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Engine Treatment Ends Valve Lifter Noise - Avoiding Their Costly Repair...
Mega Power stops engine valve lifter noise for a smoother quiet running motor - at 1/10th the cost of repair.
The two ways of ending your motor valve lifter noise
The mechanic's repair method. The common method is to pay a mechanic to dismantle the top half of your motor. Dirty valve parts removed require machining to clean-them-up. Deeper in the motor your motor's many hydraulic lifters are yank out like a dentist pulling teeth, new lifters installed, and your motor reassembled, as the fix. Cost $3500.
The other way is to install a new product called Mega Power - shown below. Mega Power works using a new breed of problem-solving chemistry that goes where even synthetic oil can't go. Its 6 ingredients of very powerful cleaners, conditioners, and valve lifter noise ending friction modifiers stops valve lifter tap fast. See Demo.
Anyone can easily install Mega Power Valve-Lifter-Noise Treatment. Shown here, Mega Power is easy to install by anyone - nothing to take a part. Works fast and works as your drive.
Guaranteed, if it doesn't end the noise, will prevent it from getting worst for 6 months to a year - to help you raise funds for its actual repair. Please note: 2 refunds last 267 days. Is this the help you're after.
Directions: You add 3 items shown, the drive for one week. Add the other 3 a week later at an oil change. That is what works to end your valve lifter noise. Mega Power is sent to your door by FedEx in about 3 days with directions and phone help, if needed. Please note...
In transmissions, a similar valve - a shift valve causes rough, slow, or jerky shifting and Mega Power ends that dirty valve hangup problem too - returning a smooth trouble free service to that component, helping car owners happily avoid another car fixing expense.
Mechanics that promote Mega Power charge Just $250 to install Mega Power. Just $100, if you install it yourself. It's easy, and takes no skill, and nothing to take apart. Any man or woman will get professional results - Guaranteed! Those are your choices...
Mega Power will add years more quiet, dependable life to your motor at a much lower expense than repair, at $250 if a mechanic installs it for you. Under $100 if you install it yourself. If you read this far, you need to order Mega Power. Order online or by phone.
Ends valve lifter noise.
Ordering Info
Order one Mega Power Valve Treatment. Includes 6 items shown. Easy-to-follow directions. Phone help if wanted. Satisfaction Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Just $80, plus $15 s&h = $95 total.
Order 2 Treatments to clean and protect both your car motors and save $40. 12 items. $125+ $15 s&h = $140 total. Not $190. Order for both cars to protect them, now, since you're thinking about it! Save $40. Offer can end withou t notice.
Order 6 Mega Power Treatments to service 6 motors. Fleet or mechanics resale value. 36 items. $300+ $20 s&h = $320 total. Not $450. Order now! Save $130.
Before you qre shown the directions - considered below.
These three conditions cause your valve lifter noise
Acids from blowby sludge your oil. It then blocks oil to your valve adjusters and valves. This is not good, of course! Without oil pushing the adjusters outward, a space and the noise you hear occurs. Acids come from "blowby...
Blowby means raw gas and hot acidic combustion blows from above your motors dirty, sluggish piston rings -This loss not only lowers horsepower, it also gums up critical parts - once clean an freely moving. Blowby is 800 degrees hot an cooks your oil into tar. With acids and sticky residues valve lifter noise results.
On valves, see picture, Sticky residues bog down valve closing speed. A space then appears and you hear your motor parts close the space with a hammer like tap.
You now know more about valves, and why valve lifter noise occurs and the reason for your car's tap than your mechanic!
Do you want to just use his older, traditional method to fix the problem with a $3500+ engine overhaul?
What other option is there?
The two ways of ending your motor valve lifter noise
The mechanic's repair method. The common method is to pay a mechanic to dismantle the top half of your motor. Dirty valve parts removed require machining to clean-them-up. Deeper in the motor your motor's many hydraulic lifters are yank out like a dentist pulling teeth, new lifters installed, and your motor reassembled, as the fix. Cost $3500.
The other way is to install a new product called Mega Power. Mega Power works using a new breed of problem solving chemistry that goes where even synthetic oil can't go. Its 6 item ingredients of very powerful cleaners, conditioners, an valve lifter noise ending friction modifiers.
Anyone can easily install Mega Power to end their motor tap an, if they want to avoid transmission trouble, also clean their transmission shift valves twith Mega Power. Mega Power avoids rough shifting - really! Just like Mega Power's valve treatment shown here, does. Mega Power is the other, smarter, cheaper, faster way to end your valve lifter noise. Cost: $250 if your mechanic installs it. $100, if you install it yourself. Guaranteed!
The Mega Power Valve Lifter Treatment installs easily to clean and free your stuck or sluggish valve or lifter tap condition - and the cause of the tap - sometimes in a few minutes, to a day of driving, customers tell us. That's my experience, too! And the best part - with this valve lifter tapping remedy, there is nothing to take apart! Driving does the fix!
Simple to follow Directions: The valve treatment works in 2 steps like this.
Step One. You add 3 items for top of motor valve cleaning. One to the gas tank, to the oil, and vacuum for top of the motor valve cleaning. Drive as usual.
Step Two. A week later you add the 3 remaining items during an oil change. That takes away the cause of the problem and smooth, very powerful quiet smoothness - amazingly returns!
Pretty simple for a complex problem. These 6 items work together from 6 directions found to clean, condition and end the tap. Driving does the actual fix. Most times, the tap stops right away. Total cleaning of the 2 steps ends the problem permanently.
Mega Power will add years more quiet, dependable life to your motor at a much lower expense than repair, at $250 if a mechanic installs it for you. Under $100 if you install it yourself. If you read this far, you need to order Mega Power. Order online or by phone.
Ends valve lifter noise.
Ordering Info
Order one Mega Power Valve Treatment. Includes 6 items shown. Easy-to-follow directions. Phone help if wanted. Satisfaction Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Just $80, plus $15 s&h;= $95 total.
Order 2 Treatments to clean and protect both your car motors and save $40. 12 items. $125+ $15s&h;=$140 total. Not $180. Order for both cars to protect them, now, since you're thinking about it! Save $40.
Order 6 Mega Power Treatments to service 6 motors. Fleet or mechanics resale value. 36 items. $300+ $20s&h;=$320 total. Not $450. Order now! Save $130.
You motor tap is caused by one of 3 negative conditions
Your motor's dirty fuel intake valves, or exhaust valves - or valve adjusters - nicknamed lifters cause the noise. When so dirty, movement slows down their snappy up and down closing speed. Tapping results
Or causes the adjuster to drop. Both problems creates a space and the tap as they bang against each other related part.
So, if not dirty valves, its your motor's dirty valve lifters sticking such, a space occurs, causing the tap.
Using Mega Power you clean and free all 3 areas of the tap ends your motor valve lifter noise and tapping.
Dirty rings, valves, and lifters indicate the dirtiness is about to cut your engine life in half! You don't want to go there, do you? No!
The tap is caused by another dirty condition called "blowby"
You can blame your tapping and years of shorter engine life from dirty, lazy piston rings. They allow boiling-hot 500 degree combustion gasses to slip past your motor's piston's, to mix-in with your motor's oil. Sound good to you? No, its not!
Oil break-down forms [a sludge], circulating in a gravy-like goo.
That tar-like goo is what coats your valves making them slow closing, and blocks oil flow needed to keep your valves hydraulic lifters [adjusters] tight and quiet operating.
When sludge blocks oil flow to the lifters, lifters collapse, a space develops, and the tap tap tap sound appears. Get it? Complicated - right?
Well, the point being, sludge is caused by blow-by and is the 3rd causes of valve tap - and Mega Power ends all 3 dirty problems for you, you thought your good oil was suppose to do - but, can't!
How Mega Power Stops valve lifter noise for good!
The Mega Power Valve Treatment uses 6 items to get to, and remove what the best oils cannot - They cannot remove sticky residues on piston rings, motor valves, and valve lifter adjusters. The best oil cannot end blow-by and your tap problem.
Mega Power has made it easy to correct this problem. Is that what your after? Order Mega Power below.
The install of Mega Power is simple, although Mega Power performs a complex, Hi-tech cleaning and freeing action, no synthetic oil can ever do. 3 Mega Power items shown go in the top gas, air and combustion side of the motor, and 3 into the motor's oil during an oil change, to end your tap work.
A remedy that ends the tap when nothing else can. No special skill needed, nothing to take apart. Just add as directed, and driving does the fix, quieting the tap - guaranteed!
Mega Power comes by FedEx to your door in about 3 days, with easy-to-follow directions, phone help if needed, and our guarantee. You can order the Mega Power Valve Treatment below.
Ordering Info
Order one Mega Power Valve Treatment. Includes 6 items shown. Easy-to-follow directions. Phone help if wanted. Satisfaction Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Just $75, plus $15 s&h;= $90 total.
Order 6 Mega Power Treatments to service 6 motors. Fleet or mechanics resale value. 36 items. $300+ $20s&h;=$320 total. Not $450. Order now! Save $130 more.
Order 2 treatments and protect both car motors. Just $140 Save$40 on this spring time special.
Order 6 Mega Power Treatments to service 6 motors. Fleet or mechanics resale value. 36 items. $300+ $20s&h;=$320 total. Not $450. Order now! Save $130 more.
What you should know: Treatment Advantages
This Mega Power Valve Treatment ends the valve lifter noise when nothing else can and ends several more wear, residue conditions that would soon cause other costly-to-repair problems - to boot!
That should be good news to you, if you're on a tight budget - and who isn't, these days?
Easy to use. Driving does the actual valve lifter noise fix
The easy-to-use Mega Power Product uses 6 special new ingredients for the fix.
Each ingredient penetrat
What it does : Why its exactly what's needed!
Mega Power removes residue blockage and restores oil flow. It also frees the stuck lifter adjuster allowing the adjuster to move outward closing the noise making tap.
The Problem solved:
When sludge or residues block oil to the lifters they collapse, like a tire with a hole in it, creating a space between the valves they push to work. They now hit the valve each engine rotation with a tap tap tap noise. That's really 2 problems - blockage - how to free and raise the lifter adjuster part to close the gap.
There are 2 ways people try to end the problem:
1- Replace all your 8 to 24 valves and their 8 to 24 lifters. Cost run $2000 to $4000.
2- Install the Mega Power Valve Lifter Treatment. It way cheaper and is guaranteed to work! $400 if a diesel - not a $4000 repair. $250 for a gas engine - if a mechanic installs Mega Power. Around $100 if you do the service. Its easy to do. The product is easy to install by man or women and driving then quiets the valve lifter noise.
3- The product also cleans the entire fuel system, combustion area, pistons and valves, and wherever oil goes. Adds slippery MC+ anti-wear in the process.
4- Mega Power solves your engine problem and prevents any future ones - keeping every engine part moving as they should! Its really an engine protector! Installed in good engines to keep them going strong and quiet.
Ordering Mega Power Valve Lifter Treatment Product:
Ordering Info
Shipped to your door in 2-3 days by FedEx. Click cart button to order.
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