Best additive to quiet lifters.
New oil treatment conquers engine tapping 

Quiet lifters Contact info: To ask a question, order items by phone, call me george .... at 512 665 3388.

Best additive to quiet lifters.  Mega Power's new dual oil treatment quiets engine tapping.  This pair conquers and quiets engine tapping. 

Some people feel  repair is the best way to quiet lifters.  By repair, the engine is taken apart and all 8 to 24 lifters are replaced.  A $2000 to $4000 engine repair solution.  A good remedy! However, there are other remedies.

The other remedy includes the two Mega Power Brand products pictured here. Their price $99  is way cheaper than repair. And is guaranteed permanent! With a double your money back warranty - if your motor requires repair to fix the problem.

A paid invoice  copy of lifter replacement sent by mail or email, or text, is needed. Purchase amount and guarantee offer bonus amount paid directly to your CC, removing the expense..  Pays you to try it! Two refunds last 267 days mean few people needed refund.

How these additives quiet lifters and rapping.

Quiet lifters tapping deep in your engine with Mega Power Valve and Lifter tap Products.Quiet lifters tapping deep in your engine with Mega Power Valve and Lifter tap Products.

Quiet lifters tapping deep in your engine with Mega Power Valve and Lifter tap Products. Study drawing of noisy lifters and Mega Power's quieting features.

Why two additives? 

....Because , that's what works to quiet lifters!  The 2 items are needed to end different  two different problems the lifters have that makes them noisy operating.

  1. Remove oil flow blockage to the lifters and  valves.
  2. Free collapsed liter adjuster so it raises to close gap tap. 

Solving the real way to quiet lifters.

  • By item 55 removing oil blockage oil will flow to the lifters. However, the stuck lifter adjuster needs help. That's where item 15 comes into play.
  • Item 15  penetrates beyond oil's reach. 15 crawl, lube  and free the stuck, noise causing lifter.  Every lifter, in fact, making your engine run instantly quiet again. 
  • These two Mega Power Brand products pictured above. Their price, $99 for the both.  Shipped to your door, with directions, and with  $50 of free phone help with a tech included.  

  • Guarantee: Double your money back warranty - if your motor requires repair to fix the problem immediately. A paid invoice  copy of lifter replacement sent by mail or email, or text, is needed. Purchase amount paid directly to your CC removing the expense... Total $198. Not $99.

Now you have a choice to quiet your engine lifter problem.

to Quiet lifters tapping. 
Install Mega Power's #15 and #55 as shown to do so. 

Ordering Mega Power is easy, too! Info:

Click the cart button below to fill out order info.   You are ordering 2 products coming as a set to guarantee to quiet lifters tapping. Total with free shipping $99.

$99 Total -- Plus Today's $49 Bonus FREE!

Bonus item with this order. Our $49 add to gas tank to clean fuel injectors, a clean as you drive cleaner .

End: Quiet Lifters Review Of Mega Power's Guaranteed Quiet Lifters Treatment.

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Nam sit amet mauris id sem rhoncus placerat a ac nibh. Donec fermentum mauris eget ligula faucibus rutrum. Nullam dolor nisi, congue sed blandit elementum, porta nec velit. Quisque nec adipiscing tortor. Integer auctor laoreet laoreet. Cras non ultricies mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur quis sem vitae felis pulvinar condimentum nec nec neque.

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Fusce sollicitudin est et arcu commodo ut imperdiet magna pellentesque. Etiam commodo luctus volutpat. Etiam pretium arcu eu nunc interdum in volutpat nisi ornare. Fusce nec dolor orci. Aenean faucibus rutrum tortor vitae lobortis. Nunc iaculis neque et enim rutrum ornare. Quisque viverra rutrum metus, ut lobortis augue lacinia ut. Vestibulum felis augue, fringilla et aliquam a, dignissim ac sapien. Cras eu sem vel massa scelerisque aliquet.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac turpis eget eros congue condimentum. Pellentesque nunc erat, gravida eu bibendum vel, vestibulum eu nisi.

Etiam pretium arcu eu nunc interdum in volutpat nisi ornare. Fusce nec dolor orci. Aenean faucibus rutrum tortor vitae lobortis. Nunc iaculis neque et enim rutrum ornare. Quisque viverra rutrum metus, ut lobortis augue lacinia ut. Vestibulum felis augue, fringilla et aliquam a, dignissim ac sapien. Cras eu sem vel massa scelerisque aliquet.

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Integer libero quam, hendrerit ullamcorper tempus sed, convallis at turpis. Donec sollicitudin nulla quis felis auctor ut vulputate erat pellentesque. Fusce eget commodo ipsum.

Stripe 3 — Subheadline

A Text/Image Block. Praesent quis fringilla turpis. Maecenas quam tortor, dapibus eget mollis et, facilisis at mi. Aenean non risus non velit placerat pretium. Donec vehicula faucibus diam, vitae tempus arcu porttitor non. Nam sit amet mauris id sem rhoncus placerat a ac nibh. Donec fermentum mauris eget ligula faucibus rutrum. Nullam dolor nisi, congue sed blandit elementum, porta nec velit. Quisque nec adipiscing tortor. Integer auctor laoreet laoreet. Cras non ultricies mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur quis sem vitae felis pulvinar condimentum nec nec neque.

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