How to end engine valve lifter tap with Tap Ending additives

The Mega Power Stop Engine Valve Tap Solution needs no tools, skills or new parts to quiet this otherwise costly engine problem.Mega Powers Stop Engine Valve Lifter Tap Treatment stops that tapping annoying engine noise. Its 6 ingredients now make it easily possible. Backed by a 30 day free trial adds to its value. Its a lo-cost guaranteed solution is easy to install. Order NOW so you can enjoy this tap quieting, repair avoiding engine tap solution.

A better way to end engine valve lifter tapping.

Order  Mega Powers Stop Engine Valve Lifter Tap Treatment to instantly stop your engine tapping. Its 6 ingredients, installed 3 at a time a week apart into the gas tank and motors oil, is what's found to free your engines stuck, tapping parts.  Read the whole page below for its techy explanation -I've  made easy to understand. Briefly... It's...

Aided by the treatments top and bottom tap removing sludge and friction sticking removing power. Just add and drive is its method to do so. While used to perform a good engines warranty 25,000 mile clean up. It has this tap stop feature  benefit.

A mechanics fuel injector cleaning service as its other value.

Those right ingredients will have your engine running great and QUIET again in as little as ten minutes . Backed by a 30 day free trial to adds to its value. You will wisely want every engine so cared for to  keep your vehicles going trouble-free. A lo-cost protection avoiding costly to repair engine troubles.

Helps your engines and your budgets.

While engine repair can run into the thousands, this works equally well, but uses chemistry, instead of new parts to end the tap.  At under $200 both your engine and budget will give a sigh of relief by its use. You will feel proud doing so yourself. 

Order NOW so in a few days enjoy this tap quieting engine solution.

  • Your Solution includes : Includes  6 items. proven to do so. Easy to follow directions, free phone help, guarantee, shipped to your door in 3 days.   Requires an oil change in one week. 
  • Just $95 for cars.  However  Large diesels - For Diesels go here.  
  • Car owners wanting this treatment, click the cart button for a no risk trial to prove its what your engine and budget needs to return its quiet engine performance - instantly! 
  • Click the cart button to order.  
  • Bought separately at over $200. Offered here for our customers -   On sale today  just $95.


Engine tapping - a stuck valve or lifter cause is no longer a costly fix with the Mega Power Valve Treatment. "X" show where Mega Power Ends the problem in your engine.Engine tapping - a stuck valve or lifter cause is no longer a costly fix with the Mega Power Valve Treatment. "X" show where Mega Power Ends the problem in your engine.


 Unlike common engine additives that do not specialize its ingredients to stop valve lifter tap problems - and offer no guarantee. Mega Powers Valve Lifter Additive is one that does and offers a 30 quiet driving experience to prove it 

But this easy to use method will.

Guaranteed to end tapping in minutes! Ends the hidden lifter tap engine problems by going to the micro causes - sludge and friction. Does so in a few miles of driving.

    If you been going to bed wondering where to get the thousand$ your mechanic says cost to fix your  engine valve lifter tap problem - stop the worry with Mega Power Engine Valve Lifter Tap solution. Add it as shown to the gas tank and motor oil - twice, for a permanent quiet!

    I guarantee this engine valve lifter tap solution.

    With over 10,000 kits sold and not one refund request.  Our friction  and binding sludge remover is what will remove its tapping. causes. It literally returns the original clean smooth  conditions engines and transmissions need to operate like new. Yes, its been smoothing transmissions shifts too! Thereby helping motorist avoiding the thousands actual repair cost. No wonder ...

     No wonder many fugal car and equipment owners who want to prevent preventable operating problems make it the product addition each oil and transmission fluids change out. Lots of us feel a hundred dollars extra each oil change to-keep-removing-friction-and sludge-over-the-years pays them by avoiding friction and sludge operating and mechanical fixes in the thousands would cost.

   The install process.

    3 days at your door ready to end your engine valve lifter tap.  You simply add 3 items to the gas tank and motor oil - twice a week apart. The first 3 to stop the tap and remove sludge. The second 3 to smooth and keep the return to clean smoothness and quiet new like operation again intact. 

   Let's end  it so the next day you start the car up, it will be gone! 

What people say... 

.."In 15 minutes - your $200 Mega Power Valve Treatment quieted my engine tapping, synthetic oil couldn't. -  The mechanic wanted $3000 to fix it.  It's been more than a month since I finished the treatment.  After the second  step, it  made my old noisy 2002 Jeep engine with 139, 323 miles, so quiet running, my dad sitting in the car with me thought the motor  wasn't running. I'm so happy I took your tip to end my very worrisome engine tap noise. " Jerimy Walburg Lockhart Tx.

"I feel this is the best and easiest way tens of thousands of car owners are finding to rid the engine tap cause.  No other product guarantees to return a strong quiet zippy performance.  Try it for 90 days to test it out - if not you'll have a full refund!  I personally  guaranteed its quiet result!  You need it, so order it below." christ. Who sold thousands of the treatment to mechanics - and now tens of thousands online.

ORDER NOW! This is the fastest and  lowest cost valve tap ending alternative - around Guaranteed! Why not order one or more treatments now and in 3 days  - they can be in your two car motor quieting its tap. Guaranteed! 

What's Included in the Mega Power  Engine  Lifter Valve Treatment.

Includes the 6 items  shown because that's what works. In the order installed:

  1. MP Fuel Injector  Cleaner.  The strongest sold anywhere.  Returns fuel fogging. Wet fuel from dirty injectors also causes tapping.  Includes combustion ring and valve carbon removing  - taking away one cause of spaces that cause tapping.  Add to gas tank.
  2. MP Combustion Crud Remover  - Removes crud causing valves to stay open causing tapping. Remove  in the combustion and muffler system  for proper breathing. Add to gas tank
  3. MP Valve Lifter Conditioner.  Item 3  added to motor oil.  Opens blocked flow of oil. Allow oil to again to push valifter lifter "space closed. " - ending their cause of tapping. Add to motor oil.
  4. MP Engine Sludge Remover.  Added a week later to the motors oil just before drain out. Drains out years of sludge making the tap problem appear.  Add to motor oil.
  5. MP Engine Treatment.  Added to the new oil. It "smooths and heals" the years of damage causing sludge and friction and the tap - ending that cause of engine tapping.  Returning the new "car smoothness" to every rough  piston valve lifter and bearing surface.  Returning the surface smoothness and fits friction reduction ending that cause  of your engines tapping. 
  6. MP Oil Treatment.  This 3rd super lube seals around cylinder and pistons - ending combustions escape into the oil - ending that cause of lifter tapping.  The 6 repeated at future oil changes every 6000 to 12,000 miles is a preventer of what causes thousands of dolls repair problems - if not instituted as part of the oil change routine.  And You Thought that what synthetic oil was supposed to do  - the big lie! -
  7.   Keep your transmission clean  and protected for years to come.  Just order and add  our Mega Power Transmission Treatment to it - into the fluid dipstick tube. Nothing to take apart.

Ordering Mega Powers Valve Lifter Tap Treatment  for a quiet running engine .

  •  Your order includes : Includes  6 items. Easy to follow directions, free phone help, guarantee, shipped to your door in 3 days.   Requires an oil change in one week. 
  • Just $95 for cars.  However  Large diesels - For Diesels go here.  
  • Car owners wanting this treatment, click the cart button for a no risk trial to prove its what your engine and budget needs to return its quiet engine performance - instantly! 
  • Click the cart button to order.  
  • Bought separately at over $200. Offered here for our customers -   On sale today  just $95.

Engine Valve Lifter Tap Contact Info: To ask a question, order items listed by phone call me ... george at 512 665 3388

15 55 valThese two:MP Engine Oil System Cleaner, and MO Fuel and Combustion Area system Cleaner begin the engine valve lifter tap quieting tap remedyThese two: MP Engine Oil System Cleaner, and MO Fuel and Combustion Area system Cleaner begin the engine valve lifter tap quieting process.

These two: MP Engine Oil System Cleaner, and MO Fuel and Combustion Area System Cleaner begin the engine valve lifter tap quieting process.

Add them to your gas tank and motor oil.

One other item, MP fuel injector cleaner is also added to the gas tank. 

Driving starts  their engine valve lifter tap quieting .

A week later 3 at an oil change 3 others are added to the motors  new oil.

These 3 Mega Power items total the 6. They are added after an oil change into  the new oil to finish the tap quieting actions.These 3 Mega Power items total the 6. They are added after an oil change into the new oil to finish the tap quieting actions.

These 3 Mega Power items total the 6. They are added after an oil change into the new oil to finish the tap quieting actions.

There is no easy cheaper way to guarantee your engine valve lifter tap solution. Order them clicking the cart buy buttons. 

There is no easy cheaper way to guarantee your engine valve lifter tap solution. Order them clicking the cart buy buttons. 

Contact info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, order by phone items listed, call us... at 512 665 3388

A Unique Engine Valve Lifter Tap Solution

    This article  reviews Mega Power's Engine Valve Lifter Tap Ending Treatment as a Better Solution for tapping, and favored for its other, keep-away-troubles as engine age.  Please note:  Two refunds were ask for last 268 days.

    Last year, "millions of engine noise repairs" took place - according to Auto Repair Trade Sources. and most of those tap problems - came as a sudden surprise to the car, pickup, diesel truck, tractor, motorcycle, and boat owners.

    The costly to repair this engine problem  to replace the engines 8 to 24 valves and their lifter parts - the tapping parts runs from $3000 to $5000.   Other remedies....

     You can see why vehicles owners are looking for an alternative solution. 

The Mega Power Stop Engine Valve Tap Solution needs no tools, skills or new parts to quiet this otherwise costly engine problem.trend is growing.

While a National Transmission Association Forecast Builtin - is reporting the problem as "good news" for repair shop owners. Others are seeking alternative solutions.

An Engine Treatment to Quiet Engine Valve Lifter Tap Noise.

Engine valve lifter tap is one problem with a fix that avoids its repair.  I'll show you what additives to install to end your engine tap - without getting your hands dirty.  And for a fraction of what repairing cost.

What you should know about valve lifter tapping

  • It all starts with your engine combustion escaping into the oil.
  • Combustion makes your car run. However, as more of it escapes - more of your oil turns to sludge than can be filtered out.   
  • Sludge causes sticky, dirty, lazy-working piston rings, and circulates with oil lubricating your engine valves lifters -blocking oil to it. Lack of oil pressure drops the adjuster part of the lifter - and a gap appears. Each rotation with the space makes your hammer like tapping.

Additives that end engine valve lifter tapping.

The Mega Power Stop Valve Tap Treatment use 6 ingredients and needs no tools to quiet this worrisome engine noise. To do so, see picture above of Mega Power Product:

  • Uses 2 ingredients to remove sludge causing oil blockage to the lifters.
  • Uses 2 ingredients to to free the lifter adjuster allowing oil to push the adjuster outward to close the tap causing gap.
  • Uses 2 ingredients to stop the cause of sludge and coat every part to avoid sludge sticking.
  • Ordering Mega Power will  quiet this engine negative and return years of smooth quiet operation, protecting your engine and its valves and lifters from sludge troubles.

          What people say about Mega Power benefits.

  • Ordering Mega Power  Engine Valve Lifter Tap Treatment....
  • Includes the 6 items needed, easy to follow directions, free phone help, guarantee, shipped to your door in 3 days. Just $95. Click cart button for a no risk purchase to prove its what your engine and budget needs for a quiet engine performance. Click the cart button to order.

mechanical repair to fix engine tapping cost over $3000. Our method ?  About $100

Causes of engine tap shown in picture

 The recipe: to end Engine Valve Lifter Tap

Follow these two steps using the Mega Power Valve Lifter Treatment.

  1. Add items #1 red color, #2 black, and #3  yellow to the fuel tank and motor oil as shown. These start a cleaning, freeing process on every part, removing sludge and residues. This type cleaning of these 3 items end  the cause of tapping.  Tapping just ends,  afterward. Step Two  adds other benefits a week Later...  End Engine Valve Lifter Tap  Step Two...
  2. Step 2, a week continues the cleaning action on piston rings and valve and oil passageways. A secondary feature smooths wear roughen piston bearing valve and gear surfaces,  filling their worn spaces - adding a quieter, more  powerful performance to your engine. This is what your engine needs! Order Mega Power below.

Thousands have followed the Mega Power Engine Valve Lifter Tap stopping method. Any man or women, non-mechanically inclined  can install Mega Power and get results mentioned - or their money back!

Ordering  the  Engine Valve Lifter Tap  Product....What's included.

includes the 6 items needed, easy to follow directions, free phone help, guarantee, shipped to your door in 3 days. Just $95. Click cart button for a no risk purchase to prove its what your engine and budget needs for a return to a quiet engine performance. Click the cart button to order.

 Engine Valve Lifter Tap :

Protecting  your engine and transmission

Order both the  Stop valve lifter tap Mega Power Engine Valve Lifter Treatment $95,  and includes the  MP Transmission Treatment $75. They will clean and free tapping and rough shift valves. 9 items total. Sent to your door by FedEx. In a few days your motor and transmission will return to its best, quietest, smoothest shift operation - at a fraction of what actual repair or any service elsewhere cost. Comes with a 12 month guarantee, too!

Ordering Info

  • Order both Mega Power Valve &Transmission Treatments. Includes 9 items. Easy-to-follow directions. Phone help if wanted. Satisfaction Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Reg price $170. Now Just $130, plus $15 s&h= $145 total. Save $25. Protect your other good running car - order these 2 sets of treatments and save almost $50.

He will take apart most of your engine to get to and replace the lifters - clean up as he goes. He will machine the valves and in a week or so have the motor reassembled. Half -worn other parts may be replace - to avoid their soon-enough failure - running the bill higher. Cost runs from $3000 on up.  

What Mega Power Valve Treatment does to quiet the tapping.

Mega Power is a leader in automotive care and problem-solving products.

If you're having an engine valve lifter tap, caused by the above negatives, this review introduces the best of those new types of products made to end the tapping. We find the Mega Power  brand pricey, but quick results is easy by anyone - not just mechanics, and driving quiets the tap as you drive.

If you're a car owners with valve and lifter tapping - names for internal parts that let in fuel and remove exhaust - and that control the oils pressure - what's offered here is really the best form of engine care to also prevent such problems in good running vehicles!

If you think about your engine, when new, its lifters, valves, piston bearing and gear parts -  were clean, fit close together, move easily. Those clean smooth conditions produce your motors great zip, lots of power for any road condition, and best fuel economy - and the reason those clean part made the car run so good - and why you bought the car. However....

You can blame valve lifter noise, and its tapping sound - and years-shorter engine life, and shorter transmission life - for that matter, on sticky acidic residues that stay stuck inside when the dirty oil drains out. Get them out - keep them out and your motor will always run great! But good oil can't do it along - it seems!

Mega Power'snding engine valve lifter tap  cause, and its tapping sounds - which contribute to  years-shorter engine life, and transmission life - for that matter, by ending:

  •  Engine Valve Lifter Tap  why needed.

With heat, combustion and acids forming sticky residues and friction drag, tapping results.  As a mechanic I see those 3 things above disappear with Mega Power  to end valve lifter noise.

A little 101  valve and lifter contamination education will help here.

  1. Acids create sticky residues on valves and lifters causing the tap. Mega Power neutralizes acids ending their tap and wear making ways.
  2. Acids etch away the shinny smooth part surfaces causing more drag, faster engine transmission wear out. And binding troubles on valves and lifters. Mega Power heals and smooths those surfaces ending the tap, restoring power, and quieting thier noisy ways.
  3. Cleaners and MC+ clean and free lifters and valves from 2 sides to return a smooth, more powerful and quiet operating engine again for you!  Works in minutes and immediate results return.

Your engines internal creating residues are what gum up the pistons, valves and their lifters mega Power removes.

Acids come from combustion's escape - called Blowby, which sends heat, moisture, and sulfurs pass the piston into the oils - [as refining may not have refined enough or all the sulfur out of fuel and motors oils].

This PCV system - sucks up some of the vaporous acids, moisture and un-burnt fuel from the motor oil area, back up into the fuel, air entree system for re-burning. That's not good for the top of the motor,  and Mega Power cleans, then stops that harmful state. Complex - right? But needed!

As this mixture of heat, moisture, and sulfurs spreads into the motors oil, oil breakdown [sludge] forms. Sludge circulates into valve lifters, causing oil blockage - lifters are hydraulic adjusters that use motor oil to take up wear spaces. 

When residue blockage occurs, lifters - you have one for each of your 8 to 24 valves] collapse. A space then appears between the lifter and valve.

As this occurs lifter rotation smacks the valve, making a hammer blow tap sound. Usually an engine overhaul needing remedy.   Engine Valve Lifter Tap more...


A new product from Mega Power removes sludge and frees the  lifter, which closes the space and ends the valve lifter noise.

New types of cleaners, conditioners an acid neutralizers, along with co-polymers - covered below, from Mega Power will correct those conditions and mechanics can learn the friction removing part of the install process from this engine valve lifter tap  video.

Blowby fumes - always full of acids, results from extremely hot combustion slipping pass the pistons rings - where those fumes enter the motor oil area. Bigger engines have more blowby. However, with time, residues slow the piston rings ability to flex and block blowby, and more blowby escapes - and full horsepower development lowers a bit.

Acids pit and remove surface rubbing material - creating faster wear and friction. A second form of  power loss. Oil break-down forms [a sludge], circulating in a gravy-like goo.

That tar-like goo is what coats your valves making them slow closing, and blocks oil flow needed to keep your valves hydraulic lifters [adjusters] tight and quiet operating.

When sludge blocks oil flow to the lifters, lifters collapse, a space develops, and the tap tap tap sound appears. Get it? Complicated - right?

Well, the point being, sludge is caused by blow-by  and is the 3rd causes of valve tap - and Mega Power ends all 3 dirty problems for you, you thought your good oil was suppose to do - but, can't!

How Mega Power Stops valve lifter noise for good!

You may have many questions about your engine tap.

This review compares traditional repair to end this dirty engine problem, with new products from Mega Power. Mega Power's method chemically penetrates where oil can go to cleans to free the lifter - ending the tap as you drive. Mega Power does so at a fraction of the cost of actual repair. Results are permanent. 

  Mega Power Valve-Lifter-TAP Noise Treatment. Shown here, 
is easy to install by anyone - nothing to take a part.
Works fast and quiets the tap as your drive.

Anyone can easily install Mega Power Valve-Lifter-Noise Treatment. Shown here, Mega Power is easy to install by anyone - nothing to take a part. Works fast and works as your drive.

Guaranteed, if it doesn't end the noise, will prevent it from getting worst for 6 months to a year - to help you raise funds for its actual repair. Please note: 2 refunds last 267 days.  Is this the help you're after.

Directions: You add 3 items shown, the drive for one week. Add the other 3 a week later at an oil change. That is what works to end your valve lifter noise. Mega Power is sent to your door by FedEx in about 3 days with directions and phone help, if needed. Please note...

In transmissions, a similar valve - a shift valve causes rough, slow, or jerky shifting and mega Power ends that dirty valve hangup problem too - returning a smooth trouble free service to that component, helping car owners happily avoid another car fixing expense.

Order Mega Power Valve Treatment $95 total and MP Transmission Treatment $75. 9 items total. Sent to your door by FedEx. In a few days your motor and transmission will return to its best, quietest, smoothest shift operation - at a fraction of what actual repair or any service elsewhere cost. Comes with a 12 month guarantee, too!

Ordering Info

  • Order both Mega Power Engine Valve Tap &Transmission Treatments. Includes 9 items. Easy-to-follow directions. Phone help if wanted. Satisfaction Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Reg price $170. Now  Protect your other good running car - order 2 sets of treatments by click 2 above and save almost $50. Just $130, plus $15 s&h= $145 total. Save $25 per set to treat and protect both your cars.

 Engine Valve Lifter Tap 

Mechanics that promote Mega Power charge Just $250 to install Mega Power. Just $100, if you install it yourself. It's easy, and takes no skill, and nothing to take apart. Any man or women will get professional results - Guaranteed! Those are your choices...

Mega Power will add years more quiet, dependable life  Order online or by phone. Ordering Info:

  • Order one Mega Power Valve Treatment. Includes 6 items shown. Easy-to-follow directions. Phone help if wanted. Satisfaction Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Just $80, plus $15 s&h= $95 total. 

Order 2 Treatments to protect both your cars, save $40. 12 items. $125+ $15s&h=$140 total. Not $180. Order for both cars to protect them, now, since you're thinking about it! Save $40. 

Order 6 Mega Power Treatments to service 6 motors. Fleet or mechanics resale value. 36 items. $300+ $20s&h=$320 total. Not $450. Order now! Save $130 more. 

The treatment contains 6 items. 3 for the top part of your motor. 3 installed a week later during an oil change. Driving does the actual fix. These 6 have proven to be what works best to quickly end lifter tapping.

As you can see, this is your motor and budget saver. A good invention. Order it today, and get on down the road of life again, much happier.

How Mega Power Engine Valve Lifter Tap  Treatment Advantages work.

This Mega Power Valve Treatment ends the valve lifter noise when nothing else can and ends several more wear, residue conditions that would soon cause other costly-to-repair problems - to boot!

That should be good news to you, if you're on a tight budget - and who isn't, these days?

Easy to use. Driving does the actual valve lifter noise fix

The easy-to-use Mega Power Engine Valve Lifter Tap Treatment cleans, frees stuck valves, heal their stem and head damage to smooth the affected valves - ending the problem - as you drive.

Customers who installed the Treatment - like Mike, tell us how Mega Power ended his valve-lifter-noise. Mega Power works as described. Order Mega Power Now. On a smartphone, To ask a question, order products listed, call me...George at 512 665 3388

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