatment.
Mega Power's Transmission Service Treatment - The latest version to prevent premature problem. trouble, and end transmission problems avoids repair..
Be your own car and truck care and repair super hero helping your vehicles engine, transmission, radiator, and steering get over their problems using additives with my helpOur install yourself products offer you our auto tune up and repair options to end engine transmission internal problems cheaper, faster, better than actual repair. Read how they do so.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></DIV>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><SPAN style="text-align:left;font-size:20px;">These HOW-TO options are easy for female car owners to use. Regular customers who keep the car worry's away using our car an equipment engine transmission fuel problem-solvers. So can you. Try them today. The purpose for these</SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""></DIV><DIV style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></DIV>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><FORM style="text-align:center;"></DIV><TEXTAREA style=""></FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""></FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""></FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:transparent;text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:transparent;text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""></DIV><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">-</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="">Share this page: What’s this?</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:transparent;text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:transparent;text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="font-size:19px;"><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""></DIV><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">-</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="">Nemo enim ipsamLorem ipsumNemo enim ipsamLorem ipsum
These 3 Mega Power Diesel Problem-Ending Treatments in a simple-to-add, then drive Treatment end diesel engine and gear shift problems.
Informed diesel car, pickup, rig, diesel tractor, equipment, RV, and diesel boat owners have been using these 3 Mega Power like Diesel Treatments in a simple-to-add, then drive Treatment to end diesel engine and gear shift problems as their solutions since 1960. Now improved with a holistic protection for the fuel system, engine, ans gears.
Radiator Protection, Problem Ending
With gas and diesel owners paying billions for engine ruining problems cause by electrolysis, and its hole eating thru radiators, heater cores, and piston sleeve cylinders - going into the pockets of parts makers, and dealer equipment repair shop owners - is a good reason to start using Mega Power Fuel, Engine, And Gear and RADIATOR Additive Treatments.
Learn how to prevent any internal engine transmission radiator and steering trouble - and emission smog problems? About radiator treating to end a problem, click this link.
What's problems can additives end?
No need to take anything apart to end the problem!
Global Rank 2,113,168 5,United States 999,476
End story about engine transmission radiator fuel steering and a/c servicing products at auto tune up and repair options
Need more income? Investigate This idea...
Enjoy a business promoting our products with freedom to grow an above average income.
Looking for a way to earn extra income? Imagine earning hundreds or even thousands of dollars in income every month, even while sleeping, playing golf or doing other things. How possible?
With this opportunity, you can be your own boss, enjoy a flexible schedule, and have an unlimited income potential. Work from home on your schedule. There is also a no need for any investment to get started option.
Every day auto repair shops look for ways to do better, and earn more. Our automotive servicing and problem-solving products and its program provide a $1000 additional income opportunity for them. What business owner would not want such a profit improving addition that requires no gtrat investment, that woes customers?
If you are interested, you can request a report to learn how to get started. Perhaps, if not you, you know someone who could benefit from this opportunity. Send them a note with our phone number, or we can call them about it. You can also share this message on your blog, website, forum, Facebook or Instagram account by using the HTML link code below. Thank you for considering this opportunity. George.
Need more income? Can you sell?
Imagine a part-time monthly income, making you hundreds, even thousands in EXTRA monthly income while you sleep, play, do other things.
Like this idea? And We are looking for a reps across noth america and in your area who can see the possiblity of those income making ways.
That's the life we have and enjoy. Learn about its freedom. Its unlimited income potential. Enjoy the satisfaction no regular job offers - you are the Boss. A no investment ever entry, too. Not like most endeavors. And you would be helping the financial quality of many - your clients doing the same by means of our products.
Inquire Now by reading this report to learn how to get started.
Know a friend who might enjoy the benefit of such a business? Send them a note with my phone number and Better job opp at 512 665 3388.
Drop this message code below into your blog. or a Forum, like your Facebook, instagram account. To do so, Click on the HTML link code below. Copy and paste this code in your blog where you like. It shows this web page as a link back to it. And thanks for passing it along. george...X
</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><FORM style="text-align:center;"></FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="">Here's how this page and the other pages will help to end your vehicle problem cheaper, faster, better.
There are automotive additives that fix automotive problems - lowering their repair cost to a fraction while promoting decades of endless operation out of every component. These and our other 4 vehicle problem-solving kits are your best auto-tune and repair options offered here. Read why below.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id facilisis sapien. Etiam massa mauris, euismod nec condimentum at, suscipit at nulla. Praesent vel fringilla ante. Nunc vel condimentum sapien. Mauris sodales commodo odio, non pulvinar arcu cursus nec. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum elit eros, blandit non magna pellentesque, varius volutpat leo. Fusce a hendrerit lacus, nec viverra enim.
HOW TO order what you need to do so - Nemo enim ipsamLorem ipsumAll have an "on-the-spot" Money back guarantee if they aren't what you need!Powerful car and diesel problem-ending product options take the DIY complication, mystery, and expense out of ending vehicle problems! Mechanics boost performance with them! They give older vehicles a second life.George Christ, America's alternative vehicle problem solver. He has the "best auto tune-up and repair-avoiding options."
Hi! Glad Google sent you here! This is the only site for DIY bumper-to-bumper car care and repair avoidance around.
Having a engine problem already?
By george christ. Americas alternative vehicle problem solver.
Contact info and answers to your car problems and odering call me at 512 665 3388
You may already know that car operating or mechanical problems happen without warning. One day, the car or tractor is running great: the next, you are afraid it will quit running in heavy traffic blocking the the road.
For them, these automotive tune and repair options end such problems.
You, anyone, not just mechanics can end the most complex car and farm tractor operating tune-up and engine, transmission, radiator, steering and a/c operating and mechanical problems!
Knocking sounds on startup, tapping like wrenches are bouncing around in the motor, delayed, rough, or hard shfits, overheating, fluid leaks are a few of the problems I list additives as their best solution to end those kinds of problems with.
We all saw vehicles with steaming hoods open and scared passengers beside them on phones dialing for help. Every day, millions of owners of such troubled vehicles are in auto repair shops seeking help. There is always good and bad news, with the bad part being the cost of repair and a day or more of inconvenience.
That used to happen to me until 3 race car owners explained why those troubles appear and how to stop them in their tracks - even actually prevent them!
They also produce a racy, much more powerful operation - like what a brand new vehicle runs like. they showed me was quite eye-opening - detailed on other pages - but basically is this.
Millions of brand new to old, and thought worn-out vehicles had their problems solved with the.
You are given an explanation of the cause and additive to use to end them. They work in a week to a few hours time so anyone, not just mechanics can end the most complex car and farm tractor, operating, premature tune-up, and engine, transmission, radiator, steering and a/c operating and mechanical problems!
Our best-selling Engine Problem Solver. I packaged it to offer my customers as a superior tune-up, and for 25,000 miles servicing needs. But it had other features I found like ending oil burning problems in hi-mileage motors. Stops engine valve and valve lifter tapping. And controls compression escape called blowby. Lubes supercharger bearings and keeps them cooler operating, better than oil alone. If you had their $10 bearing failure cost you $1500 to fix, you know it value there. Excellent for emission test passing. But testing is done 7 days or more after its installation. Just $99 for this amazing Do It Yourself Offer. Click the cart button to order. Easy to install. Read story below for details.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style="background-color:transparent;"></DIV></DIV><DIV style="vertical-align:top;"><DIV style=""></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="">If you want to cut through the mystery to end even the most complicated wear and tear car troubles, try our Mega Power Automotive Additives. They are our auto tune up and repair best options. Their fix features making possible the savings of hundreds, even thousand$ for people using their unusal problem ending method. It reverses the cars problem causes to do so. Further benefits, and it primary function slams the brakes on wear and its problems in all 5 major car component areas. Their usage stretch problem appearance and vehicle life decades further. All explained on the page your Fix Solution is covered. Sent to your door in 3 days to enjoy the power of chemisty and science and my expertise to help you. Have not found a better way to keep my vehicles in top form and millions like me think so to, who learned to loved its care and repair value. See story for details.Our best-selling Transmission Problem Solver. Smooth's rough shifts. Ends slippage and leaks. It may avoid a $1000+ repair. For Repair shops, but easy for anyone to end their tranny problems with. Yes, in some cases, it just lessened the problem but avoided repair for several years. Provides smoother, quicker shifting. Keeps tranys cool when towing. Easy to install. Click the cart button to order. Just $99 for this amazing Do It Yourself Offer. Click the cart button to order. Easy to install. Please read the story below for details.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style="background-color:transparent;"></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style=""><BR style=""></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style="text-align:center;"><B style="font-size:36px;"></DIV>No matter what! </B></P><P style="text-align:center;"><SPAN style="text-align:left;"><B style="">Hi- I'm George Christ—an Expert On Vehicle Alternative Problem Solving. </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 10, 10);"><B style=""> You already know most vehicles run great for years; then a costly to-repair problem pops up. Its repair cost is surprisning and can be pretty upsetting to the family budget. </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 10, 10);"><B style=""><SPAN style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);"> What if you could pour</SPAN> something potent into them to end the problem? Does it make it run as if it's new all over again? That is what this auto tune-up and repair option pitching Mega Power products is all about. I love their features - so will you! Here's why...</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 10, 10);"><B style=""><SPAN style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);"> This is a product line</SPAN> from science and chemistry discoveries. When I say scientific, I mean it follows a repeatable method you or anyone can use to get problem-ending results.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 10, 10);"><B style=""><SPAN style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);"> When I say chemistry,</SPAN> I don't mean buying oils or solvents from a refinery and saying this is the best! It is a specific formula found to end problems that cause wear and tear inside. Not only end but also recondition the component to run as if newer</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 10, 10);"><B style=""><SPAN style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);"> When I say conditioning</SPAN>, I mean not just cleaning and freeing up the problem parts. but change the worn, roughened surfaces back to smooth and timely operating. That is how to end your vehicle's troubles.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 10, 10);"><B style=""><SPAN style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);"> With a bonus.</SPAN> I put them in kits to add to the fluids and do the right service for that component. Driving uses the product to go to work, revseing the troublesome state back to its best state to end the problems. Then keep it that way. Conditioning ends the problem just as new parts do. It's only more accessible and cheaper. And it requires no car repair skills or knowledge. Driving forces return to a better state! </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"> <B style=""> You already read what others say of the good done by my additives expertise. The rest of the page are other articles covering one point to another on the fixed characteristic. </B></P><P style="text-align:left;"><B style="">I want go deeper into their features to tell</B> you about their anti-wear that has helped me, and many others all our life, to see how it will help you all your life. Most people's introduction to them is to fix or end an automotive operating problem. You already know Mega Power Additives do that.. <I style=""><B style="">There is another benefit to using them...</B></I></P><P style=""><I style=""><B style=""> Others use of them is </B>in brand new cars and diesels. To give its anti-wear to the engine, transmission, and components, helping them run decades longer with fewer costly problems. Avoids premature wearout years before expected. Its anti-wear is keeps more money in our pockets and lowers the<B style=""> cost of ownership. You want that same benefit? </B></I></P><P style=""><I style=""> <B style="">You read that right. </B>This website explains how Mega Power Additives I put into kits can help your vehicles run trouble free - no matter the problem.<B style=""> </B></I></P><P style=""> <B style="">I can help you </B>understand the science and chemistry that makes it possible. No matter your car or diesel farm tractor or diesel rig, whatever is not running right. having an internal problem. I've done so thosuands of times and sold them to thousands, who also had them work to end their automotive problems.</P><P style=""> <B style="">You will see why</B> I call them DIY auto tune-up and repair options.</P><P style=""> You may think it's not so, but they are an alternative way to end problems usually expensively repaired.</P><P style=""> If you give me a minute to explain why it is so and what people with all kinds of car and diesel equipment problems say, I'll give you a 30-day test of their fixing ability in your cars. It's all about their ending the most complex automotive operating problems.</P><P style=""> Imagine adding a few products I'll show you to your troublesome car and equipment and end its problems for a 10th of what others pay. Imagine these additives avoiding thousands of dollars per vehicle expense —ending the more costly issues. No matter car, pickup, diesel rig, equipment, or farm tractor. Those are the results of using the automotive additives called Mega Power MC+, which I'll show you here. <B style=""> </B> </P><P style=""><B style="">What it does for the vehicle.</B></P><P style=""> MC is the acronym for the word Metal Conditioner. A special kind of expensive chemistry discovery updated from the 1950s along with other ingredients for engine, transmission, radiator, steering, or a/c systems with a problem, and to reverses the problem </P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></DIV>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><H3 style="text-align:center;font-size:26.6px;font-weight:normal;"><SPAN style="font-size:51px;"><SPAN style="font-size:29px;"> Automotive Additives Are Ending Car and Equipment Problems. Sold here and we Supplie Auto Repair Shops, Independant Part Stores. Covering Bumper to Bumper Problem Solving and Protection Solutions. Order online here.</SPAN><BR style=""><BR style=""></SPAN></H3></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style=""><SPAN style="font-size:38px;"><B style="">Doing more than lubricating where oil can't.</B></SPAN></P><P style=""> If the causes of engine and component problems and their avoidance are a mystery to your, this is the secret to them. Our option details Mega Powers Additive Research Products to end your cars, Diesel rigs, farm tractor, dozer, rv boat motorcycle and generator operaing problesms <B style=""><I style="">causes and remedies. Use as the service to add theose featues to aid the vehicles endurance.</I></B></P><P style="">Best engine and component protectors</P><P style=""> If the causes of engine and component problems and their avoidance are a mystery to you, this is their secret. Our option details Mega Powers Additive Research findings of their causes and product remedies. Those following our care and repair method understand their mystery and the products for reversing the problems cause. Does by cleaning, freeing, smoothing and conditioning where oils and fluids and other products can't! These products from Mega Power are the best automotive problem solver for your car and diesel engine care and repair solutions.</P><P style="">The inventors</P><P style="">Invented by Mega Powers Additives and made easy as a service anyone can use to clean the engine and end their internal problems. Not just for mechanics. As a quality factor, they exceed every car maker's engine and component 25,000-mile servicing product spec's for component cleaning, offering much more engine care and repair help.</P><P style=""><BR style=""></P><P style="">Why my should be yours </P><P style="">Seeing the car maker's tips fail to end some car problems Mega Power packaged their solution as an extra product advantage. For my part, I explain their value compared to a repair and their installation and for a purchasing source. </P><P style="">Six treatments are all you will ever need. The six: </P><P style="">Mega Powers Engine Treatment</P><P style="">Mega Powers Transmission Treatment</P><P style="">Mega Powers Radiator Treatment</P><P style="">Mega Powers Power Steering Treatment</P><P style="">Mega Powers A/C Treatment</P><P style="">Those following our auto-tune-up-and-repair-options,com care and repair method to understand the mystery of automotive problems, and their happening too soon appearance. And in a few words is this: <B style=""><I style="">The products have problem solving power by reversing the problems cause, by cleaning, freeing, smoothing and conditioning. And by doing so where oils and fluids and other products can't!</I></B> </P><P style=""> Is the cause and solution no longer a mystery?</P><P style=""> By reversing the problem parts that are mis-behaving every parts is so benefited. Gaining better long term results with their MC+ Friction remover included in the oil and fluid liquids. </P><P style=""> Mega Power Automotive Additives, and my auto tune up and repair options promotes this superior way to do so.</P><P style="text-align:center;"> <SPAN style="font-size:24px;"><B style="">Usage makes possible the savings of hundreds, even thousand$ in two ways :</B></SPAN></P><OL style=""><LI style="">Its a good repair while an alternative one, costing a fraction of what actual repair cost. </LI><LI style="">With every mile you will enjoy a continuing going strong result as long as your want method.</LI></OL><P style="text-align:center;"> <SPAN style="font-size:24px;"><B style=""><I style=""> Who doesn't want a better running vehicles that never have a problem?</I></B></SPAN></P><P style=""> Sure, its true some get exceptional miles and trouble free operation from their vehicles - but you cann't!!! I understand that situation. I can help! Automotive problem causes are a mystery even to most mechanics. They say, "and tear wear causes it." But don't know the actual causes that wear speeds it up? Or how to end it, but I do. <A style=""href="https:#link_1389993">Read my Bio.</A></P><P style=""> So don't feel bad about it. The mechanic is trained to only identify and change out the defective parts. I know, I'm a mechanic and its not in the repair training. I've made it my expertise. And this is it! When brand new, cars and tractors and such run great, have spiffy power, and work thrugh the heaviesst conditions with ease.</P><P style=""> What gives you that "I gotta buy this new car idea is its power and obvious long term, trouble free opertion." What gives them that very expensive to purchase ideal is their micro-smooth surfces, and clean, free-moving state. </P><P style=""> Their clean, smooth moving pistons, bearings, valves, gears, shalfs and combustion process send all that power to the wheels you enjoy. a state you paid so much for - that ends too soon. Why? In time, high temperatures, high pressures break the oils film causing friction. Each contact of friction welds the contact, then breaks away. Gets rougher. Oil, fuel, and fluid breakdown creates acids and sticky tar-like films.</P><P style=""> When you do an oil and fluid change, some stays behind weakening the new oils and fluids sooner. The eye blinking actions of each part slow down. Hot tar-like films and friction grow and combine to stress every part. You say its wearing. Now you want to know what chemistry and science has discovered to correct the situation. </P><P style=""> The Products and treatments using them described here, will free them up, clean away the tarry-like films, and smooth the actual rough su to reverse the problems they cause. That's my expertise and few around know them as well as I do. The street proven treatments I suggest are cut in half actual repairs cost to end them.</P><P style=""> Package with all that's needed to keep troubles away the actual repari can't. The other secret to avoiding troubles I, others who understand friction practice. Its true, if you baby your car and heavy equipment by slow take offs and stops, do their servicing as required, have mostly long continuious speed and longer trips, you can go to 300,000 miles with out much serious trouble.</P><P style=""> But few can! But can with this auto tune up and repair option info. As it returns the new-like state. Passing on the Real How To's has been my passion all my life. i wanted to know how to beat wear and tear and found it out. I came upon them by accident and they have made my life better financially. The brief on what Works!</P><P style=""> Since the days of Carl Wynn's Engine Friction Proofing, and the Justice Brothers Additives, and then Bud Essterlins Mega Power Additives, who follow Wynn's formulas, and now me explaining their features here to help you do the same.</P><P style=""> Trained by them, and here their methods can you find anywhere else the additives and servicies and their explanations, sold with a satisfaction guarantee on line.</P><P style=""> Using their mechanic-in-a-can products has made it been possible for millions and anyone, with minor or serious car or equipment operating or mechanical problems, to have them repaired out of a can.</P><P style=""> Continuing usage as I describe gains for you the advantges to do so [ with an instant refund if not ], that also chemically and scientifically slams the breakes on wear out. Allowing the vehicle life most desirable operation - keeping them near their new like stiochiometric. </P><P style=""> Ending a tune up, engine, transmission, radiator steering, a/c operating problem.</P><P style="">Imagine pouring-in a 36 to 72 ozs of those products above into your new and even older cars, farm tractors, digging equipment, and diesel rigs and experience....</P><UL style=""><LI style="">A sudden amazing performance you didn't know they had!</LI><LI style="">Enjoy seeing their engine and power train problems end. </LI><LI style="">Appreciate you have restored the vehicles stoichiometries. </LI><LI style="">Its the ideal operating state for extending ending a vehicles problems.</LI><LI style="">That is the option here for those who value extending the life of their vehicles.</LI></UL><P style=""> Its not a mystery any more! If you want this ability keep returning the vehicles ideal state periodically to keep extending a new-like state to your costly cars and equipment you found the one web site that explains the what and how to.</P><P style=""> This method reverses problems to end them! Were you to follow their conditioning deep in your cars components you would see them change their state from being tar like covered, wear roughen, and faulty operating, to clean, smooth, and operating at eye blinking speed - the ideal state returned. It does so chemically for a few hundred dollars what most pay many thousands for - but for new parts that don't do have what this does - and to every part. Some mechanics include the product in their repairs to gain those advantages for the customers advantage.</P><P style=""> The point is, you are paying for their benfits the oils and fluids, in less fuel economy, and costly engine repairs sooner than expected, and not getting them. You may have suspected it. Now, you might as well enjoy it as your cars, trucks, Diesel Rigs, Farm Tractors, RV, Boat, Motorcycle, and Generator tune up with an endurance feature with it. </P><P style=""> What us car buffs, individuals, mechanics and top race teams know about the mystery is this. </P><P style=""> Imagine henjoy vehicles so treated, running just great while friends and neighbors with similar ones, using them in similar ways, have to have them overhauled or replaced while yousr run good as new. You might say, you get good results using Mega Power. Want to try them? They most likely will say, "i don't believe in additives." Think how much better your life will be in the future using our to gain those great car care and repair advantages. </P><P style=""> </P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><TABLE style=""><TBODY style=""><TR style=""><TD style="vertical-align:top;"><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><H2 style="font-size:30px;font-weight:normal;"><SPAN style="font-size:19px;"><B style=""> Multi-Tune Up & Fuel Injector Cleaning, and Motor Combustion Carbon Removing.</B><BR style="">Removes Engine Tuning Motor Problems</SPAN></H2></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><SPAN style="text-align:left;font-size:20px;">This popular fuel injector cleaner from Mega Power Additives NOW includes Engine Combustion Carbon Remover and an Valve and Piston Ring Cleaner for a great whole engine tune up. Cleans where fuel, air, combustion, exhaust go. Not just clean your fuel injectors like other products just do. As good as any pro. But $way cheaper. And do 2 other expensive engine care services, both easy to do. All 3 just $99 sent to your door in a few days. With Easy pour-in directions. Satisfaction Guarantee. Nother Better, Easier. Click cart button to order.</SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""></DIV><DIV style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></DIV>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><FORM style="text-align:center;"></DIV><TEXTAREA style=""></FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style="background-color:transparent;"></DIV></TD><TD style="vertical-align:top;"><DIV style=""></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><H2 style="font-size:30px;font-weight:normal;"> The First Top and Bottom
See our "reduces friction and wear" demo
See our "reduces friction "problem solver Demo
Engine Problem Solver. End Any Operating, Mechanical, Noise, Leak, Oil Loss Problem
Guaranteed To All in One Service
Solve your most troublesome engine problem With Mega Powers Hi-Tech Engine Treatment. Troubles like oil burning, valve tapping, blowby, gasket or seal oil leaks, and lousy power are no problems to remove. Its the car buffs secret to going twice the mileage without any repair need. Directions and free phone help included. Service all your engines to have them cleaned and conditioned for a long life. Just $149 for a fix others pay thousands for, and a double your money back guarantee if it fails to do as advertised. Click cart button to order.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style="background-color:transparent;"></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style="text-align:left;"> <SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> The way we help those looking for those automotive problem solving tips.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> We explain how your vehicles problems develop.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Explain how to install the products that end the problem.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Offer the products needed and send them to you.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Offer phone help to answer your questions.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Provided training for your personal.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Offer a Guarantees of Satisfaction of our Promises.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Look for locals to be our distributors.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Pass on the latest findings in our newsletter.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Our Revenue comes from repair shops using our products to grow their business.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Be a one source care and repair online source for you.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Solving the vehicles hic cup and the cause.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Its been known internal problems appearing after the warranty ends start when the car truck tractor etc., is brand new. No matter with this option.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Imagine pouring-in a few products into your new cars, farm tractors, equipment, and diesel rigs </SPAN></P><UL style="text-align:left;"><LI style="">Fuel tanks.</LI><LI style="">Engines</LI><LI style="">Transmissions</LI><LI style="">Radiators</LI><LI style="">Power Steering</LI><LI style="">A/C Systems and see them suddenly run, even though brand new, run with greater ease, more pulling power, and better fuel economy after doing so. Goon to run that way as long as treated too.</LI></UL><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">What about help for older vehicles?</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><BR style=""></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Imagine pouring-in a few products into your older cars, farm tractors, diesel equipment, and diesel rigs components also and suddenly see a suddenly appearing problem.... end.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">.....Problems perhaps costing hundreds, even thousands to fix. See list below, see the problem recede, then end for a few hundred dollars!</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Afterwards, imagine, each day see them run with greater ease, with more pulling power, and more zip. Having to back off the gas pedal to lower the amazingly faster speeds they now want to go - as if again 25,000, or 50,000 miles newer?</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Those are my experiences and those of many mechanics and individuals, who use these particular products from two automotive additive company's :</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Justice Brothers Additives. Sold by some local repair shops across America. Who advise you on their choice for your need. And...</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> Mega Power Additives. Presently sold here online to individuals and local repair shops, and local distributors we supply. A teaching website - explaining all about their additive features, install steps, which ones fix specific problems, easy for anyone to understand. a online source for solutions to keep your vehicles going cheaper, best ever, decades longer - no matter the miles.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">Our Purpose? We make our living promoting these solutions. I've learned to use their products directly from the inventors. Over the years I added missing techy details, in a non-techy way to explain their benefits.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"> I tested them in my customers cars. Learn of their different solutions from mechanics who discovered new uses for them. Sold them with others to thousands of repair shops. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">With the internet, and its draw for information dispensing, I have this website.</SPAN></P><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;"></DIV>With the largest compendium of care and repair articles to educate. </SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">To also help, I packaged treatments to end those suddenly appearing internal problems. </SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">You can find your problems solution on my site links and menu buttons.</SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">Each proven from street usage. </SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">Teaching you to avoid what'sneeded to go another 100,000 miles just fine.</SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">Help those who want to HOW TO extend their vehicles good operating state. </SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:20px;">That's my help to you!!! I call them, my tune up and repair options.</SPAN></LI></UL></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style=""><BR style=""></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;"> Did is I say for your </SPAN><SPAN style="font-size:24px;"><B style="">new vehicles,</B></SPAN><SPAN style="font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;"> too? To also stretch their usefulness decades longer by ending their break-in run better state sooner. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;"><B style=""> </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;"> Critical "break-in of the engine is of serious importance to those who know about its negatives for cutting in half a vehicle's llfe. Having to buy new vehicles and equipment result:</SPAN></P><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;">That is the value of Justice Brothers and <A style=""href="https:#link_3270961">Mega Power Additives</A>. </SPAN></LI></UL><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;">if you already buy their products to fix automotive problems and look into it their break-in benefit. Perhaps this helps. </SPAN></LI></UL><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;">That's my expertist.</SPAN></LI></UL><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;">Its all about Mega Power Engine Treatment ending the breakin to avoid a later premature repair expense. Its a trouble avoiding routine! You might call these products a vehicle investment life stretching aid.</SPAN></LI></UL><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(171, 12, 12);font-size:24px;font-weight:normal;"> explains the good and bad in additives and offers education and sales of additives to end distinct problems.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;">Going where oil can't.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> By packaging the 3 ingredients needed - instead of your hunting them down is what your option is here.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> What these two additive companies found that could, and by adding several powerful cleaners and lube conditioners, their "mixture," is end both the car makers, and engine and transmission rebuilders break-in nightmare.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Many who are top race car winners, airplane, boat, and ship owners, and engine and transmission rebuilders, even cars on the assembly line are using Mega Powers Additives to help them operate smoothly and get pass their break-in period avoiding the common faults that appear. See these products slam the breaks on wear and tear providing a second and third life bonus for them. All for stretching their original cost two to three times normal. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><BR style=""></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">Understanding the friction ending solution.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Break-in describes the mechanics nightmare term about friction for how long it takes for the new car or new heavy equipment parts to rub to wear-end. Meaning, hoping that friction grinding away of tight tolerance parts, and high spots reaches its ideal, and returns to its slowest wearing state. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style=""> The problem with the break-in nightmare</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> If the break-in takes never stops, or is severe, it rapidly shortens the life of the weakest parts, and they fail. That no end to the friction break-in upsets vehicle operation. Repair becomes mandatory when reaching that point.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style=""> The importance of friction reduction.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> For a long time a light oil added in engines at the factory to speedup break-in. A week later it was changed out and regular oil put in. You drove the vehicle slower at speeds under 50-60 mph to ease the friction break-in.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> If break-in friction never stops, it wears out the weaker parts quickly, and a engine and transmission failure occurs long before the first 100,000 miles arrives.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Every <B style="">car makers dealership repair department </B>counts its major profit source from such vehicles spending a week or so in their shop replacing the failed parts with new ones. I know from working as a mechanic when young at Ford and Chevy dealerships. Even today dealership and repair shops are full of such repairs.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">The real problem about friction Mega Power Vehicle Additive Maker solves.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Every car and equipment maker then has to pay out of their profits for those repairs to meet the warranty life promise. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">Solving the Friction Problem.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Mega Power MC+ is that friction ender. It has been poured into engines on the new car assembly line to solve severe friction and break-in problems.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Of course, gov laws require electrical and emission parts to last 100,000 miles. And the car maker adds his 100,000 mile warranty knowing the majority of frition and wear problems occur after 100,000 miles. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> If it happens after the warranty period, the owners pays - and it means a costly $4000 to $8000 expense - you didn't see sneaking up on you.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Further down, you learn more of How Mega Power can end your vehicles friction and dirty caused engine, transmission, radiator, power steering, and a/c operating problems.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"> </P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:28px;"><B style=""> The problem with additives and additive promoters.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"><B style=""> Additives are mostly items picked to resell. </B>Like items in a grocery store.<B style=""> </B>There is no education for the most part to teach what prevents problems. They leave that decision up to you.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">I'm here helping you gain</B> that help here at It offers those in search of better ways to solve their vehicle problems the alternative. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style="">The problem with additives and additive promoters.</P><P style=""> Additives are mostly items picked to resell. Like items in a grocery store. There is no education for the most part to teach what prevents problems. They leave that decision up to you.</P><P style=""> I'm here helping you gain that help here at It offers those in search of better ways to solve their vehicle problems the alternative. </P><P style="text-align:left;"><BR style=""></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">Why our Mega Power Additives will help you end your engine tranmsissions, radiator, power steering, power take off their hi-cups.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">You, like me already know </B>there are many products sold to end vehicle problems - and seldom do they do much good. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> The problem is, common additive products never can get pass the oiling lubrication state to help. They only go wherever oil goes.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">The problem with that:</B> When oil breaksdown, they join in. When oil is squeezed our from between parts, they get squeezed out too. When oil is blocked by sludge or friction, they are blocked out, too.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Mega Power Additive Maker Bud Esterline found the work around as their solution.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> As friction wears, and roughens the smooth new vehicle part surfaces, the roughness shreds the oil film - losing lubrications value, and the common additives also shred and can't help much. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Lots of people have tried to solve the problem, and one such in the 1950 hit on the formula overcoming the problems of lubrication and ending the onslaugh of problems cars have by those problems.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style=""> Today's Mega Power Slo-Wear Additives keep improving on those wear and tear problem solving solutions. They keep adding to that original additive friction reducing formulas newer, better acting ingrdients.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"> <SPAN style="font-size:22px;">Mega Power products work by addition to the fuel tank engine, transmission radiator, steering, a/c system oils and fluids, in small amounts. Including wheel bearings and differentials. They offer a complex means to keep returning the new like state with periodic usage. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Being water thin, with characteristics to crawl where oil can't lube Mega Power products will crawl thru to lube and smooth. Free up, and even heal. Cleaning up and smoothing ends upseting conditions.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> If in your vehicles the vehicles pistons, bearings, shafts, seals, gaskets, etc staty lubricted and smooth. Providing what todays best sythetic oils can't! Cleaning and freeing and getting problem conditions to go away. You have the best way of protecting and conditioning the surfaces of new and old vehicles so they run clean, cool smooth and protected, with a tune up like feel.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Those are the products we favor and promote as your </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:27px;"> <B style="">Recognizing the need to overcome engine negative problems </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> There's a, quick flush. They add more of some additives in oil. They make the oil gooey. They add ingredients to hopefully end engine and transmission problems by those methods, but can't reach the problem.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> That is, until a discovery by Bub Esterlins, Mega Power Automotive Additive Research Department found chemistry that will, by going where oil can't.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">Going where motor oil can't.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> By packaging what they found that could, and by adding several powerful cleaners and lube conditioners, their "mixture," is end both the car makers, and engine and transmission rebuilders<B style=""> break-in nightmare</B>.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Many who are top race car owners, airplane, and boat and ship owners are using Mega Powers Additives to help their vehicles.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">Understanding the friction solution.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">Engine break-in describes</B> the mechanics nightmare term for how long it takes for the new car or new heavy equipment parts to rub to wear-end. Meaning, the grinding away of tight tolerance parts, high spots enough to where its friction drag drops , and the vehicle reaches its ideal, slowest wearing state. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">The engine break-in nightmare</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style=""> </B>If the break-in takes longer, or is severe, it rapidly shortens the life of the weakest parts and that upsets vehicle operation. Repair becomes mandatory when reaching that point.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">The importance of engine friction reduction.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> For a long time a light oil added at the factory speeded up break-in. A week later it was changed out with regular oil. You drove the vehicle at speeds under 50-60mph.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> If break-in friction never stops, it wears out the weaker parts quickly, and a engine and transmission failure occurs long before the first 100,000 miles arrives.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Every car makers dealership repair department counts its major profit source from such vehicles spending a week or so in their shop replacing the failed parts with new ones. I know from working as a mechanic when young at Ford and Chevy dealerships. Even today dealership and repair shops are full of such repairs.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">The real problem about friction Mega Power Vehicle Additive Maker Solves.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Every car and equipment maker then has to pay out of their profits it repair to meet the warranty life promise.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Mega Power has been poured into engines on the assembly line to solve the most sever friction and break-in problems. Of course, gov laws require electrical and emission parts to last 100,000 miles. And the car maker adds his 100,000 mile runs great or fix free warranty. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> If it happens after the warranty period, the owners pays - and it means a costly $4000 to $8000 expense - you didn't see sneaking up on you.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:center;"><SPAN style="font-size:28px;"><B style=""> How Mega Power can end your vehicles engines friction and dirty caused engine, transmission, radiator, power steering, and a/c operating problems</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:center;"><SPAN style="font-size:25px;"><B style=""> S<SPAN style="font-size:24px;">olving the break-in, and now older vehicle operating and mechanical problems</SPAN></B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:center;"><B style=""><SPAN style="font-size:21px;">And easy lo-cost automotive bumper to bumper problem solver.</SPAN></B></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> You already learned of Mega Power Automotive Additive Research Department finding chemistry and packaging them for lower significantly frictions problem causes, by going where oil can't.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> And now you're at its newest ways to end vehicle problems, going where oil can't.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> You already know Mega Powers Research and science found what could, and by adding several powerful cleaners and lube conditioners to their "mixture," car and diesel owners are avoiding the engine and transmission rebuilders break-in nightmare. And also ending ending sludge, and frictions wear causing problems.</SPAN></P><P style=""><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"><B style="">Not just for ending tight tolerance friction break-in problems.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> You know of Mega Powers additives ability to crawl to every rubbing surface providing lubrication in a strange, but very effective way. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> You know of their two easy-to-do steps</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> They have been ending wear and tear problems in brand new vehicles since 1980. And since 2007 I put on line pre packaged stronger mixtures for older cars, trucks, farm tractors, diesel equipment.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> While other web sites sell additives in a grocery arena I give you <B style="">more personal help than that.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">You will find</B> that personal help with a guarantee. That is the option we provide here.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style=""> Best of all,</B> following our tips and products suggestions you can knowledgably lower the cost per mile, per year with cost per vehicle while they avoid thousands in expenses.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">Your benefit? </B>So, you can pocket the difference. Only having a before aftert experienceee shows it. But running vehicles economically and fre of major troubles makes their long term value appear. Just enjoy the healing factor that keeps your vehicles running great if you want to continue - as long as you keep a portion of Mega Power Treatment in them.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style=""> With My Argument HOW TO GET STARTED. </B> </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> If you are experiencing an internal car problem, Check below to see if these solutions say, they will end your vehicles problem. Shipped overnite across the free world. Includes Directions, and a great Guarantee!</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;">I'll even let you test it out for free.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style=""> You will find us experts here to both explain, and recommend the product solutions. Our options:</B></SPAN></P><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;">Untangle the mystery of overcoming your new vehicles and diesel equipment wear and tears rapid speed. To bring it to a crawl. Edurance enabling help that wows you!</SPAN> </LI></UL><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;">We also provide the exact products to end sudden appearing problems.</SPAN></LI></UL><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Avoiding their need for repair.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Or, cutting their repair cost down 50% or more.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> What to use to keep them going strong as long as you want.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">Who says so ?</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Our customers - idividuals, - men and women like you who tried what we offer. And, farm equipment owners, equipment owners, and auto repair shops who like this sort of care and repair solutions - even top race car builder, say so.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style=""> Not just for mechanics</B> and top race car owners, but also car, heavy equipment owners, farm tractor owners, diesel rig owners looking for vehicle solutions. No matter brand new, to having an expired manufacture warranty.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">The nature of our addditives that makes them superior.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> You may know that engines and transmissions are the most expensive components to repair. Running into the thousands. However, there's good news in this case...</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Bud Esterlin and his Mega Power Additives Team looked into the problem.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> With their invention of an anti-wear to <B style="">remove raw friction, </B>They added it to their line of additives. Its Called a<B style=""> Metal Conditioner. Or MC. </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> As more discoveries appeared, they added their complimentary ingredient to the ending of suddenly appearing automotive problems. They added to MC the +, MC+ improvement to help the motoring public, equipment owners aand mechanics solve those problems.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Your chosing Mega Power Additives not only offers you problem solving by its choice. You have at hand the ability to keep away, or end engine, transmission, radiator, power steering, and hydraulic take-off component troubles.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> Best of all, following our tips and products suggestions you can knowledgably lower the cost of repair, with option runing about $100 to $300 instead of thousands.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(166, 8, 8);"><B style="">So, you can pocket the difference, and enjoy the healing factor that keeps your vehicles running great - as long as you keep Mega Power in them.</B></SPAN></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(166, 8, 8);"><B style="">Each solution articles shows how. Ordering gets them to you in afew days.</B></SPAN></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"><B style="">HOW TO GET STARTED.</B> </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:22px;"> <B style="">If </B>you are experiencing an internal car problem, see if these pour-in-and drive bumper to bumper will end your vehicles problem. Shipped overnite across the free world. Includes Directions, and a great Guarantee!</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><BR style=""></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style="text-align:left;"><DIV style=""><LABEL style="vertical-align:middle;">Email</LABEL><INPUT style="vertical-align:middle;"></DIV><DIV style=""></INPUT><LABEL style="vertical-align:middle;"><INPUT style=""></INPUT><SPAN style="">I am at least 16 years of age.</SPAN></LABEL></DIV><DIV style=""><LABEL style="vertical-align:middle;"><INPUT style=""></INPUT><SPAN style="">I have read and accept the <A style=""href="">privacy policy</A>.</SPAN></LABEL></DIV><DIV style=""><LABEL style="vertical-align:middle;"><INPUT style=""></INPUT><SPAN style="">I understand that you will use my information to send me a newsletter.</SPAN></LABEL></DIV><DIV style=""><BUTTON style="vertical-align:middle;">Subscribe</BUTTON></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style=""><SPAN style="color:rgb(176, 12, 12);font-size:32px;"><B style="">Select a link below providing solutions to your fuel, tuning, engine, transmission, radiator, power steering, a/c problems. </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:25px;"><B style="">- T0:</B></SPAN><BR style=""></P><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_1390079"> Stop engine valve tap</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_3360862">To end oil burning</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#content_34122279">End oil seal leaks</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_1390088">For ending combustion blow-by</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_1390023">Cleaning dirty injectors</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_1390099">For transmission help</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_1390104">For radiator help</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_1389973">For power steering.</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#content_48839251">Power Take-Off System help</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;">Diesel powered trucks, equipment</LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_2835586">Diesel car engine help</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"> <A style=""href="https:#link_2517315">Trucks, tractors, equipment.</A></LI><LI style="text-align:left;">A good video of the new features an advantages of<BR style="">new products is shown on the page your fix is given</LI></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style=""><BR style=""></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"><B style=""> Like improvements </B>in prescription medicine is helping humans live better lives, and longer. Mega Powers newest, Slo-Wear high powered automotive additive treatments are ending serious automotive problems. Those auto repair use to. Mega Power is helping car and equipment owners pocket the savings, while extending the vehicle investment decades longer. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;">I'll let you test ithe solution out for free.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> X A SPECIAL FREE Trial OFFER to first timers.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> Try any or all of our products for 30 days</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> They are all add and drive solutions.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> A oil or fluid chance is needed.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> If you can add gas and oil to the car, this like that.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> See how they end your vehicles problems. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> Most problems end in a week to a day.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> On the rare chance you actually have a failed, not stuck,</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> dirty parts, and our cleaning, freeing, and special lube can't</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> fix the problem. We'll credit your card the full amount so you</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> have funds for its expensive fix. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> We do this for two reasons. 1- Free trials introduce more</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> to our products amazing, powerfully smooth fixing ability.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> 2- Many times those getting a refund try other products</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> and realize they promise a lot, but can't delivery like ours</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> can - and start using our products to protect all their vehicles.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> Any time up to 30 days, if not seeing what we promise, ... </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> A phone call, tex message, or email gets you a full refund on</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> the spot. 2 refunds asked for last 265 days.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;"> This introduces the Easier, Cheaper, Endurance Infusing Way to maintain every car or diesels. provides added, zippy dependability twice that never wears out. So you travel the miles with smiles!!! </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;">Start by signing up for my FREE Email Newsletter.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:21px;">it keeps you informed od the options to keep your vehicles on the road nd out of the repair shop. A FREE ETech phone help for you</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Shouldn't you consider those benefits worthy of trying our additives ?</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> "No," you say. "How do I know my cars, equipment need your additives over another?"</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Worthy question. And the answer blew me away. The answer?</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Since the advent of motor vehicles lubricants are key to their life and usefulnes. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style=""> However, extreme heat, hughe pressures, and acid etching [which goes on while the vehicle i at rest], speed up wear ot and creates dozens of problems.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Developing solvent or detergent additives helped some, but ignore real mechanical problems. Mega Power Additive Researchers went to chimistry for that help. Their 6 formula treatments are those results on this page. They go right to the problem and reverse it to end it. Healing the damage.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Besides no more problem. The other result benefit is a sudden boost in horsepower and edurances, that goes on for decades with continued product usage. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">Now you have a better option to take care of your cars and equipment. </B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Afterall, our cars and equipment were invented to make our lives easier.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> And now, Mega Powers motor vehicles additive treatments are helping the average person gain a powerfull weapon during maintenance to end their vehicles wear and tear troubles. With Mega Power Slow-wearTreatments, we've made it way cheaper, even better than repair. Going decades longer.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">And just as a doctor</B> guides you along the way, its not yet possible for part stores to sell these products yet, as a bit of non techical guidence is needed for their usage. </SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 8, 8);font-size:37px;"><B style=""> "And I'm here with these 6 treatments to help you</B> <B style="">do so</B> - <B style="">Try them at no risk for doing so:</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="color:rgb(168, 8, 8);font-size:37px;"> </SPAN></P><UL style=""><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;">Now easy for any man or women car owner</SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;">No matter farm tractor owner with such a problem, </SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;">Equipment owner </SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;">Diesel rig owner</SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;">Even classic car and motorcycle and boat owners </SPAN></LI><LI style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;">Even auto repair shop owners looking to improve the quality and income of their business.</SPAN></LI></UL><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:24px;"> <B style="">While its been a racing</B> product winning aid addition for <A style=""href="https:#link_2065299">75 years</A> for some of the top names in the business, and engine and transmisssion busilders who learned their secrets. Untill I came along with the internet, it has been a closely held secret, it seems.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="text-align:center;font-size:24px;"> <B style="">That's me </B>in the above picture ready to help you starting with this page.</SPAN></P><P style=""><SPAN style="font-size:24px;"> <B style="">I promise</B>, In a few pages of reading - and re-reaading a few times you will learn the easy way new additive treatments will be helping you like a pro to end your vehicle troubles come this weekin.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"><B style=""> Think </B>of the possible tens of thousands in expenses </SPAN><SPAN style="font-size:22px;">that getting to know and using these auto tune up and repair options can have on you finances.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><BR style=""><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">"Helping you</B> find, undestand, and use these new types of additives is my advocation," say George Christ, Americas Automotive Additive Expert. "They have helped me help countless others have a better life because of them."</SPAN><BR style=""><BR style=""><B style=""><SPAN style="font-size:23px;">Start...</SPAN><BR style=""></B><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"><B style=""> Sign up </B>for my FREE Newletter. it will keep you informed on the lastest ways to lower the cost of ending wear and teat problems. Turn wear and tear into a tool with additives to keep your vehicles young and healthy. From wear to strong, and going GREAT, no matter how old.</SPAN><BR style=""><BR style=""><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">Then, I'll walk you </B>through <A style=""href="https:#content_58043899">the 6 main additive product</A>s to end a cars and diesels operating problems. The mechanic gets the electical. We cover, and show you HOW TO solve hidden, <B style="">internal,</B> costly-to-repair problems upsetting your life right now.</SPAN><BR style=""><BR style=""><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">I'll detail them below </B>for you, the only 6 vehicle component additive treatments below you will ever need for any bumper-to-bumper problem. </SPAN><BR style=""><BR style=""><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">The article will then </B>link you to full story articles detailing How To end fuel, tune up, even engine, transmission, radiator, power steering, air conditioning Problems - yourself. Easily, by driving.</SPAN><BR style=""><BR style=""><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> <B style="">Use the left side menu buttons to find your exact help needed.</B></SPAN></P><P style="text-align:left;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Learning what additives to use, and what they do, and where to get them, is given on this pages menu.</SPAN></P><P style="text-align:center;"><SPAN style="font-size:23px;"> Bookmark the page to find it again. </SPAN><BR style=""></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><P style=""> Information from Mega Power Additives Research, where I was taught their vehicle operating improvement significance. </P><P style="">And 50 years of street experience of what works and what won't help vehicle.</P><P style=""> What works - we guarantee that result.More></P><P style=""> Our vehicles were purchased to make our lives easier. Fixing them with these Mega Power additives can now solve their wear and tear problems. Helping you keep older vehicles working as good new decades longer. Adding a new life to them. </P><P style=""> Think about thousands of dollars that can be saved revitalizing your older vehicles for another 5 to 10 years strong life?<BR style="">It is bought to assured less future problems.</P><P style=""> Avoiding the many thousands actual repair cost.<BR style=""><BR style=""> Pocketing the savings and how to do so is the whole idea.</P><P style="">This is not some Madison Avenue Ad.<BR style="">Its all what for 50 years I have found that works,<BR style="">and can be repeated by anyone.</P><P style="">Bookmark this page so you can find it again.</P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><FORM style="text-align:center;"><TEXTAREA style=""></FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><H2 style="font-size:30px;font-weight:normal;">Their install is easy for even any man or women and results are quick and permanent. Learn More> !Explained Here. How to Maximize Your Vehicle's Lifespan using our advanced automotive additives. They can be your secret weapon against wear and tear, ending the troubles they cause. Learn more >I am at least 16 years of age.I have read and accept the .I understand that you will use my information to send me a newsletter.SubscribeThe products to smooth away fuel, engine, transmission, radiator problems. Mega Powers'Radiator Service. Prevent ends most any system problem. Keeps overheated towing vehicles cool... guaranteed!Auto tune up and repair options
Contact, and Help Info. OK to quote my site, just add its page sorce credits. Search these pages. Learn about our Better vehicle care and repair options, alternatives, shortcuts and presevation options featuring Mega Power Additives. Purchase our car and diesel Anti-Wear, Problem-Solving, Bumper-to-Bumper Servicing-Products for your business, fleet, repair shop inventory. See menu. By calling 24/7 me, george, at 512 665 3388
Don't let the next 100,000 miles be costly ones. These auto tune up and repair options offer bumper-to-bumper solutions to get your vehicles pass them. Pity the guy who ignores them.
Contact info for roducts for ending automotive problems: It's OK to pass our site to others who may benefit from its products. To ask a question, order items listed. Check our Business Opt. Call me at 512 665 3388
The search for better car care ends here! How these automotive addditives will help you end and avoid their costly problems.
No one wants car problems...
It can cause upsetting, worriesome roadside breakdows.
Most have seen cars and trucks on the road, and steam coming from the engine. wWorrysome men women and children looking deasperate beside the car.
Its because at some point vehicles owners are not having their component servicing done.
Freedom does not mean avoiding your cars and equipment fuel and components!
And these additives from Mega Power Additives for Transmisssions can free us from their costly burdens of repair!
Are you facing such worrisome cost and wonder if someone has a better, lower cost solution? Go here for your transmission problem solver.
You now have a bumper to bumper way to meet and lower their costly, but unexpected needs to keep their major components going. A concern I will Help You Solve...that pays for itself while cutting their problem cost and occurence to nil.
This explains one brands products to free our vehicles of those burdens, called Mega Power Additives.
This website simplifies their help to keep Unexpected vehicles repair and replacement are costly expenses that burden our lives.
It makes us slaves to them. Many want freedom from those ills.
Many wonder, if there are products that can slow down their decline.
Since our vehicles are needed to make life, and for some, our jobs easier. There should be a way to y take a fifth of our budget to do so.
Tagged as the cardoctor2, his advice comes from 50 years of street pro
With bank lending us money to do so, and with insurance, and maintenace, it eats into our budget heavily. It really makes us slaves to mechanization.
Are you looking for that help?
You will find these are "not" petty problem solvers, NO! These cover wear and tear, and hi-milege problems. Those costing thousands to end their suddenly presence.
Are you facing such worrisome cost and wonder if someone has a better, lower cost solution?
You will see I'm needing the same help for my vehicles. It has led me to the one famous company you never head of offering those product features.
They will be your solution. They are helping car and diesel vehicle owners lower the burden of older engine and transmission repair cost, and years to soon premature equipment replaceme
Everone wants to reduce such cost. There is actually a way to do so. A real money-maker, as I describe in this article.
Like vitamins and medicine, these five Mega Power Anti-wear, Problem-Solving Additive Treatments have been helping individuals, farm, equipment owners, auto repair shops for decades keep their vehicles healthy and robust. More>
Ever wonder, if there is an easy way to maximize your vehicles endurance and new-like operation?
Our superior Mega Power Brand automotive additive line are the options that do just that!
Enjoy their quickness to tackle, then end a cars toughest operating problems.
Enjoy a new driving pleasure their protection offers to keep troubles away.
They are your vehicles solution to add trouble-avoiding endurance.
As you read a few pages, our option for this tyrpe bumper-to-bumper care and problem removing appears. Containing the power you can esily use to keep your vehicles, from brand new to old, even worn out, in a healthy and zippy state, regardless of the miles that never goes away?
That's our purpose.
Don't forget to use the MENU buttons!
Reember What People Say:
"I'm very pleased we could follow your recommendation to fixed our motor Home Page. Index to our compendium of automotive care and repair aids.
Ever wished your vehicles could talk?
To tell you of its troubles before they turn into a costly repair situation?
Everyday in some way your vehicle components
are trying to tell you of the unssen, hidden struggles they are enduring.
But, what if there was a way to understand your vehicles
and How To stay healthy and perform at their best?
Our new and exciting top-of-the-line automotive additive treatments
and education are here to do just that for you!
The Brand to provide those two things really well has been named Mega Power by its inventor, BUD ESTERLINE in the 1980's. I prefer to call them,
1- Tackle and End internal problems upsetting a vehicles performance.
2- Stop future ones from cropping up!
3- Avoids the costly common care and repair burden put on us.
Somerizing what makes Mega Power Brand Additives
a Proactive Solution
Our additive treatments rejuvenate your vehicles, component by component,
from the inside out, tackling issues and resolving them. offering reliable
protection against future hiccups, ending future problems in the making.
Rigorously put through the paces on race tracks [the faster way to test an idea ].
Our products meet the highest standards of performance endurance. A continuous
healthy state.
Experience peak vehicle performance with tire burning take offs. No matter age,
size, operating or mechanical problem, hours of usage. Revitalization
and wear and tear problem-surpression at a fraction of conventional repair.
With our ironclad money-back offer, you can test our promises for 90 days.
Have nothing to lose but your former problem-permitting car care method.
End bumper to bumper problems. Explained and easy to install.
Bumper to Bumper Guaranteed. Not just for engine problems.
See our video showing its unseen, hidden ways our pro-active product features help your vehicles preform as we promise.
Me? My claims.
Each product promise, and each article give my techy street experience of installing and selling these products to repair shop owners and indiviuals who experienced the solution given. This is not a Madison Avenue slick article but my lifes experience using these products - and that of my customers and clients who also experiencee the same results year after year. The stories and articles and promises are true and a refund of satisfaction promised - one given in the last year - give me the confidence to make these promises. Techy dyno test as we did them are repeatable. Thousand of repeat buyers agree. Distributors wanted who can see the potential for help Mega Power Additives and my expertise offer many by means of online promotions.
Instant guarantee provider. This may sound to good to be true. A bit after their install you will notice performance and sound improvemnt.
Can it end any malfunction? No!
But we do guarantee the product to clean, free up parts, release horsepower absorbed, Again send it to the wheels as a noticable return. Ending of problems listed depends upon an average of 9 out of 10 vehicles. Operating improvement knoticed offers roof of perfomance inprovement promise. It is sufficient for many customers to experience the promises made as much more than expected.
Order and try our famous engine treatment, or bumper to bumper treatments. Enjoy them at our special introductory priced offered on the page your solution is offered.
Why Mega Power Additives. Because following scheduled oil and fluid changes is not enough!
Nor the mileage pass 100,000 miles.
Even the loss of performance from mileage?
They are not enough to be tell you of the internal everyday struggles
your vehicles is giving clues on, if not stopped eventually turn into those $5000 overhaul needs.
Those $40,000 to $100,000 new vehicle replacment needs years to soon?
A new Solution to an age old wear and tear problem.
Our auto-tune-up-and-repair-options introduct the altenatives to actual repairs.
They can rid your vehicles of them, easily and economically.
A system that pays you for you to use them many times over.
You are paying for our products unique benefit but not getting them.
Enjoy our Mega Power Additives products of chemistry to help you.
No matter- brand new to old, even worn.
No matter large or small.
And I'm Here to Help You Do That.
No matter not knowing a gas gap from a radiator gap!
Put out more horsepower, more endurance for more wins, if a race car owner or builder.
Thousands more profitable repairing procedures, the way to build more loyal customer returns - instead of them being shoppers for repairs.
if a transmission, or auto repair shop owner.
I know I pretty windy in all this.
Return Your Vehicles
Health and Robust Power
With Our High-Impact Automotive Additives
Learn More>
Mega Power Problem-Solving Additive Science. Unlike products that want you to add goo to lube in hopes of helping, these are water thin that clean, free up, and add anti-friction to assure problems end. Our free Newsletter and free phone tech help also make it easy to end your vehicle problems. Your options here.
Learn more
Sign up for our FREE car care and problem preventing tips newletter. Our Free Newsletter wises you up our secrets to end and prevent wear and tear problems. That's wahts needed to keep your vehicles always in top trouble-free operating condition. That promises to save you thousands in expenses, also.
What to do now to end your vehicle problem solution search. Scan the page for the component or problem listing. It goes to the page explanation where products needed to end the problem can be ordered. All reasonable priced - and each carries a 90 day free trial - to be sure it does as advertised. It's my proven faster, cheaper, better way to handle vehicle problems in the best way known! 512 665 3388
What People Say About Our Auto Tune Up and Repair Options
What People Say About Our Auto Tune Up and Repair Options
"I'm very pleased we could follow your recommendation to fixed our motor with your $100 worn motor Treatment. We were told by our mechanic it would take $4,000+ for an overhaul to get its power back. He was as surprised as we were with its like-new improvement. He may want to start selling it himself. Give him a call on that setup. Thanks again for a product that helps older vehicles to keep going strong." MC
What Mechanics Say:
"They are problem solvers. 3 times we took the transmission apart to get it to shift right.
Your method made it shift beautifully.
They performance improvements even new part can't recover make it an ideal product to add to every repair.
We recommend your products and your methods to every customer. They are now a good source of extra income for us - and they help our customers respect our expertise even more. Especially so when customers experience the performance improvement Mega Power Additives give, that were not expected. Thanks for introducing us to a better way to repair cars." DF Mechanic
Most Important Are These Facts on Products for Ending Automotive Problems:
The products and methods recommended are a try us first idea. Its because they clean and smooth rough, trouble causing pistons, bearings, gears, valve assemblies - ending problems they cause. They become your fix. The significantly will lower the cost of keeping your vehicles going.
But, not just older ones...
....Ships, brand new vehicles on the assembly line, race vehicles, even heavy equipment -makers recommend or use these – because they work so well and ermanently, and consistently.
NOW you, your family & vehicles benefit.
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Secrets worth knowing some mechanics don't want you to know.
You can Fix the following without a wrench
Our Consistantly Most Popular Products for Ending Automotive Problems:
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Your one source covering. Mega Power Brand bumper-to-bumper care, servicing, and problem solving additives. Shipped to your door ready to install.
Would you love having the ability to know what to add to return a strong smooth performance to your sick engine?
Like the reults of an overhaul - but out of a bottle, their features are ncover bumper-to-bumper care and problem solving. Adding the additives suggested help car and equipment owners gain a second 100,000 miles life from basically worn out vehicles.
Are those benefits you are looking for?
I believe in acid and sludge removing during fluid changes anand if a problem exist.
They cost about $200 for car, boat, motorcyle, mower, generator and sevicing. 200 to $400 for large farm tractors, dozers graders ditch diggers, Rv,s.
They cut repair cost options in half.
6 Automotive Hacks You Can Do That Will Instantly Improve Your Car/Equipment Problem-Solving Burdens and Well-Being.
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With thousands of products for car care how do you know what works? You need a guide thru the additive jungle. That us! With our 50 years street testing we offer those we proved that work - we support with a satisfaction guarantee. Show you harmful ones to avoid. Gives you the confidence and power for ending engine, transmission, and radiator operating problems of almost any kind. Even those that requiring repair. Results that keeping vehicles going as if newer using technology to avoid costly repairs. Those others not knowing pay dearly for. Give the free trial a try and enjoy options to test our promise out. Helping you avoid their worry, it a car and budget saver you need every day from now on.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id facilisis sapien. Etiam massa mauris, euismod nec condimentum at, suscipit at nulla. Praesent vel fringilla ante. Nunc vel condimentum sapien. Mauris sodales commodo odio, non pulvinar arcu cursus nec. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum elit eros, blandit non magna pellentesque, varius volutpat leo. Fusce a hendrerit lacus, nec viverra enim.
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Did you Know? Radiators and their engine cooling system also sends heat to the heater to warm you in winter, but also has a transmission hot fluid container that cools your 400 degree transmission fluid back to normal 259 degrees. While taking 1000 degree heat away from the engine to keep it healthy.
However, a thin, acidic film in the system turns coolant into battery acid HELL, >>>>and will light a bulb just like the battery can when not service this particular Mega Power Super hero way! Acids are the actual engine transmission and radiator top killers.
KING of Radiator Products.
No other products can stops leaks, and overheating to end cooling problems.
Amazing Super Hero 3 ingredients you will want in every vehicle to prevent, and ends :
Engine Overheating.
Ends Head Gasket Leaks.
Even Heater Core Leaks.
Even Stops Manifold Coolant Leaks.
No Solids to Plug Core Tubes. The Super Hero Radiator Service. Learn more...
My Auto tune up and repair avoiding discovery story.Transmission Problem SolversThis Mega Power Transmission Treatment follows our clean-n-free up process with conditioners for just what you need to get pass your nagging gear shift hangup. Gives your transmission the care and service its needing - now easy to do to avoid a costly repair. Think of the good this $99 product can do to return smooth shifting performance i an hour or less. Click cat button to order.Automotive fuel and engine problem solvers</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><H2 style="font-size:30px;font-weight:normal;">Solving Radiator ProblemsWhat they do precisely. Our Mega Power Fuel Injector Product, Engine Service Product, Transmission Service Product, Radiator System Product cleans out any obstructions in your components that cause loss of power. Removing build-up on intake valves and ports chemically. The cleaners will also remove any carbon buildup on spark plugs ending misfire. Even cleaning the muffler system - for easy breathing on load situations. That is how to have your vehicles work at optimal levels again! They exceed 25,000 miles servicing requirements.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""> Understand the auto tuning, proteting, and repair avoiding method to end your end vehicle transmission problems.This Mega Power Radiator Treatment may be just what you need to get pass your nagging leak, overheating, rusty radiator. head gasket leak hangup. Works fast ///////easy to do. Can give you radiator the care and service its been needing - now, to avoid a costly repair., with my auto tune up and repair avoiding options the fix means cleaning and conditioning troublesome parts. Because, they almost never are broken. Mega Power Additive Treatments provide car/diesel owners the Do It Yourself Products to end their problems. I explain the install. Sell, guarantee the fix result.This Mega Power - Power Steering Treatment may be just what you need to get pass your nagging leak, growl,, rusty fluid problem. ///////Easy to do. Can give you power steering the care and service its been needing - now, to avoid a costly repair Start by signing up for my Vehicle Care Newsletter. It will add to your care and repair power. I'm with you from beginning to end.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style="text-align:left;"><DIV style="">EmailI am at least 16 years of age.I have read and accept the .I understand that you will use my information to send me a newsletter.Subscribe</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""> Reading my site gives you the KNOWLEDGE to use specific Mega Power Products I'll send to you in a few days. To install in 2 simple steps to undue, end, correct your car/equipment problem. Use them future oil changes to keep them going great. </FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""></FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><H2 style="text-align:center;font-size:30px;font-weight:normal;">
… Ever get excited about an amazing product you bought? You couldn’t wait to tell your family, friends and co=workers about it? That’s exactly how I felt about these 5 automotive problem-ending Products.
Their are the tune and problem-solving inventions of Bub Esterline. He calls them Mega Power Additives. He offered to show what they do to improve a vehicles performance the owner thought was perfectly good. In what I would call my perfectly good running SUV.
… I want to tell you I put additives in my oil long before this. Long before becoming a mechanic; to keep my old clunkers going. When I could not afford to fix them. And their overhaul expenses when needed. So, I found part store additives as my crutch to keep them going - they didn't.
Debt for a newer one was always the costly solution - not any more after this demo. I appreciated a good find and became a distributor of their products.
... Tinkering led me to be a mechanic. I used additives for tuning as a mechanic to clean fuel injectors. That’s common. But, met the Esterline's at the Vegas auto show. I never saw any additives with this quality - and right after their install … having the ability to instantly make a perfectly good running car run as if hot rodded.
… Usually, engines can be “hop-up” to do so. But, only after the result of huge, costly modifications. However, his Mega Power Additives amazed me producing that effect.
… So I decided to do my own testing with them. For a couple of weeks, I added Mega Power Tune Kits to every car in the shop - finding, they produced exactly the same results in my customers cars I experienced. These were...
… After a day of soaking iThey s - good running vehicles so treated 👍
… You will find like I did, Bud’s amazing automotive treatments end problems wear and miles cause as long as you want.
The First two of my auto tune up and problem ending options..
My story behind my automotive bumper to bumper tune up and their repair avoiding options.
Who is the villain - The car owner or the parts industry?
If a $400 economical method avoids a $5000 engine overhaul and puts it auto repair off for years-
Who gains? Who loses? Repair shop lose, car sales are not needed so they lose, the huge part industry may suffer - not - you and me!
How a Product Fixes Engine and Gear Problems Chemically:
All my life I've been driven to do things cheaper faster better. Why? - because I was poor! My goal for automotive engine and gear operating problems was to find products to end the problem. Those I found?
Those I found; Mega Power Additives, work so well ending my fuel, engine, transmission, radiator problems I fell in love with them and became a distributor of them.
They service the unit with a cleaner, sludge removers, conditioners, MC+ friction eliminator.
Their super powered features have ended tens of thousands of vehicle owners bumper to bumper operating problems, faster cheaper and better than any other method! That is your goal- it is mine!
Why try Additives?
You paid a lot for your cars and heavy equipment to make your life easier.
Shouldn't their engine transmission radiator steering and a/c problems be just as easy to remedy?
I'll show you how with this 50 year old updated, auto-tune way - many want outlawed. Why? Their reason? Beats them out of profitable auto repair profits.
Should that be the reason to outlaw them? Did they outlaw horseless carriages when they replace horses and mules in transportation and farming? Why then this this care an repair method that avoids most repairing problems?
For your transmission tune, age, operating problem solvers.
I'm America's auto tune up and repair avoiding expert. I train mechanics, auto repair shops to do better repairs, more profitably, and individuals to cut vehicle repair expense to pennies, with my secret to end hundreds of car diesel, Rv, boat and motorcycle operating problems no one else can do cheaper faster or better than me,
Your Auto Tune Up And Repair Options:
Welcome Car Aficionados
Browse our selection of DIY Advice and Products and Buttons on the left. Call me if on a smartphone, have a question, want to place a phone order - instead of online. Call or email me at 512 665 3388
Email for help.
Which is best for you and your vehicles?
Me: I'm your superhero in all this" George Christ is my name. I'm a special kind of mechanic. A respected trainer of mechanics using this system of repair. We are not parts changers. I'm not a parts changer like most - I promote using additives found in one brand to fix or end operating problems - The benefit?
The benefit to the mechanic and auto repair shop.
The Fix Benefit to the diesel rig owner, equipment owner, farm equipment owner, classic car, boat, motorcycle, and man and women car/pickup owner with a vehicle problem in the engine, transmission!
Why do some want to outlaw the practice?
Who is the villain - The car owner, mechanic, oil industry, or the parts industry?
If an economical method costing a few hundred dollars avoids a $5000 engine overhaul for 5 to 10 years. Avoid replacing a $50,000 to $250,000 machine for 5 to ten years - ending their causes of repair problems? And puts it off for years- Who gains? Who loses?
If an engine, transmission, cooling system problem that cost $4000 to end by repair can be done for $400 - Who gains? Who loses? Sure, I appreciate those who go for overhaul or replacement. But for the frugal, or short on funds business or person - this option does more than get you by.
How a Product Fixes Engine and Gear Problems Chemically:
All my life I've been driven to do things cheaper faster better! My goal is to find what reconditions the problem and returns good function to my sick vehicles. My family could use that money - if a way for doing so was found. My DIY auto tune up and repair avoiding options listed here are what trial and error found as the recipe - a treatment I hope you try. Their super powered features have ended tens of thousands of vehicle owners bumper to bumper operating problems, faster cheaper and better than any other method! That is your goal- it is theirs!
The Super Hero Problem Ending Treatment.
I'm sure, my "Super Hero" FIX explained here - with the opportunity to purchase it offered is an option to your vehicle's cheaper, faster, better auto tune up and repair solution - the one you are looking for - so - you can end this problem. Use it to cut in half, your and your family's care and repair transportation expenses -for a better financial well being like it does for us.
The Choice Wives Select!
The Car - Equipment Owner Auto Tune Up And Repair Option
Even my wife thinks so. She's hardly ever wrong about things. And many other wives and women ordered this option to end their vehicles problem. If not cost to repair is slashed! Women get the help it offers. My wife, she backs me up with a refund policy if my option does not work! She knows both win, as we only had just 2 refunds over the years because - if you read your fix page - you will quickly determine if my option, or the other given - the exact repair, are best for you! For my part - of the choice you make: I take the mystery out of your cars problem cause. Helpful? Tens of thousands of mechanics and individuals I've train or sold this option to think so - and have a better clientele, or a better life from them. Is that possible for you?
PS: To ask me a question, order by phone items for your cars solution, call me ... george at 512 665 3388 Yep! I'm not a robot! Nor is this a Madison Avenue colorful site to fool you - I produced it my self with sitesell.coms help.
These products are the way many individuals in the know turn the most troublesome vehicles problems into a great tune up like experience.
No matter if a:
The following are the street proven "treatments you install as shown and end by using the motors worst enemies to advantage!
They work by cleverly reversing their problem causes. Its like turning back the mileages of the component treated to where every parts ran just fine.
Use them as you yearly fluid change out to keep your internals clean and smooth. use them to end problems that suddenly appear - avoiding their costly repair to do so.
Each of the 5 problem enders have healing conditioners.
No other product has proved as good or more successful.
Nor the decades of endurance these give.
Gain the spiffy, stronger, yet smooth, results they provide.
Used for years by repair shops, engine and transmission rebuilders, diesel rig owners, equipment, farm tractor, RV, Classic Car and Bike owners. And Me!
I fell in love with their power and decided to create this site to pass on their benefits.
What customers say -
Mike: “I can’t believe the products George sold me made my noisy tapping, oil consuming old engine I thought was on its last mile, could run sweet, strong, quiet - and not use $20 oil between oil changes! It's been over a year and amy old car still runs sweet and strong!” ...Mike
Greg : “The estimate price to rebuild my diesel engine to end its compression blowby was $6000. I ran across your $400 blowby fix on Google and ordered it. I can’t believe that in minutes the blowby fumes pouring out of the engine. And black exhaust smoke just receded. I followed your tip to add some of the product to the gear boxes and rear end gears. I can’t believe the sudden return to a smooth shifting, great running engine was possible from any additive - and I tried them all. For a fraction of what the repair shop said was needed you fix my problems following your treatment directions.” Greg.
Susan: “ I found your engine sludge removing product online, and with no complaints. It’s sold with a guarantee - no other product has one! Sludge choked down my engine performance. The new car dealer says a new $5000 engine was the only fix. My car is not even worth that - and I didn’t want to go in debt for $25,000 for a new one. However, your $150 sludge remover and engine revitalizer had it running good as new in a week! I’m happy - I bet on your product making it so.” ... Suzy
If you read this far....
You should know, I have an additive treatment from Mega Power Additives to end most any vehicle internal, automotive engine transmission radiator steering an a/c problem deep inside. No matter what, even one causing a serious operating problem. What good that has meant for car and equipment owners is the following…
Hi george. Reporting back results.
Thank you George, for giving me the help on how to restore new life back into my older vehicles.
Alan Fincke Boston MA
Full engine details and demo click here
These two, for engines problems, are your Car and Equipment Fix Options
They …will get you back on the road trouble-free, preventing avoidable problems - 99% are avoidable. Or can add conditioners to suppress the problems for years more usage till when you are ready to repair them...
Mega Power Transmission Treatment
Our Service Treatment you need to end their
nagging rough shift, hangup, slippage, or leak problems.
Full transmission details and demo click here
The next Mega Power Car and Equipment Fix Options
…will get your radiator problems over with
and back on the road faster
keeps repair cost down cheaper.
No matter a leak, scum removal,
even a bad headgasket problem -
No Problem to end.
Made to remove scum film in the system
that cause engine temps to rise unsafely.
It's commonly reported it lowers temps up to 40 degrees.
Keeps the better life going inside wherever coolant flows.
Like all our products...
I'll let you try them for 30 days, then bill you
So you can experience the joy
this auto tune up and repair option gives you.
Join the place us car buffs, auto mechanics, race car owners
farmers, equipment owners, and individuals have found.
That ends your troublesome vehicle problems bound.
These discovery's are your best auto tune up and repair options found.
They are not some ad of the 10 best product - you chose which one. No
No matter the age, or miles, or component problem.
These 5 specific products are your auto tune up and repair best options.
Or, chance the fix the shop down the street offers.
Or sweat years of debt that new car equipment dealer offers.
No don't do that, this is how to live.
Order them all and I'll walk you thru their install
Enjoy the power of these auto tune up/repair options provides.
I'm giving your the steps for your very own problem.
Its what us car buffs and people have done before you.
Order that auto tune up and repair option.
Tomorrow I promise your trouble be gone.
Now its your turn to try what we suggest.
Years from now, you'll be glad of its success.
These are your best auto tune up and repair options today
To end your vehicle problems our way.
Its not all for the joy to save a buck.
Although that's a benefit - not luck
Order what's shown, the good life to return.
Enjoy the one product line - Mega Powers Product Line,
and its Dual Purpose way to end wear and tear problems when they appear.
The only product line to keep returning the new like state!
Its your best auto tune up and repair option ever invented.
that's cheaper faster and better!
written christ. America's Car Care, and Shortcut Repair Expert.
Start the option by signing up for my newsletter tps.
Sign up for our newsletter
Bookmark us to find us again
Order the products options for your component problem.
Then service all of them our way.
Sold with a money back if not so guarantee.
Enjoy next day trouble gone the way like we do.
Keeps the better life they give us, going.
I'll let you try them for 30 days, then bill you
So you can experience the joy
this auto tune up and repair option gives you.
Join the place us car buffs, auto mechanics, race car owners
farmers, equipment owners, and individuals have found.
That ends your troublesome vehicle problems bound.
These discovery's are your best auto tune up and repair options found.
They are not some ad of the 10 best product - you chose which one. No
No matter the age, or miles, or component problem.
These 5 specific products are your auto tune up and repair best options.
Or, chance the fix the shop down the street offers.
Or sweat years of debt that new car equipment dealer offers.
No don't do that, this is how to live.
Order them all and I'll walk you thru their install
Enjoy the power of these auto tune up/repair options provides.
I'm giving your the steps for your very own problem.
Its what us car buffs and people have done before you.
Order that auto tune up and repair option.
Tomorrow I promise your trouble be gone.
Now its your turn to try what we suggest.
Years from now, you'll be glad of its success.
These are your best auto tune up and repair options today
To end your vehicle problems our way.
Its not all for the joy to save a buck.
Although that's a benefit - not luck
Order what's shown, the good life to return.
Enjoy the one product line - Mega Powers Product Line,
and its Dual Purpose way to end wear and tear problems when they appear.
The only product line to keep returning the new like state!
Its your best auto tune up and repair option ever invented.
that's cheaper faster and better!
written christ. America's Car Care, and Shortcut Repair Expert.
Start the option by signing up for my newsletter tps.
Sign up for our newsletter
Bookmark us to find us again
Order the products options for your component problem.
Then service all of them our way.
Sold with a money back if not so guarantee.
Enjoy next day trouble gone the way like we do.
Want new solutions to keep your cars and equipment running smoothly. No matter the brand or age, that avoids their common problems wear and miles causes?
It doesn’t matter...
if it's an engine light, a radiator leak, teeth jarring rough shift, or a bad gasket overheating, oil consumption, compression blowby, warm air-conditioning; car and equipment troubles are always more than a huge inconvenience. They're also budget wrecking too!
What's needed is an alternative that gets to the problems heart.
Why are these automotive additives in kits?
They work two wayS.
We want to help you avoid car troubles:
Our company was created to save you time and money. We saw that so many car owners struggled with car troubles and car solutions when they didn't have to.
So we list the additives combinations that end over 400 problems.
Our ultimate goal is to help all of our customers maintain their vehicles and fix their cars so that they last a long time. We're prepared to do what it takes to get you there.
Solving your car and equipment wear and tear problems cheaper faster easier.
Just when you think you’ve solved your car troubles for good—bam!—another disaster hits. And you are back where you started again.
Do this a few times each year and that means you're shelling out money you probably don't have for car repair. It can add up until your car is causing more trouble than it’s worth. Expensive replacements for new is not an option.
Having to deal with car trouble is so stressful. It shouldn’t be like this. Cars and equipment are meant to make our lives easier, not harder.
This page offers the solution explanations we sell
to make care and problem solving easier!
A new, economical solution makes it possible to consider... Ours! Its called This is its home page to brief you on its benefits to compare.
Surprisingly, you don't need a mechanic. With most modern engine transmission radiator steering and a/c problems an additive treatment you can install ends the problem for a fraction of repair cost. Sold here for your auto tune and problem ending.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id facilisis sapien. Etiam massa mauris, euismod nec condimentum at, suscipit at nulla. Praesent vel fringilla ante. Nunc vel condimentum sapien. Mauris sodales commodo odio, non pulvinar arcu cursus nec. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum elit eros, blandit non magna pellentesque, varius volutpat leo. Fusce a hendrerit lacus, nec viverra enim.
What it does precisely. Our Mega Power Product offerings clean out any obstructions in your engine that cause loss of power due to build-up on intake valves and ports. The cleaner will also remove any carbon buildup on spark plugs so that they work at optimal levels again!
Our engine transmission radiator steering and a/c additive treatments can alleviate the need for your present problems repairs. And will prolong the life of your vehicle by their smoothing conditioning features. And help you save money, time and energy doing so. This time can compound over the years leading to hours of saved time. Get ready to spend less time going to the repair shop and more time driving!
When you work with us, you can be rest assured that we’ll take care of any car troubles you might experience. We’re here for you, guiding you through the car treatment process, helping you every step of the way. So don’t worry—when you work with me guiding you thru these We’ll get the job done and have you back on the road in no time.
This page:
Science in Mega Power Additives Step two offer a return to new like, by removing friction drag and by smoothing rubbing surfaces. Adding to its problem ending features. For mechanic and do it yourself car owner. Your
How your fix is installed...
Enjoy this lo-cost, easy to do two step method like these 2 pictures show. The 2 steps install works like this... Directions briefs...
No better, easier, cheaper way to ending operating and mechanical problems by chemistry reversing problem causes.
You read that correctly! Read it again!
Imagine the good to your vehicles when years and miles of wear, sludge, carbon - and their trouble-causing ways are removed and damage reversed back to normal.
Such features are benefiting vehicle owners by returning a new-like, much smoother operation.
Any problem they caused just stops or ends.
What returns is you find your car going 75 mph instead of 70. Your having to back off the gas pedal to lower speed. Besides no more problem in most cases, at fuel tank fuel up each week, if you keep mileage figures like I do. You see you are gaining 20 to 40 more miles distance on each tank of fuel.
If a diesel rig, hills are climbed a gear higher. More distance on each tank of fuel.
Farmers find their tractor running a half day longer on each fill up of fuel.
All beneficial results of preventing, or ending problems with these servicng treatments.our servicing treatments.
Please note: Each component in one way or another starts draining away horsepower from the engine. Just changing the fluids and oils can't reverse the dirty conditions and return the long life, like new, problem gone state from just servicing the troublesome components.
The 5 treatments shown here is the way to do so. See video.
Doing so for a fraction of the thousands most pay to fix by repair. Same result - just a big difference in cost.
Science in Mega Power Additives offer a two step automotive engine problem solving solution for mechanic and do it yourself car owner. This one: Fuel tank is step one for engines. Your
Two steps for any ending any internal problem.
No Refunds ask for---
Lets get stated ... By Signing Up For My Vehicle Preservation Tips-Newsletter. Then read the page below for the help you need - or call me.
And - Notice the headlind that introduces for you to enjoy this cheaper faster better problem solving Treatment - and auto tune up and repair avoiding options...
Mega Power Additives are package to solve every know vehicle problem. Makes vehicle ownership easier. Longer. Keeps more of your money in your pocket - not others.
Check out these engine problem solvers for:
For Transmission problem solvers for:
Additives to end overheating, leak, head-gasket problems
Additives to end power steering problems
Additives to end A/C problems
Diesel Farm Tractor and Equipment Additive Problem solvers > Click here...
The smallest to biggest automotive problems start by acidic conditions creating problems additives can now end. That's your auto tune up and repair avoiding options I'll show you to use like a Pro.
Note why...
Here's why you should look into these right now...
Here's their better solution...
Auto repair means replacing troublesome piston bearing valve and gear shift parts. However, they almost never are broken. Mega Power Additive Treatments are providing car/diesel owners the Do It Yourself work-around service products to end their problem. Helping mechanics do a complete repair.
Why switch to our auto tune up and repair options.
Introducing a new better way to care for and repair that solves the car owners REAL vehicle problem, from Mega Power Additives.
Car and equipment owners owners go to where they get the best deal.
That's true of problems caused inside vehicles. They know the extreme heat, pressures, and acidic conditions are his vehicles problem causes.
If you read this far you may be worried about your vehicle or equipment problem. You may be looking for the best solution.
A failure along the road somewhere is a worry. Repair cost another. This article solves both issues for you.
If a fuel, engine, transmission, radiator, steering or a/c problem starts happening. Or clunks, tap, leak, oil burn or poor cooling occurs. The problem is dirty conditions bogging down the system.
Compare the fix by a mechanic.. by additives
These are common problem occuring after 100,000 miles of driving - the fix that cost $3000 to $10,000. Or $50,000 for a new vehicle years too soon.
The problem is... its parts and shaft wear a grove, or a varnish hump built-up, prevents full smooth operation. Its very worrisome, as you may realize.
How Chemistry is solving, ending automotive problems bumper to bumper.
However, some smart people at Mega Power Additive research invented a formula that corrects operating, wear, and mechanical problems with conditioners.
The fix is a treatment easy for anyone to use by addition of a 3 part formula to the components fluid - by entree into the dipstick hole.
Their treatments - shown below. 6 for cars and six fo big rigs and diesels are called Mega Powers Problem-Solver Treatments. They return transfer of motor full power to the wheels - ending the slip, tap, wear, sludge, or other hangup problem.
Mega Powers Treatments are easy for any man or women or mechanic to install. A 3 item kit removes the problem as you drive. Driving caused it. In a few miles its again allows the clean smooth powerful operation . Ending the problem permanently. And at a lo-cost.
Car Equipment Servicing Note:
However, their real purpose is to be a service and problem preventative product.
Installed in engines, transmissions, radiators, steering, and a/c systems servicing helps the unit after 100,000 miles to go 200,000 miles.
This is now easily possible for the frugal person using the same product as a problem preventer. Providing the needed anti-wear and cleaning to protect every component by means of its 2 year old fluid replacement service.
Side Note:
After 100,000 miles the transmission, steering system, and radiator should have their system Mega Power Additive Serviced by changing out their 2 year old dirty fluid. This is the secret to a problem free ca diesel operation during the next 100,000 miles. You take big chances, if not doing so.
Ordering online. These kits comes with written and tech phone instructions. Work right before your eyes. Require driving to make them end problems. Has a firm guarantee, to do so.
Our specials and ordering info:
Order one or more Mega Power Treatments. Specials given. They are sent to your door in 3 days. The easy install, and require a week later fluid replacement. This is what can have you on down the road of life happy again, and with more money in your pocket r years to come.
The Mega Power Treatments includes 3 items needed. Includes Easy to follow Do-it-yourself directions, phone help if needed, guarantee. Delivered by FedEx or USPS in about 3 days to your door. For Canada we add $25 shipping.
Most are low cost products for a few hundred dollars can avoid a $3000 expense.
Order a kit for each vehicle. Our chosen Mega Power Brand pays you to use them!
Read a few pages to get the sense of them. Click cart button, links or menu to find your specific problem solver.
Comparison Pricing.
A five minute read about ending transmission problems chemically.
Mega Power is an inventor of automotive and equipment bumper-to-bumper, anti-wear, servicing products
Lowering the Cost to Fix the Problem:
About Mega Power Products.
Mega Power, an inventor of automotive and diesel fuel, engine, transmission radiator servicing products. They feature a number of formula ingredients. Featuring MC+, invented to overcome problems in commonly sold additives, premium fuels, engine synthetic oils, gear oils, and coolant fluids, that cuts a vehicles life in half.
About Me Helping You.
I'm george christ, a mechanic, and the country's expert on what additives work, and those to stay a way from.
You will find on this site the additive solution I recommend and guarantee. And the brand I chose to sell for this problem. I also add items to provide the fix as a total solution to the problem, offering the longest life endurance. Of course reducing the repair expense is the other goal.
If I supply your business Mega Power Products, its to help you use their features to attract better paying customer. Build customer loyalty. Help you grow your income by thousands more monthly.
What causes your problem?
You would think the good oils and fluids have all that in them - but they do not! 50 % of the additives in oil and fluids are to keep them from turning back into tar again during they stay in your motor radiator and transmission. 50% are to make them flow easy hot and cold. Be watery thin to lube and cool. To hold a cupful of sludge in the oil to keep it from sticking.
But high temperatures, acids, and extreme pressures you have to replace when a costly problem they cause - those good oils and fluids cause your vehicles piston bearing valve gear gaskets will one day - many years to soon cause your car parts to jam bind wear out faster, cause leaks operating ans mechanical problems - so much for the half truth oils have all you need. How additives prevent those problems - as long as you want them too!
With the additive kits Mega Power Additives put together and me explaining which to use, here for you to purchase, you can fix any mechanical problem out of a can. Have the vehicles major components run indiffinitly with them.
How to end, and avoid engine gear radiator steering and a/c repair expense.
Additive COVERAGE: They are great providing the fix for fuel, engine problems, transmission problems, radiator problems, power steering problems, a/c problems, offering benefits of a long term problem avoidance afterward - whereas, if you don't know their uses and power, your only fix is what a mechanic says.
The EXPENSE they avoid: Why be stuck with a thousand$ in repair expense, when a few hundred dollars of additives could be the fix - end, the problem.
Long term advantages from additives: The brand we love and feature, Mega Power Additives often return better, long term results that's himmediately seen. The thousands in expense avoidance is well worth the learning curve - and I've made it simple with an additive recipe for every known problem - found here listed by the problem.
Everyone’s needs are different when it comes to taking care of their vehicles. Since vehicle servicing is such an uncommon problem auto repair providers can overprice the repair to their advantage. Our articles solves that problem. Offers a cure with additives.
Our goal: Here, you are sent to the article and additive recipe info for the knowledge of your problem origin, so you can compare your problem to the fix offered, so you won't pay to much. Pay thousands for work not needed. But offered additives to try first.
At auto tune up and repair options, no matter what your needs are, there are a couple core criteria you will learn and use as a starting point. I call them options to solving the actual problem. The other choices are repair. Better performance results and may be worth more than the saving of arepair need.
Reading a few of my auto tune up and repair option pages is a good start.
I made it lite reading and you can always call me for help or with questions and to order more for resell.
Here at I will give you provide this advantage so you know the mechanic knows what to fix. What to try first to see if that works.
And not ignorantly OK replacing uncalled good parts - running up the bill by thousands. For his profit at your expense.
Here's how works:
....Read How This One Auto Tune Up And Repair Product Can Improve Your Life With Better Car and Equipment Additives In Many Ways...
Whom Am I ? I call myself: cardoctor 2.
I'm the country's expert on Additives and their problem solving.
They are your automotive and diesel problem solvers.
"Mega Powers Worn Motor Treatment, And Their 4 Other Vehicle Bumper-To-Bumper Servicing Products - Prevent and End, And Then Keep Away Costly Vehicle Problems.
Helping Vehicle Owners Have A Better Life Cutting In Half Vehicles Expenses.
You .... Can Depend On Mega Power Additives To Help you Add Years More Dependable Service To Your Older Cars And Equipment Starting today.
Your paying for them but not getting their help.
Adding Additives to your Yearly Servicing Cost Turns Out To Be An Investment Pushing Overhaul and Replacement Expense Years Into The Future.
By Its Infusion Of Conditioners in Mega Power Additives - with their recipe You Will Keep Your Older Vehicles Running "Like-New."
They Turn Out To End Rough Running Problems. Engine Oil Burning, Lousy Fuel Economy, Tapping. Rough Shifting, Sludge, Overheating, And Leak Causes. They Are Unique Features. Costly Otherwise If done By Actual Repair.
Their Restorative Features Are Helping Me Put Off Tens-Of-Thousand$ In Vehicle Replacement Expense These Many Years. A "Blessing," I Feel, To Financially Help Add to My Family's Better Way Of Life. Many Are Doing The Same.
PS: I suggest Car and Equipment Owners Should Give Them A 6 Month Try To Really See Its Benefits.... george christ. San Marcos Texas Mega Power Vehicle Additive Distributor.
Now, a bumper-to-bumper, scientific product to double a vehicles life and mileage, avoiding problems and their repair expense line before wear out.
For your cars trucks tractors RV's, boats, motor cycles, and machines - Ends problems and their causes. Those features fix their wear and tear problems - out of a can.
Engine and other Bumper-to-bumper Treatments that cuts vehicle ownership care, tune, repair, and endurance the best value for you -
Order our online now, use it for 30 days. And take advantage of our 30 day money back guarantee. We won't charge your cc anytime in 30 days if not more than pleased with results. Just tell by then if not delighted because it failed to work, for a 100% refund on the spot guarantee.
Why all these additives are needed? : Why its better... why I call them Mega Power's Car Fixhers. Engine and other Component Treatments should be your vehicle's best service and problem solving products.
Mega Powers Brand Engine Treatment is keeping thousands of vehicles going and avoiding need for overhaul.
By the time 100,000 miles for cars, and 300,000 miles occur for diesels, negative conditions begin to affect the vehicles running and power. Mega Power Brand Engine Treatments are helping vehicle owners solve those engine problems at a fraction of what a repair expense.would cost. Learn more here about our Mega Power Engine Treatment.
The following Mega Power Transmission Treatment may be just what you need to get pass your nagging rough gear shift hangup.
Understand what additives work for each part of the problem.
The following Mega Power Brand Automotive Additive Treatments help problems from a worn out component, or operates but has no power pass through.
Worn out components have no busted parts. There are no busted parts, but many dirty, wear roughen ones preventing the normal power or operation. Kits containing all the moving parts replace the worn out ones restore normal operation.
Auto repair means replacing troublesome piston bearing valve and gear shift parts. However, they almost never are broken. Mega Power Additive Treatments provide car/diesel owner the Do It Yourself work-around service products to end their problem, avoiding their repair expense.
The medicine that heals vehicle problems
Instead of replacing troublesome piston bearing valve and gear shift parts. They are almost never are broken.
Mega Power Additive Treatments provide car/diesel owner the Do It Yourself work-around service products to end their problem. This can mean avoiding their repair expense.
Preparing Your vehicles for the Mega Power Treatment. Please note:
As a Mega Power Distributor we earn from qualifying purchases. However, our love for teaching this form of vehicle care, preservation, problem ending, and alternatives to problem solving adds the humanity feature just hraving products for sale lon shelves looses.
We’re big advocates of organic care for vehicles. Organic care is opposite mechanical repair.
Auto repair means replacing troublesome piston bearing valve and gear shift parts. However, they almost never are broken. Mega Power Additive Treatments provide car/diesel owners the Mega Power Product Do It Yourself work-around service products to keep vehicles healthy, end their problems. The means to a trouble avoiding operation for decades.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id facilisis sapien. Etiam massa mauris, euismod nec condimentum at, suscipit at nulla. Praesent vel fringilla ante. Nunc vel condimentum sapien. Mauris sodales commodo odio, non pulvinar arcu cursus nec. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum elit eros, blandit non magna pellentesque, varius volutpat leo. Fusce a hendrerit lacus, nec viverra enim.
Contact Info: If on a smart phone, to ask a question, order items listed, for repair advice and additives to do so, call me ... george christ America's Expert On Automotive Problem Solving. Sign up for my newsletter. Call me for help if need be. 512 665 3388
That's My Mission To Help You.
introducing little known engine transmission radiator steering an a/c problem ending shortcut options. Sent to your door in 3 days, and guaranteed to have you back on life's road doing what's needed to end costly automotive problems.
What's in them that works other brands don't have?
Think of the power those Cleaning, Freeing, Smoothing, Healing, Filling, and Anti-Friction features have to END and prevent your vehicles problems.
They are packages for easy usage. Non-techy skills needed. Just add and drive to prevent and end problems. They are here packaged by me to do so.
Your auto tune up and repair avoiding options can be the one means cut-in-half your family's transportation expenses, by their lowering cost of repair.
Their value to end bumper to bumper problems is the only asset we teach.
Ending your automotive engine transmission radiator steering and a/c problems. Package to easily install and do the service - yet find it end problems you are now searching for the best consideration.
You may have one of these common troubles listed. Click the problem to go to its page for the fix. Order what's recommended to get over it.
You may want to scan this page to see how broad the coverage for help to keep your vehicles out of the repair shop and years longer on the road. THAT'S MY MISSION! Found nowhere else.
Then read a few page links on what's offered to see how helpful I've made it as a Do it Yourself auto tune up and repair avoiding option. BookMark it to find it later.
Contact info: To ask a question, tips, repair second opinion. Order items listed by phone, reorder, call me... I'm a mechanic - Give Free Advice. george at 512 665 3388
When your car, truck, tractor, diesel rig, dozer, RV pusher, boat, motorcycle, machine suddenly starts working bad, has
Listed here, The 5 products in a treatment package to end your vehicles operating problem. Complete! Ready to work - or no charge if not!
Auto tune up and repair options contact info: To ask a question about your car problem. Tips. Buy by phone products listed to so so. Call me at 512 665 3388 email: Write a review.
Don't wait until its to late!
Instead, join the growing popularity of using Mega Power Engine Transmission Radiator Steering and A/C Maintenance Treatment users ---- To remove those sticky contaminates and to add conditioners to avoid an expensive repair, so failure won't occur.
Use this amazing add-n-drive product invention to keep vehicles going right that last for decades.
How to see what to use.
Cars an Equipment Were Bought To Make Life Easier.
Auto tune up and repair options solve their problems faster, cheaper, easier, to enjoy the life you bought them for.
You now have an easier and cheaper way to care for, and protect your vehicles - extending their life doing so, with these problem-ending recipe options.
Over the years tens of thousands of motorist have tried and seen Mega Power Additives end problems they were about to pay to have done by repair.
That's why Google listed our site for you to try.
The reason is because of Mega Power Additive unique features to always return the smoothest strongest vehicle operation in as little as 10 minutes to a day of driving - ending the problem and repair need.
Hated by many mechanics as "additives can't fix what broken," they say, and rightly so.
But 99 out out of 100 operating and mechanical problems do not have broken parts.
Yet, many mechanics, repair shop customers, and millions of car, truck, diesel rig, farm tractor, even winning race cars owners depend on their cleaning smoothing features no other additive offers.
You will see how easy it is to do so. Adding Mega Powers MC+ Conditioners and Protectors removing the cars negatives of friction, sludge, and their anti-wear chemically tuning up your engine transmission radiator steering and a/c systems. Troubles disappear - for a fraction of the cost those who do so by repair must charge you.
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My husband added Mega Power's Engine Treatment to my car, and the problem the engine has just went away. Of course that helps me trust the car once more.
Introducing the - Engine Additives Maintenance Kits to End Your Vehicles Trouble With
Sent To your door in 3 days ready to install.
vehicle service solution. Made easy to do so.
You will find its the results of 4 smart smart inventors, and our continuing street testing we proudly promise such. Something more than the glissing, slickly advertise concoctions (packaged to take your money away from you ) don't promise.
They won't promise - to end your vehicles every internal problem - (no matter from wear, sludge, friction like we do. No matter the problems cause - not only end it. But also give you and amazing performance. Tire burning racy result. ( No wonder for its many race car engine builders and race car owners ).
Not only do we guaranteed to contain the strongest formula's concentrations in the world for the job. Maximun possible strength ends the hassle of wondering if it will work. It bound with the promise by promising to end every known wear and tear problem, - not just because of its strength, but each offers the ideal formula for every problem. promising to clean it out, recondition the interior part, add conditioning so they work at peak performance again.
And we have 12 premium servicing treatments to each saying what they do promise. The correct formula.
You will find our auto tune up and repair options offers the potential to exceed the expectations for ending internal problems as our pure, premium, synthetics provide the appropriate additives to optimize your engine performance.
a problem, anti-wear protection, long life usage, not only will instantly return the vehicles state to normal. Its not just our promise to end your vehicle problem. But to also promise to do so, and continue its amazing new-like normalcy to the day the crusher - some distant time in future puts its to rest. Or you're tired of its great riding performance year after year, Go for the looks, driving wonder smell of a new one. Trade it it for top dollar - or pass it on to the kids to see their world in, also year after year. You will discover, upon our auto tune up and repair, problem ending options being inside your most problematic component, no matter today its your car, truck, tractor, diesel rig, dozer, RV pusher, boat, motorcycle, machine acting badly, getting worst, having a problem this way or that. Makes no difference to our servicing products.
You wonder? How can any one company guarantee their ingredients do so?
This is a great option for car owners seeking to extend their cars’ lifespans.
The company, Mega Power Additives is popular for its great attention to producing problem ending products. High mileage does not prevent its problem ending. Its value adds and extend the life of your engine while improving its performance significantly.
A common issue with engines that have high mileage on them is the accumulation of sludge build-up over time. Auto tune up and repair options treatments can help in cleaning out this unwanted sludge to make your engine run smoother for longer.
The option offered can serve almost every make and capacity including SUVs, trucks and light vans. Also recommended for high speeds protection, yet add equal protection in stop on the go driving. This product is used in aviation and in the two-cycle engines.
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Enjoy the one brand of additives that never lets you down.
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Then select the link to your solution below. I'll be solution page to guide you.
How To Drive-Away Your Car Engine Problem, Says Mechanic. "Not Repair Them Away" The reason for most engine problems is overheating. You can't feel or see it, but happens as scum builds up - over the winter. Its like wearing a fur coat day after day 300 degree heat. It should be 250 degrees in the engine and radiator. Scum blocks heat exit.
Engine oil and engine parts are streesed as a result. You have a problem now. What will it do next?
The best way to end car engine problems is to click the menu button listing your problem. You Learn This Method Of Car/Equipment Care using additives for Ending Engine Transmission and Radiator Headaches -"As You Drive." Each article details this better way to keep car and truck engine running cool asa cucumber - ending the cause of its trouble - from becoming serious threats. Read a few pages to see how to.
Yearly Chemical Tune Up Returns Waning Horsepower. Keeps Cars Healthy.
This once-a-year "Chemical Conditioner" car-buff-secret keeps renewing older, even worn vehicle life going for another year's usage. Any car truck. Read a few pages to see how to.
Boost High-Mileage Diesel "Life And Performance" For A Few More Years, Claim Fleet Owners.
Discover the service that ends
horsepower theft, and performance making diesels seem worn out. "Keeps your rigs on the road working as if years newer, and bottom line black," fleet owners say. Read a few pages to see how to.
Prevent Engine Overhaul Need Easily
#1 Way To Go 100,000 Miles Further on any vehicle. Save yourself $50K doing so. Read a few pages to see how to.
Double New Car Truck Life
End its Break-in Period This Way. Why Important right nwo. Read a few pages to see how to.
Race Car Secret To More Wins. "Endurance Secret."
Give your vehicles years more endurance like race car owners do. Be a winner keeping your own vehicles winning the wear and tear race. Read a few pages to see how to.
A Service To Add Years Longer Truck Life
Yes! Cut Its Friction! Saves A Gallon Of Fuel Every Fill-up. Climb Hills, A Gear Higher. Pushes Overhaul Need Into The Future. Read a few pages to see how to.
Truckers: Stops Adding A Gallon Oil Between Oil Changes.
But won't Harm your car/truck engine. Not Thick - Nor Gooey, Either.
Don't Let Engine Sludge Or Tapping Ruin Your Car!
This method removes both, then returns your strong, quiet engine performance. Stops Horrific Engine tapping. Read a few pages to see how to.
Better Fuel Economy
Helps Computer Give You Better Mileage. Learn How... Read a few pages to see how to.
Click Menu Buttons for Details
The King of Engine Fixers. Services your engine problem away - guaranteed. The Firsts, top-to-bottom carbon, engine sludge, and friction removing product - making it the KING OF ENGINE ADDITIVES. The install recipe is professional, but maded for everyone to end their engine problems with. The Mega Power Engine Treatment. This KING RULES, not problems, when in your engine. Read a few pages to see how to.
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Having a Car problem? "Not As Bad As It Looks," Claims Expert.
Most vehicle problems can end without repair. Yours Too! Learn the secret and save your vehicles and your cash with this method. Read a few pages to see how to.
Driving Ends Automotive Operating or Mechanical Problems
Addiitives made by Mega Power, end a varity of operating problems repair use to. Reverses Them in Brand New, to Older Worn Cars, Diesel Rigs, Tractors, Rv's Motorcycles, Race Cars, Boats, and Industrial Machines. Read a few page to seh how.
"Best" DIY Auto Tune Up And Repair Avoiding Options To Return Performance.
The HOW TO, Not just to cut-in-half your life's second biggest expenses. Add a "new-like" driving a pleasure to them.
Real Solutions some mechanics don't want you to know!
Explained and Shown the How-to Here by the Country's Expert on Problem-Solving Additives. george christ. Read a few pages to see how to.
Why The Invention of Problem Solving Additives?
Mega Power is more than an oil additive. It provides what's missing - in oils and fluids - The ability to turn back the last 25,000 miles to rerun them again. Imagine the good it does to remove internal binding and friction grinding. Their horsepower lost, and end of your vehicle problem. In one Mega Power Service you gain a new-like performance! And a cost-efficient end to performance and mechanical problems chemically. Bumper-to-bumper. Draining out sludge and frictions grip. Ending what oil and new parts can't return. That upsets a vehicles life.
That's what Mega Power usage in your future can bring. Millions of car, big rig, tractors, Rv boat motorcycle and machine owners say about Mega Power. Give it a test drive and see for yourself. Read a few pages to see how to.
What is Scheduled Maintenance?
For engines:
Transmission Servicing.
Today's transmissions require:
Radiator Cooling System Service.
Power Steering system service.
The sludge buildup problem. Its there growing until one day - Trouble.
Our auto tune up and repair options conditioners removes sludge to maintain the new-like cleanliness factor for longest trouble-free life . They may end or prevent future problems. This site offers option the premium option, - explained and detailed for auto repair shops and individuals.
Investing in such care every 2 years our ways exceeds the problem-causing manufacturer’s maintenance schedule. Most mechanics are able to give you advice on what you should have done and when - as they see the results off what products and services do or don't do. Read a few pages to see how to.
Mega Power's Bumper-to-Bumper Service Products will have your vehicles running great in minutes! Ends engine trans mission head gasket tapping oil burning tough-shift many other troubles doing so. Making Mega Power The KING of Automotive Problem Solvers.
Because our service provides clean out and anti-wear conditioning, it is more than an oil additive or engine rinse.
It's an internal wear and mechanical problem ender. Made possible by MC+ [metal conditioning and anti-wear chemistry]. After the fist mile, you will better Mega Power's approach to car care and wear problem solving as your every 2 years.
For Professional use only. But easy to learn. More...
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What customers say happen I guarantee will happen.
Mike: “I can’t believe the products George sold me made my noisy tapping, oil consuming old engine I thought was on its last mile, could run sweet, strong, quiet - and not use $20 oil between oil changes! It's been over a year and my old car still runs sweet and strong!” ...Mike
Greg : “The estimate price to rebuild my diesel engine to end its compression blowby was $6000. I ran across your $400 blowby fix on Google and ordered it. I can’t believe that in minutes the blowby fumes pouring out of the engine and black exhaust smoke just receded. I followed your tip to add some of the product to the gear boxes and rear end gears. I can’t believe the sudden return to a smooth shifting, and great running engine was possible from any additive - and I tried them all. For a fraction of what the repair shop said was needed, you fix my problem. Following your treatment directions is simple - for solving such a complex problem.” Greg.
Susan: “ I found your engine sludge removing product online, and with no complaints. It’s sold with its guarantee - no other product has one! My sludge choked down engine has a full recovery. The performance is great and I really can't believe it. The new car dealer said, a new $5000 engine was the only fix. My car is not even worth that - and I didn’t want to go in debt for $25,000 for a new one. However, your $150 Mega Power Brand sludge remover engine revitalizer had it running good as new in a week! I’m so happy - I'm glad I bet on your product making it so.” ,.. Suzy
You should know that I have an additive treatment from Mega Power Additives available to end most any vehicle internal, automotive engine transmission radiator steering an a/c problem deep inside. No matter what, even one causing a serious operating problem.
The good the 6 kits has meant for car and equipment owners is … a new option to consider. Is it worth it to install these additives as a possible lo-cost alternative, or go for the costly repair option?
If so, look for links to your problem and order the items listed.
A word of warning.
However, millions of motorist and equipment owners spend thousands of dollars unnecessarily because they and their mechanic are not aware of this option.
Part stores - to make a quick buck, sell knock off products with huge markups that confuse the vehicle owner. Such part store and quick lubes products have proven harmful. Stay away from them.
Don't go for magic powders, micro ceramics, gooey fluids either. What's needed aare the street proven treatment sold here:
Benefits of Mega Power Engine Additives:
More cost-effective: By investing in Mega Power's Worn Engine Treatment, you can enjoy its recovery and reduce your expenses you no longer have to endure costly and time-consuming car and equipment repairs. And keep ythose savings working for your business. With the latest advancements in automotive additive science helping you
Click Here To Learn More!
It doesn’t matter who you are:
No Risk Money-Back Guarantee
We are confident that our Mega Power Brand Treatments will meet and exceed your expectations for auto tune-up and repair. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Simply return the unused portion of the product, along with a copy of your receipt, within 30 days of purchase for a full refund of the purchase price.
At Mega Power, customer satisfaction is our top priority. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible solutions to keep your vehicle working superbly. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We are here to help.
Take advantage of the peace of mind that comes with the Mega Power money-back guarantee. Try it today and experience the difference for yourself. "Click Here To Learn More!
Invest in Mega Power Auto Tune-Up and Repair Products to keep your vehicle in optimal performance. Our additives are a proven alternative to traditional repair solutions, removing the mystery of vehicle problems. Our 40-year background in additive research and extensive knowledge of every component's design and function guarantees to solve your oil burning, blowby, valve tap, loss of power, rough shift, overheating, and other issues.
Our treatments cover bumper-to-bumper problems caused by acid and heat, removing sludge and friction. With 6 treatments for servicing and problem-solving, our products provide the added value of cleaning and smoothing parts for a new-like operation. Our website lists over 400 problem-solving recipes and our tech hotline provides instant assistance.
Incorporating Mega Power into your inventory can increase your profits with a typical 100% markup for repair assistance and a 400% markup for problem-solving with a guarantee to apply the cost to repair if needed. Our treatments are increasingly used by repair shops and mechanics, and adding them to your invoices can attract more satisfied customers.
Rudy's Automotive, San Marcos, Tx has a 20-year history of growth using Mega Power Products and attests to their staying power and results. Our auto tune-up and repair product directions come with videos and personal phone walk-throughs for hassle-free installation.
In summary, Mega Power Auto Tune-Up and Repair Products offer complete, professional-quality service, with a guarantee to end vehicle problems and bring increased profits. Get started today to experience the benefits for yourself. Click Here To Learn more
Choose Mega Power Automotive Additive Treatment
Auto Tune Up And Problem Ending Service Products From Mega Power Additives Are Ending The Worry On The Best Way To End Most Vehicle Toubles. So Easy, Women Are Doing So.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id facilisis sapien. Etiam massa mauris, euismod nec condimentum at, suscipit at nulla. Praesent vel fringilla ante. Nunc vel condimentum sapien. Mauris sodales commodo odio, non pulvinar arcu cursus nec. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum elit eros, blandit non magna pellentesque, varius volutpat leo. Fusce a hendrerit lacus, nec viverra enim.
Step one auto tune up and problem ending.: Add items 1 and 2 we show you to the fuel tank.
This Should Be Your Best Car And Equipment Care and Problem Ending Option.
For 2 reasons:
1- One reason: You are more in need of new aids to car care than you realize for an:
....alternative repair option than a costly repair. Why? Repair of your vehicles internal parts almost never acutally fail as the problem for your vehicles problem in today's vehicles.*
2- Reason two: Actual repairs set you up for future repair problems by doing nothing to stop their faster frail part failure advance, as your cars go pass 100,000 miles. As your diesels go pass 300,000 miles.**
Ditch the old ways
Traditionally, since grandpa's model A days your car and equipment operating and mechanical problems needed fixed by replacing trouble-causing parts - and they use to need being replaced.
2. **I'm a mechanic. For most of my life I've been fixing vehicles with addditives- my own, and my customers vehicles that way.
At the coffee shop they laugh when I said that's what helps my vehicles.
The boys at the coffee shop laugh when talking equipment repair problems nd their expense. And the laugh -more a sneer occurs when I say these additive prevent those troubles in my vehicles. They laugh and say "it can't be"
Are they costly, No! They pay you for using them.
Are they costly> Sure, if you compare them to what's sold as additivesonline and in part stores. These are realy sold that way as they need a little schooling the part store can't provide.
Would They Be for You? It depends.
That's depends on which seat at the coffee shop you sit in.
If you sit in the sit and judge all additives by your experience from part stores additives, they are bad. Not needed. Are in the oils we use. Not recommended by the dealer.
If you sit in my seat at the coffe shop in my place, you may try to tell them you appreciate these additives for preventing your engine, transmission, radiator, steering and a/c problems.
The real auto tune up and repair options you need.
Automotive and equipment troubles are rarely due to part failure - and rarely have a need to replaced the trouble-causing ones with clean shinny, easy-moving new ones - and these two companies have the additive discoveries that do the same to the toruble cauing - and every other part. They remove the sludge and friction causing the troubles.
They smooth out the cause reversing the problem to end it. And even can coat their worn areas so a newness returns - that makes possible double and triple vehicle life. You may decide to try my auto tune up and repair options just for those benefits to prevent troubles. They are in these pages.
Which are you?
Review and how to follow my fix you problem options.
Try these links see what hey say and order the items offers and guaranteed.
Call mme if tht; to much for you for by phone recos.
My auto tune up and repair option walks you through the fix process - adding the needed items to the component in two steps. Those I learned from field testing of what works and guarantees the right result. Bascally...
You add them to the component as hown. Its easy. No skill needed. For the engine its to the gas and oil or the component fluid.
What results as you drive is the fix. Is it really possible ?
Check these automotive repair options out to see if your problem is covered.
Read what my customers say about their auto tune up and repair problem types
Why "this"is what your car needs for the fix.
Did you know the difference in our help and that of others:
Some sites and stores just sell products - they have you pic which to try to solve your problem. They are not experts. We are... We tell you what to use and give you a statisfaction refund guarantee. Them - never! We know what works! A Differences only an expert can give. We are those in this field.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><H2 style="text-align:center;font-size:30px;font-weight:normal;"> A Race Car Owners "Winning Edge Discovery" - Now a Secret For Ending Bumper-to-Bumper Vehicle Problems. Millons of Vehicle Owners, Mechanics, Equipment Owners Are Using Them - And why not you?Each of your vehicles component troubles are end by a combination of these Mega Power Brans items.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""></FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""> Cost-Lowering Car And Equipment Care And Repair Options, Tips, and Products.
Step one auto tune up and problem ending.: Add items the others we show you to the fuel tank.
I also guarantee the results from two sources.
1- What years of my own and repair shops I stock usage of these products show an confirms that end the fix.
2- What tens of thousands say you will all experience. [Most ads say the experiences are not guaranteed for you. Mine our. [ Please note : No refunds request in the last 3 years of Thousands of users].
Mega Power Additives are not just for Mechanics and race cars. Many Women find them the help for ending vehicles problems. Why Not You Also?
OUR auto tune up and repair options
You Don't Have To Be Anxious About Your Car Breaking Down Anymore:
You will agree,
... our vehicles and equipment were purchased to make our lives easier. The way we solve their problems should be easy? They are not untill this invention came along.
But, the present system of vehicle care ignores doing it easier and cheaper even though its kown. I'm making it easier for you with tthat invention in these hese auto tune up and repair options..
Click to read how a race car owner's winning edge discovered , became the solution.
Contact info... auto tune up and repair options. On a cell phone. To Order Online. To ask a question to see if this option is for your problem. Call or Tex Me... george at 512 665 3388.
Lets get started getting you a great ride again. Your vehicles problems...
Racing team’s Winning “Secret Formulas”now saving drivers $thousands in repairs ...
Dear Vehicle Owner, …
Imagine a product you pour into your cars component fluids and it avoids a $300 to $10,000 expensive repair!
Imagine having vehicles and equipment which rarely needs repairs, and never lets you down.
Just imagine the money you save and their inconvenience you avoid.
A distant fantasy? Not at all.
My name is George Christ. I’ve been a mechanic for most of my life. And I assure you from my, and my customers’ experience, it’s a reality! All thanks to these “Secret Formulas” which went on to gain years of national wins -
Their secret? Add this product during the race - which used the cars internal negative forces toadvantage.
What resulted was the reversing of the strain of wear - and wear, that released absorbed horsepower.
What a stunning advantage!
I've taken several engine apart before and years after the usage of these products and they always shown the smae new-like shinny smooth and tidy clean state - compared to any others - with sludge, dull dull surfaces and troublesome parts.
Since that time 2 other companies put out that product and I'm explaining the Mega Power 's Additives set of such additives here on
Products you can install right now to end your vehicles problems starting with...
Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment is a complete engine treatment system. It reduces engine friction to boost horsepower and endurance. They call it their: Winning edge to eliminate the 6 most common causes of engine issues:
1. Oil blockages
2. Carbon buildup
3. Residues
4. Friction
5. Binding
6. Horsepower absorption.
And it’s so easy to treat your vehicle with Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment.
Is “combustion chambers” the right word? Just pour it into your vehicle’s fuel and oil … and drive! Here's how Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment rejuvenates your engine “combustion chambers” :
✔ Reduces engine “wear and tear” by increasing oil circulation to all parts – destructive friction is decreased, Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment helps you avoid the number one cause of engine failure.
✔ Stops oil becoming a destructive, sludgy, sticky mess – as you drive your oil becomes dirty and thick. Eventually it blocks fuel flow and causes a reduction in power. Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment uses carbon technology to clean your oil and keep it working effectively for longer.
✔ Restores sticky piston rings, valves, bearings, gears, and sensors – dirt and acid builds up on these parts slashing their lifespan. Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment cleans and freshens while leaving a special slippery coating to keep them clean as you drive.
✔ Prevents expensive oil leaks – when your vehicle looses oil, metal scrapes on metal causing premature wear and, potentially, a seized engine. Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment finds and fills worn areas and holes with its special copolymer coating.
✔ Restores power and lost acceleration – If your fuel injector’s blocked or clogged you can lose up to 20% of your acceleration. Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment lubricates and forces sludge out your injector, so it runs like new.
✔ Works better the more you drive – Mega Power constantly works to clean and maintain your engine. The more you drive, the better Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment works!
Use our option rejuvenate your engine and save thousands in costly repairs today.
Announcing Mega Power Transmission Treatment It costs an average $2,600 to replace a faulty transmission. Now you can reduce the chance of yours ever failing f or just
<> The most common causes of a faulty transmission are:
Leaking transmission fluid Clogged transmission fluid filter Broken transmission bands Broken transmission gears Ruptured transmission deals Mega Power Transmission Treatment inhibits these problems before they cause irreversible damage to your car. The 4 ways Mega Power Transmission Treatment protects your transmission: 1. Stops clunky, jerky gear changes – by smoothing rough worn surfaces, reducing friction and “wear and tear”. 2. Prevents fluid leaks – by finding and filling worn areas and holes with its special co-polymer coating. 3. Reduces wear and tear – using an advanced transmission conditioner which neutralizes acids, and removes sticky blockage-causing residue 4. Cleans and restores essential transmission parts – by lubricating all moving parts as you drive, including your shift pistons, bearings, gears, and shift valves. <> - <> Don’t wait until your transmission fails, g et miles more out of it with Mega Power Transmission Treatment. Introducing Mega Power Radiator Service When your radiator fails, your engine rapidly overheats with potentially disastrous consequences. You could blow your head gasket – a $4,000 repair. Yet most radiator failures are preventable. How Mega Power Radiator Service safeguards your radiator: ✔ Eliminates scum build up – this dangerous blanket stops heat escaping from your engine ✔ Neutralizes acids – these hole eaters ruin your gaskets, springs, and radiator coils ✔ Cools your engine – draws heat away 20% faster than other radiator products. Don’t wait until you’re stranded by the road with steam pouring out your bonnet! <> - <> Protect and restore your radiator system for only <> At last! The power steering service you can do yourself Does your steering wheel “screech” when you’re turning a bend? Is it tougher to turn than it used to be? Faulty power steering system isn’t just noisy, it’s dangerous. If it fails while you’re driving, you’re in real trouble. A new power steering pump costs $400-600, and a new steering rack can cost an eyewatering $2,000. The smart choice is to use Mega Power’s P ower Steering Service for just <> Service your power steering from the comfort of your own home: ➔ Reduce the buildup of harmful residues – lubricate all moving parts so dirt and sludge can’t build up. These are a common cause of heavy and noisy steering. ➔ Make steering effortless – “grease” the steering system and reduce friction as you turn your wheel. ➔ Clean your hydraulic system – eliminate sludge and other “goo” which can interfere with steering performance. ➔ Guard against leaks – leaking steering fluid will completely ruin your power steering within a few miles. <> - <> Keep you and your loved ones safe from dangerous power steering breakdowns. Did I mention your cast iron, no quibble, 100% risk free, 60 day money back guarantee? I’m so confident you’ll be delighted with your Mega Power products, you can try them risk free. If you don’t feel they improve your vehicle’s performance after 60 days, just let me know and I’ll send you a full refund – no questions asked. Revive and protect your vehicle today All Mega Power products come with easy to follow, step-by-step instructions. But if you need help, call me. We can even Facetime so I can look over your shoulder. <> - <> If you’re interested in getting Mega Power for your vehicle, please don’t delay. Order yours today. Why not do it right now before something else distracts you? Best, <> <>
Order the Mega Power Brand Formula below. End the problem in your vehicles and keep trouble away with them. Easy to install and comes with free tech phone support.
George explains, "to overcome a problem an additive needs to perform several functions when oil is not present, in among the vehicles metal-melting temperatures. A reversal of the cause of what drags down the component. That's the amazing power the race team discovered during that one race they continued in other races."
Car and equipment owners are installing the latest version into their good vehicles to keep them going. Others, to keep older worn vehicles going and overhauls years into the future.
"Other vehicle owners," says George, "are following our treatments kits adding the forumula and driving… seeing it end all sorts of vehicle operating problems. For example:
rough running, tapping, noise growls, combustion loss, blowby exhaust smoke, smog failures, rough shift, even cures a/c vent cooling problems. Features advertised in products part store and big box stores you know don't work!
Ending even suddenly popped up - problems so costly to repair.
Each treatment comes witha written 90 day satiafaction guarantee. Brand new vehicle owners find the treatment adds 20 to 40 more miles to each weeks tank of fuel distance - offering a tenetive 1 to 3 less gallons of fuel each week.
Equipment owners reporting repair expense dropping 50% per quarter.
Mechanics are adding the treatments to each repair to clean up the interior and smooth out the good but smooth needing features to have tholder parts last as log as the new ones.
Usage the parts usage because the repair vehicles perform so well with it. Bikers and vehicles owner who did a bumper to bumper treatment report much more power and a quieter motor and shift experience.
Directions are simple. Add 2 ozs of the specified product to the component fuel oils and fluids in each component. A week later do an oil and fluid change over to new oil and fluids, add 1 to 2 ozs of th protectors to guart .
Some may do the initial install, but have their local quick lube or mechanci do the change outs a week later.
Sent to your door in 3 days ready to add 2 ozs to each gallon of fuel, and quart to any 5 quarts of oil or fluid. An oil change is required in 7 days. 3 gallons treat one big truck or 5 cars.
Comes 3 gallons of the three items needd. $350.
Comes 2 each for a 6 pack for several truck or vehicle servicing. $450.
Call for large quaintiy delivery.
$50 extra to Canada, Mexico, Hawaii, Alaska, Caribbean islands. Portal Rico
Imagine what that can mean in your life faced with a $3000 to $10,000 engine and gear repair and find, for under $500, you smoothed the problem $3000 + problem away by driving. Added it anytime a problem popped up [-they have them, as your vehicles age]. A simple add with fresh oils routine at future oil changes keeps problems serpressed. Keeps them running as if you turned the miles back a few years.
An idea some mechanics and car dealers like and others don't. Never sold on amazon or national chains. Comes with easy to install directions women cars owners find helpful. A week apart step works out as the quickest way to do so, explained. Free tech help fo and walk thrus for those that want that help = for free. Imagine what that can mean in your life faced with a $3000 to $10,000 engine and gear repair and find, for under $500, you smoothed the problem $3000 + problem away by driving.
Vehicles were made to make our life easier. Auto tune up and repair options reveals the secrets to end them cheaper faster better.
Millions have and are saying "Goodbye" to car troubles with an additive invention by Mega Power Additives.
Are car troubles bringing you down?
Introducing a "once for all time solution" you will enjoy.
It doesn’t matter if it's an engine light, a radiator leak, or a bad gasket; car troubles are always more than a huge inconvenience. The worry it could get worse is ever present.
Not only do you have to worry about alternative transportation, you also must figure out the issue, buy whatever parts you need, and find someone to repair your car.
Afterward, just when you think you’ve solved your car troubles for good—bam!—another disaster hits. And you are back where you started again.
Before you know it, you're shelling out money you probably don't have for car repair. It can add up until your car is causing more trouble than it’s worth.
Having to deal with car trouble over and over again is so stressful. It shouldn’t be like this. Cars are meant to make our lives easier, not harder.
Do you want a "once an for all solution" you can live with?
Don’t suffer any longer.
Millions have and are saying "Goodbye" to car troubles with an additive invention by Mega Power Additives.
"How can that be," you may wonder?
The fact is vehicles have become very touchy - and additives have become "targeted problem solvers."
The fact is inside - there has not been an improvement in engine, transmisssion, radiators, and other systems in cars, diesel rigs, tractors, dozers, boats, and motorcyles in 100 years! They have just been made touchy due to computer controls to stop their smoging.
The fact is - they almost never wear out! That's true! They just bog down.
People are always in the news with vehicles that run forever - while ours are at the repair shop, or new car dealer needing costly repair or a new one with years of debt.
It doesn't have to be that way! And its not for millions of vehicle owners. Here's the secret!
Here's a solution you can live with.
Thanks to a lawyer turn chemist, 3 race car brother owners, and a late comer - all who discovered the way to fix cars chemically - by reversing the problem.
How do you reverse a car problem to end it - you may ask?
First of all, you didn't say your car was broken and didn't run.
You indicated it had a problem someone wanted to charge you thousands to fix.
That means there's a hangup cause by acids, sludge, raw friction causes, delaying the movement of parts, and creating some form of opporating or mechanical problem. "The problem."
Our additives can fix any current problems your car's engine, transmission, radiator steering or a/c is having. How so, you asked?
Let's go back to when your car or equipment was new. If you can remember it was zippy, powerful, quiet, and had great fuel economy. It had no leaks or consumesd oil. Why?
You cause the problem…
That's because, as you drive, every piston bearing valve and gear surface WHEN NEW was clean, mirror smooth, and moved with great ease. You bought that condition. However…
Driving ran into the ground. It squeezed out the oil between the surfaces and causes touching and grinding, that keeps getting worse. Metal melting temperatures and friction of 2000 degrees cook the oil and turns it into sludge. Acid pitting allows that sludge to get a foot hold.
The weakest parts just stop moving as quickly as the rest can. Your car has a problem - or you do.
Stop! You have do one of 3 things at this point for me to get paid advising you.
OK, to read more go to this page. Sign up for my newsletter. Then I'll send you to your solution you can try for 90 days to be assured it the unusuall auto tuo tune up and repair option you've been looking for.
That means working with us today can save you money fixing your car todays and avoiding future heartaches tomorrow.
I worked for those companies when young as local distributor.
In their regular meetings there was always heated discussions on finding what works for that and that. And what does not.
In hundreds of those meetings over the years and from what salesmen discovered, and revealed, and my own car instrument testing on dyno's of before and after experience, and from mechanics who discovered new uses, you build a mental catalog of hundreds of recipes - one for each problem found superior to all others. You make more sales with successful ideas than poor ones. You teach all your mechanic clients to follow those, as THEIR profit improving endeavor. We all - including the car owner, profit off such wisdom, and have a better life form it.
I call those recipes collected over the years a fullproof solution containing the best additives for that or that problem. In print, on the web I call them my
You can trust from this background I pretty much know what works and why. That's why I sell my treatment to end your vehicle problem with a money back guarantee. I call myself a cardoctor2 for that reason.
What you can do if this is likeable and promising for protecting your vehicles.
Look for your problem solution here at With ongoing testing and happy customers buying over and over, I'm pretty sure I'm promoting what works best.
That's the automotive problem we really solve for at
Order what's suggested and it will be at your door in 3 days. Tens of thousands have ending big eucide truck problms steamships engine problems car makers andf tousand ofmechanics an many indivdiduals.
Remember, you are not buying additives. Your buying me, my expertise, on what will end your automotive internal problems. Buying for a few bucks what extend the new-like life of vehicles and equipment that makes using them an asset to keep making your life easier.
If you made your livelihood helping tens of thousands, from commissions, like I do, you pretty much bet those tested ideas from those meetings you heavily promote - when clients find works, increase their volume year after year.
I understand what additives will end car and diesel problems. I know both design function of every components ideal state - and what upsets it. How to use additives to reverse the negatives causing any problems.
On the page you problem is considered you learn of these causes and the specific additives to remove them. This chemically returns the new like function.
Imagine having a trouble one day appear - have it gone the next witha few additives I show you to use.
That's the real problem I solve for you.
workings inside out. I know even the most serious problem has to do with sludge, and friction upsetting the ideal internal operation.
There is no magic pill, or liquid - just as there is no single medicine for every problem.
My options for car care and solving of their oil burning, blowby, valve tap, loss of power, rough shift, overheating, and such is guaranteed.
Click menu buttons to see their process.
Give the fix a try by ordering the items on your solution page.
Ending problem causes options 101
Problems are caused by 4 negatives:
Bumper to bumper coverage.
Mega Power's auto tune up and repair aids complete the repair.
Add them to your Inventory on hand products.
Keep our Full Bumper-to-bumper Coverage on hand. You will have
what's need to install for every job completion. A starting inventory
of 6 for the motor and 3 each for component service is suggested.
The profit picture.
Rudy. At Rudy's automotive San Marcos, Tx has a 20 year profit growing strategy following our program - He says, Mega Power Product have given him staying power as competitors try to get his business; come an go. He attributes his profitable staying power to Mega Powers Features and Results customers see, he mastered for their benefit.
Auto tune and repair product directions include videos, and personal phone walk thru's options to get the feel of the first few installs.
Opening investment ? About
Want to learn more? This auto tune up and repair option your solution works.
Tens of thousands of car and equipment owners - remove the "bugs" causing problems in their cars components this way. This results is the end of the problem.
The auto tune up and repair options treatment is packaged to quickly end the problem. Shown on the page you go to. Clicking takes you to the explanation page.
There are lots of ways to define a vehicle's problem solving options.
Our auto tune up and repair avoiding options are the easiest and fastest.
It's the best way to end engine, transmission, radiator, steering, and a/c systems problems.
Unlike all other methods that skip the cause, these auto tune up and repair options removes the cause. Then adds conditioners to and reverse the damage.
Reversing and healing is the cheapest, fastest way - and best way to do so - millions depend on their anti-wear long life features.
A product to use to keep them going as long as you like.
I buy vehicles in poor running conditions and turn them for profit when ever I find them with the problem free state they provide.
With just 6 bumper to bumper treatments, you will find its the best way to protect your vehicle 5 components.
What customers say:
That is the purpose of these auto tune up and repair avoiding options. Learn what they are on this page. Enjoy their cheaper, faster, long term auto tune up and repair option.
Mega Power Additives have given Me and those whom Take this advice a better life
Our Mega Power Brand auto tune up and repair options are better in several ways.
How our auto tune up and repair avoiding solutions for your vehicle problem works -
Helps you understanding the causes and what ends them chemically.
That product option explained, ends mechanical and performance appearing problems. And their cause by removing sludge, friction and smoothing rubbing surfaces. - For your best way vehicle ending solutions.
Unravel and your life and your vehicle problems in the easiest cheapest best way.
Check the menu for your option.
The way you drive and where is the natural problem avoiding secrets.
The Mega Power Additive way...
Ending and preventing engine, transmission, radiator, steering, and a/c systems problems - so costly to repair, has been done by chemical additives.
That is the purpose of these auto tune up and repair avoiding Mega Power Additive options. They are that best options. We offer a chemical way to match their vehicle long trouble free life - by chemical means.
Solving the problem -
Researchers at Mega Power Additives worked on the problem.
They found these causes. Some vehicle owners avoid 3 negatives, owners of problematic cars and equipment have not avoided.
Those conditions causing problems, can be seen on close examination of vehicles in repair shops being fixed car and equipment owners not experiencing problems know how to avoid. They are:
Finding a solution.
First of all, there is a remedy that returns the most favorable type of new-like state in a trouble making vehicle - that ends the problem upsetting state in your troublesome component.
And by extension, the other product solutions listed are those other component solution for both ending and preventing internal troubles in your vehicles other components. It seems reasonable to want to remove the negatives in them before they add to your car misery witha problem soon from thatem - that the service removes.
Now, anyone can use our discovery of a superior method of vehicle care with the specific products that do so, explained and promoted.
They are here so anyone can end and prevent vehicle problems and guaranted thir good working life as long as wanted of everything mechanical. Its known solutions extend the good life of vehicles in a pristine manner.
While some can do so by their type of driving, a trouble encroaching, costly, and shortening vehicle life appears for many.
To extend the working life of your heavy investment vehicles, end their causes of avoidable engine, transmission, radiator, steering, and a/c system problems. Thereby extending the vehicles investment.
Those with cars and equipment that seem to just go on forever researchers found have avoided 3 ngatives owners of cars and equipment have not avoided. Those conditions causing problems, can be seen on close examination of vehicles in repair shops being fixed car and equipment owners not experienceing problems know how to avoid. They are:
How driving causes your cars problem.
1- regular maintanace of all of the components - a $500 or so expense many ignore every 2 years.
2- Warm up of vehicles and driving so its easy on the vehicles the firs few miutess of operation.
3-Reducing the strain against a vehicle by slower, lesser strain speeds, especialy in city stop and go situations.
4- Have vehicles service by performing the dealer service at specified milleage.
5-longer trips, over one hour, burn off the water, fuel, combustion by-products not giving acidy enough to form sludge in the components.
The easiest way to end vehicle problems.
Such driving differences is one way to add longer life and trouble avoiding problems.
Researchers in three additive companies have developed additives to both prevent and end such negatives for those wanting them. They are these additives:
For the auto tune up and engine problem solving and preventing, try the tune and repair and repair avoiding option for your vehicles troublesome component - by scanning the bottom off page articles, or Menu links, or typing in googles help.
For: more auto tune up and repair options these are solutions researchers found a solution too - we offer for sale.
If you like many, see faults in your present car care methods.
Give these auto tune up and repair options a try.
Don't take it from us, hear it from our customers.
Based on trends, question queries, and street usage matches,
this solution options generator page will point you to.
For ending, and preventing,
engine, transmission, radiator, steering and a/c operating problems.
Their repair avoiding, preventing their troubles options,
all chosen for their guaranteed
quick solution as your auto tune up and repair option
and my help...
Thousands of users can't be wrong.
Repair Shops Owners:
Are you looking for more profitable repair, servicing, and customer attracting ideas?
Could they be...
Would you like an idea you actually believe in to use?
An idea that revolves around your beliefs,
These auto tune and repair business options were figured out and refined by 5 people in the 19 50's whose discovery and vison about them created a paradigm shift from the usual way of thinking about fixing cars to one, where the idea of fixing revolves around your personal belief about car care and repair, that belief actually feeds a growing income - day in and day out
That's because this auto tune and repair option does so from the car owners point of view of preserving their cars integrity, than the repair shop owners point of view of - how soon will the car fail again so I can profit off its repair. Our method ties the customer loyalty to you.
This one different perspective to looking at the car owners view of being paid for preserving, avoiding troubles, those 5 people had, compared to waiting for car trouble to happen and hope you are picked over many others to fix the car, has divided up the repair industry into 2 camps.
and I'm one of those - who offers their one #2 point of view -and i want you to see why its a more powerful, more profitable way to do business.
Contact info: Auto Tune Up And Repair Options Contact info. Call me for help with solving your vehicle problems, and ordering by phone what does so at 512 665 3388.
Sent to your door in 3 days:
A New-To-You Vehicle Problem-Solving Method Millions depend on.
George Forman and the Mega Powered sponsored truck expresses their joy over the trucks testing of the product and the winning edge the product gives.
How to tell if this is the info you're looking for...
1- Do you have a major engine, transmission, radiator, steering, or a/c operating problem?
2- It could just have appeared, or has been ongoing and now getting worst.
3- A costly repair has been suggested as its fix.
4- It still runs, but both a breakdown and its repair debt worries you.
5- You want a service or product or alternative to end it that's better for you.
If those 5 describe you, auto tune up and repair options is the place you want.
It takes a quick read to understand the idea - hold on to your hat to find out the
benefits gained all your life from them.
Hi! I'm george christ -
I want those options too and found them.
Now I train/show/provide repair shops owners -and individuals those auto tune up and repair avoiding options.
How they work.
If you have taken medicine to get over a serious health problem - your vehicles need that kind of help right now - that's the option here your car and budget needs. I'm your cardoctor2!
You can order them here below - or from a menu link.
They are more than an alternative to end your vehicle problem that is better and cheaper.
They are what slams the brakes on future problems to keep your vehicles going and going.
Who discovered them?
I learned about these vehicle problem-ending additive repair avoiding/ ending options - going to work a race team, the Justice Brothers, Ed, Zeke, and Gus, who capitalized on their discovered of the products engine and gear friction problem ending features. Unique features that gave their race cars the winning edge to championships.
How million's profit of their discovery.
Million's, including me and thousands of auto repair shop owners, equipment owners, and individuals profit of their repair avoiding, problem ending bumper to bumper problem solving features.
There are 6 of them - one for each of a vehicles bumper to bumper components - which should be serviced every 2 years.
The discoverer.
The Justice Brothers met the products inventor Carl Wynn. Later became his Distributor after seeing its aid for giving their race cars a wining edge, championship, and fame and wealth.
And now here at auto tune up and repair options - online, will learn about, and order their useful problem ending features, and lifelong vehicle upkeep and preservation benefits.
About these vehicle problem solutions.
What you will soon discover is they do so chemically by reversing your vehicles negative problem causing.
They return the original vehicles smooth, clean, pistons bearing valves and gears and such todo so.
Imagine pouring in additives I'll show you that do so. Sent to your home in 3 days to start doing so.
While others sell older or weaker versions - as a profit maker doing no good for you, these are the most updated, strongest versions from the maker Mega Power Additives.
Formulation for each problem solution and service.
Your vehicle problem benefits.
They will help you all your life avoiding your now tens of thousand in avoidable car repair and replacement expesse - down to dollars - you are seeking to find a way to. About Me…
About Me…
I'm a special kind of mechanic who, unlike most mechanics - who use just use engine sounds and customer comments to fix bad performance characteristics - as the diagnosis procedure.
I was trained to fix cars on instruments that do so at road speed, but tied to the floor, with equipment similar to what doctors use in hospitals when you have a heart attack.
You don't read about the proof. You see it in a few miles of driving or no charge for them.
This is not the only way to learn about problems and remedies - No! Add what's suggested and see the instant improvements the treatment solution gives - that's the real proof and there's no charge if not so!
What some mechanics say about additives.
Mechanics are trained to understand a problem by sound or computer coded, and fix the problem by replacing the few responsible parts. That's alright, but not very green. They are all not trained to use additives unless taught by us.
Most mechanic do not use additives, because they are told to stay away from additives for their harming effect.
The Lie.
However, that's a claim made by car makers, oil makers and part stores, and it keeps them in high-cotton profits - at your expense.
How to see the help auto tune up and repair options offer.
Everyday, ten of thousands uses their race team winning edge secrets in the additives here shown to aid the problem fix process. To end over 400 problems repairs use too. Keep their cars and equipment going great - when others must fix or replace their.
I'm sure if yu read this far - you have that same interest.
I use them in every thing I own. Because their racy winning edge feature regains a performence improvement customers see as an engine and gear protector. Smooth, stronger more fuel efficiency restored are those signs.
They will return the same performance to your vehicles as it does theirs and I'll supplied you with directions and products on the page your problem is covered.
These additives, unlike other part store and amazon sold additives do not skip, or resettled varnish and sludge elsewhere, and ignore friction roughness as the real solution - in the motor and oil passageways - blocking oil flow, [ the reason for additive dislike among mechanics]. And do not provide the anti-friction features no better than oil.
Unlike our auto tune up and repair avoiding option - the race team used, and I promote.
Made easier with new add-n-drive treatments detailed, so anyone one can end their own vehicle problem with. Nothing to take a part.
The while you drive fix.
The race teams additive secret is that, while you drive, our auto tune up and problem ending option, safely removes the gooey varnish on engine and transmission parts. And reverses the problem cause. Conditioning back like it was 10,000 miles ago.
Your auto tune up and repair avoiding recipe provides those same features to end your vehicle problems.
For mechanics and repair shops interested, they add the unique feature to smooth the rubbing, touching piston bearing valve and gear rough surfaces, so those engine parts not replaced last as long as new parts - assuring a long dependable repair. Ending their taking horsepower away from the wheels to overcome their drag on part movement.
Test show part store additives didn't have - can't promise to return the new-like, engine snappy horsepower performance varnish, carbon, and friction takes away from the wheels, to overcome their resistance like your auto tune up and repair option does. Though some do end the problem only.
Try it yourself to prove their worth or free if not.
You can add it if the mechanics orduring repair don't. End what's left untouched - reconditioned chemicall ending what's responsible for speeding up the next problem years sooner.
Loved by the seller who see their help.
Loved . . Not just for its amazing ability to remove wear and tear, but for its giving engines a bigger engine like performance my customers return for more of, but for its
I was introduce to and began selling that additive when they to those race car owners and their "secret winning edget additive" when thay started a business training and supplying distributors to supply mechanics on their beneficial engine and gear problem solving features.
Enjoy what that race team discovered and started a business selling this additive secret to their winning higher than the average wins - you can now end your vehicle operating and even mechanical problems. And glad you are here to see how they can help you end your vehicles problems!
Google sent you here because your searches indicated you may like the specific peroblem-solving automotive tune and repair, problem ending optionswe ffer. no one else has you would find here.
If your engine or component is actually broken and you need repair steps for it, you will find them elsewhere. Here…
You will find your bumper to bumper servicing needs package to end specific problems - and hopefully yours.
A word about how they end problems.
As you know, new cars and equipment have amazing power, ease of use, and trouble free operation that last for years. You invest them at great finacial cost to rid yourself of one worn out and troublesome.
What cause problems is new cars and new equipment from day one, start making acids friction and sludge. Most is drained out at each oil change. But some is not and finally loads up a few parts to shut the engine or component down - or interfers with its smooth operation.
The Lie...
And you were told, doing the scheduled oil and component fluid changes prevent such problems.
Well, that's a lie - but now, what to do about the upsetting suddenly appearing problem?
Solutions offered...
What they offer...
The Race Teams Idea...
Lets get started.
But understand this first..
That's what my auto tune up and repair options are all about.
That's what they end inside your new cars and equipment.
Understand this...
In one grueling race, tar and sludge and friction happens to wear down the horsepower and speed during the race it takes 5 or more years to occur in any vehicle. While Luck gives the winners their wins occasionally - The Justice Brothers race team - all mechanics, found this additive formula just stop the problems the grueling race conditions put on race cars - by returning the new, strong like strength it had at the beginning of the race.
What I'm about to show you in this video demo is the two of the 4 engine and gear killer negatives tamed by today's research here sold at your auto tune up and repair option to end any mechanical or performance operating problem in todays vehicles.
The training given me by the Justice Brothers and now Mega Power Additive Maker, and years of street usage in thousands of vehicles, and my own testing of vehicles with engineering lab equipment are what you have here at auto tune up and repair options.
Those like doctors use when you have a heart attack i was trained on to check before and after results. I've simplified the understanding and install with the aid of those research testing on vehicles. So anyone can follow my recipe to end most any operating and mechanical problem themselves. Gain the edge to keeping them going economically, as long as you want.
This is the kind of information that most of us need - and if we are the frugal type always searching to keeping our vehicles problems suppressed. Your auto tune up and repair options are here .... this is it online location.
Prevent avoidable problems.
End vehicle problems with these 6 Mega Power Treatments making the servicing and provent preventing, and problem ending better, easier, cheaper - keeping the good life going..
If you have found that your engine is consuming oil, has blowby, leaks oil, waste fuel, rough shifts, overheats and such, additives solve those problems. We are your supplier and educator on them
Before you consider a costly repair, purchasing a new engine or new vehicle - Here's what practical you can do to end this and other problems to get a few more years from your car or diesel.
Common repair choices are in fact costlier or less effective than they should be.
Most people are confronted with those choices. Before I explain how I and thousands of others end our engine burning oil and have an engine that purrs as if new. Consider these points against a repair or costly new vehicle, then compare it with what my solution will do to end the oil burning and help you avoid the present outcome choices.
The truth is you need a good solution right now:
What's problems can additives end?
No need to take anything apart to end the problem!
For you to understand the value of what we suggest, that saves your engine, end its problem, and gives you a few more good years of service - the answers to the following need to be considered.
People ask:
Why does my car or truck consume or burn oil , have blowby, make loud tapping, leak, rough shift, make whinning, not have cold air in the vents and such problems when it didn't use to?
Answer: As your your vehicle ages, wear gap growth, and dirty operating parts were not serviced properly with additives - or were the wrong kinds, and those dirty, wear roughen causes upset the internals - all making for those problems.
Solutions people try that don't work.
A problem control method using additives to end your vehicles upsetting operating problem.
What our auto tune up and repair avoiding options do that's different?
Turning your vehicle problem negatives back to its new-like state chemically is our solution.
From where the problem starts.
Correcting the fuel injector cause. And the acidic condition the makes the problems cause
Over time, your engines high temperatures of 1000 degrees or more cooks the gas or diesel in the injectors - and breakdown of oils and coolants makes acids that eat holes, makes sludge of good oil and collants -after you turn the motor off.
Several other problems are now occurring to cause loss of the good operation you want back.
Put In Your Control What Extends The Life Of Your Vehicles to Stretch The Thousands Of Dollars We invest In Them To Make Our Lives Better.
Not The Expensive Burden The Industry Wants You To pay. is the largest online engine transmission radiator steering a/c additive source for servicing and problem-solving. With articles containing products and directions for all known uses simplified. For do-it-yourselfers, truckers, auto repair shop inventory, equipment owners.The Auto Tune Up and Engine Repair Options
Even women - are easily ending their cars most serious problems with thee auto tune up and repair ending options.
Thousands are enjoying - the Mastery over their wear and tear troubles with my auto tune up and problem ending options.
So can you! Read how ...
My Message to Millions of Car and Equipment Owners Still Looking For Car and Equipment Help.
Those looking for the ideal-way to keep stretching their vehicles and equipment life an extra to 200,000 miles. A system to keep profiting off the $25,000 to $100,000 per vehicle investment in them we sacrificed a part of our income for, to full-fill their promise to make our lives easier.
l When a sudden problem appears, its does not take long to see that our costly vehicles are now making us slaves to their engine transmission radiator thought, and rightly so, premature mechanical problems, and its many thousands for upkeep and repair - choking us with additional expenses. Hurtfully paid to protect whats left of the thousands still investment in them.
If these are your concerns - they are mine also, and by chance, found their solution in discoveries by 5 people - researchers, who trained me to also look to profit helping others reduce such expense off such discoveries.
I'm now helping you!
Their automotive wear and tear and problem ending solutions fit the concerns and solution of such car and equipment owners: I, the Country's Alternative Care and Repair Expert provide them here to learn of their beneficial
What you will learn: Questions asked.
1- When a vehicle problem appears - what are the causes?
2- Can they be controlled, even reversed to end the problem?
3- Can those solutions be called upon for bumper to bumper problems?
4- Can they be readily available so anyone to use, not just mechanics?
5- Who has invented the cheapest fastest, best way to do so?
6-Will they let me try them to test their promise of recovery?
7-Will their promise give my vehicles an extra 100,000 miles.
8- Do so, while paying a fraction of the cost alternative - repair, to do so.
Understanding of the causes of car problems!
Understanding of the causes of a components operating problems and of wear's part that can be removed to end problems they cause prematurely.
Getting-to-wear and tear problem-causes. The only way to end them
That's the auto tune up, and suddenly appearing operating problem I really solve for you.
Why its the best solution.
Mega Power Additive Researchers set about finding the causes ofa vehicles premature wear and tear operating problem - usually fixed by new parts.
By testing chemical variations, they came using the vehicles kenetic forces as an advantage to help reverse the way the problem started. It is usually liqufied and drained out.
...."each solution works by each ingredient ending some cause your cars internal problem solving, I call "conditioning."
These ingredients had to go where oil can't, to the troubled areas to reverse the trouble-causing negatives.
Complex actions of freeing and lubricateing starts the reverseing. Next drag and binding stop horsepower lowering, horsepower absorbing.
Ending the problem by friction remover producing a slo-wearing smoothness to each part to stop the problems cause.
For our part - auto tune up and repair options identifies and gives the direction for you to follow. Sent you the products to do so.
Mega Power Brand Products are respected for being able to do as advertised. And comes with a satisfaction Guarantee.
See the menu selection on left for your trouble ending option.
So easy, even women - are easily ending their cars most serious problems with these auto tune up and repair ending options.
Many more repair shops are using additives at customer request to lower their car and diesel repair cost. Ours - Mega Power Additives, and Slo-wear Additives, although pricy are among the most respected for doing what they advertise.
You will find, upon reading a few pages, a treatment using additives for ending any car truck tractor rv boat motorcycle wear and tear caused problems = about 50% of car repair troubles.
For that reason, many more repair shops are using additives at customer request to lower their car and diesel repair cost. Ours - are among the pricy treatments - but offer precleaning, something that gets to the troubled areas to reverse the negatives, and slo-wear to stop other problems developing. For those reasons they are among the most respected for being able to do as advertised.
This site, is the only place to learn their fuel, engine transmission radiator steering and a/c product are, what to use. and what to avoid. Sent to your door in 3 days with directions to help do it yourselfers do the service right
Companies sponser race teams. This one is one of ours at Mega Power Additives, testing our new formulations and products endurance on the tract. Notice George Forman's interest in it.
Enjoy the same auto tune up and repair options many winning race teams and race car builders depend on.
One product line to protect your engine transmission radiator and steering systems problems -
- not just in newer vehicles. Even in older cars and big diesels!
Companies sponser race teams. This one is one of ours at Mega Power Additives, testing our new formulations and products endurance on the tract. Notice George Forman's interest in it.
To assure an ongoing problem-free, stronger running, quieter running, more fuel efficient vehicles.
Sent to their door- in a few days, with directions and free tech phone help to guide you along to their install.
Gain those benefits and more after using a unique "service product" that rids by tune up - notice that part of the name - auto tune up and repair options - and a service product provides in addition the repair option to end even the most serious of engine transmission radiator steering and a/c system problems -
And you have me a mechanic and the coutry's expert on line and by phone to guide you along from now on.
Call me if on a troublesome cell phone to figure out. Ask about your problem fix. Order by phone. Call me george at 51 665 3388 is where you belong
-Join our group who "Master wear and tear and mechanical operating problem solving. Here's how:.
Enjoy the auto-tune-up-and-repair options, now simplified by me, street proven and guaranteed. Given in easy-to-follow- directions - with the products that do so. Those that us car buffs, diesel fleet owners, RV, classic car, boat, motorcycle, race car owners enjoy and depend on to do so.
That also helps repair shops and engine and gear rebuilders gain more durability and performance from - their customer return for more of.
If "Mastery" over your vehicles distressing wear and tear problems - that pop up, is your goal.
If you want to rid them more easily.
And to keep them away, is your goal.
Keep thousands more of your hard-to-earn dollars in your pockets doing so.
The place to learn how to free yourself from your vehicles wear and tear, and its expensive demands and slave-atude to them.
-Join our group who "Master wear and tear and mechanical operating problem solving. Here's how:
Bookmark the site.
\read this and otherpages.
sign up for our newsletter.
see the demos and videos of how they do so.
Select the page covering your problem.
Order the items explained to do so.
Sent the empty's back for a refund anytime in the future they fail to live up to these claims.
This auto tune up and repair option explains the services and product for the do it yourselfer to use to assure an ongoing problem-free, stronger running, quieter running, more fuel efficient vehicles.
Even in older cars and big diesels! Resulting in an enjoyment - That is what this auto tune up and repair option has given the continue for years and year! and then avoids results in an amazingly stronger running, quieter running, more fuel efficient operation expense avoiding ridding even the most serious of
The Engine Fixher!
A shade-tree mechanic's additive to end engine problems
A service product that ends dozens of the most serious and costliest engine problems. Its 6 items end these vehicle problems:
Valve and Lifter Taping.
Oil Burning
Rough Idling Stalling
Combustion Blowby
Stops Exhaust Smoke. Any Color!
Seal and Gasket Leaks
Lousy Fuel Economy
Gives an amazing engine tune up
Imagine the benefits you would gained. Seeing the problem just go away. Have it run as good as new. Saving over $4000 of repair cost . Can you believe it?
Rig and equipment owners:
That Super Hero Fix is just a fraction of that expense. Many truckers - click if a trucker, find this a better way to keep their Big Diesels going, and to put off overhaul for years. Learn More!
Mega Power Engine Engine Treatment. Effective because it ends fuel and internal operating problems by reversing the cause. Other products treat the oil. An ineffective method. Auto-tune-up and-repair-options introduces:A Better Option For
How to Wipe out engine troubles with these 6 ingredients.
Now includes a complete top to bottom fuel system to exhaust tip cleaning, and residue remover, where ever oil flows. A 25,000 engine service costing $1000 or more in some dealerships. A required engine maintenance that is more important as the engine ages - included for a top notch, better fix.
Click to Learn about This Tune Up Treatment That Now Also Ends Your Engine Oil Burning, Valve Tapping, Compression Blowby, Sludge, Lousy Fuel Economy Problems.
Made easy with add and drive directions and free tech help, if needed.
A treatment where you add the problem-solving items to the fuel and oil. Nothing to take apart. Driving does the actual reversal and end to the engines problem. You must agree its the ideal solution or no charge! Over 100,000 installed. Limited quantity due to Covid.
Want more? Read on to find your auto tune up and problem ending option. Sent to you door in 3 days to start the problem ending action.
* By harnessing the vehicles worst enemy's to do so.
** More horsepower. Smoothing wear roughen surfaces ends that horsepower eating Friction. Now able to send it to the wheels instead of it being absorbed along the way.
***Adds 6 slo-wear benefits for slamming the brakes on rapid wear.
Conclusion: Now you know what this option offers. A method for ending your vehicles present and future wear and tear problems. Provides the mastery to ending and avoiding problems in every vehicle - you paid to make your life better with.
Auto tune up and repair options is the web's largest compendium of repair alternatives written in non-techy terms and Contact Info: Call for automotive problem solving Help - Advice. To ask a question about your car problem. Order products listed, call me...I'm a Mechanic and an expert in their problem solving and endurance needs. I can help you. George 512 665 3388
Sent to you home in 3 days to end the problem for those who want the best way known.
A new option for solving the most costly engine transmission and radiator problems - that's cheaper and faster, but also adds extra years of trouble free endurance to them.
When you have serious automotive problems and you are considering your options - This auto tune up and repair option uses and army of chemical robots to end them, and then, turns the wear odometer a year so you can drive them all over again - as manytimes as you like.
6000 milesreturn your car back to normal.
- as it You really need to solve ...
Hi! I'm george christ.
Like you, I know...
Making you their slave...
How some are again gaining mastery over vehicle problems...
Your vehicles were bought at great cost to make life easier.
It shouldn't be a hassle to end internal problems - nor costly,
...if you know these easy solutions I have I call my auto tune up and repair avoiding solutions.
- not as just a problem solver - NO! but as a method of care to also prevent their occurance - starting with ending:
Millions have found our auto tune up and repair options the way to end those kinds of automotive operating, or mechanical problems!
What customers say:
I know, if you read a few pages, you also will be hoping it would be true for your vehicle problems, too.
And, if you read this far, I feel your pain to believe it.
Just like in the movie "You got Mail," Megan had the pain to trust that meeting her email mate online in the park would turn out to be Joe. And you were just as happy as I when she said, "I was hoping it would be you!"
That's why I'll letting 100 chose the product their car needs and try it for 30 days - and then, and only then pay for it, if you agree it ends your car problem hassle. It does what we say it does.
You'll have it in 3 days to easily pour in what I sell you... and drive for a month to be sure.We do the rest as you drive.
Any order paid by credit card with their order will have it crdited back to their card - and if you are more than satisfied - I'll add the amount back to the card again - only on your say so.
Why take a risk like that in this day and age?
Because most of our business is repeat sales.
It can't grow if.. if we don't have a constant flow of customers servicing their cars with our products - unless they trust it as their auto tune up and problem ending option.
On the page your problem is considered order our solution. You'll have 30 days to discover the easiest way every to keep the things that make your life easier going in the best way possible - and lok at the money it will keep in your pocket for doing so.
Sure, if you like it, I'll send one of the other 5 treatments - one a month so in a few months your whole car will be have the required services done to clean and protect every component. Your mechanic may be called on to help - sure if its not your thing - to continue the endurance they need to help you gain the life they promised you.
PS, pay for the product and I'll put the payment on hold, not to charge your card for 30 days.
The way to end most any bumper to bumper problem.
click the ads below for the area of the car or diesel you need help with.
click the menu button for specifics.
or call me and I recommend what you need.
That's the auto tune up and repair avoiding option you need righ now
Oh! Mechanics say, "stay away from additives. They are harmful."
Bad additives.
Would a part store chain sell something that beat them out of their number one profit making item - selling new parts? Don't think so. Why did they or auto part makers buy those old additives companies and profit off their worthless promises? I know this because I noticed my neighborhood franchise parts store manager talking to a parts rep. The rep concludes by showing the additives they sell - the old brands still promoted - worthless, but making a buck more profit for corporate America off the ignorant.
The solution to avoiding expensive repairs with additives.
The question is, what works, and what can I use for my car problem?
This is How I discovered the answer.... to solve my old car running hang ups, and as a mechanic. I now call
I worked for those companies when young as local distributor.
In their regular meetings there was always heated discussions on finding what works for that and that. And what does not.
In hundreds of those meetings over the years and from what salesmen discovered, and revealed, and my own car instrument testing on dyno's of before and after experience, and from mechanics who discovered new uses, you build a mental catalog of hundreds of recipes - one for each problem found superior to all others. You make more sales with successful ideas than poor ones. You teach all your mechanic clients to follow those, as THEIR profit improving endeavor. We all - including the car owner, profit off such wisdom, and have a better life form it.
I call those recipes collected over the years a fullproof solution containing the best additives for that or that problem. In print, on the web I call them my
You can trust from this background I pretty much know what works and why. That's why I sell my treatment to end your vehicle problem with a money back guarantee. I call myself a cardoctor2 for that reason.
What you can do if this is likeable and promising for protecting your vehicles.
Look for your problem solution here at With ongoing testing and happy customers buying over and over, I'm pretty sure I'm promoting what works best.
That's the automotive problem we really solve for at
Order what's suggested and it will be at your door in 3 days. Tens of thousands have ending big eucide truck problms steamships engine problems car makers andf tousand ofmechanics an many indivdiduals.
Remember, you are not buying additives. Your buying me, my expertise, on what will end your automotive internal problems. Buying for a few bucks what extend the new-like life of vehicles and equipment that makes using them an asset to keep making your life easier.
If you made your livelihood helping tens of thousands, from commissions, like I do, you pretty much bet those tested ideas from those meetings you heavily promote - when clients find works, increase their volume year after year.
I understand what additives will end car and diesel problems. I know both design function of every components ideal state - and what upsets it. How to use additives to reverse the negatives causing any problems.
On the page you problem is considered you learn of these causes and the specific additives to remove them. This chemically returns the new like function.
Imagine having a trouble one day appear - have it gone the next witha few additives I show you to use.
That's the real problem I solve for you.
workings inside out. I know even the most serious problem has to do with sludge, and friction upsetting the ideal internal operation.
There is no magic pill, or liquid - just as there is no single medicine for every problem.
My options for car care and solving of their oil burning, blowby, valve tap, loss of power, rough shift, overheating, and such is guaranteed.
Click menu buttons to see their process.
Give the fix a try by ordering the items on your solution page.
Auto tune up and repair options.
..the site where you're guided from start to finish.
Products to add to your vehicles fluids and drive, to end its upsetting problems. With anti-problem ingredients like no other to keep you on the road going trouble free, years longer, and away from repair needs.
That's my auto tune up and repair option for you here.
Made by Mega Power Additives. Explained and sold by george christ.
Our mission is to educate you on bumper to bumper vehicle servicing products available having:
One service with both problem solving to end a problem.
See menu.
Problem preventing in one service. Gives you a tune up like performance that never ends.
Features: That end operating problems.
Each service provides a complete service in 2 steps. Step One cleans, frees stuck or binding parts, remove acids, scum, sludge, carbon and friction. One product for all your vehicles that will reverse your vehicle problems, ending them chemically.
What us mechanics, car buffs, equipment owners and car owners love, use as our and are passionate about, as our vehicle care and and its operating problem solving.
A big promise. I know most offers are phony. But this is all street proven and from its source - not some Madison Avenue ad copy.
And alternative to end the repair need as the solution option for you.
Introducing what seems strange but if you think about it - reversing what cause the problem is a clever idea.
In fact, a care and problem solving method that works, because you can see it reverse the vehicles troubles away. And, then enjoy an ongoing tune up like endurance you can keep renewing at future oil and fluid changes to keep trouble away.
I could give your graphs and proof but what works is to take my no risk offer, to see how they do so - ending it problem in your vehicle - that's the proof you really want.
No known bad reviews.
I'll walk you through the products, ordering, guarantee, their install, here in what I call my, auto tune up and repair options to try, to prove that same outcome, and I'll bet its what you are looking for.
Order it at no risk and see for yourself. That's how it proved its endurance promise - to help our vehicles continue many years pass the average, suppling what was missing in oil, and exposing the car/equipment makers lies about their method as what does so.
You invested a lot in your vehicles and equipment to make your life easier. If you love your cars and equipment for their better life benefits, and want to assure their continuance with alternatives to end their ailing mechanical ways.
That's what I'm after, too!
We searched the world for that solution to narrow down the hunt to what ends the problem by reversing it. Adding Slo-wear endurance making it my solution.
Try it you'll see that it's the care and repair option you need for your vehicle to return that love with trouble free endurance.
You came to the right place for those benefits.
Hi! I'm george christ. I call myself cardoctor 2. An... as America's Automotive Alternative Care and Repair Expert.
I'm here to introduce, guide, teach you to a way of vehicle care and their mechanical problem solving, that slams the brakes on the problems - then reverses the problem causes to end it. Ever heard of that?
You read that right! Read it again!
I found, and fell in love with this option and promoted it as my life's job, because its the only way invented to do so. And now explained on the web as my a training source for mechanics.
Written in non techy terms for anyone to benefit by.
This auto tune up and repair option. Ending vehicle problems
Welcome to the reasons for
Its here, you will be educated in the solution you and your family can use all your life to to avoid costly repairs, Have vehicles run like the day they were new - something they have not figured out for us humans yet.
For any fuel related, engine, transmission, radiator, steering and a/c problem.
No matter a car, pickup diesel rig, dozer, RV, boat, motorcycle or machine operating or mechanical problem.
New or older, even high miles. Or even if you don't know its source.
I say that with confinedence
You will find that solution, our option direct, easy to use, see its results quickly, notice it ended the problem.
More than that, you will notice performance improvement as you continue to drive - including more zip, a bigger engine feel, much smoother quicker shifting, go 20 to 40 more miles distance on each tank of fuel.
Continue the protection benefits byadding more at each oil or fluid change to keep it going.
Those are the benefits auto tune up and repair options provide you.
It takes a little reading to do so.
While made to teach mechanics the latest in better care and repair methds and the products that do so, its writien in strret terms for any man or women to undeerstand and apply.
2 additive companies offer these products:
to ending the - the option given and sent to your door as this, my site's auto tune up and repair options.
others invented I fell in love with, for those who love their vehicles and want products to keep them going as they age.
not only protect,but also extend their life to prfit more so off their investment in them.
something more than ordinary care products to keep them going - Unlike those who leave their protection, durability, and repair to the ordinary.
contains what I call my additive tune up, additive performance recovery, and additive mechanical problem ending recipes for option for you is, How best to end return my car back to normal.
the struggle over vehicle problems The secret us car buffs, race car owners, equipment owners, top mechanics, and tens of thousands of car owners learn to depend on - have vehicles run like new - as long as you want, no matter the size age, brand, mileage, or type of internal problem. Skip it at your own risk.
Learn the add and drive shortcut secret google sent you here for to learn how to take the ystery out of ending your cars most serious internal, engine transmission steering and a/c problem - with a repir need.
That takes the mystery and worry most not knowing a gas gap from a radiator cap. Spend a few days reading this site to understand the secret that must be solved - replacng parts does not solve. Then test its problem-solving secret out on your car and diesels. You just will be amazed at the quick fix and strong quiet performance results that puts your car back on the road troublefree.
what's hiden from you to do so. won't beli
use to end any vehicle internal problem.
You will find our ultimate goal is to make it easy to understand how operating problems occur. What products if any, can end them - avoiding the eventual repair and its cost to do so. That is the auto tune up and repair options offered here.
Did you know: Your motor, transmission, a/c, and power steering systems have a multitude of different valves to make your cars and equipment - and even your body function superbly?
Valves - in your body, and your vehicles when clean and smooth give you and your vehicles added enjoyment to living.
... like doors, valves open and close a passage way to let something - fuel, air, combustion, oil, fumes, in, out, pass through, to make life more ideal.
Problems that upsets valves operation affects the whole car.
Valves - to provide flawless vehicle operation, operate with critical timing and when interfered with, causes your tap.
Three or 4 negatives interfere or upset the vehicles operation and valve operation. Some minutely. Others gravely.
They are:
Removing these by one of several ways are offered as options to end your vehicle problem.
Removing the valve tap causes and ends it, and adds a beneficial tune up feature that returns a like new operation this page considers.
If it sounds like a mechanic's wrench bouncing around in your motor tapping. The tap is no good of course and in some cars are the cause of rough idle and mysterious stalling. Remedies
One remedy
One remedy is what Part Stores sell in the form of solvent-based engine flush additives. Often harmful. Part store flushes have their own problems.
Mechanics charge you to replace those affected parts is a common choice, but an expensive choice.
The 3rd way.
The 3rd way to end your engine valve tapping.
What you should know about valves: Ways to end tapping.
Did you know: Your motor, transmission, radiator, a/c, and power steering systems have a multitude of different valves. They are the primary cause of troubles in those units. Be sure that is address in the additives you buy. However...
This is not-
how to replace a bad electrical or mechanical part.
The "this," our option, gives you mastery - and you don't have to be a mechanic, yet end your vehicle component problems faster, cheaper, and with a longer life endurance factor, as well.
You agree, those are the options you want, right? Sure!
I feel not having them means I'll have costlier to repair vehicle problems. A expense that burdens the family's financial state.
It's wiser to have none or minimal ones by comparison. Any aid to do so is possible is good.
I'm leading you down this path because...
By comparison, knowing This auto tune up and repair option = meaning, seeing it solves, avoids or greatly minimizes your vehicle problems, that...
Is made possible by ending the mystery to how to do so, which has the value to keep them running great and trouble free.
No other "This" has proven cheaper faster better to end your bumper to bumper problems - even though promoted by many mechanics, you don't have to be one to gain its easier, cheaper, better "this" to use them.
The "this" is explain in a 2 step recipe on the page your problem is considered
Everyone needs options to solve their automotive problems.
confronted with an engine, transmission, radiator, steering, or a/c problem.
Usually, the option is just a better price for their repair. However...
This option not only offers a lower price, it also offer a boost in power, a boost in fuel economy, and a boost in endurance.
It may be hard to believe, for the following reasons, but give this web site a try and test what me and many found so, and enjoy all those options for yourself.
Why this site for those options.
From the beginning of the automotive age, "two things" makes it difficult to believe those options, until now:
Today, 3 companies have proven they found the solution and use of their products bare that out:
It's so complex, over the years I packaged 6 treatments, for the vehicles 6 serviceable components:
Those looking into the problem of lubrication problem solving, problem preventing alternatives have found the following:
"Additives in engine oil typically make up to 30 percent of the finished lubricating oil" ... to solve problems oil itself has, so their intended purpose to lubricate works well.
"Some additives perform their function within the body of the oil (e.g., anti-oxidants), while others do their work on the surface of the metal (e.g., anti-wear additives and rust inhibitors)."
"These additives are typically used to protect machine parts from wear and loss of metal during boundary lubrication conditions." Meaning, they aid movement without great loss of metal when oil is not present monetarily.
However, acids, sludge, and boundary lubrication - more raw metal-to-metal grinding grow in engines and transmissions causing oil blockage, binding, and friction. What results are the mechanical problems upsetting your vehicles performance, that oil can manage.
Stop and go driving and short trips keep about 100 gallons of moisture and combustion gases and unburnt fuel in the engines.
They producing a rough, friction heavy
You would think that good oil should keep your engine and transmsion free of trouble Yet, we have what turns out to be costly to repair wear problems we didn't expect in our vehicles.
That's what my auto tune up and repair options do for you.
They show you what to use to do what costly, and time consuming, troublesome part replacement does, but by driving , not replacing the troublesome part.
Research shows 99% of all operating, leak, mecnanical operating, noisy, peromance upsetting problems are caused by friction and dirty part binding.
That's why for over 50 years I've been showing mechanics, car owners, diesel rig owners, heavy equipment owners, machine shop owners the chemicl invented to end their problems by reversing the cause.
Removing the cause is the Best way to solve any engine, transmission, radiator, steering or a/c operating or mechanical problem.
The type of care your are missing - simplified by inventions to end, and then prevent them.
Trusted by repair shop owners, equipment owners, mechanics, race car winners, ordinary car owners who find, its the missing link to their car internal problem solving.
So effective, includes my double your money back - if it fails to do as advertised guarantee.
And you get me - the Country's Expert on unique tune and repair avoiding options for free to guide you - if needed.
Please note: No refund request last 267 days. To get started...
See if your problem is listed in the menu.
Or, click the problem component link page.
Read the page a few times to get the techy part.
Nothing to take a part.
What's needed sent to your door in 3 days.
A bit of driving ends the problem using your vehicles worst enemies -
High temperatures.
--- you read that right - it ends any internal problems - over 400.
PS: I'm a mechanic - forgive the not fancy wording or look. What's given has been street solutions I promote I learned for the inventors and testing, on my vehicles and customers vehicles, and tens of thousand use. I'm not a Madison Avenue ad maker relaying some idea for a corporation. This is the real _ _ _ _ on the best proven care and repair help and product out there.
Other uses: Added to new cars on the assembly line. Top Rebuilders use to break-in rebuilts. Help make winners in racing. A profitable service to sell in big demand.
No cheaper, no finer tune up and anti-wear chemical made. Its horsepower making performance reslts from a clean burn, friction reduction, release by removing sludge and friction. Many products comes and goes.
This has been working since the 50's. I'm constantly checking to see if any better appears. george 512 665 3388
Solving the real problem hidden from view:
Cars and heavy equipment, as they age becomes a costly tens of thousands of dollar burden. My auto repair option shows you how to avoid them or end them economically with additives. For those who love the new-like perfection and trouble-free state in their vehicles, such additive usage-- keeps retuning the like-new state you paid for, at each oil and fluid service recipe given here. Love your vehicles those ways are my super hero auto tune up and repair avoiding options if you want the best way to end their problems. Avoid avoidable expenses. By keep their troubles away as long as you want
Your vehicles were bought at great cost to make life eaiser.
It shouldn't be a hassle to end internal problems - nor costly,
...if you know these easy solutions I have I call my auto tune up and repair avoiding solutions.
- not as just a problem solver - NO! but as a method of care to also prevent their occurance - starting with ending:
Millions have found our auto tune up and repair options the way to end those kinds of automotive operating, or mechanical problems!
What customers say:
I know, if you read a few pages, you also will be hoping it would be true for your vehicle problems, too.
And, if you read this far, I feel your pain to believe it.
Just like in the movie "You got Mail," Megan had the pain to trust that meeting her email mate online in the park would turn out to be Joe. And you were just as happy as I when she said, "I was hoping it would be you!"
That's why I'll letting 100 chose the product their car needs and try it for 30 days - and then, and only then pay for it, if you agree it ends your car problem hassle. It does what we say it does.
You'll have it in 3 days to easily pour in what I sell you... and drive for a month to be sure.We do the rest as you drive.
Any order paid by credit card with their order will have it crdited back to their card - and if you are more than satisfied - I'll add the amount back to the card again - only on your say so.
Why take a risk like that in this day and age?
Because most of our business is repeat sales.
It can't grow if.. if we don't have a constant flow of customers servicing their cars with our products - unless they trust it as their auto tune up and problem ending option.
On the page your problem is considered order our solution. You'll have 30 days to discover the easiest way every to keep the things that make your life easier going in the best way possible - and lok at the money it will keep in your pocket for doing so.
Sure, if you like it, I'll send one of the other 5 treatments - one a month so in a few months your whole car will be have the required services done to clean and protected every component yur mechanic may be called on to help - sure if its not your thing - to continue the endurance they need to help you gsin th life you want.
PS, pay for the product and I'll put the payment on hold, not to charge your card for 30 days.
The way to end most any bumper to bumper problem.
click the ads below for the area of the car or diesel you need help with.
click the menu button for specifics.
or call me and I recommend what you need.
That's the auto tune up and repair avoiding option you need righ now.
A better option to end your vehicle problems.
If for you...
It solves this other vehicle problem too.
A better solution as it gives you Bumper-to-Bumper Care and Repair Avoiding Tech Guidance -
Useing the same Mega Power Brand Conditioners that have features to-end problems we use. Yet, makes possible a, keep freeing, cleaning, and smoothing; producing a like-new operation - to our vehicles. You will prize its like-new, keep-going strong, year-after-year benefits we prize; no matter age or vehicle size. You need those benefits! Everything else is a joke and waste of money because of not havig Mega Power's multi anti-wear, MC+ features. You, like us can end any bumper to bumper problem with mega Power Treatments. They pay you to use them! Begin the easy install that ends your cars wear, performance or mechanical problem. Invest in Mega Power's cleaning, freeing smoothing problem ending method. Its our secret, and wisely should be yours, to keepi your vehicles and equipment going not otherwise possible with just good oils. Menu Order it from the page covering your problem or component. Then service all your component easily bumper to bumper. You will be amaze at the new-likke results that enalbles vehicles to last as long as you want. Not that of time and costly chance. Learn More....
A Better and Lo-Cost Alternative To Costlier Auto Repair Solutions - That Turns A Problem Ending Method Into A Way To Keep Your Vehicles From Wearing Out
Read a few site pages to learn how Auto Tune Up and Repair Options Can Educate You On Vehicle Longlivity Care And..
To End You Vehicle Operating, Performance Valve Tapping Oil burn Blowby Rough Shift, Headgasket and Seal and Gasket Leak Problems. The Alternative To More Costlier Repair Solutions - That Turns Also Returns And Maitains The New Like Operation Endurance Vehicles Need,To Cut -In-Half your Future Vehicle Expense.
It's better because...
Not Because it:
But because..
Is that is the way you want to fix your vehicle problems, auto tune up and repair options is the repair and care method to end your vehicle problem. The method from Mega Power Additives many mechanics, repair shop owners, equipment owners, car buff, and indiviuals use to protect the second costliest items we own to keep our lives going.
Do the following.
1. Bookmark the page so you can find it again.
2. Sign up for my email care care and problem preventing newsletter.
3. Read a few pages a couple times over to get the pattern for this options way to end your car problem.
4. Order what's suggested. Get it in 3 days to start doing so.
5. Be assured its not the money back guarantee that will amaze you.
6. Its having the power from not only knowing what ends any engine transmission radiator and steering problems cheaper faster and better than actual repair can't do.
7. But because its such an easy way to do so that also turns the wear on mileage and its problems causing back 25,000.
8. Then the method of care and problem solving keeps the newer like state going as long as you want tp protect and keep the vehicle going likke that.
9. That is your auto tune up and repair options here that makes this method of vehicle care better than any other.
10. Give it a try and seel for yourself.
Read a few pages Click the menu buttons
about your remedy to get started.
This is the options many use as the cheapest fstest best way to end a vehicle problem. Why not you also?
Contact Info: Auto tune up and repair options. Call for advice. Help and Products to walk you through the end of your vehicle problem. Order items online, or by phone. Online, talk to a mechanic first No charge. No personal info asked for. Call... me george, at 512 665 3388.
Vehicle Owners Who Want
To Solve Their Vehicle Problems Themselves...
Why A Better Car Repair Option?
Cheaper, Fast Acting, With Better Results.
A Do it yourself Fix help,
Auto Tune Up And Repair Options:
Bumper-to-Bumper Servicing Products.
Sent -To-Your-Door With Problem-Cause, Problem-Solving Tips and Free Phone Tech Help.
These Mega Power Brand Automotive Additives are packaged for easy problem sludge wear performnce solving by anyone who wants a better way to care for and end their vehicle problem solving. Not - not just farmers, equipment owners, and mechanics. Could a race team’s way
This Option Does what auto repair mostly do
Ends the vehicle problem.
With Better Results.
The process ends the problem, not by new parts. but by reversing what causes the problem.
Then healing the damage.
explins An Automotive Product Line That Ends Most any Different We Believe In To End .
You Should Use.
It's Cheaper, Fast Acting, With Better Results. And Guaranteed To Do As Advertised!
My expalantion of the HOW SO, and HOW TOO, is what I call My Auto Tune Up and Repair Avoiding Options.
The site where you're shown a new way to say,
to your car truck tractor RV boat motorcycle sludge and wear and tear and troubles Cheaper, Faster, With Better Results.
"...I’m amazed too! Over the months, since then I also decided to service the other components - hopeing it would give them more life. I did your fuel, engine, gear, radiator, and power steering treatments.
After 12 months of servicing your way, every component on each car and truck just stopped having fuel, engine, radiator and gear troubles."
Because It Ends Your Vehicles Internal Problem Cause:
No other method:
In one easy to install kit that guarantees to return a strong, smooth, quiet, troublefree operation.
Provides The:
Better than Repair ?
Solves Problems the Car Dealer Couldn't.
All quality made.
The best way to end an internal:
Oil burning solution.
Even stops mechanaical tapping problems.
You now are getting acquainted with a cheaper faster and better than any other way because- we test products as they come to assure our customers the best.
We believe in what we sell by usage in our own vehicles. Customer Satisfaction Claims...
My Menu list the fuel engine transmission radiator steering and a/c trouble or mechanical problems our option ends.
Order now. Have the Treatment at your door in the morning, with easy install directions, Includes free phone tech help.
Sent to your home Canada, Europe. Australia. Most any island nation, in 5-7 days. USPS > FEDEX> UPS>
Our Promise. Our Guarantee.
So effective, in a few hours driving ends a foot-long list of otherwise even expensive operating or mechanical problems. Returns the former like-new, problem-gone operation, or cost refunded next day if not satisfied with result.
An income Maker. Be our local area Distributor
Sold mostly to mechanics - who restock monthly from you. Sell to farm and equipment owners, race car owners. Call for distributor details.
At last, an easy method of care for anyone to end their vehicle internal problem.
Nothing to take apart. Add-n-Drive results.
Sent to your home with directions, and free phone help. Exceeds new car equipment serving requierments.
Not a fimsy Guarantee!
Guarantees the best way known to end any internal vehicle problem causing mechanical or performance trouble. Even in high mileage vehicles. Enables by wear and problems reduction, years more troublefree opertion even in older vehicles.
Amazing chemistry.
This is the auto tune up mand problem avoiding you can say "goodbye to" in any car RV and diesel.
Nothing else is guaranteed to give you a like-new again operation - avoiding even expensive repairs. Our Menu has your fix. Sign up for free newsletter.
Auto tune up and repair options is:
The largest compendium of explainations of Do-it-Yourself fuel engine transmission radiator steering and a/c car and heavy equipment servicing.
Additives to end your bumper to bumper automtive operating and mechanical problems -
Each a cheaper faster amazing way to avoid their expensive overhaul need. Invented to chemically reverse the problem cause.
#1. Car care you can count on
#2. Say Goodbye to car troubles with problem-endingl fuel and oil additives.
#3. Easy-to-install treatments & diagnostic tools you can trust
#4. The one-stop shop for your all your bumper-to-bumper, servicing needs.
#5. Our guarantee : Enjoy - problem gone, like-new responsive vehicles!
#6 Start now! scan the menu listing your problem for our solution. In a couple days the product and directions to end your car problems will be ready to get you back on life'd road running trouble free.
Auto tune up and repair options
For those looking to reorder our Mega Power Line Of additives.
Those wantng to learn how add their benefits to their service and repair.
For those with car or equipment problems needing help.
For those looking for better car care and prevention solving.
Introduction to auto tune up and repair options. Purpose:
Since the discovery of automotive anti-wear additives, a huge variety of additives have come and gone.
One smart company took the best additives available and improved them. Ignored those found week, or harmful.
With discovery of formulas that were helpful and the inclusion of a horsepower improving feature that had problem solving features, there was no way for the average person to what does what.
Auto tune up and repair options makes it easy.
You can service your vehicles yourself - better than most car dealer, repair shops, because they use the cheapest products - interested in their bottom line, more so than in giving you the best for your dollar. I hate to say that but its true. This helps you get the best available, economically, and with longe trm benefits to your car and budget.
It's not a dream, nor wishful thinking.
The story... Your auto tune up an repair options,
It started with guy's desire to rid engines of sludge and friction buildup - and 3 race car builders looking for and edge to winning more races. Ending internal problems resulting from friction that made operation, and horsepower, drag down to a stop.
Today, 2 companies continue his car care and repair avoiding methods.
I give you the one I like - The Mega Power Brand, because they let me school you on what I street learned about their products that do so. And this site passes on to repair shops, - who want. But packaged as a treatment to end every known bumper-to-bumper problem a product can ennd - to avoid its repair - complete the repair.
Now you have your own auto tune up and repair options to end your cars operationg troubles.
You now can order - after reading, the item that comes as a treatment to do bumper to bumper servicing with all that needed yourself - or.... end a components problem witht the service kit I'll send you. With all needed to do so with easily and economically.
So any individual, repair shop, or equipement owner can service in the right way their bumper to bumper components. End problems doing so they may have.
Would you try that method ? What others found that we helped.
What if you could do an easy-to-install service - every 2 years, with no skill, nor nothing to take apart, that bumper to bumper just keeps such troubles away - even if over 100,000 miles for cars - over 500,000 for diesels, as long as you want? A dream? No!
That's what modern chemistry benefits by two company's has offer for many years.
It's what many including me found and now is my way to say, "goodbye to car troubles."
Say, "goodbye to car troubles."
It's more than a clever way to avoid thousands of dollars of repair expenses - and tens of thousands more avoiding their premature replacement - with the tune away their wear and tear problems, I found.
It's the best ever way to preserve your vehicles to last twice as long - and run good as new for doing so - never grow old.
Its because it the only way known to reverse the cause of your cars internalproblem cause. It reverts the state of wear back to its like-newer condition - chemically, periodically. Made easy by me.
I want you to start using them - if you are looking for this kind of auto tune up and repair options.
What people say:
Jerry, a fleet owner of older trucks says....
“The mechanic at Caterpillar was absolutely blown away when he seen the improvement your Mega Power’s Worn Engine Service Treatment had on my older diesel engine - my daily user.
He was amazed because.... the last time he seen my truck it had a heavy blowby, exhaust smoke, and an oil burning problem. He instantly concluded, I overhauled the engine to end those problems - not use your "engine treatment additive" to fix its problem.
I’m amazed too! Over the months, since then I also decided to service the other components - hopeing it would give them more life. I did your fuel, engine, gear, radiator, and power steering treatments.
After 12 months of servicing your way, every component on each car and truck just stopped having fuel, engine, radiator and gear troubles.
They ended me having to buy every so often and carried extra containers of fluid handy to keep topping them off.
And I seen that servicing each components your way actually took a hiden strain off the engine- that made the engine have a little more zip - than it use to have.
Thanx for introducing to me to an additive method of older truck care I've been searching along time for." Jerry
Solves Problems the Ford Dealer Couldn't.
Oil burning solution.
Even stops mechanaical tapping problems.
Older worn vehicle revitalizer.
"My engine saver."
"My transmission saver."
Even in older classic cars.
Bumper to bumper service that ends problems
How To learn about amazing, new products to do so:
Say goodbye to car troubles with these tune away, and problem ending options.
What if you could add a few items to your car truck tractor RV boat or motorcycle troublesome component - and drive, - and while you were driving, the problem smooths out, disappeared, or ends- and then runs as good as ever?
That's our guarantee :
Enjoy - problems gone, more responsive vehicles NOW!
How you benefit.
That is what I teach mechanics, repair shop owners, equipment owners, and individuals in person - Here to take the mystery out of doing so, in written form for you to benefit doing the same.
Say goodbye to car troubles with my shortcut car problem ending options.
A brief lesson of your vehicles problem cause revealed. And the How-to product invented that became a add n-drive way to end your cars cause of its operating and mechanical problem. Driving caused it. Now it ends it. It provides an amazing racy tune up to boot that you can keep going as long as you want. A powerful benefit to have chosing this option.
The one-stop shop for ALL your car's bumper-to-bumper servicing and problem solving needs.
I'll ship the products needed to your door with directions and phone help if needed. Just add to the component. This option now ends the worry and expense by taking away the mystery on how to remove its problem cause - yourself, or by mechanic or friend helping you. Me by phone to do so.
Our guarantee : Enjoy - problems Gone, more responsive vehicles NOW
Our option is about prevention, after ending your car problem.
However, this option will give you a better life by teaching you a simple servicing to end any engine transmission radiator steering and a/c problem. This option introduces the Mega Power Brand of Products - millions use. They invented the way to end car and equipment problems chemically, by reversing them - right before your eyes. Bad chemicals and driving causes the problem.
Car care you can count on.
You will lean their way to reverse and end this problem. A great idea to help you all your life cut in half your second biggest expense - vehicle ownership! Provides anti-wear MC+ the also gives you the power to give your vehicles a second life for a fraction of what other methods offer.
Now, you can say, car care and its operating and mechanical problems don't have to be expensive to end.
Those are the auto tune and problem ending option this home page will direct you to. Order what is suggested. All at a learn how - no risk way to do so.
Dateline The World : A Better Way To Solve Your Vehicle Problems.
It doesn’t matter if it's an engine light, a radiator leak, or a bad headgasket, tapping, jerky shift; vehicle troubles are always a huge inconvenience.
Not only do you have to find alternative transportation during its fix, but you also must figure out the issue; buy whatever parts you need, or Check Prices to find someone to repair your car with your budget.
Afterward, just when you think you’ve solved your car troubles for good—bam!—another disaster hits. And you are back where you started again.
What Causes An Otherwise Good Vehicle To Have Suddenly Appearing Problems?
When you take them apart you see its sludge and friction.
People ask.
How does engine sludge cause my cars operating problems?
Engine sludge develops on and around your vehicle's motor parts. Sludge forms when oil begins to break down and collects on them. When engine sludge is present, oil is not able to properly lubricate the moving parts of your vehicle's motor. Less oil causesmore grinding friction drag. Parts start binding and upsetting their timely operation as this occurs. What results is most likely your car problem. › how-to-...
8 Things to Know about Engine Sludge: Car Saving Guide
Why are your additives better than other additives to end my cars problem?
What results as oil sludge, carbon, and friction, are removed as these pictures show. Removing them in 8 out of ten vehicles is your auto tune up and repair options as this picture shows.
The development of sludge, carbon, and friction from oil breakdown shown by thiese pictures causes 8 out of 10 vehicle problems - Mega Power Brand Additives can remove those those negatives to end the problems they cause. Shipped to you to end your vehicle problems
These Mega Power Brand Automotive Additives are packaged for easy problem sludge wear performnce solving for farmers, equipment owners, mechanics, individual.
to reverse or end their engine, gear, and radiator problems quicker and cheaper, be your best option to end yours... Millions of car and equipment owners say yes! Read more here>>>Have Engine, Gear Shift, or Overheating Trouble? This is what these famous people use to end the problem... Mega Power Engine TreatmentsHOW DO I KNOW?
Auto tune up and repair options
Hi. I'm george christ. From my early life, I wanted to learned shortcuts to remove car problems. I needed them to keep my junky cars going. I found these 4 brands to end them.
You now, online, can learn to use these solutions.
I'll help you do so.
See why us car buffs, mechanics, race car owners and makers, and equipment owners developed a love and passion for them.
For you, there are 6 kits of items. Although they can't fix what's broken, they isolate the problem to end it, making for a much lower repair bill....
Are you imagining the good it will do for this area of your life?
I feel they reduce your lifetime transportation and equipment expense by half.
I profit off these auto tune up and repair options and now you can too!
Read over the site to see for yourself. There is nothing else as good as this option if you want the knowledge to get all you worked hard to pay for, from your vehicle
For the last 50 years, as a mechanic, and then as a distributor, its been my pleaure to help thousands of equipment, car owners, equipment owners, repair shops owners, and mechanics have a better life from the fetures of these 6 vehicle problem solvers I sell.
....What you should know about lubrication and auto tune up and repair options to end your vehicle performance and mechanical problems :
To begin, remember, oil keeps your cars lubricated. But can't prevent problems. Additives listed here end them. Prevents them by returning the clean new car operation .
That's because oil is constantly breaking down in several ways. And it gets squeazed out from between parts causing friction problems.
George Formen - Boxer, Found Mega Power Treatments sold here, the ideal product to add endurance to his expensive cars and trucks..
"Race Team Discovers Secret Formula To End Engine Problems During Race"
Just imagine the money and headaches you could avoid by adding these products to end your cars and diesels upsetting operating problems with - like a race team found to gain a winning endurance with - millions are using to keep their vehicles going, and out of the repair shops with.
I call them my
HI! My name is George Christ - Glad you are here!
A formula they poured into the oils that took away the friction and sludge - and eliminated overhaul after every race - as the parts didn't show being worn out.
Saving them a ton of money on parts.
That secret formula is what I want you to use to end your car engine problem. It gives them endurance in doing so.
Click one of these links For It...
... Warning!
Its not a miracle fix. It does fix hundreds of wear and mechanical problems, and won't let friction sludge and wear prevail.
I had mechanics try and use it to fix their bad repairs - It Won't!
Mega Power Oil Treatment. Stops friction and sludge problems in engines, transmissions and other components. Gives vehicles the edge to endurance oil can't!.
Wipe out your steering whine! Leak! Roughness In Turning Problems The Super Hero Way. Learn more...
Mega Power Power Steering Tune Up Service Ends Rough Turn, Whine, Leak Problems.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><H2 style="text-align:center;font-size:31.5px;font-weight:normal;">End internal vehicles problems with our auto tune up and repair avoiding additives! You, anyone can master these engine transmission radiator steering and a/c operating problems With Mega Power Products. Ends the worry about vehicle problems!
</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="">auto tune up and repair options
How I learned about Mega Powers Vehicle Problem Reversing Discover.
As a car and diesel owner and a mechanic I wanted those features to reverse my cars problems - and then to use and sell. Becoming an agent, they then helped me solving my repair avoiding efforts n older vehicles.
I found they enhance my vehicles longer life - save tens of thousands in car repair avoidance - and I'm a believer in installing them bumper to bumper to solve my and my customers car problems. Made 2 lifetime incomes doing so.
You, anyone can master their beneficial features to end your tuning, engine transmission radiator steering and a/c problems.
Mega Power has millions of users of their products. I Sold them, now on-line sell them helping other repair shops, equipment owners and individuals benfit from their problem-solving ways.
I packaged them in convenient kits so anyone can end and prevent car and diesel troubles.. Easy to install.
Explained them with a recipe guaranteed to end internal problems.
I knew I was paying for these auto tune up and repair option benefits and not getting them - until Mega Power figured it out.
Those are your auto tune up and repair options I want you to use!
I'll introduces you to those - options - already invented and proven!
They are your -
People ask
How much does the average person spend on vehicles in a lifetime?
Answer: According to Motor Trend, life time cost average Americans spend is over $250,000 on Automobiles. That's $1 for every $4 you earn, and will give to others for transportation. Working 3 months a year to do so. Italic's mine. Dec 21, 2004 Source: › news › news041220-costs
How much does it cost to own a car for 10 years?
Based on a new car bought for $33,560, the annualized cost of ownership is: Year 1: $11,756. Year 5: $7,517. Year 10: $5,914.Oct 7, 2021 Source: › true-cost-of-owning-a-..
How long does the average person keep his vehicles?
They investigated over 5 million vehicles sold by their original owners to determine which models are kept the longest. Counting all makes and models measured in this survey, the average length of new-vehicle ownership in the U.S. is 8.4 years. Source : Average Length of Car Ownership | Study by iSeeCars
Costliest repairs.
How to do so...
Follow these A B C 's to the best problem ending solution ever invented. It will make you car ownership life better!
I'm America's auto tune up and repair avoiding expert. My secret to end hundreds of car diesel, Rv, boat and motorcycle operating problems no one else can do cheaper faster or better than me!
Index CONTACT INFO: On a cell phone, want to ask a question, order items to end your vehicle problem? Call me... george at 512 665 3388
Get the villains out...
Servicing older cars with them is one way to reduce expenses. However, early in life...
In my vehicles, because they are not new. They often developed sudden costly to repair problems... anyway.
I couldn't afford to fix them - and I'm a mechanic. Their operating problems upset my fragile life!
It meant car swapping, taxing family around - one car less.
Auto Tune Up And Repair Option. The Choice Wives Select!
Even my wife thinks so. And many others who, after hearing what they do, talked their husbands into trying them. She's hardly ever wrong about things. And many other wives and women ordered this option to end their vehicles problems - they get its secret! My wife, she backs me up with a refund policy if my option does not work! She knows we both win as, we only had just 2 refunds over the years because - if you read your fix page - you will quickly determine if my option, or the other given - the exact repair, are best for you!
For your part - its the choice you make: I take the mystery out of your cars problem cause. Helpful knowing that? SURE! Tens of thousands of mechanics and individuals I've train or sold this option to think so - and have a better clientele, or a better life from them. Is that possible for you?
Next ! Go to the links below to find your cars and diesels engine, transmission radiator, steering, a/c fix option.
PS: To ask me a question, order by phone items for your cars solution, call me ... george at 512 665 3388 Yep! I'm not a robot! Nor is this a Madison Avenue colorful site to fool you - I produced it my self with sitesell.coms help.
What are Auto Tune Up and Repair Options -
Their a compendium of the best ALTERNATIVES for ending performance and operating internal problems. Ending mechanical problems. For revitaliizing. Taking the mystery out of solving engine, transmission, radiator, steering and a/c wear and mechanical problems chemically.
They are revitalizing secrets for, older, worn, cars, diesel rigs, tractors, RV's, boats, motorcycles - even on their last legs - gives them a second life by a reconditioning formula you add to it. ...
Gets vehicles with operating or Hi-mileage wear problems back on life's roads - to continue their help for you to take care of your life's business - in the cheapest fastest and best way known! ... It's your vehicles - this puts you in command to help booster them along, cheaper with results that pay you back many times over. Not the option some greedy mechanic advises.
Try our site google search for a pecific problem coverage.
Please Note: This site is "not" a phoney top ten list site - where you decide from the fake selection, "what you think you need!
Not a, How to do actual Repair Site - No! This option lists what the Country's Expert says, is an additive product for the cheapest, fastest, best way to end your vehicle problem -Its Brand Name - Mega Power Additives
The only product removing vehicle problem causes so the problem ends!
Use them in new good cars and diesels to keep them away!
The specific product is shown, explained. by component catagory. No guessing! Easy install shown.
Mega Power Additives use Driving for wear and tear problem reversal.
- Like the Doc, giving you specific meds and instructions - to return your good health and avoid surgery. Thess Bumper to bumper suggestions returns your sick vehicle's good operating state, often in an hour or less.
Cars ompnonents are as complicated as your body - So specific fixes are offered for each problem.
Each Guaranteed to be the fix needed. Fix and prevent.
Techie advice, street proven, made easy - not just for mechanics, but for men and women, car and diesel owners seeking a proven specific add-and-drive solution.
Why not give it a read! Learn How our bumper to bumper treatments are the ideal solution to end, return, and keep your vehicles going.
Test it to see if it avoids what otherwise can cause you thousands to fix. It still may need fixed - but years down the road.
Read a few pages to get the feel. Order with confidence. In a few days - enjoy the fix and prevention you didn't know exist!
The Brand. Their SECRET to do so!
All vehicle and equipment sludge, and operating problem and even mechanical-problems have a reversible cause. The best mechanics intuitively understanding the cause and how to reverse them - to return operation to normal.
Both ways can fix the same problem, I've always favored Mega Powers Additives because they offer a cheaper, faster, longer vehicle life benefit.
Some had bad experiences having bought fake additives online, in part stores and quick lubes - and feel all additives must be bad. I've had that experience, also! However...
Those of us who have discovered the two additive inventing companies with unique problem-ending features know their secret few do - Use... this and that of their products to reverse the problem and end it!
What Customers say to repair shop owners using our tune and repair options to end their car engine transmission troubles.
And I've dedicated my business life to profit off advertising their recipes to do so - I call them my auto tune up and repair options - here for you to end your vehicle problem with - see how to gain 2 lifetimes from your vehicles with them.
Mega Power's Transmission Service Treatment -The latest version to both protect from trouble, and end transmission problem treatment.
Mega Power's Transmission Service Treatment - The latest version to prevent premature problem. trouble, and end transmission problems avoids repair..
Be your own car and truck care and repair super hero helping your vehicles engine, transmission, radiator, and steering get over their problems using additives with my helpOur install yourself products offer you our auto tune up and repair options to end engine transmission internal problems cheaper, faster, better than actual repair. Read how they do so.</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></DIV>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><SPAN style="text-align:left;font-size:20px;">These HOW-TO options are easy for female car owners to use. Regular customers who keep the car worry's away using our car an equipment engine transmission fuel problem-solvers. So can you. Try them today. The purpose for these</SPAN></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""></DIV><DIV style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></DIV>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><FORM style="text-align:center;"></DIV><TEXTAREA style=""></FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><HR style=""></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href=""></HR>X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""></FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">X</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style=""></FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="color:transparent;text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:transparent;text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"></DIV></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""></DIV><DIV style="color:rgb(102, 102, 102);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(204, 204, 204);text-align:left;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;"><A style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);text-decoration:none;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;"href="">-</A></DIV><DIV style=""><DIV style=""><DIV style="">Share this page: What’s this?</FORM></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV>
These 3 Mega Power Diesel Problem-Ending Treatments in a simple-to-add, then drive Treatment end diesel engine and gear shift problems.
Informed diesel car, pickup, rig, diesel tractor, equipment, RV, and diesel boat owners have been using these 3 Mega Power like Diesel Treatments in a simple-to-add, then drive Treatment to end diesel engine and gear shift problems as their solutions since 1960. Now improved with a holistic protection for the fuel system, engine, ans gears.
Radiator Protection, Problem Ending
With gas and diesel owners paying billions for engine ruining problems cause by electrolysis, and its hole eating thru radiators, heater cores, and piston sleeve cylinders - going into the pockets of parts makers, and dealer equipment repair shop owners - is a good reason to start using Mega Power Fuel, Engine, And Gear and RADIATOR Additive Treatments.
Learn how to prevent any internal engine transmission radiator and steering trouble - and emission smog problems? About radiator treating to end a problem, click this link.
What's problems can additives end?
No need to take anything apart to end the problem!
End story about engine transmission radiator fuel steering and a/c servicing products at auto tune up and repair options
Need more income? Investigate This Idea...
Enjoy a business promoting our products with freedom to grow an above average income.
Looking for a way to earn extra income? Imagine earning hundreds or even thousands of dollars in income every month, even while sleeping, playing golf or doing other things. How possible?
With this opportunity, you can be your own boss, enjoy a flexible schedule, and have an unlimited income potential. Work from home on your schedule. There is also a no need for any investment to get started option.
Every day auto repair shops look for ways to do better, and earn more. Our automotive servicing and problem-solving products and its program provide a $1000 additional income opportunity for them. What business owner would not want such a profit improving addition that requires no gtrat investment, that woes customers?
If you are interested, you can request a report to learn how to get started. Perhaps, if not you, you know someone who could benefit from this opportunity. Send them a note with our phone number, or we can call them about it. You can also share this message on your blog, website, forum, Facebook or Instagram account by using the HTML link code below. Thank you for considering this opportunity. George.
Need more income? Can you sell?
Imagine a part-time monthly income, making you hundreds, even thousands in EXTRA monthly income while you sleep, play, do other things.
Like this idea? And We are looking for a reps across noth america and in your area who can see the possiblity of those income making ways.
That's the life we have and enjoy. Learn about its freedom. Its unlimited income potential. Enjoy the satisfaction no regular job offers - you are the Boss. A no investment ever entry, too. Not like most endeavors. And you would be helping the financial quality of many - your clients doing the same by means of our products.
Inquire Now by reading this report to learn how to get started.
Know a friend who might enjoy the benefit of such a business? Send them a note with my phone number and Better job opp at 512 665 3388.
Drop this message code below into your blog. or a Forum, like your Facebook, instagram account. To do so, Click on the HTML link code below. Copy and paste this code in your blog where you like. It shows this web page as a link back to it. And thanks for passing it along. george..